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Methinks… — 22 Comments

  1. Juan transgressed in the worst possible way by admitting to a fear of people who resemble those who have tried to and in some cases have succeeded in committing mass murder on Americans.

    There can be no excuse for such filth!

    Now, making a video of sawing Nick Berg’s head off, well, hey, they had resentments, issues. Understandable.

  2. Driving today, I had a chance to listen to JW a bit talking to Hannity. The hurt and shock was obvious. And yes, anger.

    It will be interesting to see how he sorts all this out in the coming months.

    mk out

  3. What happened to Juan Williams should happen to all liberals. They deserve it, especially commentators on the public dole.

    Liberals have no justification for crying foul when they are hoist on their own petards. Williams is at best one of the not worst bad guys. He’s just a regular bad guy.

    He’s the sort of guy who voted for Obama, Pelposi and Reid, and carried water for the likes of them his whole life.

    And we are now supposed to have sympathy for a person who has worked assiduously to harm pleople by supporting the liberal agenda his whole career? Count me out.

    Good riddance to him and lets hope this starts a chain reaction where the revolution eats its children.

    The good thing about this is that we may get the Government to cut off all funding for such stations. Let them make their own way in the marketplace.

  4. Psst…MikeMc:
    He could be a future “changer”, and this is exactly the sort of thing that could set that process in motion. That’s a good thing.

    Maybe he’ll be speaking at Tea Parties next year.

  5. He could be a future “changer”

    Yeah, I like the new definition, “A conservative is a liberal who has been mugged by liberals.”

  6. Hey Mike,

    I can’t argue with most of your points. Although, since Fox News apparently just signed him to a multi-million dollar contract, I’m thinking “good riddance” might not be the most accurate greeting if you ever meet Mr. Williams on the street.

    Also I’m thinking that sympathy may not be the motivation for all of the concerned pundits on the right. Blood in the water might be more like it (is there such a thing as crocodile sympathy?) as they pat him on the back.

    No argument about the damage the secular humanist/ liberal mindset has done to our country and the west.

    I can’t help but have hopes for the individual though. Juan Williams has done all those things you wrote about. But people do change. Most likely he won’t, but it has happened. The person who’s blog we are posting on can attest to that.

    mk out

  7. Ah the hell with free speech and the whole controversy, I just wish I got a two million dollar contract two days after every time I’ve been fired!

  8. Mike Mc. Says:
    October 22nd, 2010 at 10:34 pm

    He’s the sort of guy who voted for Obama, Pelposi and Reid, and carried water for the likes of them his whole life.

    No doubt about it. But I voted for Carter in 1976 and Clinton in 1992. Also Barry Commoner in 1980, who was to the left of Carter.

    “I got better.”

    I don’t know your history, but I and many others who are drawn to this blog are ex-liberals and even ex-rabid leftists. The important thing is that we have learned and grown.

    Why some liberals and leftists are unable to do that, I don’t know. But I celebrate every one who is able to break free. We’ll have to wait and see whether Juan Williams can do that, but this experience should be a hell of a wakeup call for him.

  9. Bob:

    Obviously, the reason nobody offered you a two million dollar contract is because you weren’t controversial enough — or maybe you were the wrong kind of controversial, or to the wrong people.

    I tried, but it doesn’t seem to be working yet. (If my $2 million kicks in, I’ll let you know.)


  10. I was watching the factor show when JW made that statement and my first reaction was “wow – did he really say that?” and then “is he going to get in trouble?” Now we know….

    On one of the first shows after the firing, JW was commenting on the fact that he got the news via a phone call and that the person refused a face to face meeting. My reaction was that the supervisor was being unprofessional in this manner and I wonder what their HR manual would have on firing offenses without proper documentation and previous counseling sessions.

    Then came the comments on psychiatrists – yikes!
    Either she knew something about a mental health issue and now has just violated privacy rules or it was a stupid flippant remark that should get people in their own hot water bath!

    I’ve seen the variety of shows that JW has been over the last few days and yes, he is a very angry man over this. I would not be surprised if he changes over the next year as he thinks about the people at NPR and how they treated him.

  11. Liberals and lefties have a long tracking record of eating their own for a millimeter-wide departure from Party line. Nobody else in history can rival with them about ideological intolerance bordering with paranoja. So, in some sense, he should see it coming, as any other liberal who dare to claim some autonomy of thought. On his side of ideological divide, independent thought is verbotten.

  12. I know this is ot, but I saw this wonderful exchange in the comments to the article to which Neo linked. First commenter puts JW down, saying “Emotions can get you to react but not necessarily to think.”Response: “Yeah, they got a complete incompetent elected.”

  13. At one time I loved Nova. But over the course of the years, you can’t even watch a science show on PBS without full tilt left wing politics being in there. At one time I regularly gave money to PBS because of Nova, Austin City Limits, and the other music show that came out of Chicago, that I can’t remember now. Yeah, and ballet and Shakespeare. I knew I needed the culture.

    Can you imagine a Buckley type show being aired on PBS these days?

    I must admit, I watched Juan on numerous Fox shows. He defended the left point of view to a fault. But I saw in his face, there were times he did not “believe” what he was saying. I felt he was but towing the line. Probably in an effort to keep his day job. Oops!

  14. neo, after listening to him on O’Reilly for a bit, I think he’s having a ‘road to Damascus’ moment. Who knows, we may be reading a blog called neo-neoJuan before long.

  15. There is much more to this than mere political correctness, and fear of Muslims who complain and put pressure on outfits like NPR.

    This has more to do with (IMO):

    Fox News. Libs hate Fox News with a passion. Maybe even more than they hate Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, Dick Cheney, practicing Christians, and America in general. Fox News may be their number one source of hate in their hearts, if they had to rank it. If Juan had never left the reservation to become a “contributor” on Fox and had said those comments on NPR he probably could have gotten away with it – because remember, he said he regretted his own emotional sentiments, and they they were wrong. It was NOT anti-Muslim commentary.

    Soros and his huge contribution. Soros hates Fox News too. And now he has huge pull with NPR. Watch your back, Maura. You’re next.

    The behind the scenes hard core leftist ideology which never gets covered, and of which 99% of the people both on the right and left who are weighing in on this on blog comments around the net are unaware. As in….and as one example…..Ellen Weiss, the VP who fired Juan. She’s married to a hyper-leftist Reformed Rabbi who is so big in Lefty circles, he delivered the invocation at the Dem National Convention’s final session, before Barry accepted the nomination for Pres.

  16. I think Ron Radosh in his PJM blog illuminated another reason for the firing: Williams strayed too far from the PC line on race.

  17. Ms. Weiss previously worked at the NYT and CNN. That’s all you need to know about her journalistic philosophy.

  18. Didn’t Richard Wright write about leaving the Communist party, largely over anger about their maniacal thought-control? (Though he remained a lefty all his life, unfortunately).

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