Home » Finally: a fair depiction of the Tea Party movement


Finally: a fair depiction of the Tea Party movement — 11 Comments

  1. As usual we need to go to the UK for fair articles on current events, pretty rich irony considering what the original tea party was about 🙂

  2. As an active TEA Party member, I say that this Brit has got it about right. And, yes, it is ironic.

  3. I made this the subject of my latest post and gave neo-neocon full credit.

    I suspect she rightly figured that the original post said it all, but I’m me, and I just couldn’t stop myself from quoting a bit of it.

    Darrel: I put your reaction in there, simpkly because you nailed it.

    FYI 🙂

  4. By George, I think he’s got it! I’ve been active in a local Tea Party since early 2009, and I have experienced a kind of intellectual whiplash, whenever I contrast what I know first hand of the Tea Party and Tea Partiers with what I read in the media. I don’t know how many times I rolled my eyes and sighed a deep sigh, upon reading one more time that the Tea Party was finest-kind Astroturf created by GOP strategists … and all the rest of the calumny heaped upon us by the mainstream press.

  5. Great article! Sign of the times: To have to cross the pond to see an accurate, fair article regarding the Tea Party movement. . . without the sexual inuendo usually added by the msm…

  6. Nice article, but still, there were some rather critical comments (as well as some ugly ones) posted below it.

  7. IMO the thing that nobody seems to get about the tea party movement is that it is the tip of a very large iceberg.

    You could see the roots of this movement in the extremely concerned and/or ticked off folks who went to the town hall meetings of their elected representatives right after Obama’s Stimulus behemoth, followed by the ramming through of another behemoth: the health care bill. And even if they didn’t go to town hall meetings they may have written letters to their legislators (like me, and that’s something I’ve never done before).

    Those folks who show up wearing red white and blue and carrying signs are merely the extremely motivated and/or those who have a schedule flexible enough to allow them to do so. Behind them are MANY others who are sympathetic to their passions and views.

  8. CV, what an important point, I liken it to the cockroach saying, no disrespect intended at all, for each person out there with a sign there are 50 to 100 more who are working or taking care of kids and cant make it but are sure as hell on board, the movement is seriously underestimated.

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