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No-poo — 12 Comments

  1. I too, have curly hair, and have found after many years of trying anything…that Infusium 23 conditioner works the best for my hair. You can buy it at any drug store for under

  2. wendy:

    I will see if I can find some, to add to the collection 🙂 . I could open a store of my own, selling slightly-used products.

  3. Hey! Didn’t Donald Trump have some disparaging comments about people who don’t support no-poo?

    (Runs for cover)


  4. My hair is as straight as a stick (except for the gray ones) but my daughter has very curly hair from the other half of her gene pool. When she was little it just flipped a little on the end and then when she was about 12 or 13, boom.
    Because of her hair, in high school, a girl came up to her and asked her if she was half-black. (She has blue eyes and aspirin white skin.) The funny part was that when she said no, the other girl asked her if she was sure.

  5. you do produce sebum, we all do, and it protects the roots more than it does things in the rest of the hair. the reason you think you dont is that your hair is curly, and that causes hair to cross, not align. alignment causes things like capilarry action, and shifting along the length. this causes the sebum to walk up the hair… but curly hair is crossed, it wont align, so its ability to transfer oils up the hair is greatly reduced because the oil dont jump, the hair rubs at a point where they cross not rubs along the length – this is on top of normal variation in production of oils. if you didnt produce it, your hair would frizz more and become a knotted mass, be brittle, and break… oil is what makes it flexible and soft enough to bend without breaking the same way neatsfoot oil can be used to make leather very soft, and how wet leather that loses the oil cracks and is hard and breaks

  6. Perhaps this is to escape from the constant preoccupation with a political scene that seems designed to make one’s hair stand on end.
    I hear ya.

    I’ve taken up listening to Jordi Savall and his Early Music lonely hearts club band instead.

  7. I’ve discovered a cheap terrific moisturizer
    *spring Valley Vitamin A capsules from walmart*
    Has to be Vitamin A. Pierce the capsule squeeze out the oil
    apply to hair, it blends in well does not sit and coat like Vitamin E did. My hair just drinks in this vitamin A. I can’t day if other Vitamin A is comparable, as I only use the Spring Valley. I always use a moisture laden shampoo (Vo5 puts out a inexpensive line with decent moisture) also Tres emme line is good. Walmart has sample sizes that are just over a buck so no big investment required. Garnier Smooth & sleek is good also. I don’t have the hyper curly type hair just have a lot of it that truly misses all the natural oil Mother Nature used to provide.

  8. I have the fine straight hair. When I was working, I washed my hair every morning because I felt better. Now that I am retired, I tend to go a day or two without washing. Also, not blow-drying my hair helps a lot.

    Now that spring is here and the pollen count is rising, I’ll rinse my hair at night. I breathe better.

  9. I have straight hair and am male. I tried the no shampoo routine about 6 years ago for about three months- just washed it every day with warm water in the shower. After the first couple of weeks, I actually liked the result. I eventually started to shampoo again, but not for any particular reason other than I liked how my hair felt immediately after showering.

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