Home » Cornhead reports on Carly Fiorina


Cornhead reports on Carly Fiorina — 19 Comments

  1. Thanks as always, Cornhead. Too bad she’s being overlooked; she’s my favorite as well.

  2. Cornhead,

    I returned home about 30 minutes ago after leaving her event in Iowa City. Your description is 100% accurate. The crowd was around 200 and because I had an hour drive on winter roads, I skipped the meet and greet.

    After the initial debates, viewing her msm interviews after those debates, and on line research; she was my choice and I was pleased when she began gaining in the polls. Unfortunately, she has lost ground since then. That is why I joined the Cruz campaign. Only Cruz has a chance of defeating the donald in Iowa.

    I bellieve if the donald does not come in first in the caucus he will lose traction in NH, and a second place finish there will signal his demise. His ego is larger than NYC, but large egos are easily bruised.

  3. Interesting; this is the first I have heard of her being a member of the CIA, External Advisory Board. I presume that she has made a point of that, so I guess I just missed it. It should mitigate criticism about her foreign policy credentials; so I am surprised that it has not been emphasized.

    I like Carly. Afraid her ship sailed and left her high and dry; but, evidently she does not think so.

  4. parker: per your last paragraph, the flip of that is probably true also. if Trump wins Iowa, he is off to the races. (see JayCostTWS and ForcasterEnten on twitter).
    I like/d Carly too. But a vote for Carly in Iowa is a vote for Trump. Obviously, because it is not a vote for Cruz. And he is the only one in Iowa within reach of stopping the Trump train.

  5. Cruz made the argument that only he can stop Trump. Effective. I like Ted and have for a long time. He also poured me coffee!

    Reasonable conservatives can disagree on candidates but Trump is off the list.

    I really expect big fireworks on Thursday. Hail Mary passes will be thrown. I also expect Kelly to take on Trump in a very smart way. Everyone will gang up on Trump.

  6. BTW, JayCostTWS twitter timeline has some interesting info on why the Republican favors Trump over Cruz and why Bush is spending most of his money attacking Rubio. Trump takes out Cruz, Bush cripples Rubio and the two candidates left with enough money to stay in the race are Trump and Bush. All the people scared of Trump are left with Bush. Genius. Bush isn’t done until we see a fork in him.

  7. I see that Ace has a post up that touches on this. He’s reading Josh Krashaar though, claiming that the establishment wants Rubio. However most of the establishment endorsements and money has gone to Bush. I think Jay Cost has the better argument. Although the GOP would take either over Cruz. Seems to me Ace is wrong about Trump being a way to stick it to the establishment Republicans. They would prefer Trump to Cruz because they think can co-op him.

  8. KLSmith:

    I often agree with Ace, but certainly not on everything. On this issue, I agree that at the moment, conservatives need to unite behind Cruz (fat chance). But I disagree strongly when he writes this:

    In addition, you’re going to want to keep Trump dishonest. Right, I said dishonest, because I have no illusions he’s really a conservative. I’m okay with that, as long as we can force him to stay dishonest, and stay in his current pretend mode as a conservative.

    Trump is going to run to the middle, in all likelihood, as soon as he can. You’re going to want him to continue to having to play to the right, to make as many specific promises as we can wring out of him, before he runs to the middle.

    Cruz is your best hope for that — so even if you support Trump, assuming you’d like the conservative version of Trump he’s currently selling you on, you’re going to want Cruz forcing him to stay to the right.

    The idea that Trump will “stay” conservative after he becomes president (which I think Ace might be suggesting) as a result of some pressure or other now makes no sense to me, knowing Trump. As president, Trump will do exactly what he wants.

    And if Ace means Trump will “stay” conservative merely for the duration of the election, what value would that have? Cruz IS conservative and will stay so.

  9. Oldflyer,

    Today Fiorina spoke of her many trips abroad to meet major players in the ME, Asia, and elsewhere. She stated that she has met with more influential foreign leaders than any other presidential candidate except hrc. The difference between her and hrc was she didn’t deliver phony red rest buttons, dodge imaginary sniper fire, or just do photo ops. That brought an uproar of laughter.

  10. Thanks, Dave.

    Carly is still my number 1 choice, although it currently looks like we have to get behind Cruz to stamp out the Trump.

    I’m a born and bred Bronx boy. I hope Cruz elaborates on his NY values comment–this time narrowing his criticism to the purported NY “values” such as abortion on demand even at 40 weeks, and this time praising NY values such as fighting anyone who even just looks at you the wrong way, such as ISIS and Al Qaeda.

  11. Ace is playing a dangerous game. A president trump will play the establishment game, the go a long to get a long business as usual game of the rino class. If elected he will be what he is – the crony capitalist who believes in big government for big business. He will remain the donald. All promises of border security and healthcare reform will become a big joke on the rubes who voted for him.

  12. Ira

    I think Ted was referring to liberal social values when he mentioned NY values. Ted needs to be very direct about Trump on Thursday.

    A Bronx conservative is a rare bird.

  13. @Cornhead

    Thanks for [all] the excellent report[s]. Carly’s been my favorite since she entered.

    Best regards,
    A Manhattan Conservative (we’re pretty rare too!)

  14. neo: yep. Ace can be very insightful and nuanced but I find his thinking a bit muddled on this one. He says he prefers Cruz but if Trump is the last one standing he will vote for him to send a message to the party. Not sure what message one would be sending if the party is actually OK with Trump.

  15. Now is the time — following Trump’s decision not to show up at the debate — for Carly to offer to be on stage with “the big boys.”

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