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What are Democrats planning? — 41 Comments

  1. Perhaps they don’t need to make new laws anymore. they have nearly completed the key points of Gleichschaltung. a few signing statements and the job is done, no? they cant hide the final changes, and so they have their masks partly off…

    however, read the UK:
    Work experience at the Foreign Office? Not if you’re a middle class white male

    and in case you havent noticed, the finance bill has the same SBA 8a kind of disenfranchisement of the oppressor classes

    the same class of people who the DOJ will not prosecute oppressed attacks on oppressors.

    they used the same methods as in Germany, moved them all up to the same social status, then inserted things into laws, now we have it, but don’t know it yet…

    no more equality before the law, its now equal outcomes and as Obama administration people pointed out, its time for certain people and things to step down and make room for others.

    its a chess game… you have to look at how things interact, not believe the stand alone spin to get you to rationalize the point they want isolated from its complete self and outcomes outside a short time period.

    been trying to explain how it works to people who deny it can work, and then go off with the best theory that they are idiots, they don’t know what they are doing, etc.

    those idiots have just stolen the US…

    bet you have no idea what comes next.
    but if you read what i said, and went back, you can tell what comes next..

    and they have already started on it…
    from many angles… and with other things

    but, you would have had to pay attention to the things that i brought up off topic if you want to catch the magicians playing you.

  2. by the way, your helping them..

    What are Democrats planning?

    should be
    What are Progressives planning?

    go back and read the speeches of these people before the elections, and read how they described themselves. then tell me, after they used certain terms, why you insist on using the group to get the blame, and leave them untouched?

  3. Artfldgr: at this point, I consider “Democrats” and “progressives” to be more or less synonyms, since the party is controlled by the latter.

  4. Well thats a big mistake… (to label them by the same label and remove distinctions as they want you to)

    read history to find out why. i am tired of everyone not doing that, and then arguing with me with beliefs over historical facts and never ever backing up things. .

    there is a reason why we forgot them, and its because of that game (which you think always is reasonable). That is, if you do what others did before, the outcome will be near the same.

    so if you equate the parasite with the current host, what happens when the parasite has another host? oh, you don’t see the parasite any more… do you?

    when everyone is deviant, do you see the REAL deviants? when sociopathic behavior is common, can you find the sociopaths?

    Learn the game before you play… no?

    Ever realize that the other side is bad cop to the dems good cop? and that they are ALSO controlled by the progressives? which is why they havent seized this opportunity to do anything?

    how much of this process have you read about?
    did you ever know that there are many books on these things by the people who invented the processes? i have read them…

    have you read Hegel, have you read what they want, how they work, methodologies, etc..

    if not, then you are born yesterday, and they have played with many such young eggs (which is why they uplift youth over old)…

    wake up to the game… not to the magic show

    its easy to KNOW whats next… VERY easy.
    whats hard is to stop denying it and then say thats it, then prevent it.

    go back long ago and read when i told you that by the time you figure it out, its too late. you still haven’t figured it out, and they are almost finished.

    when will we start understanding and opposing rationally? when they are finished. then we are sure, and then we wont be wasting time. right?

    A rose by any other name would smell as sweet

    your still blithly going on as if nothings changed
    and they have fundementally changed a whole lot.

    but have you discussed those things, or have you facilitated things for them?

    have we tried to learn then see what they are doing or have we tried to deny what they are doing, so we don’t have to learn?

    there was a time when groups would settle on knowledgeable leaders who could inform (sometimes picking them against their wishes to be picked) … now we go for populism.. who can be witty, and cheat, and say entertaining things… keep us distracted, do another trick.

    the fact that they just put in labor equivalents to the Nazis, and the aktion 4 equivalent to euthanize undesirables… is a hint… and this implementation of acktion 4 does not need an aktion 14… (funny, they even named the new law the way they named the old law.. after a place)

  5. Mark Levin just reported that the Massachusetts legislature just passed a bill granting Electoral College votes to the candidate with the highest nationwide vote total.

    If enough heavily-populated states do this, then the less-populated states simply won’t matter.

  6. The assault on the Electoral College system is a threat to our federal system of government. Too much democracy is a dangerous thing.

    The Democrats keep pushing and pushing. One can see this situation getting ugly.

  7. The Electoral College was created specifically to prevent the big cities from dominating the vote. With pure democracy, the results would always be determined by the deep blue cities with their notoriously corrupt Democrat machines. Get a few million urbanites voting multiple times, or under fictitious names, and the rest of us may as well not bother showing up.

    Needless to say, the Democrats regard this as a feature, not a bug.

  8. The Democrats are hellbent on removing the checks and balances that the Founders built into our government. They know what the country planet needs. Why be obstructed by a bunch of dead white guys?

    Be careful what you wish for, the saying goes.

    I’ve read that the constitutional amendment restricting the President to two terms was pushed by Republicans who did not want another four-term Democrat like FDR. Then they got to watch Jack Kennedy edge Richard Nixon in a 1960 election that would have been a cakewalk for Dwight Eisenhower.

    This is still a center-right nation. If the Republicans returned to their traditional principles (unlikely though that seems), they would have a permanent majority.

    Be careful what you wish for, Democrats.

    (Nevertheless I think that removing the filibuster is a bad, destabilizing idea for a country which is already dangerously unstable.)

  9. rickl, look at it this way: if Sarah Palin (or someone else equally repulsive to them) ever wins the popular vote, then all of the votes in Mass. will go to her, even though ostensibly Mass. would not have gone that way otherwise. How fast do you think they would change the law back in that case? I for one will be laughing my butt off.

  10. We know two things:

    1) They will do something(s).

    2) All that they do will result in bad things.

    It is not possible for the type of person who is a Democrat to sit there and do nothing. It is not possible for them to hold off on exercising every bit of power they have, while they have it.

    But everything they do will issue in evil because they are evil inside. You cannot get good fruit from a bad tree. Does not happen unless they make a mistake, and evil is a genius at executing evil. It almost never makes a mistake.

    We are the ones who have to sit, and wait, and watch. That’s incredibly difficult, and painful, and even tragic…but there might come some good out of that in the end. Some reflective meditation on the way in which the good can be so quickly and nonchalantly destroyed, though it takes centuries to build! There is a lot of wisdom in knowing that that is a fact of the universe.

  11. Get a few million urbanites voting multiple times, or under fictitious names, and the rest of us may as well not bother showing up.

    C’mon, Rick, it’s time to give representation to dead voters and car trunks. Al Franken and Christine Gregoire are but small steps in that direction.

    I for one will be laughing my butt off.

    Me too!

    And then, after they change the law back, I want to see a Republican win because he won the popular vote, but lost in the Electoral College, and MA’s Electoral College votes put him over the top.

    I’d die of ecstasy. The coroner would probably wonder why my corpse had an ear-to-ear grin on it.

  12. The serious point is the insight into leftist psychology. They’re so determined to get their way that they don’t realize/accept that sometimes you eat the bear, sometimes the bear eats you. Changing the rules back and forth to try to rig the outcome is stupid, because the situation changes faster than you can change the rules, much like a caterpillar trying to outmaneuver a wasp. I call it the “Scott Brown effect.”

  13. “If enough heavily-populated states do this, then the less-populated states simply won’t matter.”

    Actually that would tend to make the less populated areas *more* powerful.

    If they did this their ability to control elections *greatly* diminishes as they are no longer in control of their votes – others are. The less populated areas still retain their full power but the populated ones gave up a great deal of theirs for nothing.

    They realize this too and they put a trigger in there that it only happens if 270+ of the electoral votes go to this method. It shows how much they truly believe the idea too – it only happens if they gain power from it (which is the real goal).

    Plus Anna is 100% correct, the first time someone like Palin won (and it *will* happen) then they would be changing it back as fast as they could.

  14. Why don’t they quit pussyfooting around and just provide that all of MA’s Electoral College votes go to whichever candidate belongs to a party with a “D” in it?

  15. OB,

    Well at this point, I wouldn’t put it past them.

    At this point, I wouldn’t put anything past them.

    I have a dear friend at work who says that the only hope we have is for a million or more-strong mass of American citizens to march on Washington, on the Capitol, and drag them all outside and string them up. Literally. I hate to think that he’s right–mostly because I don’t think that’s about to happen. Most of us have jobs to go to and ordinary lives to live. But the truth is, I fear he may BE right. And it ain’t gonna happen.

    We’re in a helluva mess, that’s what I say.

  16. Now and again I recall Huxley, late of this page, who thought that our salvation would be reliance on the American system and a notion that Obama would prefer resignation to continuance in office. When Huxley announced his departure, I thought he was declaring his own defeat. I still think so.

    It’s worth considering how much of our present difficulty is a consequence of our determination to regard our laws and precedents as binding. It’s as though we regarded Revolution, once waged and won, as unrepeatable–irrespective of the stakes.

  17. I want to know what’s wrong with people in Nevada that Harry Reid is leading in the polls. If Pee Wee frickin Herman couldn’t defeat Harry Reid at this point somethings wrong. People may very well be more ignorant to the destruction going on around them than we all ever imagined.

  18. It might be better if the Democrats held both Congress and Senate, just with very small majorities.

  19. It’s tough to stay hopeful.

    I just can’t understand liberal / progressive types, and why they are that way. They have to realize (don’t they?) that what they are perpetrating is not what made this country what it is. As America goes, so goes the world.
    Obvuously, that is the desired result.

  20. Going back to Neo’s previous post on ‘how to talk to a liberal’, this ties right in. Fundamentally they have made a self designated status of ‘we are doing the right and compassionate thing’ so central to their being that anything is justified. So the parliamentary tricks and cloakroom deals are not seen as the tools of weak and unethical politicians but necessary sleazes to ‘do the right thing’.

  21. We still are not learning… you don’t go hunting game without knowing what your going for, its ways, and so on. misidentifying the target don’t work either. Failure to learn whats been “normalized” that shouldnt, and so on is also key.

    Now and again I recall Huxley, late of this page, who thought that our salvation would be reliance on the American system and a notion that Obama would prefer resignation to continuance in office. When Huxley announced his departure, I thought he was declaring his own defeat. I still think so.

    he was making bets of BELIEF against Empirical History…

    [the rest of the text is to the general and definitely not directed towards betsybounds or others who have at least tried]

    they unfroze us with a crisis..
    moved us to a new level
    and now they are going to fix that level with a new crisis…

    they just cant tell when criticality will occur. that is, if you build a pile of sand by dropping a few grains on the top, the pile will keep growing, until it reaches criticality, then it changes its state and form and permanently adapts.

    as i explained before, they only have to convince you that the perfect glass of cool water the best to drink can be found at 31 degrees.

    your ignorance will do the rest.

    if they told you that they want you to drink ice, you would look at them nuts. but if they sell you on the goal, and justify the presumption, they can get you to achieve ice as a new drinking medium.

    when the water reaches critical, it changes. and no amount of BELIEF can change ti back again, since this is done with an eye to the process of Gleichschaltung [Однородность] (PC)…
    [a rose by any other name smells different, right?]

    the whole process we have normalized and now we are at critical. we cant change it back, as we wont resist the process. thinking that changing people changes process, when you have to change the process to change people as they conform to process.

    we are set for several things… and we don’t have the steering wheel to change the direction.

    as in a chess game, we are in a TRIPLE BIND… most double binds are triple binds… that is, we forget that the third option of not doing anything is also unacceptable.

    no matter how good the masses are, the deviant fringe made self important are going to go at each other. and as whites end up dead, spanish end up dead, and eventually blacks end up dead, the military WILL respond.

    moral fortitude is not a panacea against a triple bind they have no choice as to how to act in.

    when they tell 49% that their food and rent money isnt coming. when next years farmers dont produce thanks to the finance law. when whites are removed from their jobs and replaced by the favored groups (as in germany). the people will not sit still, and the fringe will be unstoppable.

    like the man on the edge of a cliff with a crowd behind him, yelling stop wont work.

    took how long before glenn beck told us to do the same thing i have been saying for over 10 years? read history, learn, know what context and meaning they are using.

    made up hollyweird was more entertaining. no?
    [but did you read Aldous Huxley on entertainment? or the frankfurt school? or the histories?]

    It is necessary to provide only a short list of economic problems to see the critical condition we are in:

    – Virtually everything you look at is broken and unfixable, from both a mathematical and political standpoint.
    – All democratic welfare states are insolvent and incapable of meeting their obligations.
    – Sovereign defaults are likely and will likely occur in domino fashion.
    – Insane economic policies and regulations are making matters worse.
    – Businesses are not hiring or investing because of the uncertainty that has been imposed on the country.
    – Wealth, intellect, and corporations will flee this country.
    – More than half of the states are likely to default on their obligations.
    – Most major municipalities have pension obligations that will be unable to be met.
    – Individuals are still over their heads in debt with no hope in sight.
    – The housing market has farther to go on the downside. Foreclosures will accelerate.
    – Commercial real estate is a disaster that has not yet hit full force.
    – Joblessness is not improving and will get worse.
    – Infrastructure has deteriorated. There are no funds available upgrade it to proper standards.
    – Private pensions and union pensions are grossly underfunded and likely to become worse when financial markets tank.
    – The welfare system is unsustainable and has to be dismantled.
    – Generations have grown accustomed to entitlements and will not take kindly to the necessary reductions and eliminations.
    – Education has deteriorated to levels such that many graduates are literally unemployable at a minimum wage, or at any wage.
    – The banking system is insolvent, with many banks unlikely to survive.
    – Social Security and Medicare are unsustainable programs that will collapse or have benefits so reduced as to make them virtually unrecognizable.
    – Government guarantees of Fannie, Freddie, FHA, and a host of other programs will likely require $2 trillion-plus to honor at taxpayer expense.
    – Anything the government touches, it destroys, be it social programs, the post office, Amtrak, education, or (soon to be) the entire credit system, General Motors, student loans, etc. — and finally, the entire economy.
    – The FDIC is in a deep hole from which there is no escape other than additional taxpayer bailouts.

    combine the above, with each key collective groups variation, will create EXACTLY THE SAME conditions that swept Germany away.. (using the SAME METHODS)

    “I feel that ‘man-hating’ is an honorable and viable political act, that the oppressed have a right to class-hatred against the class that is oppressing them.” — Robin Morgan

    thats for the feminists

    for africans you get:
    “I feel that hating whitey is an honorable and viable political act, that the oppressed have a right to class-hatred against the class that is oppressing them.”

    if you want, i can quote actual stuff from others…

    however they are all roses of another name, so we as a group dont see that the processes are the same, the goals are the same, and that the rationalizations are not sincere, but manipulative,
    like a serial killer or a con man…

    Hux and others said that we were beyond race. but they, as i said, were 180 degrees from the empirical view, but cant tell they were running towards the wrong goal posts.

    how could they know that they recasted the nazi party ideology and handed it to women, blacks, spanish, gender warriors, etc…

    Cone argues that white people traditionally have exploited Christianity as an opiate of the (black) masses. He asserts that the destitute “are made and kept poor by the rich and powerful few,” and that “[n]o one can be a follower of Jesus Christ without a political commitment that expresses one’s solidarity with victims.”

    Influenced by the Christian existential philosophy of Paul Tillich and the Black Power movement of Malcolm X, Cone exhorts black Christians to reject the “White Church,” which he claims has failed to support them in their struggle for equal rights.

    Claiming that “black values” are superior to American values, Cone’s writings posit a black Jesus who leads African Americans as the “chosen people.” “This country was founded for whites, and everything that has happened in it has emerged from the white perspective,” he writes. “What we need is the destruction of whiteness, which is the source of human misery in the world.”

    just add up 20 years and a belief in that, with Ayers pol groups extermination comments, the rationing of health care, eugenics, etc…

    anyone have a synoptic view of it rather than being so close you cant tell what it is?

    Blind Men and the Elephant, cover detail, (1972)
    Lillian Quigley, illustrated by Janice Holland


  22. SEC Says New FinReg Law Exempts It From Public Disclosure


    Under a little-noticed provision of the recently passed financial-reform legislation, the Securities and Exchange Commission no longer has to comply with virtually all requests for information releases from the public, including those filed under the Freedom of Information Act.

    Given that the SEC is a regulatory body, the provision covers almost every action by the agency, lawyers say. Congress and federal agencies can request information, but the public cannot.

  23. Brady admits committee analysts could not fit the entire health care bill on one chart.

    “This portrays only about one-third of the complexity of the final bill. It’s actually worse than this.”


    – the creation of two new bureaucracies with powers to impose future rationing: the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute and the Independent Payments Advisory Board.

    Aktion T4
    Aktion TiergartenstraéŸe 4

    A rose by any other name?

    Funny how the same things keep repeating in history…

    i don’t know whether to call them smart for changing names and phrases to get to the same end, or we are so stupid that that works.

    Puzzle the Donkey is tempted to not question what he is doing, on the grounds that he isn’t very smart. Therefore, he is marginally complicit in putting forth a false Aslan. Shift the Ape is mainly responsible, and yields to the temptation to disguise Puzzle as Aslan, probably because of greed, one of the seven deadly sins. (He wants more nuts, oranges, and bananas, and a more luxurious life.) Later, Puzzle comes to see that he, too is partly responsible: “I see now,” said Puzzle, “that I really have been a very bad donkey. I ought never to have listened to Shift. I never thought things like this would begin to happen. – C. S. Lewis, The Last Battle, New York: Macmillan, 1956, p. 79.

    “History repeats itself because nobody listened the first time.” (the second time, the third time, the fourth time…)

    For the wise men of old, the cardinal problem had been how to conform the soul to reality. And the solution has been knowledge, self-discipline, and virtue. But for the contemporary mindset the problem is how to subdue reality to the wishes of man. The Abolition of Man, C. S. Lewis

    If the Lord should bring a wicked man to heaven, heaven would be hell to him;
    for he who loves not grace upon earth will never love it in heaven. — CHRISTOPHER LOVE

    The road to hell is paved with good intentions. And littered with sloppy analysis!

    People will go to hell their own way, but must enter heaven God’s way.

    [its a great illustration of the failure of a personal version of anything. those with a personal version of something else, do not belong to it, even though they claim to. and are not represented by it, even if it claims to them it does]

    WHAT is the difference between Christ and Satan? It is quite simple. Christ descended into hell; Satan fell into it. One of them wanted to go up and went down; the other wanted to go down and went up.–G K Chesterton ‘The Ball and the Cross.’

    [and before you say religion is not part of this, remember Rules for radicals dedication, and the title of Moses Harmons paper in kansas]

    as for Hux and the ‘reasonable people’:
    The hottest places in Hell are reserved for those who, in times of moral crisis, preserved their neutrality.– Dante

    The safest road to Hell is the gradual one–the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts. C.S. Lewis (1898-1963) The Screwtape Letters

    On the Plains of Hesitation bleach the bones of countless millions who, at the Door of Victory, sat down to wait, and waiting — died!
    George W. Cecil, _The American Magazine_, March 1923, p. 87

    The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see. — Winston Churchill

    Not to know what has transacted in former times is to continue always a child. — Marcus Tullius Cicero [and you end up arguing like one too]

    If men could learn from history, what lessons it might teach us! But passion and party blind our eyes, and the light which experience gives is a lantern on the stern, which shines only on the waves behind us. – Samuel Taylor Coleridge Table Talk 1835

    History never looks like history when you are living through it. It always looks confusing and messy, and it always feels uncomfortable.”-John W. Gardner

    The Past is past. Learn from it. Grow because of it. Mature in spite of it.–Jim Hamilton

    The past is a foreign country; they do things differently there. – Leslie. Poles Hartley (1895 &endash; 1972)

    By despising all that has preceded us, we teach others to despise ourselves. — William Hazlitt, ‘On Reading Old Books’, 1821

    and from a key man who helped the people seeking power obtain it, because he revealed unto them, what has frustrated me to no end!

    What experience and history teach is this — that people and governments never have learned anything from history, or acted on principles deduced from it. –Georg Wilhelm F. Hegel, (1770-1831) _Philosophy of History_, Introduction.

    and so, you can take from history and repeat it. no one will know why your so sure it will work. your actions will confuse, but they are proven.

    if you dont know history your like a new egg born yesterday… fresh and knowing all the world, and completely at its whim…no matter how clever you pretend to be, experience trumps.

    That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons that history has to teach Huxley, Aldous Leonard

    The charm of history and its enigmatic lesson consist in the fact that, from age to age, nothing changes and yet everything is completely different…. Aldous Huxley, “The Devils of Loudun”

    Nothing changes more consistently than the past;…the past that influences our lives is not what actually happened but what we believe happened. – Gerald W. Johnson

    The study of history is a powerful antidote to contemporary arrogance. It is humbling to discover how many of our glib assumptions, which seem to us novel and plausible, have been tested before, not once but many times and in innumerable guises; and discovered to be, at great human cost, wholly false.
    Paul Johnson The Quotable Paul Johnson: A Topical Compilation of His Wit, Wisdom and Satire, edited by George J. Marlin, et al (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1994), p. 138.

    Those who have no power to judge of past times but by their own, should always doubt their conclusions. – Samuel Johnson: Milton (Lives of the Poets)

    History, Stephen said, is a nightmare form which I am trying to wake. – James Joyce, Ulysses

    A study of the history of opinion is a necessary preliminary to the emancipation of the mind.
    John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946) “The End of Laissez-Faire,” ch. 1, 1926.

    Man is fatally slow on the uptake; it always takes him until the next generation to understand what’s going on. ~Stanislaw Lec (1909-1966)

    History is a people’s memory, and without a memory, man is demoted to the lower animals.- Malcolm X (1925-1965) “The Autobiography of Malcolm X,” 1965

    [and notice how we are being put into a farm, like animals, even controlling our breeding]

    One cannot and must not try to erase the past merely because it does not fit the present. Golda Meir

    Historical knowledge is indispensable for those who want to build a better world.– Ludwig von Mises

    Wise men say, and not without reason, that whoever wishes to foresee the future must consult the past; for human events ever resemble those of preceding times. This arises from the fact that they are produced by men who have been, and ever will be, animated by the same passions, and thus they must necessarily have the same results. -Niccolo Machiavelli

  24. Honesty is not so much a credit as an absolute prerequisite to efficient service to the public. Unless a man is honest we have no right to keep him in public life, it matters not how brilliant his capacity, it hardly matters how great his power of doing good service on certain lines may be. — Roosevelt, Theodore. 1900. The Strenuous Life. , “OUTLOOK,” MAY 12, 1900

  25. Who is secure in all his basic needs? Who has work, spiritual care, medical care, housing, food, occasional entertainment, free clothing, free burial, free everything? The answer might be nuns and monks, but the standard reply is ‘prisoners’. – Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn

  26. Occam’s Beard

    Why don’t they quit pussyfooting around and just provide that all of MA’s Electoral College votes go to whichever candidate belongs to a party with a “D” in it?

    Given the number of times in the last six years that Massachusetts has changed the rules for filling a US Senate vacancy, this would be the more honest proposal.

    If this electoral majority rule had been available back in 1972, when only DC and Mass went for McGovern, then we wouldn’t have been able to see those bumperstickers, “Don’t Blame Me: I’m from Massachusetts.”

    What these doofuses do not realize is that among the reasons for the Electoral College design is the desire to prevent gridlock. Recall what happened with the Florida recount in 2000. Recall the 1960 election, when Kennedy won by about 100,000 votes. The majority vote rule would mean that all of the 57 states would have to be recounted, and recounted.

    I am reminded of the Honduran constitution, which has a “nuclear option” for those who propose to change the constitution to enable Presidents to be re-elected. This is what got Zelaya booted out. Methinks we need such an option for the electoral college. Any legislator who proposes a change in the Electoral college faces an automatic 20 year jail sentence.Trial within two weeks. No appeal.

  27. In a consumer society there are inevitably two kinds of slaves: the prisoners of addiction and the prisoners of envy. — Ivan Illich (1926-2002)

    It hurt the economic historians, the Marxists and the Fabians, to admit that the Ten Hour Bill, the basic piece of 19th century legislation, came down from the top, out of a nobleman’s private feelings about the Gospel, or that the abolition of the slave trade was achieved, not through the operation of some “law” of profit and loss, but purely as the result of the new humanitarianism of the Evangelicals. – Barbara Tuchman, Bible and Sword.

    If slavery is not distinctly Western, what is? The movement to end slavery! Abolition is an exclusively Western institution. The historian J.M. Roberts writes, “No civilization once dependent on slavery has ever been able to eradicate it, except the Western.” […]Never in the history of the world, outside of the West, has a group of people eligible to be slave owners mobilized against the institution of slavery. This distinctive Western attitude is reflected by Abraham Lincoln: “As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master.” –Dinesh D’Souza, _What’s So Great About America_, 2002

    We disapprove of state education. Then the socialists say that we are opposed to any education. We object to a state religion. Then the socialists say that we want no religion at all. We object to a state-enforced equality. Then they say that we are against equality. And so on, and so on. It is as if the socialists were to accuse us of not wanting persons to eat because we do not want the state to raise grain. –Frederic Bastiat, 1850

    What then, is the common denominator to which all forms of socialism are reducible, and what is the bond that unites them against natural society, or society as planned by Providence? There is none except this: They do not want natural society. What they want is an artificial society, which has come forth full-grown from the brain of its inventor… They quarrel over who will mould the human clay, but they agree that there is human clay to mould. Mankind is not in their eyes a living and harmonious being endowed by God Himself with the power to progress and to survive, but an inert mass that has been waiting for them to give it feeling and life; human nature is not a subject to be studied, but matter on which to perform experiments. – Frederic Bastiat

    …the myth of socialism is far stronger than the reality of capitalism. That is because capitalism is not really an ism at all. It is what people do if you leave them alone. –Arnold Beichmen

    Once freedom is equated with a certain material standard of living, confiscation becomes the path to liberation. — James Bovard

    The socialist state requires greater and greater degrees of force to make it function. If resources and wealth are allocated on the basis of need rather than production, people will compete to be more needy rather than more productive. — Linda Bowles

    Thou shalt not covet” means that it is sinful even to contemplate the seizure of another man’s goods — which is something which Socialists, whether Christian or otherwise, have never managed to explain away. — John Chamberlain

    [No society can survive the socialist] fallacy that there is an absolutely unlimited number of inspired officials and an absolutely unlimited amount of money to pay them.–G K Chesterton

    [so if the feminists knowingly promoted this, they knowingly moved the women of the US to destroy it and be liberated… ]

    All men are created equal’ says the American Declaration of Independence. ‘All men shall be kept equal’ say the Socialists.–Winston Churchill

    …he drove a sharp needle into Labour policy one day when he met [Clement Atlee] in the men’s room. Atlee, arriving first, had stepped up to the urinal trough when Churchill strode in on the same mission, glanced at him, and stood at the trough as far away from him as possible. Atlee said, “Feeling standoffish today, are we, Winston?” Churchill said: “That’s right. Every time you see something big, you want to nationalize it.” — William Manchester, The Last Lion (1988) “Dreams of Glory”

    We are living in a sick society filled with people who would not directly steal from their neighbor but who are willing to demand that the government do it for them.–William L. Comer

    Socialism is the religion people get when they lose their religion. – Richard John Neuhaus

    Socialism: nothing more than the theory that the slave is always more virtuous than his master.–H. L. Mencken

    The overwhelming majority of today’s intellectuals, it must be kept in mind, believe virtually every point of the indictment of capitalism… Thus, from their perspective, socialism should have succeeded and capitalism have failed. They had to expect that Soviet Russia, with its alleged rational economic planning and concentration on the building up of heavy industry, should have achieved the kind of economic eminence that Japan has achieved under capitalism, and have done so long ago. At the same time, they had to expect that the United States and Western Europe should have fallen into greater and greater chaos and poverty.
    Yet, despite everything they believe, and think they understand, socialism has failed, while capitalism has succeeded. Being unwilling to admit that they have been wrong in their beliefs–thoroughly, devastatingly wrong–they choose to interpret the failure of socialism and success of capitalism as proof of the impotence of the mind to grasp reality, and now turn en masse to supporting the ecology movement and its assault on science and technology. In this way, ironically, the failure of socialism and success of capitalism have played an important role in accelerating the growth of irrationalism.
    George Reisman, _Capitalism, A Treatise on Economics_, 1996

    so much history, literature, and great speakers.

    and we complain theres nothing on cable.

  28. Mexican Officials to Patrol Staten Island Following Latest Bias Attack
    Sixth attack against immigrants since April

    [there are also a lot of attacks on whites but they are not reported, or they leave attackers descriptions out. news show recently showed three thugs with a gun robbing a man, they had to get in real close and grainy to hide the race of the victim… but if you watch carefully you can see his elderly hand as they keep shoving the gun in his face]

    28 crimes in colorado where they filmed their crimes as they attacked whites and spanish.

    a heinous crime of kidnapping, torture, sexual assault of the most extreme kind, then murder…

    and a serial sex offender in texas who attacks small built white or spanish males. they think he acquired his tastes in prison…

    tons more stuff… but if you want a pressure cooker to blow, you hide the movement of the pressure guage and prevent alternative release of pressure.

    this attack was scrubbed by the news…
    Attack of white woman by 9 black kids a possible hate crime [Baltimore]

    Sarah Kreager, 26, suffered broken facial bones and other injuries after she was punched, kicked and dragged off the bus Tuesday afternoon. Kreager’s companion, Troy Ellis, was also attacked, but not beaten as severely.

    and of course each group is using things to raise more hate… so white supremicist idiots are collecting the articles, and showing that the scrubbing is against them… the mexicans being attacked are being used by the mexican government and others to gain a political presence… and of course, the same is true of any violence from white to black.

    they are turning up the burners…
    and there is nothing good people can do

    the following pertains to all these collective groups like feminists, black national sociailsts, panthers, la rasa, etc.

    A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong gives it a superficial appearance of being right.– Thomas Paine

  29. Cops: Teen Punched Man For Listening To Rap Music


    A 14-year-old Palm Bay boy could be charged with a hate crime. Police say he attacked a white man just because he was listening to rap music.

    The boy beat up the 22-year-old man because he didn’t think white people should listen to rap music, police said. The man told WFTV he was listening to “Wasted” by Gucci Mane.

    David McKnight did not fight back when 14-year-old Joshuah Lamb punched him in the face repeatedly, investigators said. Battery is the only charge Lamb faces, but he could face felony hate crime charges.

    he knew that oppressor class has no right to defend themselves… so he took the assault, otherwise we would hear the whole thing reversed…

    “The argument involved the black male suspect saying, ‘You shouldn’t be listening to rap music because you’re white.’ The victim said he can listen to whatever type of music he wanted to and then the fist fight was on,” Palm Bay police spokeswoman Yvonne Martinez said.

    “I couldn’t get away fast enough, let’s just put it that way. Then one of them spit on me, punched me, knocked me down, got a couple of kicks in from a couple of them,” McKnight said.

    and notice it was more than one beating on him, but the reporting with headline is not consistent with that.

    McKnight suffered a broken toe, concussion, a swollen eye and strangulation marks around his neck. Police said the 14-year-old was with at least seven of his friends, all of whom were instigating the fight.

    “I told him to drop it. I was like, ‘Just drop it, let’s go, there is eight of you and one of me. Just drop it.’ And he says, ‘I’m not dropping anything.’ Bam! Punched me,” he described.

    Police showed up minutes later and arrested Lamb on battery charges. The State Attorney’s Office is in the process of trying to figure out if it can charge the boy with a hate crime. State prosecutors said it could be one to two weeks before they decide if the 14-year-old will be charged with a hate crime charge.

    up to 8 blacks attack a white for listening to rap music, talking race, putting him in the hospital, and they have to take 2 weeks to determine if they are allowed under oppressor oppressed dialectics to say it was a race crime.

    note they are following the progressive logic that an oppressed has the right and duty to attack oppressor class…

    so two weeks later… it will be a regular assault

    if the police didn’t happen to be there, it would be a murder.

    SAME kind of reporting on the baseball attack on Mexicans on long island…

  30. Betsybound,

    If that happened, would we be worse off or better off?

    Let’s say Flight 93 got through – better off or worse off?

    I know how horrible that sounds.

    But let’s say it went down that way: Are we better off now or worse off?

  31. Mike McC @ 8:18 . . .

    That would be a terrific subject for an alternate history novel.

    BTW, I hope everyone takes a look at “The Last Centurion” by John Ringo. I was going to put it into my giveaway paperback pile, but then I decided it might be a useful guide if a similar scenario comes to pass. Ringo seems to know a lot about agriculture.

  32. I just checked Instapundit, and he too has a reference to a John Ringo novel. A coincidence. He also has a link to a protest against overpaid government officials and uses the term “predatory government.

    I mention this because this is a fabulous phrase that covers a lot of ground in two words. When we talk to our liberal friends, let’s use the term “Predatory Government” and find a few simple examples. Maybe they’ll get something new into their cement brains. A dandelion seed or something.

  33. That’s good. I think we should also call it the illegitimate government that does not have the consent of the governed. There must be a term for that, and governing without the consent of the American People is, to me, even worse than being Predatory. It’s the worst thing to be.

    We need a term to describe and encapsulate that and use it all the time.

    At this point, I refuse to acknowledge that any Democrats at all who still support Obama and the Dem Congress are Americans. They are not. All the more for Obama, Pelosi and Reid. I do not see them as legitimate American people, let alone leaders.

    They are an alien race. We pray to different Gods. They go after Baal; Americans are with YHWH. As when Moses came down from the mountain and made people right there choose sides, and there followed a great battle, a great civil war right there in the desert…I see that as where America is today.

    There are those with America, and those against it. It is us or them, and not both. It cannot be.

    Good video here: http://www.therightscoop.com/14-weeks

  34. Neo,

    In that article you said that we had reached critical mass.

    I agree.

    When critical mass is reached, certain things are bound to happen; certain struggles are bound to be enjoined.

    I can play the prophet. I can see them coming for writers. I can see them coming for critics. I can see people being offered one last chance to choose this side or that. We are in father against brother against mother against cousin against former ‘friend’ territory here. It’s going to get real bad.

    We have November. Even that might not be enough.

    I wonder sometimes should people like you and other conservative bloggers go very vanilla soon to protect yourselves.

    I had a co-worker the other day almost out of the blue tell me that I should exercise certain constitutional rights about bearing things I’ve never borne. Some storms are coming and they’ll need to be weathered.

    He’s an immigrant from Eastern Europe. Now a citizen. He’s seen things before and feels something coming.

    I think if we are still as free as we are now by next January we will have had a minor miracle. Prayer, at this point, may be the order of the day.

  35. Lots of people from Eastern Europe sense that something’s coming.

    Curious, that.

  36. rickl, lots of Cubans do too. hm…..

    If they start arresting people, I wonder if it would be better to shut up and play liberal, or to do everything you can to get arrested too? Judging from the history of Eastern Europe, seems like you lose either way.

  37. Those with experience recognize it.
    they shut up, as they cant help those who refuse to put experience above fantasy, delusion, invention, circular discourse, ignorance, etc.

    they are keeping their heads down.
    some are even planning their suicides…
    not kidding… they have confided in me (since my family has similar experience and understanding)
    they grew up in Romania, a few others from other places

    Cant do much of anything except wish them well, can you? Destroy their careers on a potential?

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