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Oakland’s well-paid police — 11 Comments

  1. Were I czar, possessed of a time machine, I’d go back and forbid on pain of horrid, complicated execution, the offer or existence of any post-retirement benefit of any kind whatsoever.
    Negotiators can, today, grin at each other, pretend to fight over the working man’s right to a decent standard of living, and stick the bill to a couple of generations hence, and get themselves a raise, too. No cost to the business currently, and the union gets the glory.
    Wins all around.
    Even defined benefit plans are supposed, SUPPOSED, to be funded on an actuarially sound basis, enforced by DOL and the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation. Fail.
    Take the money supposedly going to the future and give it to the workers today and tell them to get their own bennies and their own savings.

  2. I think now more than ever that liberals really did expect the economy and employment to expand under their policies of the past 18 months. Instead the economy has tanked and put a laser like focus on the sheer unsustainability of their economic ideas, past, present and future.

    Theres great irony in how the collectivist are being foiled by….the collective.

  3. Your friends may be the tip of the iceberg…or not. Mickey Kaus who made the point about the growth and pernicious influence of the unions only earned 100,000 votes. Of course he had no staff or budget. Personally I doubt any seismic change will occur. A few tremors and nothing else for another 2-4 years.

  4. Refudiating ( 😉 gotta love the new Palinism) the entirety of the liberal economic theory (no Ph.d from the University of Chicago necessary)

    “There’s no such thing as a free lunch”

  5. I think now more than ever that liberals really did expect the economy and employment to expand under their policies of the past 18 months. Instead the economy has tanked and put a laser like focus on the sheer unsustainability of their economic ideas, past, present and future.

    Ah, but that’s because they didn’t have the Right People in charge. If they did…paradise!

  6. “The people of New Jersey have woken up to their similar situation and elected Chris Christie as a result.”

    The people of New Jersey have had a lot more to deal with – just read the book titled “The Soprano State.”

    Some of what has gone on in Jersey just makes me sick! My own county, Monmouth, (as mentioned in the book) paid $50,000 (small peanuts in the grand scheme of things; but it is still tax dollars) for a study to determine if the county should pay their lawyers a flat annual salary or a fee based upon incident. And guess who was paid to conduct that study? That’s right, the county lawyers who will benefit from the result of that study. And this was legal!

    NJ taxpayers are just tired of all the sh*t that goes on.

  7. Pingback:Maggie's Farm

  8. Pingback:Public Sector Unions: Multiple Vampires « Sake White

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