Home » What was Clinton actually implying when she said that Trump is the best ISIS recruiter?


What was Clinton actually implying when she said that Trump is the best ISIS recruiter? — 41 Comments

  1. Indeed, the primary aspect of her lie about Trump isn’t about Trump but about ISIS. It’s one thing if she chooses to mislead herself about them, it’s another thing and a worse thing that she chooses to mislead the people she claims to wish to lead. Knowing, understanding what causes recruitment to ISIS is important to us toward knowing how to defeat them. Pretending we know what we do not know is a bad way to start down a road to suffer defeat ourselves. And Mrs. Clinton evidently could care less about that, so long as she obtains the power to make the greater mistakes.

  2. She’s just trying to whip up her base.

    I don’t know or care what motivates ISIS. It doesn’t make any difference. Just kill them all as soon as possible. Total war.

  3. The people who are watching these videos are already anti-US, either because they are losers, they are caught in a family that won’t let them live in the 21st century, or they have swallowed the whole victimogy BS put out by groups like CAIR. Personal development and personal responsibilty are not strong points in Islam. Listening to the strong man is.
    If Hillary doesn’t understand this, she is unfit to counter it.

  4. “Hillary’s lies are hardly a surprise; most people already know she lies” neo

    Surprise (not)! those inclined to vote for her don’t care because they believe she stands for the ideology with which they have invested themselves. To abandon Hillary is to question what they tell themselves is the truth.

    Hillary’s apparent “lack of understanding of ISIS” is pretense. She knows perfectly well of what their nature consists. The purpose of her duplicity is to convince America that continuing to keep its head buried ‘where the sun don’t shine’ is the way to keep the wolf from the door.

    Hillary is an ideological realist, in her heart of hearts she’s a Stalinist not a Trotskyite.

    Yes, Clinton really IS saying that all it takes to turn a significant number of Muslims into murderous barbaric ISIS recruits is to tell the truth because Hillary knows what Islam declares. She’s playing on people’s fears, on her liberal audience’s unwillingness to fight because she understands that there’s nothing they’re willing to fight for… and, as evidence I point to Rotherdam.

    Evidence of how weak the response…

  5. Cornhead,
    Those who are already commited to ISIS must be defeated, but we also need to prevent further recruitment. Showing ourselves to be the strong horse would help, but it wouldn’t do anything about the need for scapegoats and the victimology cult that persists among Muslims.

  6. Geoffrey Britain,
    I think much of Hillary’s base still believes that having to pay for birth control and being able to have an abortion when the fetus is 30 weeks old are the biggest issues we face.

  7. neo neoconBut there’s something else, too: in Hillary’s “ISIS uses Trump to recruit” claim, isn’t Clinton really saying that all it takes to turn a significant number of Muslims into murderous barbaric ISIS recruits is the idea that a US presidential candidate might want to bar them from visiting or immigrating to this country?

    Oddly, you and Rush-bo are sympatico on that point: he spent most of a segment earlier this morning hammering that exact point home.

    Yeah, I occasionally listen to ‘im for a few minutes some days, when it coincides with me upstairs making coffee & tea – not a misprint btw: 1 cuppa joe, and then the switch-over to Tetley’s black&green 🙂 – in the morning.

  8. Lies are tools. Muslims, blacks, and all the victim tribes are other tools in the toolbox. The left will use any available tool to achieve their totalitarian utopia. That is hrc in a nutshell.

  9. expat,

    Yes, very much so. Conservatives and republicans are, in their minds, the much greater threat to their ideological agenda than is the still distant threat of ISIS. Which is why ‘lone wolves’ and ‘radicalizing’ are such favored terms of obfuscation. Psychologically, it keeps ISIS at bay.

    But even when ISIS cells become active, as long as ISIS is defined as the threat and not Islam, it still allows layers of denial.

    “We can absorb a terrorist attack.” Barack Hussein Obama

  10. Obama said the same thing – either about Trump or the state governors who said they didn’t want Syrian refugees.

    Hillary also recently said that the anti-Syrian refugee talk would make Muslims in America angry & less cooperative with the police.

    These sentiments are about free speech, and how any criticism of Islam is no longer tolerated. So, not so much Islamophobic as pro blasphemy laws. It is disgusting and counter to the the 1st Amendment.

  11. Seems like I’ve heard several times now about some Muslim or other opining that blocking Muslim immigration/migration into the USA will only cause more violence on the part of Muslims who are already here.

    Like it’s a reflexive action with no Will involved. It will just “happen”.

  12. I’ve also thought that this recent trend of blaming Republicans for helping ISIS recruit is battle field preparation: they know the attacks will continue, so they need to designate a person/group to blame.

    They have to repeat this enough times so that it becomes ‘common knowledge’ that all of this hateful talk is what inflamed them to attack. We’ve seen the same narrative building at work with the MSM speculating some sort of Tea Party/angry white conservative male with each shooting.

  13. Every time Ms. Pantsuit opens her mouth I think “There’s a village somewhere that’s missing its idiot”. Really – if this woman were any more dense, light could not escape her.

  14. ISIS is a self-actuating sturmabteilung for the demorats. Hillary knows this and thinks they can be controlled

  15. It’s also not a smart thing to say, because the odds are that there will be another terrorist incident in either the U.S. and Europe between now and November 2016. Plus, ISIS is going to continue its barbaric acts, and it’s doubtful the current President is going to do anything significant to stop them. She may end up looking weak for a short-term chance to bash Trump.

  16. Lizzy makes an important point; “blaming Republicans for helping ISIS recruit is battle field preparation: they know the attacks will continue, so they need to designate a person/group to blame.”

  17. Progressive morality and Slut Walk specifically have done more to stimulate recruitment than any other factors. Pimps and Sluts are strictly verboten in Islamic religion/morality, culture, and tradition.

  18. Further recruitment to the jihad agenda is impossible to stop until all potential recruits learn recruitment is not a one way ticket to nirvana; its a ticket to the total destruction of islam. Unless that message is delivered without mercy or remorse, the war between islam and civilization is unending.

  19. “We can absorb a terrorist attack.” Barack Hussein Obama

    Yes the body politic can absorb hundreds of them if we just ignore them..

    We are the roses in the garden
    beauty with thorns among our leaves
    to pick a rose you ask your hands to bleed

    But what is the reason for having roses
    when your blood is shed carelessly?
    it must be for something more than vanity

    you tolerate the blood and scratches to have the beauty of roses and their smell and the whole of it. To leaders, the brains of the body politic, they do not suffer the pain that is spent to have such a mosaic as they think they are making.

  20. A spokesman for Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton on Monday refused to offer an apology to GOP rival Donald Trump for claiming the outspoken billionaire has been used in terror recruitment videos. “Hell no,” Clinton campaign spokesman Brian Fallon told The Wall Street Journal “Hillary Clinton will not be apologizing to Donald Trump for correctly pointing out how his hateful rhetoric only helps ISIS recruit more terrorists,” Fallon added.

  21. I’d also bet that Muslims aren’t offended by Hillary’s statement because at it’s root, it is blaming infidel speech — not Islam — for ISIS. See, it’s not their religion, it’s their response to insults that drives them to attack the West!! They’re the victims!

    Hillary, Obama et. al. are assisting CAIR with it’s goal of shutting down criticism of Muslims.

  22. Lizzy

    It IS their religion. That’s the root problem and it is unfixable. Islam will never reform.

    The solution is that the West must contain and disassociate itself from Islam. No more immigration from Islamic countries. Tariff on OPEC oil. North American energy independence. Then the Shia can cut off the Sunni’s heads and we don’t care.

  23. An authentic ISIS recruiting video featured Bill Clinton and referred to him as a fornicator. That’s Hillary’s so called husband.

    The same video said we have spent $6t.

    We had the chance to end this and Barack blew it.

  24. I am sure that the multi-hued White House did nothing to inflame Muslims.And the Puerto Rican beauty queen should immediately be offered a spot on the Trump campaign.Smart girl.

  25. No doubt you’ve heard that Hillary Clinton’s claim that ISIS uses Trump in its recruiting videos is a lie.

    Not if you get your news from the MSM – you wouldn’t have heard a word about it

  26. “”It IS their religion. That’s the root problem and it is unfixable. Islam will never reform.”

    Yes, it is their religion — it’s amazing there are still people who can claim otherwise. But the CAIR/political Left narrative is to strenuously avoid/deny this truth, by blaming the infidel who has the audacity to call this out (it’s hate speech!) and then claiming they’re the victims. Hillary’s blame Trump falls in line with this now well-established pattern.

  27. As Lilian Helmon said of Dorothy Parker (or vice versa, I don’t

    Every thing that comes out of her mouth is a lie, including “a”
    “an” and “the”

  28. HRC’s comments were a paraphrase of what the President had already said.

    So all the rest naturally follows:


    Diffuse meaning

    Bizarro world rationalization

    HRC must have had a mind meld with Barry Soetoro, the national Put-On artist.

    He’s either putting it over on us,

    Putting the blame on Bush, the Man, White culture,

    Or putting down all others — especially policemen.

    In sum: an eminence front.

  29. ISIS has all the motivation it needs … right in the Quran, hadith and sunnah.

    That’s what wipes up support for ISIS … all else is a sideshow!

  30. My whole life, I’ve never heard anyone say, “he’s sane, mature, and respectable; say the wrong thing around him and he’ll start killing people”.

  31. Pingback:The Democrats’ Islamaphobiaphobia | Transterrestrial Musings

  32. One thing we can do is stop speaking of muslims in the passive voice as “being radicalized”, when we all know that they actively pursue radical goals and commit themselves to terrorism without being forced to do so, and regardless of whatever is written or said by Westerners.

  33. I wonder how many ISIS fighters are radicalized each month because Obama and the rest of the Demshevik apparatchiki keep telling them they are not real Muslims.

  34. Will anything enrage Muslim misogynists more than a woman at the helm of the Great Satan? I think a female president laying down the law might blow the tops off some turbans.

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