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Ordering with Amazon — 10 Comments

  1. Just activated the Kindle that our daughter gave us for Christmas. If I order through your link, do you get credit?

  2. Vanderleun, that’s ok cause I am so 1950s. Figures that nearly every airplane I ever flew was out of date when I flew it. One of few exceptions was the Hawker 1000 Bizjet, and they ceased production not long after it bombed in the market-place.

    I am not going to burn my library card–still the best bargain in the land. And I will continue to read dinosaur printed books, and not do books on tape.

  3. I am waiting for Kindle to drop to $100, which many are predicting. Some say that Kindles are so 2008 because they are just e- readers, but that is fine by me. But first I need to read in my home library.

  4. I’d been using Kindle for PC for several weeks now. I just received my refurbished Kindle 2 from Amazon last week. After Amazon dropped the price by $70 on a new Kindle on Monday they refunded $50 to me on my purchase price of my refurbed Kindle.

    Love Amazon.

    Love my Kindle. I find my eyes aren’t nearly as strained after reading for an hour or more on the Kindle.

  5. BTW Neo, have you considered publishing your blog to Kindle? I for one would be interested in subscribing.

  6. Please do. HuffPo, (spit), KOS, (spit), Insty, and Malkin among others publish.

    I’m currently subscribed to the Heritage Foundation Blog. It appears every morning as new material on my Kindle when I sync it.

  7. I would SO subscribe to Neo on my Kindle! Much easier to read than my dinky phone screen.

    Now, if only Amazon could (or would?) figure out how to let users lend and borrow (from library) books, the way I understand the Nook does. I am not enamored of the Nook; I don’t like the little colorful strip of book covers, pretty as it is, and I like the Kindle’s “controls” better. (I am an inveterate Kindlephile.) But these features – they’re potential Kindle-killers, I think!

    Going over to Amazon to get a new book now!

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