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More on Missouri — 92 Comments

  1. I’ve got to think all of this craziness is good for Creighton, St. Louis and Rockhurst. Clear thinking parents in Missouri will want to send their kids to sane Jesuit schools rather than be subjected to such insanity in Columbia.

    I’m so parochial. For me, it is almost always about Creighton.

  2. When I saw that Yale female student screaming my first thought was she got my daughter’s admission slot. Then I realized my daughter is at a better school as she is away from all that craziness in New Haven.

  3. It’s moot isn’t it? Whether you run the university or the university runs you (out). In either instance the place, excepting the hard science departments, ought be shuttered, the real property sold, or, taking into consideration the damage done to the commonweal in general and ‘education’ in particular, burned to the ground and the embers scattered.

    from Breitbart:

    “Uninformed critics might argue that the Red Guards were a weapon of the Communist state, and not a genuine grassroots movement, but they’d be wrong: the Red Guards started out as a student movement on Chinese Campuses.”
    Afraid yet?

  4. The groups that rule the schools are the women, the foreign students and wealthy students. thats that, and its the hated white males that are the target (jewish white males are a subset, see venn diagram). and so, they are to be exterminated once they are disenfranchised, demonized, and now, the group put upon the most since the late 1970s, has beaten previous records for suicide.

    my family is now exterminated by this process, i will never have a home, nor anything like that despite what is a good salary. they are nasty, and there is not anythig to do with people who act like nazis accusing jews of all the worlds ills, and there is only one ending to this unfortunately common story.

    i hope my ghost gets to see the women who decided to exterminate themselves figure it out, as its going to be interesting to respond: and what would you have the ghosts do? they are shades with barely the ability to move a penny, let alone respond

    bed, see bed, lie in bed…
    rinse repeat as often as needed.

  5. Clearly the alleged incidents at Mizzou (which in a sane world would be considered minor, and not something that the University could actually do anything meaningful about in any case) are merely a pretext for attacking the main source of progressive/racialist grievance – the continued existence of even a hint of “right deviationist” thought in the university. Hence the demands for self-criticism and obeisance (kowtowing?) before the PC altar. At Yale the students even managed to pull off a few impromptu public “struggle sessions” (although Mr. Cristakis, to his credit, refused to humiliate himself.)

  6. [this one lays out the history from 2002)
    The Feminization of American Culture – New Totalitarians

    [this one shows the process in which no matter how much you give, how slanted it becomes, its described the opposite of what it is, so it never ends and there is never any propriety or fairness]
    Social justice journal
    Editorial: Feminism and the Social Control of Gende

    and this one details part of the proccess.. in which only fraternaties are evil. and tries to redefine maleness in their terms as something to impose and force on people (ie. totalitarian)

    The feminization of America accelerates as universities shame men for being men

    and from the brussels journal which shows that people knew what would happen as far back as 18 years before the summer of love, and the destruction of morals (to which then the left is more frustrated that people are more amoral and so, much much less utopian – so they have to blame the group on the out for it)

    World Without Men: The Forgotten Novel of Totalitarian Lesbiocracy by Charles Eric Maine
    [edited for length by n-n]

  7. Proven once again that intimidation works. Now this generation has its own example and precedent. Watch out. It is going to get nasty, or rather, nastier.

    I hope my grandchildren come through the college experience with their perspective entact. The boy is in a Christian college, so there is little concern. His twin sister is in a very small university, and is aiming toward liberal arts. Fortunately, since the school also specializes in the health professions, many of her friends will have a reality based view.

  8. Maybe this phenomenon contains the seeds of its own destruction? I, for one, certainly hope so.

    One question I can’t help but ask: Where are the adults on these campuses? God, what a waste of money….

  9. I’m not blaming this outrage specifically on Barack Obama, but I am angry all over again that Obama has squandered a huge opportunity, as the first black president, to bring a healing presence to divisive racial issues. Although I opposed him and his politics, once he was elected I was naé¯ve enough to believe he could encourage racial understanding. Instead he’s been an aggravating influence, and racial conflict is the worst it’s been in decades.


    In the letter and at the press conference, Tim Wolfe must acknowledge his white male privilege, recognize that systems of oppression exist, and provide a verbal commitment to fulfilling Concerned Student 1-9-5-­0 demands

    We demand that the University of Missouri creates and enforces comprehensive racial awareness and inclusion curriculum throughout all campus departments and units, mandatory for all students, faculty, staff, and administration. This curriculum must be vetted, maintained, and overseen by a board comprised of students, staff, and faculty of color.

    V. We demand that by the academic year 2017-2018, the University of Missouri increases the percentage of black faculty and staff campus-wide to 10%.
    [and people dont believe me that i can never have a raise, now my wife is barren and we may be homeless in a year or so… ]

    for the most part, its a program to force racial outcomes overtly without any regard to antyhing but evil white males… [and people wonder why sweden is now the capital of the world in terms of what?]

  11. “important: the protesters and their supporters aren’t even remotely interested in questions such as cornhead’s, or the concept he’s getting at. They are interested in establishing and underlining the collective responsibility of members of races and classes of people they perceive to be their oppressors, and they are interested in zero tolerance.” neo

    Principal says standardized testing is ‘modern-day slavery’

    “In an online rant, a Bronx public school principal has likened standardized testing to slavery, redlining and crack cocaine in damaging the lives of minorities.

    “Public school high-stakes standardized testing is a form of modern-day slavery, and it is designed to continue the proliferation of inequality,” Cornerstone Academy for Social Action Middle School Principal Jamaal Bowman says in an Aug. 31 blog entry titled “The Tyranny of Standardized Testing.”

    “America was born of horror for black people and that horror continues today for brown and poor people as well. Slavery, Jim Crow, redlining, crack cocaine and now standardized testing were all sanctioned by the American government. All designed to destroy the mind, body and soul of black and brown people.”

    Anything to avoid the truth. It’s become a societal pathology among the majority of black people.

    As an inculcated cultural value, education is rejected by black urban culture and Hispanic culture neglects education, while Asian culture emphasizes it, is an inconvenient truth. One to be denied at all cost.

  12. carl in atlanta:

    Most of the adults were phased out or driven out of the university long ago. Some of them have established enclaves in the few remaining conservative universities, or in certain scientific disciplines. Other than that, the atmosphere has become so toxic for them at most universities that they’ve self-deported, as it were, or simply aren’t hired in the first place.

  13. If I were POTUS I’d nuke the Department of Education and terminate with extreme prejudice all Federal student loans. Then as an encore, kill research grants to all but the physical sciences, biology, and medicine. The liberal arts departments seem to have become so degenerate that they are a net negative contribution to human knowledge and deserve no support outside what a university can afford from its endowment. If that means that the arts faculty cuts each others throats fighting for survival, well maybe they will leave everyone else alone instead of peddling their totalitarian fantasies.

  14. The Nazis are back, and this time they’re black.

    It’s been a-coming, we’ve seen it coming, and we’re surprised?

    Blog away and do nothing.

  15. Wow; it’s been almost sixty years now.

    The President of The University of Maryland was Wilson Elkins, and UMd was experiencing a wave of leftie demonstrations in College Park. The lefties had their predictably usual demands: blah, blah, and the predictably usual blah.

    They demanded an audience with President Elkins. They got it. They presented him with their demands. He listened.

    Then he said, “okay, I resign my presidency; now what?”

    I only wish I’d been there to see the look on their imbecilic leftie faces instead of reading about it in the campus rag.

    His point, of course, was that his resignation (which was rhetorical; he did *not* actually resign) was merely a juvenile foot-stomping and he called them on it.

    And the rest of the story?
    In the words of that era:
    Ob-la-di, ob-la-da,
    Life goes on, braaa.

  16. It’s straight out of the Frankfurt School tool box.
    “The Frankfurt School’s studies combined Marxist analysis with Freudian psychoanalysis to form the basis of what became known as “Critical Theory.” Critical Theory was essentially destructive criticism of the main elements of Western culture, including Christianity, capitalism, authority, the family, patriarchy, hierarchy, morality, tradition, sexual restraint, loyalty, patriotism, nationalism, heredity, ethnocentrism, convention and conservatism…. This campaign, in turn, provided a basis for Political Correctness … to overthrow the prevailing social order and usher in social revolution based on cultural Marxism. To achieve this, the Critical Theorists of the Frankfurt School recognized that traditional beliefs and the existing social structure would have to be destroyed and then replaced.”

    Black Lives Matter and now this. It’s an echo of the things I heard on campus as a Navy recruiter back in 1967.

    The best medicine is to call it out for what it is. Then mock it. Public figures and pundits on the right should speak out about this very clearly. When people understand that this is not a bunch of victimized students but well-trained agitators who are using callow students as useful idiots, it should make them sit up and take notice.

    IMO, the Universities are headed for a reality check if they don’t stand up to these people. As Instapundit says, “What can’t go on, won’t.” Parents will start sending their children to schools where this crap is not acceptable. And that will destroy the business model of the universities. Well, maybe it’s not all bad.

  17. Frog:

    Who’s surprised? Nobody here seems the least bit surprised.

    And what’s this “blog away” business? I’m a blogger; this is my blog. Why are you reading a blog and commenting on it if you don’t think blogging has any value?

    I would ask you what you think should be done instead, but I suppose I’d have to delete your answer.

  18. Here’s what I’m talking about. From Mike Adams, a professor at UNC – Wilmington:
    “Let’s get something straight right now. You have no right to be unoffended. You have a right to be offended with regularity. It is the price you pay for living in a free society. If you don’t understand that you are confused and dangerously so. In part, I blame your high school teachers for failing to teach you basic civics before you got your diploma. Most of you went to the public high schools, which are a disaster. Don’t tell me that offended you. I went to a public high school.”

    Read it all: http://townhall.com/columnists/mikeadams/2015/08/28/get-out-of-my-class-and-leave-america-n2044785/page/full

    Go Mike!

  19. ” captain * arizona Says:
    November 9th, 2015 at 6:36 pm

    why should black ball players make money for racist institutions.”

    Although I would hope that it is TIC, I see no indication that the above statement–there is no question mark–was intended to be anything but serious.

    I attended a Southern University during segregation. We had scholarship athletes in all major–men’s–sports. The opportunity to get an all-expense paid education while playing a game was considered a privilege and a significant benefit. (Of course not all took advantage of the educational opportunity. After the school was integrated, many felt it was past time that Black boys, and finally girls, had the same educational opportunity. Less than a life- time later it has evolved to the attitude that Captain*Arizona just expressed.

    Unfortunately, that attitude has become one of the mantras in recent years; idiotic though it may seem. It is one reason I favor divorcing big time athletics from Universities. Eliminate the hypocrisy and pretense of faux student-athletes. Make them minor pro-league, and let the Pros pay the University for the use of facilities, and possibly the brand name. The money could be used to fund sports performed by actual student-athletes (as football and basketball programs now do, Arizona).

    Of course, I am sure no one believes that this has anything to do with sports. The football team simply became the lever, or wedge. (Perhaps fittingly, I recall without fondness a Marine sergeant that we dubbed Sgt Wedge (in private) because the wedge is the world’s simplest tool.)

  20. I would guess there are some wealthy alumni (white males) and legislators who are quietly making some phone calls to the university system leaders to tell them the purse strings are closing if this craziness does not get sorted out.

  21. From a distance, I find the whole thing so sad and ludicrous. What do these students think is going to happen now? Are they going to demand that they hire a black person as president? Okay, and then what? How will that change anything they perceive going on in their lives. The president of a university is not there to stroke your egos and acknowledge your silly grievances…but, hey, good luck with the next president. I’m sure he’ll totally change everything going on, which is nearly 100% student-driven and not controlled by the president.

  22. Cornhead: “I’ve got to think all of this craziness is good for Creighton, St. Louis and Rockhurst. … I’m so parochial. For me, it is almost always about Creighton.”

    Martin Niemoeller, of course:

    First they came for the Communists, but I was not a Communist so I did not speak out. Then they came for the Socialists and the Trade Unionists, but I was neither, so I did not speak out. Then they came for the Jews, but I was not a Jew so I did not speak out. And when they came for me, there was no one left to speak out for me.

    As always, then and now, there and here, the activist game is the only social cultural/political game there is.

  23. Neo:
    A) My “we’re surprised” was rhetorical.
    B) My “blog away” was not directed at you. Yours is the nidus on which the crystal is formed! My remark was directed at others, some of whose names I don’t recall…the man that talks about the “activist role” or something, as an example. My point is that chatter among ourselves is futile. Get out and do something! I have, and I will. Politically. As a very early Tea Partier, I have gone out, rung doorbells, campaigned, and worked to get a good man on our city council. That my stride has slowed consequent to poor coronaries is an inhibitor.
    I hate to see it all slipping away.

    If I respond to you, I start with “Neo.” If posted for general review, I just post. What I thought a blog was for.

  24. Neo: “And what’s this “blog away” business?”

    Frog’s comment seems to share an observation I’ve made about Right commentators in general that includes you specifically: correct diagnosis of Left activism, yet counter-intuitively, short on prescription for it, despite that usually, smart people understanding a problem leads those smart people to its solution. … Unless they’re preemptively rejected the logical and necessary solution out of hand.

  25. I work for a university and already feel like I’m required participate in an interminable number of training sessions on diversity, Title IX, sexual misconduct, etc. I am sure that’s the case at Mizzou and it’s common throughout higher ed. What would satisfy these students? That’s a rhetorical question, of course.

  26. neo-neocon Says: Artfldgr: I’ve already reproduced the full set of demands in this post.

    missed the post, and by the time i saw it later, too late..

  27. Frog:

    “Blog away” certainly sounds like it’s directed at the blogger.

    Many people here don’t just write. You can’t know from what people write whether they are active in the sense of politically active, as well. I’m sure some are. I’ve done those sorts of things, myself, at times.

  28. G6loq Says: I blame the parents who paid the tuition ..

    you been missing the demographic posts in which most of these people are from single parent homes and they got guaranteed loans for women and or minorities for the most part that their education cant pay off given the courses they took often do not translate to a useful position in a capitalist society.. which is why hillary is running on the idea of paying for them (since its mostly women and minorities who get the special treatment they deny they get)

    given that single mothers households are usually in poverty whether or not the husband they had or didnt paid support (if he wasnt wealthy to start with), they are up for pell grants, and others…

    and some of these things actually target the courses you think parents are paying for. so in some cases, you either go take african studies, or you dont go to college and get the courses that go with that.

    The TIAA-CREF Ruth Simms Hamilton Research Fellowship supports students engaged in advanced research in African-American Studies. The fellowship grant is available at a number of universities and colleges, including UCLA, Drexel University and the University of Iowa.

    due note that they are like the SBA in being gender neutral in language till you actually see what is required to get things, then you find out that students means the protected classes not unprotected classes…

    another code term is
    Historically underrepresented groups

    the Minority Dissertation Fellowship Program
    the Multicultural Advertising Intern Program
    Hyatt Hotels Fund for Minority Lodging Management Students
    American Society of Criminology offers it’s annual Graduate Fellowship for Ethnic Minorities.

    there are even programs and grants for older women who want to go back to college..

    Soroptimist International of the Americas funds the Women’s Opportunity Awards, which provide financial aid for women who wish to return to college. Applicants must be the primary financial support for their household, and must be returning to school to improve their career skills.

    its all these grants that help inflate the charges for the group that tends to have to pay for it and tends to get attacked for taking software engineering instead of social melieu of preindustrial yanomamo indian tribes and their competition and try to get a job in ny..

  29. Frog Says:
    The Nazis are back, and this time they’re black.
    It’s been a-coming, we’ve seen it coming, and we’re surprised?

    what i am surprised about is that the left made Charles Manson a man ahead of his time in terms of what he wanted to start, and ultimately what the weather underground was doing helping in the Nanuet mall brinks robbery. …

  30. J.J. Says: The best medicine is to call it out for what it is. Then mock it. Public figures and pundits on the right should speak out about this very clearly.

    ah, but you cant… doing so is considered hateful, and you cant attack a woman, and if you try to tell the other side you will be painted a racist…

    they are oppressed and the teachers have told them that the oppressed can never be the oppressor

    they are following what the feminists taught them.

    I feel that “man-hating” is an honorable and viable political act, that the oppressed have a right to class-hatred against the class that is oppressing them. Robin Morgan

    Let’s run it on down. White males are most responsible for the destruction of human life and environment on the planet today. Yet who is controlling the supposed revolution to change all that? White males (yes, yes, even with their pasty fingers back in black and brown pies again).

    It just could make one a bit uneasy. It seems obvious that a legitimate revolution must be led by, made by those who have been most oppressed: black, brown, and white women—with men relating to that as best they can.

    A genuine Left doesn’t consider anyone’s suffering irrelevant, or titillating; nor does it function as a microcosm of capitalist economy, with men competing for power and status at the top, and women doing all the work at the bottom (and functioning as objectified prizes or “coin” as well). Goodbye to all that.

    “Goodbye to All That”, 1970 in Going Too Far: The Personal Chronicle of a Feminist, p 123.

    whats going on now the feminist leaders were saying in the 1970s, we just forgot or never listened to what they were saying!!!

  31. K-E:

    On the contrary, the president of a university IS there to stroke their egos.

    Here’s an interesting quote from Bloom’s book (written in 1989):

    There [the students] were in those few elite universities, which were being rapidly democratized. And their political futures were bleak…providing only the prospect of having to work their way up in the dreary fashion of such contemptible persons as Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon. But these universities were respected, looked to by the democratic press and were the alma maters of much of the powerful elite. These little places could be seized, just as a polis could be seized. Using them as a stage, students instantly achieved notoriety. Young black students I knew at Cornell appeared on the covers of the national news magazines. How irresistible it all was, an elite shortcut to political influence. In the ordinary world, outside the universities, such youngsters would have had no way of gaining attention. They took as their models Mao, Castro, and Che Guevara, promoters of equality, if you please, but surely not themselves equal to anyone. They themselves wanted to be the leaders of a revolution of compassion. The great objects of their contempt and fury were the members of the American middle class, professionals, workers, white collar and blue, farmers–all of those vulgarians who made up the American majority and who did not need or want either the compassion or the leadership of the students. They dared to think themselves equal to the students and to resist having their consciousness raised by them. It is very difficult to distinguish oneself in America, and in order to do so the student substituted conspicuous compassion for their parents’ conspicuous consumption.

  32. the students are following

    An Illustrated Guide to the 5 Pillars of Liberalism

  33. A lot of conservatives already know what needs to be done. It takes some strategizing, but online blogs are not the place to do it.


    Recently some New Yorker put up signs mocking Hillary. That’s one simple approach to using humor to fight this fascist movement.

    In the spirit of Saul Alinsky, the Midwest Academy, and other “direct action” activities, even post-it notes can be used as tools for mockery.

    I hope someone can come up with good, easy to remember slogans. Laughter and ridicule can be great weapons.

    I’ve certainly been using the term “special snowflake” a lot recently to describe the childish females. Maybe there’s an equally good silly term to describe the blackish people looking for racism everywhere.

  34. Neo, that quote from Bloom is more than interesting. It is very valuable.
    But the only answer I have to the shortcutters is to say in a loud voice, “Hell, No!”
    We are not there yet. Will we ever get there? Do we really have to replay the history of the late ’60s? It will not be farce the 2nd time around, I promise you that. The furies are building on both sides.

  35. The President was cutting student services and academic programs and channeling that money to the football program in order to simply raise money –that’s some of, but not the primary, goal of the university –I can understand reasons for wanting him to resign on this, but the way it was done –casting him as a racist, was a means to an ends, and that was dishonest and shameful of the students — I mean a hunger strike –over cotton balls and name calling, jessus that’s a weakness of dignity. On the other matter again, Universities need to hire administrators with top academic credentials is a point I agree with, the hiring board and legislators –or however their process goes, they should have done that in the beginning, I see what they’re doing –it’s part of a wing of conservatives that wants to dismantle universities –but a fine line also needs to be drawn on political correctness to champion free expression, criticism for ‘everyone’ –not just minorities. Universities are places where you’re ‘feelings’ should get challenged in the process of breaking old immature anti-intellectual, solipsistic, pop-culture thinking in the pursuit of accepting facts, evidence –this is the wing of liberalism that needs to be placed in check too.

  36. The more easily triggered the tender youths and their cynical professors become, the more enterprising provocateurs look for ways to egg them on – just for kicks and giggles. The more the triggerees insist on blatantly false narratives, the more unrestrained chaos arises.

    Pity the moderate liberals who think they can live in the midst of such intellectual mayhem without becoming targets. They think that validating dishonest protests will mollify the savages. Instead, schools of triggered piranha descend upon them with merciless abandon. They voted for Obama. Now they become fertilizer.

    We smirked at Obama’s exaggerated stereotype of conservatives clinging to guns and religion and the mindless messiah-worshipping fools who believed him. As we near the end of Obama’s reign, with the chaotic fruit of his incitement rising around us, we ironically find ourselves edging ever closer to our guns and religion. It turns out he let slip not a description of reality as it was, but what he sought to bring about. Credit where due, he has been successful in polarizing American society beyond our worst imaginings.

  37. OWH reports that grad student hunger striker is from Omaha.

    Really, really glad he didn’t go to Creighton.

  38. dominiquewilkins21:

    Posting with the website of the real Dominique Wilkins (if wikipedia is correct). Could it be? Wikipedia for those who don’t know that Dominique Wilkins is an NBA Hall of Famer.

  39. read somewhere else that Ayn Rand wrote of the last wave of student protests that the purpose was to get people accustomed to mob rule. Sorta clicks neatly IMO. They’ll also teaching the rent a mobs themselves to turn out when called…..

  40. Mr. Frank: “I would guess there are some wealthy alumni (white males) and legislators who are quietly making some phone calls to the university system leaders to tell them the purse strings are closing if this craziness does not get sorted out.”

    Remember the Ward Churchill (what a despicable faux Indian) dust up at the University of Colorado? Such alumni activity was what ended his job there. I was part (a very small part) of that effort.

    These universities have become beggars of the first order. When the begging bowl is empty, they have to raise tuition (and become uncompetitive) or cut salaries. Lord knows how hard it is for them to cut their salaries. So, taking the money out of the begging bowl is a powerful tool.

  41. J.J. Says: they have to raise tuition (and become uncompetitive) or cut salaries. Lord knows how hard it is for them to cut their salaries.

    nope, its very easy… only administration gets raises, the regular employees dont. you just refuse to pay them raises or compensations and then pay market rates when you replace them (losing expertise, etc). if they person is key, retain through counter offer, but only when they try to leave.

    if you stay too long, you are under paid and have a hard time getting a new place and can be trapped to which they use things like race gender, whatever to continue their lack of compensation except for management

  42. a clue to what they did to the kids ids

    If you want to create an illiteracy crisis such as the one we’re living through, you have to do two things. First of all, adopt ideas that don’t work. Second, you have to brainwash young teachers into thinking these flawed ideas actually do work. In this way, you can manipulate your teachers into doing a bad job but they never know


    This is the great swindle that people like Frank Smith and Ken Goodman pulled off and the Education Establishment promotes to this day.

    more at the link

  43. ArtfldgrsGhost @ November 9th, 2015 at 10:54 pm
    If you want to create an illiteracy crisis such as the one we’re living through, you have to do two things. First of all, adopt ideas that don’t work. Second, you have to brainwash young teachers into thinking these flawed ideas actually do work. In this way, you can manipulate your teachers into doing a bad job …

    Brilliant, illuminating rhetoric. Precisely on point.

    Kudos, artfl*….

  44. An excellent subversion of this newest of student ‘movements’ (much like OWS) is to egg them on to ever more outrageous behavior/demands. The more outrageous they become, the more a majority of people will come to comprehend the divisive destruction of these fascist zombies. Bring it on and encourage them to don their brown shirts, rap their vile hatred for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and sh*t on college greens. Proclaim occupy academia and let the crap show begin.

  45. Promethea: “A lot of conservatives already know what needs to be done. It takes some strategizing, but online blogs are not the place to do it.”

    I hope so.

    In my time as a counter-Left activist, finding competent activists among conservatives was slim pickings.

  46. Why would any parent send their son or daughter to such an institution? It costs a small fortune to gain a degree. In many subject areas, it will have no value in the job market. Even STEM degrees are not as valuable any more because of the huge influx of H-1B Visa workers, as Michelle Malkin documents in her new book. Been there, seen that, at California’s largest healthcare company.

    The radicals from the 60’s and 70’s infiltrated and took over tertiary education and now they are getting their comeuppance. They destroyed academic standards, academic freedom, free speech and the rule of law on their campuses and now they are powerless in the face of racial grievance mongers, radical muslims, the LGBT activists, women’s rights groups, environmental extremists and the list goes on.

    A link via Instapundit to a confrontation at Yale. This is Yale?

    Parents are moving to home-schooling, charter schools and on-line schools to escape the Stalinist grip that the teacher’s unions have on public schools. We are starting to see the same thing happening in tertiary education. Courses offered by the greatest teachers in their field no longer need to be constrained by the size of a lecture hall. When millions can take the courses over the web, the old model of a university will start to collapse. This will be good.

  47. In Missouri the university had no choice but to support the black student racists since Jay Nixon the governor supported the student revolutionaries against the university president. This Democrat governor is the same governor who supported the false narrative of the rioters at Ferguson against the police. In this case the dancing bears have no choice but to dance since the state politicians have ordered them to dance.

  48. CV,

    “What would satisfy these students?”

    You could start with showing the most basic rudiments of a social skill. Most people learn not to return good faith for bad in kindergarten, but not our preening administrative class, basking in their own Enlightenment.

    Well, students, among others, have had enough of that. They want teachers with the balls to teach, and administrators with the balls to administer, not professional ass-kissers and smoke-blowers.

  49. “In Missouri the university had no choice but to support the black student racists since Jay Nixon the governor supported the student revolutionaries against the university president.”

    There were also several Republican state congressmen calling for his ouster.

    Reading this:


    the guy sounds literally retarded. It’s not just universities that have poor leaders.

  50. Pingback:Circling the drain in Missouri - BitsBlog

  51. Neo Says in original post:

    hey are interested in establishing and underlining the collective responsibility of members of races and classes of people they perceive to be their oppressors, and they are interested in zero tolerance

    They actually want powers invested in the position that do not exist, and so, want something they do not realize would be something they dont want.

    next time you see leftists squaring off with the police, remember the protestors are demanding more government from the people they are squaring off against!!!!

    the larger point is the complete disconnect between what one can do, and what one should do, and what one cant do.

    by making blind demands they create a false position that someone didnt do enough, without any regard for law, freedom, self responsibility, tolerance, etc.

    the organizers inflaming them know that what they are getting the kids to really demand is totalitarian powers without actually saying to them, only totalitarian powers can do this (not really but thats the idea).

    the SAME is done in the science papers as each paper has to be dotted with a demand for some form of intervention, a la joseph mengeles position, as he too wanted to improve outcomes for children in the future (given the state he was a part of which also thought itself an eventual goodness)

    do the kids really want leftist totalitarianism? if so, why do they believe that it would liten to them, improve things for them, and not line them up and shoot them if they cause trouble once its instituted?

    this is the big thought because if you go into the crowd and ask, do you want X, and X being more power to force compliance, you cant get them to accept that with that power, the beast may just decide that the people that created it or implemented it are not needed any more, and would threaten its survival once it did not comply (but having the power can remove them and so be safe from the counter revolution that comes when the revolutionaries wake up to what it really is that they are creating)

    then if you ask them, what would you do if the power WAS consolidated and the state had it and declared a one child policy and started grabbing women and forcing abortions and sterility on them. of course they would say, they would protest, to which you reply, what if they shot or put protesters in prison for protesting?

    they are basically acting like very large babies, who cry when something is wrong, but have no idea how or what to fix to make it right and want momma matriarchy to not only fix it, but make them comfortable, and so on.

    but will a full communist state put smile faces on their school lunches which recently are very unhappy face makers?

    do these protestors realize that they are creating the very thing they want to end because people dont want “that kind” to be anywhere near their homes, their busineses, their children, etc. as such selfish socially corrupt people are dangerous to a decent life and are loose cannons in which you have no idea which will even make up false stuff to be a part of a revolution.

    they complain about wacko gun men shooting people on campus, but what happens when they push it so far, its a civil war, there is no punishment, and very angry not so wacko counter people start picking them off and there is no one that can stop it nor even prosecute it?

    like a baby they do not care what happens next, they only care that momma matriarchy take care of them…

    but government is one ugly nasty hateful mother

  52. PatD: Why would any parent send their son or daughter to such an institution? It costs a small fortune to gain a degree.

    you forget that most kids dont have two parent homes any more, and that schools and organizations provide scholarships to these craop courses to look good while removing a player from the field of competition (As they know the kid that accepts the money to go to take african studies, is not going to get a job unless its in state and there are WAY too many taking that course for the number of connected positions in state)

  53. i was remiss in adding that this was the point of feminism, the large wealthy families insuring that no family cohesion would create anotehr family that would compete with them, and their offspring (or havent you noticed that these people have lots of babies compared to the infertile people they create with their rhetoric?)

    families are the most dangerous power on the planet when cohesive… when you discuss great men or groups in the past, your talking families not singular people

    the hapsburgs were family, not one man
    rothschilds were a family
    medici family
    kennedies, family

    got it? but women are so dense and easy to manipulate if you tell them they are geniuses for being manipulated, and make it mean to say so, they will then not even guard against being used but will attack you for it!!!!!!!!!

    but think to what degree they have done so? white picket fences and retirement living with raising kids is evil, much better to twerk and have gang sex or even better lesbian gang sex, and carry desease, and wear undewear outside your clothes, and destroy your life fighting for a faux cause that would inslave your children (if you had any).

    think hard before you think i am against women, i am not, i am against women of politics making a totalitarian state that they cant control once they do so!!!!!!!!!!

    its not the same thing

  54. here is the funny point and i have asked it before, with none answering..

    what made the leftist caucasian leaders think that they could keep their positions and wealth once they made race the key and then imported enough people who will remove them for race issues once there is enough of them?

    does hillary really really think that the spanish will keep electing here once there is enough spanish race baiters to vote for? does she think that such people will let her keep her white privelege derived wealth if it goes totalitarian?

    the larger point is, why would they need her, or another, and what makes them think that their position will remain once they have removed any support they had?

    the president of this college sided with the things that created the force to negate his position, why does that not apply to pelosi? hillary? biden, obama, etc?

    the revolutions tend to go after the people who benefited and made money making the revolution!!!

    the only thing they have in their favor is that so far its been a slow one, and so, they thought they may die before the power changes enough that they become the target with no power base to oppose their being displayed from the light poles

  55. [i guess men are slowing down the move to totalitarian power, and so, must be silenced!!!!]

    Dem senator tells ALL men to ‘just shut the hell up’…

    Watch Sen. Claire McCaskill take a strong, politically questionable stand against mansplaining


    What topics should men just shut up about? Don’t worry: McCaskill had a list. An incomplete catalog includes “what women do with their bodies,” “who the next James Bond should be,” Star Wars, selfies, pantsuits, millennials, “Star Wars again,” all art, carbs, and turkey brining. But she did throw in a little consolation prize for men: “If you can control yourselves and hold back from further expressing your opinions on any of these topics, we’ll let you keep weighing in on marijuana legalization – but that’s a huge, big ‘if.'” Brave? Foolish? Funny? All of the above? Watch below. But perhaps we’d have a better sense if Stephen Colbert invited one of McCaskill’s male colleagues on to give his list of topics men don’t want to hear women talk about anymore. Anyone? Anyone?

    thats why i am no longer artfldgr, but a dead ghost, a shadow of a person, singing for the choir triumphant but missing the body…

  56. IF our present Executive Branch had ANY cojones, they’d send word that ALL FEDERAL FUNDS will be Cut Off as of Friday of this Week unless peace, learning, order and the President of the University are Restored.

    Baaaaaaa-Daaaaaaaaa-Bing!! Like Dat.

    But, of course, we have a chief exec who fully believes in this sort of Mob Rule. (*As long as it is By Race Mob-Left Mob Rule.*)

  57. Speaking in another thread,

    ” Cornhead Says:
    November 9th, 2015 at 3:34 pm

    When I saw that Yale female student screaming my first thought was she got my daughter’s admission slot. Then I realized my daughter is at a better school as she is away from all that craziness in New Haven.”

    Did you hear what the emotionally overwrought shouter was actually demanding? “This is about creating a home here!”

    I’d bet 50 bucks against ten that she has been in therapy or has diagnosed mental issues.

  58. Pingback:The Mess On Campus | Transterrestrial Musings

  59. ArtfldgrsGhost Says:

    “…thats why i am no longer artfldgr, but a dead ghost, a shadow of a person…”

    LOL. You do have a way with words.

  60. My remark was directed at others, some of whose names I don’t recall…the man that talks about the “activist role” or something, as an example. My point is that chatter among ourselves is futile.

    Eric wasn’t blogging, he was making comments on somebody else’s blog, except in cases where he actually linked to an article Eric wrote.

    The old generation often thought web blogs and other bastions/monasteries online, were useless because of “echo chamber” or something else they wanted to call it.

    They, often wise, have no real clue what’s going on or what C4 is being utilized.

  61. NeoConScum Says: IF our present Executive Branch had ANY cojones, they’d send word that ALL FEDERAL FUNDS will be Cut Off as of Friday of this Week unless peace, learning, order and the President of the University are Restored.

    ah, but then the outcome would be similar to when they tried to block the debt limit raise. AND what will happen is that every one of them will be called out as a racist kkk member protecting their own for the reasons of white (male) privelege

    the ONLY people who can fight a battle given the 50 years prep to telling you how to think, is the group involved… so blacks have to police blacks, and women have to oppose women, and lgbt have to oppose themselves.

    without that, they will get the final communist state, and lo the surprise on their faces will be interesting when they find that they are not needed any more and the new boss will destroy them if they dont shut up and go home and accept what they made and cant reverse.

    its really that simple as most of the requests to do something would have to be fulfilled by white males (jewish or not), and if they do act, they lose.

    heads they win, tails they win…

    get used to it as no one was willing to learn the tactics, and invent counter moves, but WERE very willing to chit chat, complain that the comments were not entertaining enough, and so on…

    so not only did they miss the years before they came together to chit chat, but they also lost all the years that they have been commenting as far as learning methodology, purpose, history, counter moves, etc.
    [edited for length by n-n]

  62. The resistance against the Left in 2007, was insufficient to field enough of a counter force. Which required waiting, for the critical mass or the trigger or 100 WACOs as I once wrote.

    These days, it actually looks more optimistic, not less, to me. Then again, the more horrible things get, the calmer and funnier I get as well.

  63. neo-neocon,

    Thank you for taking the time to write this post (and it’s predecessor). For some reason this event has me rather stunned. You wrote once (at least once) about fatigue. You had reached a point with events that you were feeling overwhelmed. I have reached that point more than once in the past several years. Earlier today I went to my own blog and asked if anyone could explain to me what had happened, is happening, at the University of Missouri. It literally makes no sense to me.

    I can’t form an opinion because I cannot comprehend it. Although, unlike a lot of other stuff that goes on at a University like particle acceleration and medical research, everything I read is well within my educational level of understanding; I am comletely confused by this.

    I would chalk it up to young people doing silly things, but I have a gut feeling that this is something very important, or consequential. Yet, as I wrote, I can’t begin to understand how or why. Seeing that you wrote two posts on the topic, and seeing the number of comments on both, as well as reading them, has at least given me comfort that I’m not alone in my feeling that this is a big deal (although, unfortunately, even after reading your posts and the comments I still don’t have a clue what is going on).

  64. Rufus Firefly:

    I share your gut instinct that this is very, very important. I will be writing more about it. At this very moment, I’m composing something.

  65. it is not J’Adoube, the king has been knocked over, and the queen rules… any move you want to make is guarded or rather each piece guards each other… so the bishop of feminism guards, the rook of racialism, and the knight of LGBT…with lots of expendable pawns to get in the way..

    unless you remove the lynch pin, nothing you do or suggest will work as the response will negate any cogent action other than what such a structure allows.

    so to act, if your not one of those pieces, is to be jumped and negated. only one of those pieces can oppose that same kind of piece in this game.

    if white men act to negate feminists wacko stuff, they are patriarchal and evil and prove robin morgan and the other feminists who say they are the ones that made all the ill of the world for all groups other than themselves. if they try to fix things among the black community, same game, and so on.

    the seeds of this go back to the 1970s, where such pieces were put in place, once in place, they prevent ANY action by the opposition unless it wishes to try to weather the storm – but since it does not enjoy the support (power) the others do, they would be crushed.

    we have entered end game, and once you get to checkmate in X moves, there is nothing to do!!!!

  66. Thank you, Neo. This is indeed very important. It’s a watershed moment. I can only hope that the #BLM crowd has finally overreached and that the 2016 elections will be not just a wave but a red tide of 1972 and 1984 proportions. I was a registered Democrat and a leftist for 40 years. That experience was invaluable for understanding the totalitarian mind.

  67. Rufus Firefly Says: I would chalk it up to young people doing silly things, but I have a gut feeling that this is something very important, or consequential.

    think of it as young people being used by older people, and the children of older people.

    Age and treachery wins over youth and enthusiasm

    you know this by the symbols, the signs (look to who prints them), the quotes that sound verbatim and the sources of the “studies” courses that started with “womens studies” (ie. instututionalized feminism)

    feminism is not equal to everything good with women… far from it, it steals credit for what women do, negates the person, and dictates positions regardless of women, but mostly for what the feminists said they wanted, a communist state, which makes them a front group.

    its THEY who defined being against feminism is being against women, as if women were all lesbians (as the recent study declared, and wiggins said), or that all work and such for women came from their protests which it didnt, and that if your against the front of communism, your gainst women.

    NONE of that is true at its foundations..
    though shalt not question the dictators for which there is no alternative power… ie its monolithic with contradictory positions all around it making it meaningless other than it has the power these groups lose by being part of it.

    look to the history, whats going on now, is what was going on and failed in the 1970s… charles manson could not start a race war against police by killing a few capitalists and writing pigs on the wall and blaming blacks… the nanuet mall brinks robbery did not succeed so the weather underground did not get to fund the black national socialists for their race war… and that seemed to be that but they entered colleges, and columbia, long taken over by frankfurt school, and others then ligitimized the new teachers concept

    with the teachers union, under the control of the communist party, being the largest entity donating to politics!!!!!!!!!!

    American Federation of Teachers gives $348,050 to conservative rinos, but gives $69,987,011 to leftist communist politicians

    Fourteen of America’s 25 Biggest Campaign Donors Are Unions

    but since you cant talk negatively about these things, and for some reason, freudian slips and psychology keeps getting points erased conveniently, then denied thats the reason, but the subconcious is a funny thing and everyone denies it rules the roosts. (except us magicians and honest con men)

    its not hard to understand whats going on, its just hard to expect to be told!!!
    you can read about the details and such, easier if someone shows you
    but to show others is to be deleted, cut down, told you hate X, and so on…
    even if not conciously intentional… its outcome is the same as if it IS intentional!!!!!!!!

    you can intentionally run over someone, or run over them by accident, in terms of response towards the driver, the reason matters, to the dead person on the ground, the outcome is equivalent. and in the game of information, dead on the ground is whats important, not intent… however, intent is the justification that allows dead on the ground!!!

    so it doesnt matter why the information goes away, even if its because i am not a good enough writer
    it matters that whatever is dead on the ground, is not available to those that would benefit from it.
    but thats not an argument that trumps the justifications… is it?

    and i am not a great writer, and over emphasise… so failure for a great writer to show up and save us will be our downfall, as mediocre will not do, and its better to lose the freedom we all have than to save it by suffering bad writing.


    hopefully this isnt too long and mediocre – though often it may not be read as there is probably a new post

    i wonder if neo can answer how one knows if ones actions are what one thinks, or what ones subconcious makes us think and act upon? [i only know how to game the machine, i dont know how the machine detects being gamed unless the game has little effect on them… like some people with handicaps that dont respond to the cues]

  68. Neo:
    “Breitbart was probably pretty much it.

    And he was a changer.”

    Par for the course.

    I say “counter-Left activist” as opposed to “conservative activist” because despite that the cause in question was a conservative darling, with a few valued exceptions, the actually effective activist members of my team were anti-leftist liberals.

    Perhaps these days, they would be considered changers because they were (and I presume still are) principled liberals and the ‘liberal’ classification seems to have moved radically leftwards since then.

  69. sad that we dont have an author that is good enough to state things succinctly enough to be heard and not cut down… i am way too mediocre to be that writer, and alas, get cut down all the time.

    i wonder if its ok we lose because we dont have that, and that is required by the readers and editors to even have the information transferred.

    i am not familiar with any books that express the idea that without the great orator stepping forward and saying things succint enough, the society must fail for lack of such!!!!!!!

    the closest i can get to is this:
    For want of a nail the shoe was lost.
    For want of a shoe the horse was lost.
    For want of a horse the rider was lost.
    For want of a rider the message was lost.
    For want of a message the battle was lost.
    For want of a battle the kingdom was lost.
    And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.

    for want of a great writer with the information…
    All is lost…

    the information itself is not enough!!!!!

  70. Poppabob:

    It is time to call this what it is, fascism. When I was in college (1950s)_ these Students would have been expelled immediately.

  71. The ongoing demolition of free thought and expression in our schools may be the “last straw” that kills off many of them. This insanity makes a great argument for online ed!

  72. ArtfldgrsGhost,

    There are plenty of brilliant writers and orators communicating the ideals you opine in every media imaginable; books, on-line, radio, television, self-funded documentaries, the pulpit, even University classrooms.

    I don’t think we lack information, or talented people to deliver it, I think, for the first time in my lifetime, we lack people able to comprehend it. Or, perhaps, they are merely willfully desirous to not hear the message.

    The videos of the students (and at least one “communications” Assistant Professor) at Missouri and Yale refusing to permit access to the Press or permit opposing ideas is very disturbing. The Yale video is most alarming for the reactions of those present when the young woman has her emotional breakdown.

    Todd Rundgren has a great song, “For the want of a nail” which is a modern re-telling of that tale. I highly recommend it.

  73. I am comletely confused by this.

    That’s mostly because your premises are wrong. Here are the new premise.

    1. The Leftist alliance is a unified hierarchy which wages war against humanity, and thus commands 2.

    2. They are zombies that lack human free will, since they sold their souls.

    3. They use mind control, so reason is invalid for finding out what they say vs what they do. There is no connection.

    4. They’re evil.

    So once people start accepting the new premises, they can begin to understand. Until then, they’ll be stuck on the spiral of being stunned.

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