Home » University of Missouri president Wolfe confirms the death of the university…


University of Missouri president Wolfe confirms the death of the university… — 36 Comments

  1. This is one of the craziest things I have ever seen!

    How is the president responsible for all theses actions of third parties?

    After reading the students’ demands, no wonder he quit. There was no way he could do all those things.

    Here in NE many fans want the AD and UNL Chancellor to resign because the new football coach has lost six games. Now that’s a real crisis!

  2. Ominous indeed. And not just because these social-justice storm troopers might make better use of their time by mastering the subjunctive mood.

  3. Forgot to add but in a recent “secret” basketball scrimmage between Creighton and Missouri, the Bluejays soundly beat the Tigers.

  4. I’m not sure why black students would have an issue witha swastika, the Third Reich was dedicated to the elimination of Jews. (I don’t support it, or think it’s appropriate, btw. Just sayin.)

  5. Tom:

    That’s why I said I’d like to know who the swastika was aimed at. The usual target would be thought to be Jews.

  6. As someone on another site noted in regards to demand #1:
    The university president had so much White Privilege that he was forced out of office by a mob of students.
    Yep, that’s my definition of power.

  7. There is manifestly a terrible racist climate at U.o.M. and the genuine racists — the footballers and their starving leader — have now won a great victory. Pity.

    Although, truth to tell, Pres. Wolfe didn’t belong in a job requiring a capacity to make a strong defense of an institution dedicated to learning as he evidently has no clue about that. This is akin to Obama’s evident disdain for the people who voted him into office: the mere fact of his election warrants his disdain.

  8. We should add this topic to the list of things our GOP candidates should be asked about. Who among them will end this madness?

  9. Great advertizing to make potential students think twice about taking on ten of thousands in debt to attend UofMo; unless one wants a degree in how to community organize a fascist mob.

  10. Given that well under 5% of PhDs in real disciplines (not ethnic or gender studies) go to blacks, Where are those 10% of faculty going to come from? The answer has been to steal black faculty from other programs. It’s a zero sum game.

  11. The Concerned Student 1-­9-­5-0 demands are too funny. But I see some inconsistencies and omissions. For instance, why would I as University president agree to demand #1 – essentially to comprehensively abase and humiliate myself – when they still ask for my scalp (sorry – trigger warning!) in demand #2? And really, to keep with the Maoist template, there should be some demand for a mandatory reeducation process for senior University administrators, perhaps a hitch on a migrant worker chain gang to purge them of remnants of bourgeois thought through healthy proletarian labor.

  12. The belief that young people are best taught by their own ethnic group is unsupported by any data and could be seen as racist. When the first batch of Cubans fled Castro and landed in Florida, their children were taught by Anglos. When the Hungarian refugees came to the U.S. in the Fifties, they had no Hungarian teachers. When the Viet Namese boat people came to the U.S. they had no Viet Namese teachers. All these kids did fine, and they have largely blended in.

    What black college students should look for is qualified faculty of all backgrounds. That would largely be the case at U of M.

    On the other hand we have many examples of black public school leaders cheating on tests or getting their hand in the cookie jar.

    I suspect that what the students are looking for is faculty who will cut them some slack.

  13. Identify the leverage, magnify it, and continue to push with maximum effort until you meet steel.

    Is this the analogue for the Columbia University surrender of the 60’s? The times just keep getting more interesting.

  14. In any socialistic system, eventually ALL thought, speech and behavior must be categorized as either forbidden or mandatory. Political correctness taken to its end state, being necessary to the survival of the State.

  15. The “fecal swastika” hearkens to “Christ in Urine”. Perhaps the same people or mindset that embraced the latter are responsible for the former. The fecal contamination may have been inspired by the days of Occupation, where progressive sanitary habits displaced spoken and written forms of expression.

  16. 45 years ago, I was a student at a small liberal arts college with vaguely leftist pretensions. Unfortunately, I fit right in. That spring, a bunch of black political poseurs took over the college library and demanded that a black library be established for black students. The administration responded by giving them a room in the library that had previously been devoted to contemporary fiction. In the grand scheme of things, this was harmless and did very little damage to the library, but it was the start of my losing respect for the college and becoming very cynical about leftist causes. Please don’t laugh, I was only eighteen.

    I’m sure I’m not the only one with memories of left wing political extortion in academia. These things seem to run in cycles, and it looks as if we’re in for few years of this crap.

  17. them a room in the library that had previously been devoted to contemporary fiction….

    Not a spoof!

  18. Cap’n Rusty Says: I’m starting to understand what Facism looks like.

    its communism, not fascism…

    their symbology, rhetoric, and such is more akin to the communists in Germany that lost to the fascists. both were against the dominants and the disproportionate economic holders.

    however the goal here is to reproduce histories bigger flows, as in the hapburgs bringing in lots of immigrants, a country losing its super power status, lots of fronts (racial, feminist, homosexual), tensions boiling, lower morals from a hedonistic period, etc.

    the point is to reproduce the more peaceful conversion of the state that the Austrian dude accomplished except to steer it to communism ultimately, with a detour to distract the folk with the scapegoat du jour.

    the way other states have fallen to socialism is not desirable in the likes of fully formed large economy nations with a well developed military system. attack them and you get people to get together more than you divide them.

    so things look like fascism, as that was the systems method to changing a state that is collapsed economically to a left socialist state in which its a very short hop to the next step from their

    without the trappings and visuals of the past, its hard to see what it is, as in the west we are not historically educated in knowing them both in the prewar period and also postwar for the most part (while we think we know the war period by the shallow depictions that leave out substance)

    ideologies and proponent are quite practical and will use whatever works even if the opposition is the one that realized it first.

  19. The Left’s brown shirts, the SJWs, seem to like making up false flag operations as well, to intimidate people and get them fired. And it works.

    These days I don’t even read Leftist propaganda, because there’s always an underside, a shadow, that they are hiding.

  20. I bet a lot of companies will start thinking twice about hiring University of Missouri graduates. What company wants the temper tantrums and the law suits that come with these hires?

  21. We are in a race war. Right now it is mostly a “cold war” with violent skirmishes. Who can say what will trip the wire? Or when?

    Mizzou has about 35k students, and less than 10% (7%) are Black. What do the others who are paying through the nose for an educational experience think? What do the taxpayers who support this cesspool of spineless capitulation think? When will they demand value for money?

  22. It is truly magnificent to witness how our Historic President has transformed the country as predicted, ushering in The Age of Racial Harmony, a time of unprecedented sympathy, fellowship, goodwill and cooperation between American whites and blacks.

  23. Next black students will demand free tuition, room and board, and books, $10,000/mo stipend AND a $250,000 graduation gift because … fairness.

  24. Step 1 – CXL football for the remainder of the season

    Step 2 – revoke protesters athletic scholarships

    Step 3 – Suspend football program

  25. I read Allan Bloom’s book when it first came out. You can get a pdf download of it free off the Internet. Things have only gotten worse. We now have English literature degrees that do not require Shakespeare or other of the great writers. Those writers have been superseded by “Critical Theory of something or other” by some author who will soon be forgotten.

    We are creating a storm front of Social Justice Warriors. Vox Day recently release a book “SJW’s Always Lie”. When these SJW’s create a twit storm, never apologize of resign. There is no forgiveness. They want scalps and a sense of victory. That only encourages the SJW’s to find and attack a next victim. Fight back with everything you have.

    Wolfe did everything wrong (although it is possible he just didn’t want to deal with the nonsense. It is draining.). What he should have done is attacked. Put the coach on a short leash: show up Monday for practice or clean out your office. Any player who boycotts practice is immediately removed from the team and any scholarships rescinded. If there are not enough players left to field a team, then cancel the season and rescind all football scholarships. The only way to defeat these twits is to not negotiate and take strong action. Who was the President of the University of California at San Francisco who did just that and ended the revolts and protest there in the late 60’s? That was a success. Most other pathetic responses were failures.

  26. I got a couple of degrees from Mizzou long enough ago that this stupid protest won’t affect me. Back in the 1980s South Africa was the cause du jour – “WHAT DO WE WANT?? DIVESTMENT!! WHEN DO WE WANT IT?? NOW!!!” (Snooze.)

    The kids involved in this current debacle don’t realize that the loud whistling sound in the background is the plummeting value of their MU degrees.

    But hey, they’re down with the struggle, even if they have to make one up.

  27. But hey, they’re down with the struggle

    Maybe some of them have a career in porn and have been scouted by Planned Profit. They know which side their butter is spread on.

  28. Pingback:The Higher Education Bubble is Bursting Like a Festered Zit | The Universal Spectator

  29. This is the Chinese Cultural Revolution. When do the students get sent to farms to bring in the crops?

  30. I was once told “Why don’t you Jews just get past the Holocaust already?”
    It’s so odd to me that the symbol was a swastika and yet none of the Jews on campus (if they have any) are protesting.

  31. If only we could harness the energy from the perpetual self-grievence industry, we would all be better off than pinwheels and solar dust collectors.

    I am thankful I graduated back in 1991. I was in high-tech programs yet had friends who were in the arts, music, etc fields. It was dumb-founding listening to the garbage they spewed out then, I cannot possible imagine how a young adult today could possibly deal with this stuff.

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