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That old HCR bait and switch — 10 Comments

  1. And… they changed the topic to racism instead of health care with the walk past protesters shouting, “kill the bill”.

  2. I remember, during the town halls of last summer, when left blogs complained about the volume and vociferousness of the opponents of Obamacare who refused to quietly listen to Congresspersons lie to them. The left impugned the motives of townhall attendees (saying: they have partisan motivation, only) who were legitimately concerned about Obamacare, who believed Obama and their Congressional reps were lying to them, who believed the fix was in at the townhall meetings in order to prevent their voices being heard and in order to prevent their questions being addressed. The 2009 town hall attendees saw action which looked, walked, and quacked like bait and switch. For protesting the looming bait and switch in the best ways available to them, the town hall attendees were excoriated as hypocrites, racists, partisans, ignorant buffoons.

    Example of leftist accusing town hall attendees of various ignorance and hypocrisy: http://dissentingjustice.blogspot.com/2009/08/ok-kids-protests-good-disrupting.html#comments

    I don’t recommend reading that blogpost. I just wanted to back up my assertion that left bloggers were superciliously writing such things.

  3. In less than five months many of those who voted for this bill will be punished. The important question is when will there be enough votes to repeal HCR, FR, Energy Reform. and all the other reforms and stimuli that merely give more unwarranted control to government.

  4. It was a bait and switch except for the fact that we never actually bought the higher priced item.

    It’s kind of more like the bait and switch on “The Princess Bride,” where Vizzini switches the goblet on Westley by diverting his attention with “oh look!”

    And that’s about how subtle the schtick from Pelosi Obama and Reid was. Just as in the movie, so, I believe, the ruse will fail.

  5. What is kind of noticeable is that the blog that SHOULD be getting the most attention is this one, not the other one. Is that a sign that many have forgotten the monstrosity, the unconstitutional poke in the eye, the “are you kidding” hypocrisy, the deals, the perfidy of it all?

  6. Opposition to the health care bill remains as strong as the week it was passed, close to 60%. If the House goes to Republican control, funding for the implementation of the bill can be denied. Repeal will take a new Senate and President.

  7. re Princess Bride and the switch of the goblets: all promises were poisoned; I have spent years becoming immune to the promises of politicians.

  8. “I repeat: none of this should come as a surprise to anyone who’s been paying attention.”

    Indeed; and as you pointed out, a majority of Americans were opposed to it, but of course Congrefs knows best. R-i-g-h-t…

  9. gcothorn: Very nice. I tried to work something like that in as I thought it was a very appropos part of the metaphor, but I couldn’t quite come up with something good. Your’s is perfect.

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