Home » Pigs fly, and the Times chides Obama on the oil spill


Pigs fly, and the <i>Times</i> chides Obama on the oil spill — 52 Comments

  1. When Jimmy Carter and Joe Biden begin to look more competent than Obama, you can be assured that we live in strange times.

  2. Good point, T. Also, it’s time for me to quit giving Barack some benefit of the doubt re competency, i.e. time for me to quit acting as if Barack might be competent and yet is merely failing to summon it. Barack is incompetent. Jimmy Carter and Joe Biden do not merely LOOK more competent than Barack: they ARE more competent than Barack. As someone, months ago, said about Barack: at this point, a Carter type presidency is a best case scenario.

  3. “45 days ago was the time for Mr. Obama to decisively show both. ”

    They need better editors, even me with my dyslexia caught that one pretty quick.

    They act like if he now steps up and does something we will all breath a sigh of relieve and give him his kudo’s for a Job Well Done. Too late, that bird has flown. Indeed, it would be hard to recover to even “incompetent” and shortly will be “massively incompetent”. Best case scenario is weeks out from a deployment.

    Bush was raked over the coals for not violating federal laws and just taking over (regardless of the fact the DHS – not FEMA FEMS is administrators). That was wrong. However I did agree that they should have had the resources prepare ahead of time, at least the first response ones. The delay in aid getting there hurt even those that took care of them selves (Mississippi) and showed why they are allowed to pre-mobilize assets.

    Of course Obama could not have pre-mobilized before the spill had he done so immediately (no engineer on the planet believed what BP was saying, plus there *should* have at least been an inspector *immediately* dispatched to verify), but they should have had resources going out withing 14 days.

    They still have not mobilized, if he gave the word to do so today there is a minimum of 7 days if everything works perfectly, 14 is more realistic and even that is speedy. So we are looking at the earliest anything is to be done is 70+ day into it spewing oil.

    Now just wait until the first major hurricane hits – its hurricane season now. That *is* going to be a disaster that reaches far past the gulf coast.

    This is why even the NYT can’t ignore it any more. They can downplay it – but can’t ignore.

  4. Waitaminute… Iran’s facing sanctions for its nuclear program finally and was involved in the “aid” (*snicker*) shipment to Gaza, North Korea sunk a South Korean warship, and this is what Obama needs to show competence and leadership on?

    Don’t get me wrong, the oil leak environmental crisis is very clearly a domestic concern and clearly one that Washington needs to deal with. It’s directly affecting Americans. It’s also something that’s taken place at a later date than the other two things, plus the Iran and Korean issues are also problems within the scope of White House leadership. Yet it’s this that’s singled out by the Times?

    For being a world-class, cosmopolitan city, New York does seem pretty damn insular at times, don’t they? Their public voice (the NYT) certainly gives that impression.

  5. The NYT publicly admitting, like Anthony Quinn’s character said of Lawrence in Lawrence of Arabia, that Obama is not perfect?

    Truly we are in the End Times, my friends.

  6. Just remember, an “incompetent leader” is an oxymoron; you can be one or the other but not both.

    But don’t be surprised when the water-carrying MSM reverts to reverence at the first possible opportunity. They have so much credibility invested in this man they will support him to the 7th circle of Hell.

  7. ElMondoHummus: the Times editors and other lefties do not really seem to believe in the threat represented by Iran and North Korea. So they don’t care if Obama shows leadership in those arenas. Or they agree with his policies on the subject.

    But the oil spill is different, as I mentioned in my PJ piece yesterday. It concerns an issue they think they, and the Democrats, own (the environment and energy) and they do not like what he’s done, or failed to do, regarding it. My guess is that his incompetence in that area is a deep embarrassment. It must be, to get them to criticize him in such a manner.

  8. Neo said “”We are not in the West Wing and Obama is not Martin Sheen””

    Yes we are sort of. Considering the MSM gets to write the narrative that a majority of Americans will accept as reality. These bad out takes we’re seeing right now wont make it in the final cut that portrays Obama as the savior of fishermen and fish.

  9. SteveH,

    You may be correct; only time will tell. Still, time has a way of bringing an objectivity that is sorely lacking in current events. Even the much maligned George W. Bush already looks far better as a president than he did when under constant attack from the left just 24 months ago.

  10. T,
    I have no doubt history will place GWB head and shoulders above Obama. I think history will also note the ass backwardness of the thinking during this new century, a result of leftist and liberals waging a war on competence and the unfair privledges it represents.

  11. The NYT tries to slip a lie past the reader.
    The dems/O had a veto-proof majority. There could have been no stone wall of republican opposition.

  12. SteveH,

    “. . .Head and shoulders above Obama,” remember, though, Obama has set a very low bar.

    I agree with your observation; we could be seeing a “righting of the ship.” These are particularly difficuly times, but it could be a purging of 40 years of anti-American liberalism. The unions are losing their influence with the electorate (and eventually with the Democrat party), the Texas School Board seems to be taking a more traditional approach to K-12 learning, etc. All in all, a series of coincidental events seem to be contributing to the left becoming unglued and unmasked for what is has been all along. This is a good thing.

    Now, how we come out of this transition remains to be seen. The Republicans didn’t learn their lesson earlier in the decade, let’s see what happens if they’re given a second chance.

  13. My guess is that his incompetence in that area is a deep embarrassment.

    neo, if liberals could be embarrassed, they’d have dropped dead long ago.

  14. Occam,

    I think it’s more along the line of a pre-adolescnet tantrum—“How dare you not give me what I want!!!”

  15. I have long disagreed with the premise that B.O. lacks competence. He only lacks appropriate experience and credentials to be a loyal POTUS; so that is not the point, he and his partners in crime (the entire Dem Party machine from the leadership at the top to the fools at the bottom) are eminently smooth operators. The neutral mainstream and Republicans have been guilty of the worst kind of naivete. B.O., and the “Party” machine at the top is and always have been dedicated left-wing ideologues, as well as political opportunists for the power, fame and money which comes with government and legislative service.

    I’ve always speculated that B.O. himself was a dedicated moslem-communist operative of the most treasonous variety, and everything that has transpired vindicates that observation. At some point a relentless investigation (by still loyal Americans), leading to a far reaching legal proceeding needs to be unleashed; the mother of all court cases to demonstrate clearly the long pattern of racketeering, fraud, lies and other associated misconduct, ending in the impeachment of the skunk (that is not intended as a racial allusion, so don’t try to go there) who occupies the White House, as well as his criminal associates. The Blago and friends case exemplifies what is possible. The constitution is not dead yet, Americans have just gotten sloppy…

  16. Perfected democrat,

    You and I will have to disagree here. You say it’s not incompetence, and that Obama & Co. are “eminently smooth operators.” If true, then the apearance of everything coming unglued would have to be part of some larger master plan.

    They may have been skilled as campaigners, and their success was in no small part due to an obsequious and compliant media, but as neo points out in her blog, when one is actually responsible for results, thats where “the rubber meets the road.”

    Obama and his team have continued their lofty campaign rhetoric but it now stands in stark contradiction to their actions. This is not the mark of smooth operators; a smooth operator will tell you to “go to Hell” and make you look forward to the journey. Obama, on the other hand, is claiming to lead us to Heaven while he drags us kicking and screaming every step of the way.

  17. Perfected democrat,

    I will, however, agree with you reagrding the naivete of the “neutral mainstream.”

    My thoughts are that most people simply want to be left alons to go about their lives. Thus, the golden rule–leave others alone and they will treat you the same way. The problem is that when one leaves other people alone, those that want to control your life have the opportunity to rise to power. This is exactly what we have seen with the creeping interference of govt in our daily life over the past 40 years, and it has now peaked (I hope) with Obama.

    We can only hope that the “neutral mainstream” is beginning to wake up to this fact. The Tea Party is a good start.

  18. Bush was derided for calling himself “the decider”, but what is abundantly clear is Obama is indecisive.

    General McCrystal gave him a plan to increase troop strength in Afghanistan, and it took Obama 4-5 months to decide what to do (during a time of war with military lives at stake).

    On healthcare, he let it flop around like a fish out of water for over a year – deeply dividing the country in the process. He didn’t put the full court press on to pass it until AFTER Scott Brown won making the bill impossible to pass using normal legislative procedures. So they resorted to subverting the legislative process and bypassing the conference committee and used reconciliation to pass it – which delegitimized the law in the eyes of many.

    Now with the oil leak he appears to have been frozen by “analysis paralysis”. He had no clue what to do, how to mobilze resources, who to consult, how to present it to the public, etc.

    The oil leak isn’t the national disaster. The national disaster is President Obama. The media may finally be waking up to that, but we need more than one mildly critical editorial to know for sure.

  19. The lame stream media’s angst over Obama is fair to view. Sure. It’s a morale builder, but their ranks have not fallen and the “boot on the neck” rises. For us. The boot is hidden in thousands of regulations.

    We face a determined enemy. Who is that enemy? The eerie images of Yeat’s “Second Coming,” set forth a spiritual dimension. He predicted “that something strange and heretofore unthinkable would come to succeed Christianity, something like a brazen winged beast associated with laughing, ecstatic destruction.


    The embodiment of that brazen winged beast is postmodernism, which could be defined as “why should there be anything at all!” A perfect fit for destruction.

  20. I’d say we’re all incompetent in 99% of human endeavors. The question is, is the person in a position that deals with the 1% he knows something about? In Obama’s case. No.

    He may be good at getting inner city grants and convincing some people he knows everything. But his competence does not lie in the job he’s in.

  21. From time to time, the term “cargo cult” is invoked as an English language idiom to mean any group of people who imitate the superficial exterior of a process or system without having any understanding of the underlying substance. The error of logic made by the islanders consisted of mistaking a necessary condition for cargo to come flying in, i.e., building airstrips, control towers, etc., for a sufficient condition for cargo to come flying in, thereby reversing the causation.

    The inception of cargo cults often is defined as being based on a flawed model of causation, being the confusion between the logical concepts of necessary condition and sufficient condition when aiming to obtain a certain result. Based on this definition, the term “cargo cult” also is used in business and science to refer to a particular type of fallacy whereby ill-considered effort and ceremony take place but go unrewarded due to flawed models of causation as described above.

    Wiki “Cargo Cult”

    one of the problems that comes from some mental disorders is that they create a condition where cheating is the norm (orchestrating and manipulation being a form of cheating as well).

    and if your make up is to cheat, collude, manipulate, and work “by other means” than merit and actual skill, then your going to develop a cargo cult modus operandi.

    marxists suffer a lot for this as they believe that this inversion of merit by power makes things happen. you can find this decrepit thinking model all over their works, and their attempt to prove their points despite being very wrong and such proving and pushing does great harm.

    they build big train systems thinking the reasons for not having them is no one is building them, but like cargo cult islanders, no one comes to their stations and airports.

    they think capitalism works this way, and that behind it is great collusion and some powerful quality of effectiveness, that like the material in transformers, will transform something into something else and it will work.

    to them its either money, non existence, or will that needs be created and things just happen from there.

    This is THEIR broken version of the invisible hand.

    if you look at what their ‘ends’ are, its a cargo cultists dream (meaning someone with that mental breakage). abusiveness in school, makes more of them. dumb em down so they cant tell what could work better, so they cant fault or fix what the cargo people do. exterminate by some means, even passive abortion changing demographics, the smarter people (feminism does great at this! more than anything else ever could). make us unfit to fight or protect ourselves, so we give up easy rather than mount an opposition (95% of age eligible not eligible otherwise!).

    the biggest sign of it is the denial of merit (equality replaces it), and how intentions count more than outcome.

    after all, if you were the native on the islance who got his people to waste farming and other time to build a huge airport, with a tower, and cocanut headsets, and tiki lights.. a la gilligans island… and they didnt have enough food or shelter, and you didnt want to get thrown to the fishes…

    you would foist the results to the intents…

    cargo cultists want you to focus on the intent…
    thank us for
    getting you to do X.
    taking the money to make Y.
    for building the thing that doesnt work

    it was all done for your own good

    do NOT blame us for
    your actions
    taking money from you, you wanted us to
    building what your not using

    this is why they think they can run a society as a command structure and with so many rules and regs and mill stones, and yet have it fly.

    aristocracy was painted to them the same way…
    the king decrees, and things happen…

    but even real kings were smarter than that

  22. There are too many “coincidences”, things may not always go perfect for the Obama regime, but almost every outcome serves the hard-left agenda; from the health care debacle to AGW, and everything in between, ie in the face of everything that was known within seven days concerning the oil well problem, the failure to mobilize an environmental protection and cleanup response, a qualified national emergency, as well as failure to immediately work with the several Republican governors of the most affected states, smacks not of incompetence but deliberate sabotage, especially factoring in the drilling suspension in lieu of the other, and the resulting economic hardship. The Dems have morphed into some American version of the Chinese Communist Party, they’re consolidating their power through sabotage in every way. It’s staring us in the face, people simply don’t want to believe it.

  23. I’m with Perfected democrat all the way on this. To call Obama incompetent makes at least a partial assumption (and I, myself, would go further than to call it partial) that what he wants is to be competent. He does not. If he decided to try to deal with these matters by flying different-colored kites on the White House lawn, he would be just as pleased with the results as he is with what he’s getting now. If he were to launch a flotilla of rubber duckies into the Gulf of Mexico, he would smile as he was doing it. This is because he KNOWS none of what he is doing will make things better, but instead will make them worse. That is what he WANTS. So, he’s competent in achieving his goals. We must not assume that he wants things to improve or to go in any way well, and that he’s just failing in achieving that. Look at how calm he is. Even his expressions of rage seem like put-ons. He wants to KNOW WHOSE ASS TO KICK???? And he announces that in as studied a fashion as he would employ if he were announcing that the band played (ahem) stupidlih at last night’s White House musicale.

    PFUI. I’d like to pinch his little head off and toss it to the winds.

  24. The brilliance of progressives was to mate a logic of failure with a methodology to gain power from that point. this as they were attempting to change a meritocratic system to a cargo cult system in which merit has no footing to compete against power declaring a shifting inverted cargo cult reality.

  25. In this particular post, I chose not to discuss the whole “Obama, fool or knave?” question once again. I am, rather, attempting to look at the issue of Obama’s competence from the perspective of the Times editors and other liberals, who actually want him to competently lead and help with cleaning up the oil spill and preventing more damage to the Gulf environment (as most conservatives would like him to do, as well—or, at least, to not get in the way of others who are trying to do so).

    At least, I am assuming that most liberals would like this. My liberal friends certainly would. Whether Obama would like to do it or not is a reasonable question, one I have asked myself.

    So, if you happen to be a conspiracy theorist, you then must get into the question of how many people are in on the conspiracy. The editors of the Times?

  26. Why does is the term”competence” even suggested? His actions on Honduras, Healthcare, towards Israel, suggests aggression; the act of attacking things he dislikes. The oil spill and BHO are on the same side. He was probably thinking I told you so little people.

    His actions may interpreted as incompetence but the pattern suggests hostility.

  27. On cue.

    Obama has to go. This conclusion stems not from Republicans, who are quite enjoying the stunning turnaround from less than two years ago. Remember, it was all over! No, this conclusion is from the forces behind the throne, and the herald is, as usual, the New York Times.

    I have thought there might be an assassination with a corresponding mourning nation and, well, you know, follow the JFK template. But perhaps the controllers need merely activate some “sickness” subroutine. But that might backfire. We might get a “petticoat” government, if one can imagine Michelle Obama in a petticoat. Remember that white/black spider dress? Oops, better not get you womenfolk off on fashion. I remember that blog.

  28. “So, if you happen to be a conspiracy theorist, you then must get into the question of how many people are in on the conspiracy. The editors of the Times?”

    Neo, this reminds me of Charles McCarry’s Paul Christopher novels. In these novels, the world of espionage is painted well (I don’t know, of course, how accurately) and engagingly. One of the essential tricks of the top spy’s Tradecraft is to find out what promising people really want to do, and to make it possible for them to do it. I think this may be at the heart of what would otherwise be a great, unmanageable conspiracy. Obama knows what all these organs of the Left, including all Democrats in Congress and the bureaucracy, the Academy, and the media, want: They want the triumph of Leftism, and they want to be the ones to bring it about. He has made it possible for them to do that. The fact that it is turning out to be so chaotic is a function of the character of Leftism: it is Chaos. It does not generate its own order. Even the controls it seeks to impose, and is in the process of imposing, on the rest of us, will be a chaotic tyranny. They do not need to participate in any sort of an actual conspiracy. They only need to have it made possible for them to do what they want to do.

    Well, that’s off the top of my head a bit, but still it seems to me to be at least a plausible explanation for what might otherwise appear to be unbelievably (in the literal sense of that word) complex and nearly impossible to carry off.

  29. if you happen to be a conspiracy theorist, you then must get into the question of how many people are in on the conspiracy. The editors of the Times?

    well, one is to understand that the term came up and was invented in the 60s… why? what were they talking about, only Kennedy? or the larger picture of why this person, or that person and what did it mean to moving politics and scaring others?

    If you read about the life of Elizabeth, you read about the conspiracy of several men who were thought to be trusted and were found out. to study history is to read about Stalin conspiring the death of Trotsky, Hitler conspiring to exterminate the Jews, Ted Kennedy conspiring with the KGB to beat R.Reagan, AGW ‘scientists’ conspiring to do all kinds of things, soros and his organizations conspire, and you think that barney frank doesn’t conspire but works completely alone by his own wisdom?

    with conspiracy also goes an invisible term we connect with it, which puts real trickery outside the mind. for if all conspiracies are silly, and not to be regarded, then what if you heard a few Arab men conspiring to fly some planes into ny buildings? its silly, no reason to discuss it, or tell authorities, who would believe a conspiracy. right?

    in this case, its a “conspiracy in the open”. no one is hiding it, or doing it as a dirty deal in back halls with deep secrets. which is the point. a movement is a conspiracy upon a population, it seeks to control how a group sees the world, and so it does not work in opposition to the world in complete darkness. it works in the open, changing minds, attitudes, playing on vanity, selfishness, all those negative things we can be tempted by.

    it reinvents meanings and perspectives, it disconnects populations. in the early days, it put people up with a form of payola. all one had to do was get a group of people to follow them to pick certain professors speeches and so on, or to buy a company and then skew what it does.

    but to answer the TIMES question…
    lets look to history…

    at one time the big financial giants of the mid to late 1800s, got secular religion and thought that if they could control society, look what they could do. Andrew Carnegie, JP Morgan, and so many with so many false conspiracy theories, and true ones.

    one of the semi true ones is CFR and Trilateral commission… depending on whether or not you believe that a small group of people can collude together believing they are doing social good and accept to all do whats needed, or you believe that its just a social club of elites, you still should notice the list of attendees and people who get to sit and discuss things (with similar elite progressive college backgrounds and minds who have read more of the stuff that the common man doesn’t read and for now still can be read)

    the whole science of social engineering is how to experiment on people to get them to do things (forgetting they are free and artificial inducements are part of a command society). there are whole colleges turning out people whose ideas are how to get people to act in certain ways, and i will emphasize that they rarely stop at discussion but feed into social movements which usually is marxist politics (or some subgroup in the open, or like fabians disguised. they usually have a disconnect between what they say they are and what they actually do which does not match that. after a while, or if you grew up with it, your desensitized to that mismatch).

    the teachers UNION voted that indoctrination was more important than education… back around bella dodds time when she was head of the teachers union, and head of the communist party usa.

    the thing about CFR is that even if they dont actually do anything, the arrangement of people and idea influence does. its not what the org says, its the mix of who meets who and who says what, and who is not there too.

    The earliest origin of the Council stemmed from a working fellowship of about 150 scholars, called “The Inquiry,” tasked to brief President Woodrow Wilson about options for the postwar world when Germany was defeated.

    yes, the guy that segregated us… that did all kinds of nasty race things. our first progressive president. he had prison camps, public works, inflated taxes, a mini depression… the inquiry was run by a man named edward house. house was the man who enormously influenced wilson.


    so CFR was born of progressive era big money power and their desires, which are what we are still being revisited by again.

    the conspiracy has always been mostly in the open. and thats mostly because the US is free and they have only been able to bury things by not bringing them up. they have not had book burnings. though they do artfully work to do equivalent ends under other umbrellas. like that law for health which says led in books and other toys and childrens things that requires their disposal. (or abortion which was eugenics and now is magically something else because they says so and we guard that redefinition).

    from wiki…
    House played a major role in shaping wartime diplomacy. Wilson had House assemble “The Inquiry”–a team of academic experts to devise efficient postwar solutions to all the world’s problems. In September 1918, Wilson gave House the responsibility for preparing a constitution for a League of Nations. // In the 1920s, House strongly supported U.S. membership in the League of Nations and the World Court, the Permanent Court of International Justice.

    In 1932, House supported Franklin D. Roosevelt without joining the inner circle. Although he became disillusioned with the New Deal, he did not express his reservations in public.

    and leading to your times question

    Through 1917—1918, this academic band, including Wilson’s closest adviser and long-time friend “Colonel” Edward M. House, as well as Walter Lippmann, gathered at 155th Street and Broadway at the Harold Pratt House in New York City, to assemble the strategy for the postwar world.

    so wilson, house, and walter lipman…

    Lippmann saw the purpose of journalism as “intelligence work”. Within this role, journalists are a link between policymakers and the public. A journalist seeks facts from policymakers which he then transmits to citizens who form a public opinion. In this model, the information may be used to hold policymakers accountable to citizens. This theory was spawned by the industrial era and some critics argue the model needs rethinking in post-industrial societies.

    Though a journalist himself, he held no assumption of news and truth being synonymous. For him the “function of news is to signalize an event, the function of truth is to bring to light the hidden facts, to set them in relation with each other, and make a picture of reality on which men can act.” A journalist’s version of the truth is subjective and limited to how he constructs his reality. The news, therefore, is “imperfectly recorded” and too fragile to bear the charge as “an organ of direct democracy.” en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walter_Lippmann

    him duranty and lots of others there isnt enough space here to list out.

    and all you have to do to know, is to know the history. not knowing the history is how progressives erased from the common mind their ideas. but their followers like a secret cult keep rising and keep plodding along (with big money behind them).

    Early on Lippmann said the herd of citizens must be governed by “a specialized class whose interests reach beyond the locality.” This class is composed of experts, specialists and bureaucrats. The experts, who often are referred to as “elites,” were to be a machinery of knowledge that circumvents the primary defect of democracy, the impossible ideal of the “omnicompetent citizen”. Later, in The Phantom Public (1925), he recognized that the class of experts were also, in most respects, outsiders to any particular problem, and hence, not capable of effective action. Philosopher John Dewey (1859—1952) agreed with Lippmann’s assertions that the modern world was becoming too complex for every citizen to grasp all its aspects, but Dewey, unlike Lippmann, believed that the public (a composite of many “publics” within society) could form a “Great Community” that could become educated about issues, come to judgments and arrive at solutions to societal problems.

    oh… and the father of american education and lipman are of one mind that the press and the elites should control the common public…

    now let me know if we have complaints about schools, the press, and all that?

    so is it a conspiracy to let you in on people who worked together but just didnt play up their higher affiliations? the meta names above what they are that we actually heard but thought was good since it sounded such?

    like “progressive taxes”
    or “progressive teaching methods”

    but by the time we had our second progressive president and his changes, we couldnt stand the term. by the way, the second progressive president also took part in a world war, had camps, eugenics, and other similar things to wilson…

    [today given our lack of history, we don’t realize that the socialist states tried to outdo the progressives the way they tried with lots of other things, like sputnick or free love, or social this or that]

    now that you know a bit of the founding minds, go to the page on CFR and look to see who is a member, and what companies are members..

    then it wont seem so hard to get which and whom are following lip[mans plan…

    and today.. how many could tell you who lippman is and what his ideas were without polish? is the info secret? no. but its part of the progressive movements games…. is it 100% transparent? no… but nothing really is… look out upon the city and note how many conversations are happening away from the rest of the world…

    i never saw it as a conspiracy..
    i saw it as history leading up to something

    the only people who called it conspiracy were those who didnt want you to read history and know what the ideas were that started things… do that and you might just discard the modern notion that bad things can lead to good things (and that there are no such things as bad things for those who cant do that).

    read history..

    “I am someone who is no doubt progressive” – Obama

    “I believe in a whole lot of things that make me progressive and put me squarely in the Democratic camp” Obama

    both in one speech.

    and if you dont know wha the progressives ALWAYS stood for, what they did, why they were hated..

    then maybe you wont notice how they are preaching social justice. when they are doing it now, its ok, but when father coughlin the nazi preached it and had a newsletter called it, it was bad..

    its what you notice and spend time in…

    every guard asleep at their post will cry trickery when the truth is they just walked in while you were sleeping (and still refuse to wake up to who they always have been)

    the more history you know, the less ambiguous they are, and a long time ago i said everything is hidden in ambiguity.

  30. Theres a better word than conspiracy to describe the Times. From freeonlinedictionary that even references newspapers.

    com·plic·it (km-plst)
    Associated with or participating in a questionable act or a crime; having complicity: newspapers complicit with the propaganda arm of a dictatorship.

  31. Follow Maureen Dowd, not for her insight, but for signals which way the mid-liberal conventional wisdom is going. She is not an original or a trend-setter in opinion, but she is an early adopter, and very skilled at sniffing which way the wind is turning.

    When she shifts, however, as she has on Obama, don’t regard it as anything permanent. She doesn’t have a center, just a remarkable ability to read the times. When she has forgotten this and is on to writing about how bad Obama’s opponents are, it will be a signal that the mid-left is starting to do the same thing.

  32. Obama and the press feed off one another. His lack of life experience and shallow education do not enable him to have rapid but solid gut reactions to events. He compensates by loud initial responses that appeal to emotions, ie, the blame game, the victim game, and feigned outrage and toughness. These responses are the very stuff of headlines and readership. As long as these are provided, the news business doesn’t care much about the olds, which is one reason there was so little interest in Obama’s accomplishments.

    What we have now is a situation where Obama’s newsworthy inept actions, outrage, and Chicago toughness haven’t been enough to relegate the oil spill to a paragraph on page 12. That damned oil is still there, clinging to marsh plants and driving up the price of shrimp. So now organs like the NYT have to find a way to deflect attention from their own inept assessment of Obama. There will be some criticism, some anger, and much advice, but very little searching for the root cause, which is Obama himself. I expect further coverage to spread the blame and confuse the readers. The Blame Bush and Evil Corporations memes will be pulled out as needed to avoid saying that they handled the Obama phenomenon wrong from day 1. Even if their anger is real, they won’t put their complicity on show.

  33. Hi Neo,

    If you look at the substance of the Time’s criticism, what you see is not that Obama failed to do anything, or that he picked the wrong things to do. They don’t mention the failure to suspend the Jones Act, or the sand sea wall he refused to let Jindal build.

    They only say that he wasn’t fast enough in doing the things that Obama wants to do. Like Kick BP in the head. “Kick BP faster – don’t wait until now, kick them a month ago.”.

    In essence, the Time’s is pretending to criticize Obama, but they are only really egging him on. It will make for a quick reversal to say –
    “ok, Obama has kicked BP hard enough – we like Obama again.”

  34. Notice that the NYT’s idea of what action Obama should take is not to DO anything — say, send deep-sea experts to the scene, get manned deep-submergence vessels on scene, buy more berm material, hire the Dutch, etc. — but that he should yell louder at BP and send in more lawyers.

    One pundit, I forget who, has identified these people as the “Arts and Humanities Tribe” – a perfect description. The closest they get to action is at a faculty meeting.

  35. Turn down the gain on your irony meters: one of the companies involved in drilling the oil well was…Halliburton!

    If you listen carefully, you can hear God chuckling.

  36. OB: Yes, I noticed that too. And Halliburton, when they’re mentioned at all these days, seem to be The Good Guys.

    Is that all it takes to make an oil company evil? That it have a close connection to a sitting Vice President?

    Or, alternatively, is an oil company automatically evil if it embarrasses The One?

  37. Obama deliberately worsened the effects of the spill, both by doing nothing when he should have done something and by doing something when he should have done nothing. Could h have done this to put more people on the dole?

  38. ”…he took office under an extraordinary burden of problems created by President George W. Bush’s ineptness and blind ideology.”

    I shouldn’t be surprised the NYT printed that, but somehow I am.

    Ineptness and blind ideology are the ONLY things the CURRENT administration has thus far demonstrated – Bush doesn’t even come close to equaling it.

  39. Obamanauts and other leftists seem to confuse whose fault this is with whose problem it is.

    Sure, it’s not Obama’s fault, but it is his problem. Anyone with a modicum of executive experience recognizes that scenario: you’re not to blame for causing the problem, but you’re sure as hell on the hook for fixing it. Obama seemed to think that once he’s laid off blame he was off the hook. No surer sign of management inexperience exists.

  40. Well technically none of these problems can be blamed on democrats. If they just had their utopian vision, the worst that could happen in America is a communal tribe’s tofu garden has an off year.

  41. the spill wasn’t his job, any more than the fire in Georgia described in “not yours to give” was the job of that president or congress…

    Statists think that the state can do ALL jobs
    (literally all jobs)

  42. the worst that could happen in America is a communal tribe’s tofu garden has an off year.

    Nah. No off years in soybean production once the Democrats sort out global warming. Bad weather will be illegal.

  43. Events as orchestrated by the traitor Obama and his close Dem Party comrades are no coincidence. They count on group behaviour, either fear and complacency to keep people going along with the most outrageous policies (ie Germany 1936), or indoctrination for active support (ie Chinese Cultural Revolution). Note this article with ominous association for our our own problems:


  44. Think it can’t happen here? Think again about the implications of the “bait and switch” with the HCR bill; and the ability of the traitor Obama to wipe out thousands of jobs (other drilling) instantly, predicated on the BP drilling fiasco, but actually not related at all.

  45. Ny times is run by whom?

    The New York Times Company (NYSE: NYT) is an American media company best known as the publisher of its namesake, The New York Times. Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, Jr. has served as Chairman of the Board since 1997

    and before Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, Jr. it was run by his father Arthur Ochs Sulzberger…

    and before Arthur Ochs “Punch” Sulzberger, Sr, it was run by his father, Arthur Hays Sulzberger who was a progressive and the key player of note.


    Arthur Hays Sulzberger

    At the top of the list is Adolph Ochs, the famous patriarch of the Ochs-Sulzberger clan that has controlled the newspaper for more than a century. At the bottom is Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, who was publisher from 1963 to 1992 and who is famous as the father of the modern Times.

    in it you will read about sulzbergers anti semitism… and he coming from a notable jewish family!!!

    Sulzberger was the son of Cyrus L. Sulzberger and Rachel Peixotto Hays (so the naming convention that feminists took upon was used previously by aristocracy, and so, common women would hide these other women, by having odd names like them)

    anyway… Benjamin Seixas was his great grandfather, and brother to the famous rabbil and american revolutionary Gershom Mendes Seixas of Congregation Shearith Israel, was one of the founders of the New York Stock Exchange

    Dr D.L.M. Peixotto was a prominent physician and director of Columbia University’s Medical College

    The Times soft-pedaled the news of Nazi atrocities against Jews while emphasizing Nazi atrocities against Czechs and Christians – a fact recognized at the time by the likes of Senator Edwin Johnson of Colorado, according to Ms. Leff. And by American Jews like William Cohen who, writing in the New Frontier of February 1942, said that Sulzberger was a self-hating Jew who had plunged “the dagger of betrayal in the back of the helpless millions of Jews who look anxiously to Palestine for haven after the war.” Or like Milton Steinberg, rabbi of Manhattan’s Park Avenue Synagogue, who said in 1946, “God protect us from the kind of Jew who publishes the Times.”

    Sulzberger wasn’t the only one at the Times who had a strained relationship with his own Jewish background. The influential columnist and Washington bureau chief, Arthur Krock, “was embarrassed of being Jewish,” according to a source quoted by Ms. Leff. “Of nearly 1,200 Krock columns published during the war, not one mentioned the Jews’ persecution,” she writes.

    so their behavior and siding on things is WELL known to history…

    and their being connected with lippman, and the CFR and its ideas of the press being more like pravda than benjamin franklins original ideas…

    how many know just this one tiny thread that covers volumes of history?

  46. And we fast forward to current events, with Obama and his “House Jews” eagerly complicit in the betrayal of Israel… Great background material Art, thanks.

  47. Ochs was born to German-Jewish immigrants, Julius and Bertha Levy Ochs, in Cincinnati, Ohio. The family moved south to Knoxville, Tennessee, due to his mother’s sympathies during the Civil War. Julius sided with the Union during the war, but it didn’t separate the household. Ochs began his newspaper career there at age 11, leaving grammar school to become an apprentice typesetter, known in that era as a “printer’s devil”. He worked at the Knoxville Chronicle under Captain William Rule, the editor who became his mentor. His siblings also worked at the newspaper to supplement the income of their father, a lay rabbi for Knoxville’s small Jewish community. The Knoxville Chronicle was the only Republican, pro-Reconstruction, newspaper in the city, but Ochs counted Father Ryan, the Poet-Priest of the Confederacy, among his customers

    when the discussion was about jews voting demograt or and why… we today don’t remember these others, who being rabbinical families, changed how their congregations voted.

    Soros is not strange among this company, he would fit right in.

    In 1884, Ochs married Effie Wise, the daughter of Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise of Cincinnati, who was the leading exponent of Reform Judaism in America and the founder of Hebrew Union College.

    and from reform judaism on wiki
    Reform Judaism refers to various beliefs, practices and organizations associated with the Reform Jewish movement in North America, the United Kingdom and elsewhere.[1] In general, it maintains that Judaism and Jewish traditions should be modernized and should be compatible with participation in the surrounding culture. Many branches of Reform Judaism hold that Jewish law should be interpreted as a set of general guidelines rather than as a list of restrictions whose literal observance is required of all Jews.[2][3] Similar movements that may also be called “Reform” include the Israeli Progressive Movement and its worldwide counterpart.

    every line leads back to the progressives..

    its amazing… but almost every place you start to follow a thread from some game.. you either get to soviets, or progressives.

    The World Union for Progressive Judaism (WUPJ) describes itself as the “international umbrella organization for the Reform, Liberal, Progressive and Reconstructionist movements.”[1] This overall Jewish religious movement is based in about 40 countries with more than 1,000 affiliated synagogues.

    ite REALLY WEIRD to read this
    The WUPJ states that it aims are to create common ground between its constituents and to promote Progressive Judaism in places where individuals and groups are seeking authentic, yet modern ways of expressing themselves as Jews. It seeks to preserve Jewish integrity wherever Jews live, to encourage integration without assimilation, to deal to modernity while preserve the Jewish experience and to strive for equal rights and social justice.

    so when you want to know why jews vote for such people as obama, its that they are voting for progressive leaders ideas.. if you know those leaders and their lineage and the rabbi’s.. you would know why they vote.

    but if not, then your going to make up all kinds of ideas that sound good.

    progressives rot from the inside out.

    and as soon as we equate the reality of them with what they do, they change their names…

  48. I repeat, and stand by, my comments made when Obama won the Dem nomination.

    “If elected, Obama will make everyone appreciate the towering mound of incompetence that was Jimmy Carter. He will replace Carter as the worst PotUS in US history.”

    ‘Nuff said.

  49. Obama more and more riminds me Aleksander Kerensky, the Head of Provisional Government in Russia in 1917. A liberal barrister, member of Duma, elected for his good manners, perfect taste in clothes and eloquence. Russia was falling apart around him, but he did nothing except delivering speeches. He had lots of opportunities to stop Bolsheviks and missed all of them. Paranoid about right-wing conspiracies, all of them imaginary, he failed to recognize very real left-wing conspiracies which sunk him and Russia with him.

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