Home » This is how you deal with hecklers: Cruz


<i>This</i> is how you deal with hecklers: Cruz — 33 Comments

  1. Kinda cool since the media tends to hide how out of wack these people’s understanding of history and reality is… once you do that it becomes a simple one person said x and the other said y / equal disagreement. When you let them talk; people can see the supporters of the deal are not on equal footing / are people they might find to be far out reality wise.

  2. yes, but how can i vote for someone who makes me require a translator to read his speeches… how will he represent me? same question of feminist fiorina, or clinton… i dont have a pudenda, so who will represent me… and how about the immigrants who came here legally having their labor diluted, who will represent them against the big money looking for cheap labor and the sell outs in congress?

    you cant serve two masters, and if the constitution and people thorugh it are not your master, thensomeone else is, and the person is not a represenative..

  3. the bible quotes describe the democrat party to a “T”:

    Matthew 6:24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

    they love communism, and the fact that a free market does not give them the power of graft and bribery… but a command economy gives them lots of power to gain from people trying to bribe them for more favorable outcomes, which in the free market, they would have no control over, and where payment of the fees is cheaper than a bribe.

    Bureaucracies are inherently antidemocratic. Bureaucrats derive their power from their position in the structure, not from their relations with the people they are supposed to serve. The people are not masters of the bureaucracy, but its clients.
    Alan Keyes

    We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution. — Abraham Lincoln

    A life is either all spiritual or not spiritual at all. No man can serve two masters. Your life is shaped by the end you live for. You are made in the image of what you desire.
    Thomas Merton

    [could explain why so many on the left become so ugly later in life – the evil rots them from the inside out – like golum and precious]

  4. but anyway; they’re the America is a Empire crowd and once you let them talk… they discredit themselves. You almost don’t need to debate them so much as let them describe their world view.

  5. Sen. Cruz absolutely shines in this video,


    I fear an episode such as this serves only to embolden the barbarians. They will be out in more and more numbers/force as time slogs on, and (I fear) it will become increasingly more difficult to even address the barbarians with civility before they disrupt and shut down candidates’ rallies.

    I want to be wrong.

  6. A simplistic, but not inaccurate definition of jujitsu. Cruz and Fiorina are able practitioners of political jujitsu. Personally, I would just throw them, code pink idiots, down and put a serious shoulder pin on them until the pain made them frantically tap out to be released instead of waiting for their shoulder to be dislocated.

  7. I’m with parker. By repeated shouting, the ‘protesters’ are interfering with Sen. Cruz free speech rights. Period, end of story. Giving them a platform, no matter how brief is, overall… a mistake, as the MSM will edit it to make Cruz the bad guy.

  8. Ted Cruz was pretty great there. I’m getting used to his face, his voice and his manner. The irrational factors, in other words. I wasn’t sure before if he would wear well or not.

  9. “I’ve grown accustomed to his face,
    It almost makes the day begin….”


    I agree that this should be a one-off: Medea (aptly named) Benjamin of Code Pinko was preening herself that she got to share the stage with the senator and disrupt his rally. They’re going to need to do the Rolling Stones’ thing, and travel with a stage 10 feet off the ground to keep the groupies away.

  10. Yes, Good for Cruz; but, it could back fire as you say, Neo (and others), in that Code Pink and Code Pink wannabees will continue to try this again, again, and again.

    So many are NOT interested in hearing others or other viewpoints. They already know all there is to know and nothing will satisfy them until they get to shut down all who don’t hold their viewpoint.

    Just watching the video, look at the Code Pink idiot in the background who kept pushing his sign in front of others.

    Cruz is very spot on, not only with his facts; but, also in how he handled what could otherwise have been a news media top story – “Cruz shouted down!” Instead, he took the high road, gave the idiots a chance to open their mouths and prove that they are idiots, and then Cruz proceeded to refute their ideas.

    And, that is exactly why this clip won’t be on the nightly news – it shows a Republican in a good light and leftists are seen as acting like brats.

  11. He keeps it simple, because you have to. I thought it was a nice touch when he brought up each current American hostage and said something about each one. He took the measure of the lead female protestor and let her speak. She only had so much information to offer, and SHE wanted to seem the one taking the high road. Had one of the buffoons taken the lead I daresay he would have adjusted his attack. He was patient, and controlled the tempo of the enragees (French Revolution word) on his side.

  12. Ted Cruz is my preferred candidate and he boosted his stocks with this performance. Bernie Sanders wasn’t smart enough to do what Cruz did when confronted on stage by “Black Lives Matter” activists.

    OTOH, Trump is driving a truck through the GOP elite’s fancy plans to give us Jeb Bush. That is good.

  13. This needs to go viral. And compared directly to Shillary’s ridiculously condescending “wiped with a cloth?” schtick.

  14. PatD:

    Give me evidence that “Trump is driving a truck through the GOP elite’s fancy plans to give us Jeb Bush.” What I see is that Bush is the greatest beneficiary of Trump’s entry into the race.

    See this, this, and this.

  15. The contrast to Hillary’s bungling “wiped with a cloth” press conference cannot be more stark and cannot be overemphasized.

    To be clear: Hillary’s was a planned event where she certainly had to expect questions about the email imbroglio. She had ample opportunity to prepare accordingly. And yet her response was buffoonish. Cruz should certainly expect hecklers (all candidates must) but there’s always an element of surprise: where, when, how many, what will they be saying? His response was perfect: calm, measured, respectful, yet utterly disarming and devastating.

    Is there any doubt that Cruz would shred Hillary in a one on one debate? Even if Candy Crowley moderated and waved endless trump cards (no pun intended) for Hillary’s use? Rubio remains my first choice (and I think he’d do quite well head to head with HRC as well). But Cruz’s response here was a tour de force

  16. Thank-you Neo for loading this clip.

    Cruz was masterful. It was priceless when Cruz told her that she was preaching to the choir about Saudi Arabia etc. The Code Pink woman was so pleased that he agreed with her that she may have left the stage thinking she had won. Priceless. The best debate is when your opponent changes his/her mind and leaves thinking that the new perspective was his/her idea all the time. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Code Pink woman adjusts her thinking after that confrontation.

  17. “They’re going to need to do the Rolling Stones’ thing, and travel with a stage 10 feet off the ground to keep the groupies away.”

    When I saw the Rolling Stones in 1969 they were on a high stage but it did not keep the groupies away, their huge bodyguard had to keep tossing them back into the audience.

  18. Medea Benjamin, the Codepink woman, was born Susan Benjamin. She took the name “Medea” while in college. Why in the world would anyone named herself after a mythological character who killed her own children to take revenge on her husband? I think we can safely assume that she’s nuts, and there will be no way of talking any sense to her about anything.

  19. neo…

    My take on Jeb is that his bankroll demoralized all the ordinary Joes — and Janes — donating to the rest of the list.

    Something like that seems to have happened with O’Malley and Webb, too. HRC has stolen all of their oxygen.

    What the average American should come to realize is that we can crowd fund a conservative like Cruz, Walker or Fiorina and get them right back in the race.

    Fiorina — in particular — needs to start a crowd funding arm that pumps up her campaign chest. It’s a digital ‘thing.’

    As for Trump’s funding. The man is LEVERAGED. He is actually going to have to BORROW any money he wants to spend on his candidacy. He has loan covenants that make it IMPOSSIBLE to cash out his paper equity.

    If the economy turns down// rolls over — The Donald will be back in Bankruptcy court — Chapter 11s in hand — to spread the pain of his insolvencies.

    Jeb’s own mother doesn’t want him to run. Jeb does NOT have any fire in his belly. Don’t let his war chest impress you.

    He’ll fold once he dies in Iowa// New Hampshire.

    His sole purpose at the moment is to demoralize the rank and file voting Americans. He’s the Democrat’s Republican candidate.

    Gamed again!

  20. Cruz’s college debating and Supreme Court clerking background have served him well. He is intellectually nimble and confident enough in his abilities to hear out his opponents and directly answer their arguments with indisputable facts and reason.
    The other side’s odd strength is their ability to somehow downplay and tune out all those “death to America” chants, the many acts of terror, etc. How do they do it?

  21. Ann @ 3:41 AM “Why is this only getting play now? It happened almost a month ago, on July 23.”

    I am so happy neo posted this. I have posted it twice in the comments section a while back, and also posted it at PJ Media.

    While all sorts of concerns can be expressed (as have been expressed in this thread so far) the overwhelmingly main point is Cruz doing something so few would be capable of doing, a necessary skill especially for a conservative candidate.

    Cruz demonstrates (among other things) his high intelligence, his understanding of human beings, and his rare leadership.

    miklos above said: “Ted Cruz was pretty great there. I’m getting used to his face, his voice and his manner. The irrational factors, in other words. I wasn’t sure before if he would wear well or not.”

    I agreed with neo several months ago that Cruz did not seem to have the “it” factor. On first impression, there really is something off-putting about him (which Paglia recently described although in a very over-the-top way).

    I have changed my mind, because Cruz is doing things in a very subtle way, and once you see him over time, you begin to see his depths, and like him for his depths.

    I have previously posted two other videos as part of a trilogy (with the Code Pink one). Please watch them.

    Do not watch for the substance. Watch for the man.

    His interview with Katie Couric:


    His senate speech about McConnell. It gave me great hope not just for substance and significance, but also because of the word-perfect delivery and understated intensity.


  22. “Why is this only getting play now? It happened almost a month ago, on July 23.” Ann

    But it’s not getting ‘play’ now, which is my point. There are few if any LIVs perusing this blog. It takes the MSM publicizing to reach the LIVs who ultimately decide the election. The MSM edits, distorts, falsifies or ignores… according to what best serves the narrative. In this case, they just ignored it. Keeping LIVs ignorant is a primary tactic in manipulation.

  23. GB @ 11:45 AM regarding LIVs:

    Right now the conservative HIVs need to get their heads on straight. It is all the more difficult because of Rush, Levin et al. and their bizarre Trump thing.

    Rush and Levin are now demoralizing and misguiding the conservative HIVs. They are kidding themselves if they think conservative Trump skeptics are a small minority, or even a minority. But they are successfully throwing away a once in a lifetime opportunity.

    I suppose Rush and Levin can and will dismiss Cruz, Walker, Fiorina and Jindal as pathetic establishment wannabe losers. And with not an iota of a doubt, that is the message and practical implication of what Rush et al, are doing.

    Because their support of Trump necessarily means they regard Cruz, Walker, Fiorina and Jindal as loser establishment wannabes.

    And that is contemptible.

  24. The Trump Show is fine for August/Silly Season. I hope I’m seeing it for what it is, sending a message to the GOP establishment. But where were all these Anti-Establishmentarians when Cruz was shutting down the (non-essential)government and fighting the good fight about the debt limit? Going along with the media’s narrative of Debt Limits and Mean TeaTed BAD? Where was TRUMP on that issue?

    Medea Benjamin’s message is aptly summed up by the ubiquitous pink peace sign. It’s just that shallow, selfish, stupid and short-sighted. Peace is war, war is peace. Goldstein is the enemy.

  25. Medea Benjamin of Code Pink spent several years of lefty pilgrimage in Castro’s Cuba, so Iran is not the only policy area where she disagrees with Ted Cruz.

    Speaking of jujitsu, consider trying the following dialogue on Castro supporters.

    Q to Castro supporter [PSF] : Life expectancy in Cuba is currently 4.4 years greater than that for Latin America. Does this statistic indicate that Fidel Castro has been a good steward for the people of Cuba?

    A from Castro supporter [PSF]: yes.
    Q: Do you realize that in the 1950s, Cuba’s Life expectancy was 8 years greater than that of Latin America?

  26. Medea Benjamin of Code Pink spent several years of lefty pilgrimage in Castro’s Cuba, so Iran…
    Medea Benjamin likes to travel.
    jujitsu is not how you win wars against the enemy within. Wars are won with big constituted division and you certainly don’t let the enemy within the perimeter.
    Know your enemy: wiki. Surprise!
    Benjamin grew up in Freeport, New York, on Long Island, a self-described “nice Jewish girl”. During her first year at Tufts University, she renamed herself after the Greek mythological character Medea. She received master’s degrees in public health from Columbia University and in economics from The New School.

  27. Practitioners of martial arts may find something to quarrel about in my characterization, but I think the similarities are clear.

    I don’t see anything wrong with it.

    The idea that these paid protestors, whose often only job is being a Democrat agent provocateur or saboteur or agent, are true believers all the time, is misleading.

    Some of them are, but the ones with the least money and status, usually aren’t. And thus just like in a religion, you can convert them, often easily if you use your authority in face to face. They are either mercenaries or they can be easily swayed using religious fervor techniques.

    The times when revolutionary groups at the bottom were led by true believers, has long since passed. Those revolutionary groups are now at the top of power, not the bottom.

    The idea that you are facing a political operator with his own solid political beliefs, is what I think is misleading specifically. It misleads people into thinking that these are hardened fanatics or hardened cynical operatives.

  28. Clarification, the idea I described above is a general issue that I’ve seen over time, not one specifically tied to Neo’s OP nor is it a response to the OP in that sense.

    Elaboration on jujutsu. It should be part of the grappling range engagement envelope of an ordinary warrior or soldier, in the sense that historically there were many circumstances where two fighters were jammed up next to each other so close that they could kick, punch, or wrestle with each other, while they held their weapons. So the point was to achieve an advantageous position to do a coup de grace on a fallen or immobile or disadvantaged enemy, with one’s primary weapon. But if it was impossible to do so, or if a warrior was disarmed yet was still in range to grapple, there were many ways to overturn the balance using techniques specialized for the grappling touch range. Being disarmed, being prevented from utilizing a long melee weapon at close range, were normal disadvantageous positions to be in that could fire off at any time the enemy can pull you into his engagement sphere. Just like guns, there is a certain optimal range at which melee weapons work, beyond or below that range, it doesn’t work so well in accuracy or effectiveness.

    Stamina was also a big issue in long battlefield engagements, since the soldiers with the better stamina, still could use skillful techniques at the end while their enemies were exhausted and moving like zombies. In this sense, this parallels US military concepts of training soldiers. But in a deviation, the Japanese preferred to think outside the box, as in what kind of techniques used in martial engagement ranges can a warrior use that doesn’t rely on having a lot of stamina or strength?

    In that sense, jujutsu, with the assistance of gravity, become refined over time as a solution to close range, grappling range, engagement envelopes. Later on, the weapon components and various other stuff were stripped, so all you saw were some guys on the ground or standing up wrestling and doing locks.

  29. It’s interesting that this happened about a month ago, but wasn’t really brought to the front lines of pop culture news, but instead Ellen Page’s recent challenge to Cruz in Iowa about LGBT discrimination has. Go figure.

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