Home » I guess America is starting to miss Bush


I guess America is starting to miss Bush — 16 Comments

  1. At the “anyone but ∅bama” stage. (anyone but the empty set…) Is that the Yellow Dog NObama stage?

  2. Of course the Obamanites will ignore it since it’s from Rasmussen. Only the most accurate pollster to date but somewhat conservative. Therefore they’re bad, no biscuit for Rasmussen.

  3. Hong,

    There may be a tipping point when people realize that others share their views about Bush and Obama. It’s scary to be the only one to admit you are wrong, but when large numbers admit it, there will be a search for those who misled us.

  4. Considering the type of man Bush was, the problems he faced and the victories he obtained measured against Obama’s overnight transformation of the US into a third rate power, the fact that so many people prefer Obama doesn’t speak well for the observational capacity of the US public.

  5. That’s definitely an “anyone but Obama” poll. I rather doubt 41% of the electorate wants to trash the Federal Reserve and get back on the gold standard (like Mr. Paul — and this commenter).

    Our esteemed president would probably lose a straw poll to Mickey Mouse right now, largely because he’s strongly associated with an impossibly corrupt Congress — whose poll numbers are somewhere around those of the American Nazi party. Strangely he doesn’t seem to be dissociating himself from the Pelosi/Reid gang, even though above-it-all speechifying and campaigning are supposed to be his strengths.

  6. In October of this year, one month prior to the November midterm elections, a special army unit known as ‘Consequence Management Response Force’ will be ready for deployment on American soil if so ordered by the President.

    The special force, which is the new name being given to the 1st Brigade Combat Team of the 3rd Infantry, has been training at Fort Stewart, Georgia and is composed of 80,000 troops.

    According to the Army Times,

    They may be called upon to help with civil unrest and crowd control or to deal with potentially horrific scenarios such as massive poisoning and chaos in response to a chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or high-yield explosive, or CBRNE, attack.

    The key phrase is ‘may be called upon to help with civil unrest.’

  7. Valjean

    Strangely he doesn’t seem to be dissociating himself from the Pelosi/Reid gang, even though above-it-all speechifying and campaigning are supposed to be his strengths.

    When the Democratic majority in Congress appear to be doing his bidding, even someone with the scruples of ∅bama realizes that it would not look good for him to throw them under the bus.

    It’s one thing to run against Congress when it is controlled by the opposition party, as Truman did in 1948. It is another to do it when you control Congress.

  8. I don’t dislike Ron Paul. But theres something creepy about his overly zealous supporters. Reminds me too much of Obama Zombies. Like they’re just heading off on another, yet ill fated demagogue tangent.

    Having said that, head to head with Obama, i’d take Ron Paul any day.

  9. Ron Paul is a nice man and may be a good Dr. That said, he wants to go back to the gold standard, wants a small defense force, is against free trade, and is basically an isolationist. All those ideas may seem attractive to those who want to escape from the problems of the world, but they are just unrealistic in the modern world. He is basically on the far right extreme as opposed to Obama’s far left extreme of creating an egalitarian utopia.

    However, if people are favoring Paul over Obama they are at least rejecting the egalitarian utopia in favor of less government. I doubt that most understand all the ramifications of Ron Paul’s positions.

  10. President Bush was a Giant, surrounded by brilliance. His Majesty is a Midget surrounded by mediocrity.

  11. President Bush was a man who was a man of the people. Look at the way he related to the troops. He loved them and that love was returned……..in spades! He never spoke out against those who attacked him in a low and vile manner. As Neoconscum says, he surrounded himself with brilliant and decent people.

    I wrote e-mails to him frequently during his two terms. Mostly they were expressing my faith in his judgment about Afghanistan and Iraq. I’m sure those e-mails were among thousands or millions of similar e-mails. Yet someone in his administration made a point of replying and thanking me for my support. I’m no big wig supporter or someone who has any political clout, but I receive a Christmas card from George and Laura every year, even now. It’s just a folksy, personal touch that Obama will never have. Yes, I miss W., big time!

  12. Perhaps, Just Perhaps,

    The respondents do fully understand Dr. Paul. And perhaps they fully understand He Whose Middle Name Cannot be Spoken.

    And, full of understanding, they WOULD vote for
    Dr. Paul over I am the One We Have Been Waiting For.

    How about you?


    Steamboat Jack

  13. > Why not just do things that people will like and that make sense rather than outraging them? It’s not rocket science.

    No, it’s political science.

    Kinda like AGW, but even less affected by reality.

  14. > Therefore they’re bad, no biscuit for Rasmussen.





  15. @J.J.

    “I doubt that most understand all the ramifications of Ron Paul’s positions.”

    That would include yourself because your ignorant post reveals your own lack of understanding of his positions. What a fail.

    1. The gold standard is flawed in that nobody should be forced to use any particular commodity as money. Money should be freely decided by the market via voluntary exchange. That said, it’s many times better than the counterfeit fiat monetary system we have today. You obviously don’t understand the complex workings between the Federal Reserve System, the large corporations, and the government.

    2. As for a small military, please, do explain why the US should have a large military. Even better, explain why people should be forced to even pay for a military. If you want a big military, how about you pay for it? Personally, I have my own guns and ammunition and feel perfectly content minding my own business. If a problem comes up, I’ll decide for myself the proper course of action.

    3. Ron Paul is not against free trade. Opposing “free” trade agreements doesn’t make you against free trade anymore than opposing the PATRIOT Act makes you unpatriotic. Are you really that simple? The only thing necessary for free trade is the absence of coercion, that is, the absence of government in this context.

    4. Isolationism is not the same as non-interventionism. Isolationism entails no trading and no warmongering. Non-interventionism precludes warmongering but encourages diplomacy and more importantly trade. Ron Paul has stated many times that he is a non-interventionist. Seriously, do you just get your talking points straight out of the Weekly Standard?

    Perhaps it would be best for you to go visit http://www.mises.org and start doing some reading so you don’t waste everyone’s time by writing worthless, misinformed posts.

    Good day.

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