Home » And Obama gives a big “FU” to Bibi, too


And Obama gives a big “FU” to Bibi, too — 62 Comments

  1. When Glenn Reynolds said we’ll be lucky if Obama does no more damage than Carter did, I thought he was exaggerating. I no longer think so.

  2. …[Obama’s] main foreign policy goal is to ingratiate America with the Muslim world, no matter what that entails.

    Such a policy is beyond idiocy…America is largely an infidel nation, and short of most of us converting to Islam, the Muslim world will always regard us as enemies.

  3. Given that Obama got 78% of the Jewish vote, the inescapable conclusion is that most American Jews don’t care much about Israel. Obama’s close associations with anti Israel types left no doubt where he would come down.

  4. Israel should cease forthwith making any attempt to collaborate or ingratiate itself with this Administration, and go into full public FU2 mode. The worst thing it can do is play along. Make everything public, and oppose Obama at every step.

    What it has to lose by doing so is far less than what is being taken a bite at a time already.

  5. When Glenn Reynolds said we’ll be lucky if Obama does no more damage than Carter did, I thought he was exaggerating. I no longer think so.

    I’ve gone through a similar evolution in my thinking. I’m praying, literally, for a backlash among the American electorate in November. I think thats whats going to happen, but people are capable of being beguiled or of falling into disinterest. Its very worrying indeed.

  6. Thomas Sowell wrote that if Obama only wrecks the economy we should count ourselves lucky.

    So much for being lucky. O must have a check list:
    1) wreck economy, check
    2) stop supporting world wide spread of democracy, check
    3) wreck health care, check
    4) drive national debt beyond alpha centauri, check
    5) ruin small businesses, check
    6) wreck traditional alliances, check
    7) lay groundwork for tyranny, check
    and so on

  7. I won’t worry about Bibi and Israel. If the Hondurans can give the figure to Obama the Israelis are more than capable of giving far more.

  8. BTW, not very many know that Obmesiah appointed an Israel-hating Jew to be antisemitism Czar. She worked for J-street, an Arab supported group working to undermine Israel’s security, in short working for the ultimate goal of Jew haters everywhere, more dead Jews.

  9. Obama is a leftist and it’s SOP for lefties to loathe Israel, especially when it has a conservative government.Obama relishes in his disgust with all types of conservatives and Bibi is just one of many.

  10. American Jews who supported Obama don’t tend to count Bibi as one of them, so his being insulted strikes them as a good thing. Israelis don’t necessarily share that view, but that disconnect hasn’t yet penetrated in America.

  11. AVI: yes, I know a lot of American Jews don’t like Bibi. But I’m not at all sure they’d approve of this sort of despicable treatment of the man. Obama practically spit in his face; he really really treated him like dirt. Bibi is the head of a country and ally, Israel, and in that capacity alone he should be treated with respect.

    Of course, that’s not Obama’s style. Obama reserves his real respect for those to whom he bows down (see this and this).

  12. And recall O gave a Medal Of Freedom to Mary Robinson, who chaired the Durban anti-Israel hatefest.

  13. Obama’s laziness is apparent in his not even bothering to manufacture a viable reason to support his remarkably stupid treatment of an ally. He just doesn’t care if anyone with half a brain can see through his bluster. The point, I guess, is to isolate the Israelis and somehow justify not taking out the Iranian nuclear program, which many of us thought was as much in the interests of the USA as of Israel. I guess he figures that the Iranian nuclear threat will cause the price of oil to rise so we will use less carbon based fuels.

    Now I see it!!! Iran is an ally of Obama’s in his push for cap and trade. To hell with Israel. And the Jews will continue to vote Democrat no matter what he does.

  14. “Iran is an ally of Obama’s in his push for cap and trade.”

    Now that’s a twist even I wasn’t paranoid enough to think of, but you may be on to something. In that regard, we need to keep good records to build the case for treason, and maybe even sedition (there is a twist on that theme which may be cursory as a kind of Orwellian corollary associated with the serial lying emanating from the Obama regime, which I’ll try to record here sometime), in what might end up being the third impeachment of a Democrat in the country’s history. Note the definition of Treason from the ‘Lectric Law Library:

    This word imports a betraying, treachery, or breach of allegiance.

    The Constitution of the United States, Art. III, defines treason against the United States to consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid or comfort. This offence is punished with death. By the same article of the Constitution, no person shall be convicted of treason, unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.

  15. Steve G: Obama doesn’t have to offer a reason because no one is demanding it. But I think it’s pretty clear:

    (1) Obama wants to curry favor with the Muslim world by shaming the Israeli leader. It’s a shame/honor culture, and that’s very meaningful.

    (2) Obama dislikes Netanyahu in particular.

    (3) Obama is angry at that settlement thing, the one Joe Biden got in an uproar about. It’s tit for tat, payback time.

    (4) Obama wants to chase Netanyahu out of office and hope he’s replaced with a more tractable person. Obama supports regime change in Israel rather than in Iran.

    The last one is somewhat more tentative, but it’s a possibility:

    (5) Obama is in competition with former president Jimmy Carter as to who can treat Israel worst.

  16. I think this behavior by Obama is entirely consistent with this interesting study:

    “Sociologists Stephen Cohen and Ari Kelman have now confirmed what everyone already knew: Young American Jews do not care very much about Israel. They are not just apathetic about Israel, that indifference is “giving way to downright alienation,” write Cohen and Kelman.

    More than half of Jews under 35 said that they would not view the destruction of Israel as a personal tragedy. The death and expulsion of millions is something they could live with. By those standards, they probably would not see the Holocaust as a “personal” tragedy either. ”

    If American Jews, especially the younger ones, and I would guess a fair number of the Baby Boomers also, don’t give a fig about Israel, then the only friends the Israelis have are the conservatives in the US.

  17. phyicsguy: I wonder if those “Jews” who don’t care are actually Jewish in any way except the secular. In other words, they were born of Jewish parents, but have no Jewish education, knowledge of their faith, or identity except a vague cultural one. They like bagels, or something like that (although everybody lies bagels now).

    Hitler wouldn’t have cared, of course—to him they’d still be as Jewish as any rabbi.

  18. neo, coming from a liberal Jewish family myself, I think the extreme liberal branch of our religion hangs on to it only because they don’t want to be lumpy white Christians. There, I said it.

  19. I’m sorry to report that in my social circle, nothing Obama can do will alienate Jews against him. Liberalism is a social disease.

    Yesterday, I started to have a conversation with an acquaintance about how the economy is going to crash, we’re going to be poverty-stricken, medicare has led to insane charges from doctors and hospitals who want to collect “something” for their efforts, and our children are going to live in disastrous times.

    So far, so good.

    BUT, then she started attacking Sarah Palin and the Republicans. I gently tried to reel her in, but no go. That’s the crazy world she lives in.

    Nobody should count on American Jews to bring any insights to our predicament. They have really gone brain dead. Seriously.

    Except for Neocons, of course, but we’re a very tiny minority.

  20. The Jews I know love Obama! They were so happy he was elected. They seem pretty secular, (I’m in a field where no one is very religious) so even if they’ve cooled a bit they are convinced Obama is a million times better than Sarah Palin who they hate with an unbelievable passion. And so no, would certainly not ever regret their judgement in voting for him. Unfortunately I don’t think they’re going to care at all if Bibi was dissed by the One.

  21. Cappy said: “lumpy white Christians”

    Hmmmm…. are they also “gun toting” and “bitter clingers”? LOL

    lumpy, white, bitter and clingy. Maybe we can call ourselves “sourdough Christians”? (Except sourdough isn’t really bitter, its sour…)

  22. Cappy at 5:14 . . .

    I agree with you. The animus against Christians runs very deep (thank you Czar Alexander II, Hitler, Pat Robertson, etc.), and most Jews in America carry the memory of these antisemites. Unfortunately, fundamentalist Christianity is also linked with creationism, and this is idea is ridiculed by many or most Jews. So there is snobbery against Christians in the U.S.

    However, there is unbelievable PC correctness toward Islam. I could tell you such stories–it’s disgusting. Won’t these same Jews–who will have to change their names when Sharia comes to America–be surprised when they get treated worse than dogs by the Mohammedans.

    Surprise, surprise.

  23. Promethea:
    The hatred against American Christianity is the worst pathology of American Jews. Nowhere, not at any time, Jews were better treated than in Christian America. It was Christian America that defeated Hitler, secured Israel, gave them the best of opportunities. It is not just that they are ingrates, it’s also appalling arrogance and sheer stupidity.
    I don’t agree with much Michael Savage says, but on this he is correct: these ‘clever’ Jews have absolutely no clue what they are doing in matters of survival and political behavior. It’s baffling.
    And it will backfire sooner or later in a horrible way.
    These clever morons still can’t see that the Nazi’s were not Christians, but ex-Christian pagans, who hated Christianity as a foreign, Jewish illness.
    I shiver at the thought what will happen when America throws away the last remnants of its Christian conscience and will become full blown pagan.
    And I fear for the world, not just for those smug, liberal Jews who I find annoying.
    It’s already there: the Obama-worship, the AGW-pagan religion, the celebrity-worship, the destruction of the family, the deification of the State, it all has the smell of weird paganism just as National Socialism had.
    It is anti-Christian. It is also anti-Judaic. It is the undoing of the great revolution of ethical Monotheism that the Torah brought and that Christianity spread through the world.
    But, it is an old wisdom of the Jewish and Christian bible: the most clever are often the least wise, especially when they lack the fear of God.

  24. Neo,
    In a world where the strength of an alliance with the USA is a matter of Obama’s personal pique (which is how the world must now value what it means to be aligned with the USA), there is no longer a there there. Of what value is an agreement Israel (or any other country) would work out with Bush, or for that matter Obama, if it can be breached by Obama at any time, for no valid reason and on a whim? Obama has turned us into a country without honor. He remains a man without shame. He dishonors us. He is a POS.

    The question that Netanyahu has to resolve is not whether the USA will support Israel in any endeavor. Under Obama it clearly won’t. It is not even whether Netanyahu can respond to Obama’s demands without shaming himself and the country of Israel. I don’t think that Obama left any room for a gentlemanly response. Rather, it is whether Israel can act on its own or must it assume that Obama will actively intervene on behalf of the Palestinians and/or the Iranians.

  25. Wandriaan wrote “Promethea:
    The hatred against American Christianity is the worst pathology of American Jews. ”

    Given my lifetime of study and observation I can scientifically conclude that that statement and those that came after it are nuts.

    Not a particularly profound observation but someone has to say the obvious.

  26. AS usual I recommend that anyone interested on some good insights on this story go to RubinReports.http://rubinreports.blogspot.com/

    It really is obvious that Obama is insane. Sooner or later the Democrats are going to have to face up to it.

  27. Bob from Virgina and Wandriaan: I certainly have encountered Jews who are afraid of and hostile to fundamentalist Christians, whom they believe are hostile to them. Usually it is because these particular Jews have a mindset that goes back to the days when some Christians would call Jews “Christ-killers” and that sort of thing. But it’s a small group of Jews (mostly older people who grew up being taunted like that). Then there are liberals who are secular Jews who, like many secular liberals of all backgrounds, are distrustful of religion in general. But I have never found any sort of widespread hatred of Christianity or Christians at all.

  28. Steve G: I think you are spot on. Obama has made people around the world realize American is a loose cannon that cannot be counted on. I wrote about it here.

  29. I believe that Obama is insane.

    Also insane are those people who think that the United States is unbreakable.

    I agree with Wandriaan that American Jews show a pathology–they are simply unable to think clearly. They are brainwashed and live in the past, which began about 1890 and ended in 1948. Hence their love for the Democratic party (the party of the union movement and of FDR). These Jews still chafe at the snobbish country clubs, restrictive covenants, and other discrimination they encountered.

    That is the older Jewish American generation. The younger generation has almost completely assimilated, and they have no sense of history or of the dangers of Islam. They are comfy leftwingers who think that social justice means high taxes and redistribution of income to the less fortunate. They are the perfect Obamites, and his program makes sense to them. They don’t sense that Obama is insane and an antisemite.

    David Axelrod is apparently a red diaper baby. I have no idea why Rahm Emmanuel is working so hard to destroy America. Are he and his brothers insane? Sometimes insanity runs in families.

  30. from wikipedia:Grandiosity is chiefly associated with narcissistic personality disorder, but also commonly features in manic or hypomanic episodes of bipolar disorder.[1]

    It refers to an unrealistic sense of superiority, a sustained view of oneself as better than others that causes the narcissist to view other with disdain or as inferior. It also refers to a sense of uniqueness, the belief that few others have in common with oneself and that one can only be understood by a few or very special people.[2]

    Grandiosity is distinct from grandiose delusions, in that the sufferer has insight into his loss of touch with reality.[citation needed]
    [edit] Narcissistic criteria for grandiosity

    The grandiosity section of the Diagnostic Interview for Narcissism (DIN) (Second edition) is as follows:[3]

    1. The person exaggerates talents, capacity and achievements in an unrealistic way.
    2. The person believes in her/his invulnerability or does not recognise his/her limitations.
    3. The person has grandiose fantasies.
    4. The person believes that he/she does not need other people.
    5. The person regards himself/herself as unique or special when compared to other people.
    6. The person regards himself/herself as generally superior to other people.
    7. The person behaves self-centeredly and/or self-referentially.
    8. The person appears or behaves in a boastful or pretentious way.

  31. Bob From Virginia

    “… J-street, an Arab supported group working to undermine Israel’s security, in short working for the ultimate goal of Jew haters everywhere, more dead Jews.”

    You’ve got your facts wrong again, Bob.

    As a supporter of the state of Israel, J Street is a Zionist organisation, consisting primarily of Jews advocating diplomatic solutions in the Middle East. Its supporters include Rabbis, former Israeli government ministers and Knesset members, American Jews, the former Special Adviser to Prime Minister Sharon, a former Head of Mossad, a former Commander of IDF Intelligence, a former Chief of the General Staff of the IDF, ex-IDF Generals and officers.

    Don’t take my word for it – check their website — something you should have done beforehand.


  32. Martyn . . .

    Close, but no cigar.

    J-Street is an anti-Zionist organization funded by Mr. Evil, George Soros, and you are missing the point of this thread if you didn’t learn that there are plenty of anti-Zionist Jews who aren’t really Jews, just left wingers who think they’re o-so-cool because they hate Israel and Jews.

  33. Promethea

    No. It’s you who are wrong. 100% wrong in fact. As J Street support a homeland in Israel for the Jewish people, that makes them Zionist, by definition.

    That makes two of you who’ve got your facts wrong. Two cigars for me. Thanks.

  34. Promethea

    That’s certainly an appropriate term for someone who wrote:

    “…there are plenty of anti-Zionist Jews who aren’t really Jews…”

  35. Henry, dunno what you mean by “infidel,” but most of us Christians, a mere 82% of the whole American population, don’t consider fidelity to the allah-thing to be “fidelity” worth having.

    Obama, reared as a Muslim, then an enthusiastic member of a “church” that is a copy of the Nation of Islam cult in more ways than one, is clearly muslim in his sympathies if not his formal allegiances. He hates the Anglo world’s guts. All of this is a [___] dream to him.

  36. J-Street: secular wing of the Netura Kartei.

    I have to admit, I’ve never really understood masochism or civilizational self-loathing. It’s a peculiarly disgusting form of cowardice, innit?

  37. Beverly

    “J-Street: secular wing of the Netura Kartei.”

    Alos incorrect.

    Thank you – that’s three cigars.

  38. Martyn of England

    I was right about you. Neo probably would not like me telling you exactly what I think of your kind but I am sure you can guess. Anyway for those who are interested J-street is well known as an anti-Israel front claiming to be an Israeli peace group. Their website and everything about them is a pack of lies and is recognized as such by Israelis and legitimate Zionist organizations.

    From the Rubin report “The leader of J Street is someone who has no record of pro-Israel activism. But he was a paid lobbyist for an Arab country and involved in anti-Israel activities. Donors include a number of anti-Israel individuals as does the board of directors. ”
    “J Street is getting money and working with the group which supports President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the world’s most powerful antisemite who seeks to wipe Israel off the map.”


  39. Lots of good posts Promethea.

    I forgot to mention that Prof. Barry Rubin is the author of over 20 books on the Middle East.

  40. “Lots of good posts Promethea.”

    Yes, exceptional; and Martyn, either you’re a fool or a poseur (like Obama, you must believe your own illusions), or a little of both; may I suggest in lieu of J-Street, Z STREET? Get real….

  41. Promethia,
    Ezekial Emanual is to the elderly as Margaret Sanger is to the unborn. Nothing more than a progressive eugenicist.

  42. To the Obami Israel is special but their disdain for American allies isn’t limited to Israel. The administration pulled the rug out from under the Czech Republic and Poland and recently Hillary endorsed an Argentine demand for negotiations over the Falklands.

    Combining this with other slights against the British and it must be concluded that the Obami do not see the UK as an ally and if the British aren’t our qallies, we hqave no allies. I rather think Obama doesn’t think we need allies because the force of his own personality will accomplish what needs to be done.

  43. In a few lines one can easily be misunderstood. What I meant has to do with secular, leftist Jews, not with conservative Jews like Dennis Prager, Mark Levin and David Horowitch. And of course ‘secular liberals of all backgrounds’ distrust religion. But about 80% of American Jews voted for Obama. Far more than other groups, save blacks. Why is this? Why are Jews so liberal? It is simply an enigma to me.
    And I do think that they are misguided in the belief that if only you have a secular, leftist society, Jews will be safe. They seem to think that you can have only antisemitism from the religious right, not from the secular left. And this in an age where the bulk of antisemitism comes from the left.
    Conservative Christians are now often the strongest supporters of Israel. They are also among the strongest opponents of heavily centralised government. As Mark Levin said: in the past heavily centralised government has been very bad for the Jewish people, so why are so many Jews in Congress support it (his quote, not mine)?
    I am not a Jew, I don’t want to patronize them. But I do hope that they listen more to conservative Jews like Prager, and less to the liberal leftist ones.
    On the subject of religion, secularism, Judaism, Christianity and Americanism: I realize now that this is far to complicated to express in a few words.
    But on these subjects too, I recommend Dennis Prager, who I found has very interesting things to say.

  44. I love it when you talk dirty! Now to the point.

    Obama has left a legacy for his predecessor whomever she/or he may be, of having to go about the world to meet and greet its leaders and apologize. How ironic!

    To insult one of our staunchest allies the Israeli’s is in my opinion a classless act. They have always been our “claymore” in the night when it comes to the middle east. In fact they have also done some of our worst dirty work when we needed plausible denial in the world theater.

    Bibi in my book is Israels “Goldwater”. More often than not his country should have listened more to him in the past. It appears BO not only wants to take down the U.S. and its ability to defend itself but that of Israel as well .

    Let me be one of the first to say “Bibi I am sorry for the way that the child who is called our President has acted toward you. Let me assure you he will be punished for his behavior.”

  45. The Jews I know love Obama! They were so happy he was elected. They seem pretty secular

    And so did the secular Jews in the Soviet Union love Stalin. They informed upon their more believing co-religionist neighbors, and watched them get sent off to the gulags, thinking what a great thing they where doing.

    Eventually, Stalin got around to sending them to the gulags, as well. Useful idiots, he called them.

  46. Israel is the only one of the interested parties to have made any concessions worthy of the name in the interest of peace with the Palestinians. Why they should, in true life, continue to be the only ones pressured to make more is beyond me.

    Anyway, I got to thinking about it and checking on the numbers of Jews amongst the populations of the several Arab states and Iran, pre-1948 vs. now. Here’s what I found:

    Country Pre-1948 Today
    Iran 75,000 30,000 ~100
    Iraq 150,000 only ally in the Middle East region, and is among those (few) we can rely on most certainly in the entire world. It has for years become increasingly clear that any American ally would be foolish to rely on America. Israel is especially vulnerable to our faithlessness. Iran, along with the Arab states, present Israel with an existential threat that America, especially under Obama, is showing itself ill-disposed to address.

    Just some things to think about.

  47. Yikes! My table didn’t submit well at all! Well, let me try again:

    Country Pre-1948 Today
    Iran 75,000 30,000 ~100
    Iraq 150,000

  48. No luck. Hmmm. Let me try this: The first number is pre-1948 (Israeli war for Independence). The second number is today.

    Iran 75,000 30,000 ~100
    Iraq 150,000

  49. Shoot, that’s worse. OK, straight text: Iran, pre-1948: 75,000; today, 30,000; today,

  50. Help! Can anyone tell me how to copy, paste, and post an Excel table successfully? I’m kind of embarrassed, here! 🙂

  51. Im an america jew who advocated strongly against Obama during the entire campaign…his racism and anti-semitism, along with his anti-americanism and bullshit was completely transparent…not a single one of my fellow jews felt the same way I did (not even my family)..but I know at least a few of them finally are starting to regret their decision (obama = total destruction).

    What a horrible place we are in now.

  52. Bob: I clicked on your link, and there was a note in the upper right sidebar that said that the piece was satirical.

  53. 78% of Jews voted for Obama. I think it would be somewhat less then that if the election were held today.

    American Jews prefer to think of the US as a friend of Israel. Basically, if Obama does the motions of being “pro-Israel”, if he makes some speeches about his affinity for Israel, promises support and so forth, that by itself is enough to satisfy the majority of Jews. Obama just needs to give them enough to work with. Enough that they can reasonably delude themselves into believing he is pro Israel. I’d say 40% of the Jewish electorate fits into this category. If he does enough anti-Israeli stuff, then he’ll lose these voters. But again, these voters are receptive to being deluded, they want to think Obama is pro-Israel, because they like his economic and social policies. If they have a way of explaining Obama’s behavior towards Israel, they’ll take it (in other words, if a Republican president followed the same policy towards Israel, they wouldn’t hesitate in calling him/her out. If Ron Paul were following exactly Obama’s Israel policy, many of these same people would be decrying it as unfair and probably anti-semitic).

    It all comes down to cognitive biases… Jewish Americans want to like Obama because they love his domestic policies. Israelis have no such interest, so they tend to be much more level headed in judging Obama.

    Then there’s the other 30% of the Jewish electorate. They really hate the Republicans and conservatives for their economic policies, social policies and despise them for embracing evangelical Christians (whom liberal Jews often depict as secretly planning a genocide of Jews for the rapture, it’s a sort of modern day blood libel. Never mind that if you actually talk to the “rapture ready” Evangelicals they speak of Jews only in the warmest terms. Even the ones who expect tribulations and war with Jewish deaths expect to be raptured before these events, so in no way plan on perpetrating these events themselves. Just like the Talmud predicts a great war between Israel and the world… it doesn’t mean that Jews are trying to foment such a war).

    NOTE: These numbers are mostly out of my *ss, though somewhat based off the 76 vs 80 election returns.

  54. Also, I am NOT an Evangelical Christian. I have nothing against them (nor any religion), but my support for Israel comes entirely because I think it’s the morally right thing. I’m an atheist Republican who supports Israel. 🙂

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