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Liberal fascism rising — 53 Comments

  1. I hate to have to ask, but what if he’s right? There’s a chance that he is. Take a look around you. There are a hell of a lot of people that are not paying attention, even now. What did Slaughter say on Sunday? “Now there’s nothing we can’t do?” What if they push immigration “reform” through the same way? Pardon my pessimistic outlook for the future…

  2. I’m always suspicious of that sort of post. It has the whiff of “instigator” about it. I think the poster is trying to goad opponents into saying something over the line: “Hahaha! We have you cornered! You can’t win through politics, law, or protest movements! Whatcha gonna DO about it, huh?” And when a suitably enraged opponent replies, “Maybe we’ll just blow your *$@#+ heads off!” the belligerent Leftist suddenly cries “Waaaaaah! He’s making a PHYSICAL THREAT!!! He’s threatening You Know Who! Nazi! Nazi! Nazi!” and the whole blog is convulsed with reproaches and fearful mutters about Secret Service visits, etc.

  3. Fake or not, it shows a profound ignorance of the way things would shake out should the country ever come to rebellion and secession.

    Liberals as a rule don’t own guns while conservatives own quite a few. And our armed forces, the members of which are sworn to defend the Constitution from enemies foreign AND domestic and not allegiance to the president or other elected leaders, are about 95% conservative. So I wouldn’t put any faith in the libs controlling the big guns or any guns at all for that matter.

    I’m not advocating that just to be clear, it’s just the most likely alignment if it ever comes to that.

    Besides, liberals don’t like to fight for anything so why would they fight to keep America intact? Better to let us conservatives leave the blue states and they can have their own socialist wonderland all to themselves.

  4. I don’t think it’s fake. But I think it may be some teenager trolling and having fun, a punk doing a victory dance in the end zone.

    The reason I spotlighted it is that its an example of the sort of impulse that tyrants call forth from the “little people,” a sadism that can be harnessed later if necessary. I’ve seen a lot of this impulse on display lately.

  5. Now we see the true guiding principle of the Democratic Party: lust for, and worship of, power. It’s an addiction for them. They will do or say anything, literally anything, to get and keep power.

  6. Before I was laid off recently, a coworker who was here on an expired visa told me quite matter-of-factly, that: “There are hundreds coming everyday, and very soon we will be the majority” His belief, and that of many expired visa holders, illegals etc believe this to be true. Many who supported Obama believe that this is acceptable as well. He and the other illegals continue to be employed, while I was told something about a lean economy and let go. Every day I drive past a Mexican video store (approx. 1/2 mile from the local police station) and see the dozens of idle men hanging around the parking lot waiting for day labor. I would imagine that the city has loitering and vagrancy laws. I tried to imagine what would happen if myself and two dozen unemployed white men took to hanging outside of a local establishment every day of the year.

    My point in all this is that scumbag that wrote that piece knows exactly what the reality is in this country. Mexicans believe they have a birthright to this country and Obama and LaRaza agree. Muslims hate our values and want to kill us…but still insist on living here. The Haitians, killing, robbing, cheating each other for centuries know exactly who’s to blame; the U.S. of course. Despite the lovely weather in other locales, they still insist on living here…and on, and on, ad nauseum. And we continue to sit on our hands. My ex-employer only runs ads for employment in Spanish language newspapers. He alone is responsible for dozens of illegals being able to stay in the U.S. Our fear of offending a Muslim means we have to fly unsafe airplanes from now on. And everyone else that deems themselves eligible shows up pregnant or with a Cliff’s Notes on how to game the system. So the punk above is somewhat right, we scrimp and save, limit offspring and watch quietly while Obama and Company help bring change. How long will this stand? I wish the hell I knew.

  7. Thanks Much, N-N !
    Always excellent to remember the staggering intelligence and depth of the feculent ones of the Left.

  8. The poster sounds quite young and may have a rude awakening for him or her when they can’t find a job and can’t pay back their student loans and they have to wait six months to see a doctor.

  9. Neoconscum,

    You forgot to also mention “their tolerance for other points of view.”

  10. I’ve seen a lot of the brother impulses over the last few years, especially knowing people in the entertainment biz.
    Like telling people how awful/stupid/hateful southerners/ rednecks/ conservatives are, how evil Bush/Cheney are, etc., but god forbid you point out that if a WHITE judge said what Sotamayor did they’d be out of the running – you’re a racist! Or even if they tacitly admit you have a point, it doesn’t matter, isn’t it so exciting that we have a latina Justice! And why are you being such a downer anyway – that’s the problem with you conservatives, so cynical, etc….
    Or rebutting a bunch of yelling about how it’s all the “rethuglican’s” fault, and then having all the facts dismissed because its a bunch of garbage from right wing “hater” sites…


  11. I’ve thought about this issue a few times–what would happen in a liberal / conservative “civil war” (if it came to such a thing).

    I believe it would basically become an issue of ex-military/law enforcement/armed citizen militia on one side, and gangbangers (basically the crips and bloods) on the other.

    Unarmed people would have to seek shelter on one or the other of the armed factions. Should be fun.

  12. I am not surprised by the anger in the liberal fascist comment. I read a lot of the comments because I think it serves as a decent gauge of how close we are to becoming unhinged with thoughts of civil unrest. I recall a prescient scene in The Deer Hunter. Mike returns from Vietnam and he decides to go hunting. He brings the one friend who did not go to Vietnam with him. That friend forgets his boots and, observing that ever prepared Mike brought two pairs of boots, he selfishly DEMANDs the unused boots for himself. Later, that same friend shows Mike his .38 revolver. Mike asks why he has the gun. The friend has never witnessed a bleeding body. Friend answers that he needs it and it’s cool! Well, that friend has an awful lot in common with our liberal fascist blogger. He has lots to say and lots of threats but, his words betray a person feeling protected from reality while typing away in his basement. Having spent 25 years in the US Navy, I would cherish an opportunity to see the fear in his face when I tap his shoulder!

  13. Yes, it is “an excellent example of the mentality of the most rabid variety of Pelosi/Obama supporter, mask removed.”

    The Daily Kos, Huffington post and DU are filled with this type. Our government is being led by this type.

    Reading his rant, it’s understandable that even some conservatives would suspect or even agree that he’s right, as to the situation that faces us.

    I don’t agree because his assertions depend upon highly questionable premises;

    “We are in control now, doofus.”
    No, he’s not but it’s too our advantage that he think they are. “Whoever is winning at the moment will always seem to be invincible.” George Orwell

    “We might lose some seats this November but no worries, …thanks to amnesty – which WILL pass before the 2012 elections, you can bet on it – there will be another twenty million reliable and highly motivated voters on our side, which is more than enough to tip the electoral balance permanently.”

    ‘Some’ seats? The shock is going to be severe, even life threatening for la, la land.

    An economy in decline, massive unemployment and an escalating, unsustainable deficit, along with an enraged Republican party and Independents feeling betrayed by the Dems means that ‘amnesty for illegals’ has no chance, none whatsoever of passing. It simply ain’t gonna happen.

    “Fight us in court? Dream on. As you well know, the courts already lean more to our side than to yours. And that will only become more solid as time passes, for the very same reasons that “conservative” votes are more futile every year.”

    An increasingly liberal court? That’s what they said before and then the Supreme Court OK’d Corporate Campaign Contributions…

    Come November Obama will face a 54+ Republican majority in the Senate, which means he doesn’t get jack, no appointments or legislation are going to get through that are far-left in nature.

    “Civil disobedience? Please, by all means get yourself arrested. You won’t achieve anything else.”
    Yeah, that’s what they said back in the 60’s, only this time it wouldn’t be wide-eyed, long-haired, drug taking unemployed punks doing the protesting. It’s going to be middle America, Grandma and Grandpa and the issue is freedom versus the nanny state.

    “Armed rebellion? That’ll be fun to watch… You’ll soon learn who controls the BIG guns. (Here’s a hint: it ain’t you.)”
    Nor is it you. It’s an overwhelmingly conservative military, who have sworn to uphold the Constitution, who have the BIG guns.

    The only way ‘armed rebellion’ breaks out is if Obama tries to illegally seize power and, if he takes that road, the ‘Big guns’ are going to say, “I don’t think so…”.

    “Your best bet is to quit your pathetic posturing and get with the program…Honestly, the sooner you face the reality that people like you have no future in America the better off you’ll be.

    WE are in control now, little boy. FOREVER.”

    That’s what the ‘Ministry of Truth’ in Orwell’s 1984 said to Winston Smith but that was a work of fiction. The troll, whether knowingly or not is advocating the end of America and the establishment of Amerika.

    That isn’t going to happen in a country where so many value their freedom.

    In order to establish AmeriKA, given the political dynamics at play, at some point soon, the Constitution would have to be abrogated and replaced.

    But neither the American people, nor the ‘Big guns’ are going to support that. So that’s not an option for the left, which means they’re going to lose the war.

    All they’ve won is a Pyrrhic victory.

  14. Geoffrey Britain – Thank you. You’ve made me feel much better today. I was on the brink of tuning out completely because the stress and angst is affecting my life. I rarely feel hopeless and helpless. Your post has given me back a glimmer.

  15. While the Demos may be able to get Amnesty through before November, it will be more difficult now that there are 41 Republican Senators. Given what occurred with HCR, those who were previously RINOs, such as the Mainuh women, will be less likely to roll over and more likely to vote for filibuster. Or is that merely a HopeyChangey sentiment on my part?

    It’s not just deranged Demos who can say “Change we can believe in.”

  16. Gringo, it’s not very hard to buy off senators and congresspeople. The dollar amount isn’t even that high.

    Should be interesting to follow the career course of the democrats who lose their seats this fall–like, where else in the liberal establishment they go to, and what they are paid.

  17. I’d bet a hundred bucks he was raised without two parents that loved him and spent enough time with him. This is our President without the polished facade.

    As for the illegal immigrant issue, I think liberals should be careful what they wish for. The vast majority of Mexicans i’ve ever met have too good a work ethic and easy going manner to ever mesh well with liberals.

  18. Reason and logic may leave the room temporarily…

    But in the age of information – they cannot succeed.

    We will not be a nation that transforms to a dark/censored nation like Iran, North Korea, etc.

    We will succeed because a nation that evolves will evolve towards goodness.

    That means:
    a) personal responsibility
    b) the rule of law
    c) national security
    d) politicians unable to keep pulling off these backroom deals.

    They have been SURPRISED because they aren’t technically adept themselves about how FAST we are informed about the politicians brother becoming judge and the special deals for FL, NE, Louisiana and California water deal, etc.

    But as more politicians start to understand the sunshine is present – the place will be more and more disinfected. Their lack of logic is exposed. Obama speaks out of both sides of his mouth constantly

    We can all see Obama say over 20 times that your premiums will be reduced by $2,500 per year.

    Nothing the Democrats promised will come to fruition.

  19. Gringo asks, While the Demos may be able to get Amnesty through before November, it will be more difficult now that there are 41 Republican Senators….Or is that merely a HopeyChangey sentiment on my part?


    Graham is onboard with amnesty. Bush wanted amnesty. Etc.

    I’m thinking that some Republican Congresspeople are willing to discreetly sell out the country’s future for a few years of cheap labor for their agribusiness donors. The key word is “discreetly”.

  20. Baklava says, “Reason and logic may leave the room temporarily…But in the age of information – they cannot succeed. ”

    I used to think so. I’m no longer sure.

    The trouble is that information is swamped by data.

    Not even lies. It takes effort to tell a lie.

    Just stuff, spewed out like spam.

  21. The commenter may also be a sock-puppet – a juvenile conservative who wants to “prove” that this is what liberals are like by pretending to be one. It happens. There are actual progressives who would think and say this, but we can’t know who was typing this.

    Get used to hearing this from me: Election 2010 is round 1 of a 10-rounder. November is not a destination but a mile marker for us. Even a dramatic victory will not position us to correct the mistakes; even a moderate victory will be enough to get started.

  22. ***sighing*** Yep, that’s a representative sample of the ugliness in comment threads, anytime that there is a story about Tea Parties, or the so-called Health Care Reform, or conservatives generally. The name-calling, the threats, and the sheer ignorance are just breathtaking. I have a blog on Open Salon, just for the fun of it, and to get a little exposure as a writer. I don’t do political posts there very often and certainly not lately, because I just can’t stand the tidal-wave of insult and name-calling – although there are some rational people and some conservatives over there. It’s heartbreaking, as OS’ers are writers and bloggers who are supposed to be clever, open-minded, and tolerant; you’d think they’d be interested in a rational discussion, but alas, that doesn’t happen very often.
    This instant denigration of anyone even confessing to a liking for, say, Sarah Palin, or to being a fiscal conservative and advocate of small government has become so ugly, irrational, and quite deranged over the last eight months. It has gotten to the point where I am hesitating about posting anything about my Tea Party activities at Open Salon, because I don’t have the energy to fight in the comments-thread wars, especially when it’s with bloggers whose writing I like and appreciate. It’s bad enough when the kind of poison that Neo quoted regular comment-thread trolls.I just couldn’t stand to read it when it comes spewing from someone I had considered a kind of friend.

  23. “I read a lot of the comments because I think it serves as a decent gauge of how close we are to becoming unhinged with thoughts of civil unrest.”

    I do too, but I think some of them that turn up on conservative sites are merely hired help. A few of them are scary, but most of them sound like their repeating the same liberal talking points.

    These are not so unhinged, but they are simplistic and patronizing. They try to appear reassuring of the purposive goodness of Obamacare or the ineptitude of the GOP establishment. It goes something like this, “American health is bad and hurts people, but once people reap the benefits of this bill they will change their minds. The GOP/”Tea-baggers’ scared them, but they’ll come around. You should just give up on overturning Obamacare. Besides, he won. Let’s move on to Cap/Trade and immigration.”

    This is basically the same Democratic message from last summer repeated line by line by someone appearing to be sympathetic to conservatives. Maybe they’re trying giving Obama that much anticipated or desired bump in opinion polls, but the tactics are tired, predictable, and insulting.

  24. As for the illegal immigrant issue, I think liberals should be careful what they wish for. The vast majority of Mexicans i’ve ever met have too good a work ethic and easy going manner to ever mesh well with liberals.

    I agree. We’re chock-a-block with Mexicans here in SoCal, and I like them. A lot. They are hard-working, easy-going, and friendly. They’re also strongly family-oriented, religious, and, perhaps surprisingly, even patriotic toward the U.S. (for giving them a shot at a better life).

    I’d trade liberals for Mexicans one-for-one, any day.

  25. This was absolutely no surprise to me. When I realized that the Dems were going to pull this off, despite the scam using reconcilation as a vehicle to circumvent the Constitution’s clear requirements otherwise in order to pass legislation, I immediately thought of amnesty, and, specifically because it would entitle illegals to the benefits of govt. subsidized healthcare — which is what this Administration had originally intended anyway.

    My fear is that having succeeded pushing through the HCR legislation under the reconciliation rules (clearly NOT its intended purpose), this Administration will attempt to push through Amnesty, Card Check, and Cap and Trade before November in similar fashion while they still have enough arms to twist and knowing many of them will be gone post November’s election.

    We could really be screwed. Obama has said he’d rather be known as a “really good one-term President than a mediocre two-term President.” We thought Jimmy Carter was awful, and predictions were that Obama would be worse? Obama will now definitely have his place in history — he will be notorious, infamous for the manner in which he operated and with his intention to bring this country to its knees. The manner in which he has been able to already skirt our Constitution will be an inspiration to would-be dictators of countries round the world!

    The cowardice and compliance of the Democrats in Congress — even knowing they will lose their jobs — is stunning. So much for my belief that most politicians initially come to Washinton with good intentions which dissipate of necessity once they learn how the game is played. Bart Stupak is the ultimate betrayer — and he will very soon realize that he was played by the best of ’em. There’s a word the people I come from use for this type: he’s a schm_ck!

  26. I do too, but I think some of them that turn up on conservative sites are merely hired help. A few of them are scary, but most of them sound like their repeating the same liberal talking points.

    On another site I read a troll confirmed this growing suspicion, when, in the heat of an argument, someone asked why he hung around the site, he admitted that he was hired to do so.

    By whom? He wouldn’t say, but it’s creepy no matter who his employer is.

  27. I think the guy is for real. There might be hired trolls like him, but I have met enough liberal attitude to recognize it as genuine.

    On Sunday, when the vote was not in yet, I’ve witnessed similar exchange on LinkedIn, of all places. In my Design and Construction professional group. You’d think the construction executives can, at least, count money…
    There was a stream of “Rush/Fox/Beck propaganda!” screams, patronizing “the poor people will be cared for now, unlike under the previous selfish administration”, etc etc – whole scenario described int eh comments. With one guy positively gloating – we won! it can never go back now!

  28. To Rich and others.

    Let these people keep talking that way. Let them keep thinking that way. But more important we need to truly understand that we have nothing to lose by fighting this with everything we have.

    Soldiers when in desperate straits lose the sense of fear. If there is no place of refuge, they will stand firm. If they are in hostile country, they will show a stubborn front. If there is no help for it, they will fight hard.

    Or as I would phrase it,

    You would be amazed at what you can accomplish when you can’t run away.


  29. I’ve already taken the position that amnesty for illegals won’t be passed but for those fearful that amnesty for illegals will be passed before the mid-terms, neo’s link just above, makes an utterly compelling argument that it not only won’t affect the mid-term elections but that it would drive millions of (duped) Americans, Independents and ‘moderate’ Democrats into the arms of the Republican party.

    If one steps back a bit to get some perspective, Obama, Pelosi, Reid’s and the Democrat’s actions ensure that outcome.

    We now know that Obama is not going to back off and moderate pursuit of his agenda.

    Which means that the totality of his proposed legislation becomes ever more radical and distant from the mainstream. Politically, he’s slowly eviscerating his own popularity. He’s not going to stop, nor are the Democrat’s going to stop following him over the cliff’s edge into political suicide.

    As neo describes, the Democrat Party have gone rogue.

    Rogue defined as in an out-of-control, rabid dog, not as a maverick pursuing their own individual vision.

    What’s important to understand is that they can no longer hide that they’ve gone rogue from the formerly duped;

    Alcee Hastings declaring that they “make up the rules as they go along”.

    Pelosi’s comment to representatives that, “you have to first pass the bill, to then see what’s in it”.

    Obama’s willingness to use both the Slaughter Rule and the IRS as ‘enforcers’ to compel us to buy government approved insurance will continue to lift the veil from Americans eyes.

    This isn’t the beginning of the end for America, it’s the beginning of the end for radical liberalism.

    What they’re doing doesn’t make us weaker, it makes them weaker and makes us stronger.

  30. I took an oath to defend the constitution 40+ years ago. I am still quite capable and quite willing to do it. Mr. Troll there are many of us and we do not fear you.

  31. Re: Occam’s Beard’s 2:55 post:

    Yes, be careful what you wish for. Recall that out here in sunny California that Obama brought out the black vote, much to liberals delight.

    And the gay agenda was set back at the same time.

  32. And the gay agenda was set back at the same time.

    No, no, that was the Mormons to blame for that. /sarc

    And there must be some people who are more viscerally opposed to homosexuality (and abortion) than Mexicans, but I haven’t met them yet.

  33. Occam’s Beard,
    In regards to Mexicans, Amen. I’m sure there are plenty of lowlifes in the Mexican population, just as there are in ours (take your average progressive, for example) but by and large, every average Mexican I’ve ever met has been A) A damn hard worker B)Honest and decent to the core.

    I’ve long said I’d be in favor of Amnesty for Illegal Aliens as long as we made Mexico accept our 2nd and 3rd generation welfare recipients, professors of any subject that ends in ‘Studies” and the presidents of every teacher’s union.

    A man can dream…

    And as far as the Troll admitting he was being paid, if you haven’t read the guys at Hillbuzz, I suggest you give them a try. They’re former paid internet trolls that used to work for the Other Side. They been very enlightening as well as instrumental, I’d say, in getting Scott Brown elected.


  34. Most people are convergent thinkers and will see things in a way in which what they see converges on their ideas. So when things are open to multiple levels of interpretation or knowing, they tend to just grab the one that THEY think that was never said.

    The first says they are in control, and there isn’t anything anyone can do about it.
    That’s true. The rest is just nyah nyah.. means nothing EITHER way…

    The second paragraph is only one of several ways that the elections can be cooked in their favor and WILL be cooked in their favor. He and everyone think they are going to take 2012, but they have set a bomb that year and the years after. If the state remains (ie, their gambit doesn’t pay out), the crap they set will go off in the next presidents term. They will not be able to remove them in time, and all of this crap will go poof in their face. However if the state changes, (ie the gambit works), they will just wave these laws out of the way having little limitation to act. Do note that voting a second term would more likely be done through the fact of so many unemployed who by then will need welfare and would fear someone attempting to straighten out the system.

    The devil you know…

    I would say he is half right on this, but that he is just pushing the meme of what most think will or is to happen.

    As far as their point on court… they are right… by the time this hits the Supreme Court, there will be another progressive replacement (maybe Berkeley law professor Goodwin Liu). However, as with other things having to do with obama, from transcripts, records, and other such, the court has sided with the admin.

    I agree as far as armed insurrection, as the minute we shoot, even the good guys are obligated to stop people. And I don’t think there is a way to stop people of this authors emotional content and a more physical desire to act out, from facilitating what smarter or more considered people wouldn’t facilitate. Seccession was nullified by the civil war, so that wont happen (not if there is any cohesive state left).

    What I get reading the comments I wont say..

    I will agree that the person who is writing this way, was not smart enough to work out the condition to gloat over. That is, they belong to a group or click with someone that has said this and I don’t doubt that all over among younger people this is what they are hearing.

    The majority of the collective siding people don’t want to think for themselves. If you ask of course they would say that they do. But the truth is they don’t. And the reason is that they deal with the issue of interpersonal knowing and competency and its angst by teaming up. Those with not many skills hoofing their way through life are panicked at the thought that at any moment the world will discover they don’t know what they are doing. That those around them know and don’t say anything. By teaming up and everyone reflecting the same knowledge, they are relieved this angst of individualism and to them the costs of such.

  35. Artfldgr: Obama’s next appointment will not change the makeup of SCOTUS (unless, heaven forbid, something unexpected happens to an additional Justice). It should remain with the same balance of liberal to conservative, 4-4, with one swing vote. After all, it is a liberal retiring.

    The legal issues facing us here are of a much bigger magnitude than Obama’s birth certificate. I have read many law blogs on this and no one really knows what will happen. The Court heard the 2000 election case, which no one thought they would at the time. The swing Justice is a bit more conservative than he is liberal, and remember that Obama breached etiquette in his SOTU speech and dissed the Supremes in public. People who know more about them than I do say that they believe they all were somewhat angered by that. Who knows? Not I. But I refuse to make predictions about how the Court would rule on this one—we again are in uncharted territory (including legal precedent—there isn’t much, it turns out, that’s all that relevant).

  36. This guy posted his manifesto at 2:55 AM.

    Was he just getting home from a bar?

    Or did he have to wait for his mom to fall asleep so she wouldn’t hear him tapping this out in the basement?

  37. I think Artfldgr’s post was dead on. I’m glad I read it before I posted ‘cuz it left me with nothing further to say.

    Well, only one point:

    Armed rebellion? That’ll be fun to watch. Can you say “squashed like a bug,” Wolverine? Bring on your popguns and bean shooters. You’ll soon learn who controls the BIG guns.

    Hmmmm…. Guys with pop-guns and bean-shooters have certainly kept the guys with BIG guns busy in the hills of Afghanistan for 10 years.

  38. The poster might want to consider the history of the caucasian man threatened to lose his freedom in the type of drawn out struggles he imagines.

  39. Whether we know if this writer is sincere or a sock puppet is a secondary point. What matters more is how widely-held those sentiments are.

    It is rare to find one single lefty (or any group) that conveniently wraps all the faults in one mind. But it has been my experience–in the meat world, not blogosphere–that there are plenty who feel most of it.

    I tend to be quiet, and in the circles where I work, people get comfortable thinking I am a fellow traveler. They speak freely. And they denigrate most of what I stand for.

    These are not casual cocktail-party liberals, though. They are community organizers and Democrat party stalwarts. I may see the worst of the beast.

    And yet they hide from the slightest physical confrontation. They’re afraid of small-time thug wannabes. Note that this guy doesn’t say he’s going to fight the rebels himself. He thinks somebody else will do it for him.

    If it goes that far, they are weak. They will lose.

  40. Isn’t it funny how Nadal Hassan and the Christmas Day underpants bomber are “alleged terrorists,” Amy Bishop is an “alleged murderer,” but the media repeat the discredited”Tea-Baggers hurled racial slurs at a congressman” story as if it were proven fact? -moonbattery

  41. The main, incurable malady of socialists of any stripe is that they never can count money, and can’t be educated to do it properly. (If they could, they would never become socialists, at first place.) Welfare state is a parasite, living on other people’s money, and breeding more and more new parasites in order to survive. Basically, it is a Ponzi scheme: those who enter it at early stages can benefit from it, but the later you enter it, the higher risk to be screwed. And eventually it will collapse. The only question, when. This is a serious question, indeed.
    My prediction: quite soon. The great wave of baby-boomer’s retirement is only several years ahead. It can turn the present recession into full-blown depression, and with moutain of debt already overhanging US economy, the results can be catastrophic. In every moment from now China can began to sell her dollar deposits, and this will herald the collapse of the world financial system.
    “As it will be in the future, it was at the birth of Man
    There are only four things certain since Social Progress began.
    That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire,
    And the burnt Fool’s bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire;

    And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
    When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,
    As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,
    The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!”

  42. That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire,
    And the burnt Fool’s bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire;

    I havent heard that in ages…

  43. Actually, there ARE a few other countries that are much freer than the US is now, and where there is much more opportunity. For just one example, Russia is NOT the basket case that it was twenty years ago, despite what the MSM would have us think.

    People who claim that the US is the only alternative, or “the last best hope,” all have one thing in common: they don’t have passports.

    I dare say it might be easier, faster, and a whole lot pleasanter, to take back the US from a vantage point overseas, than it would be to take it back from within the belly of the beast.

  44. Russia is having trouble with people wanting putin out. they have nashi.. they ahve a lot of skin heads beating up people… and the mob and kgb guys steal anything you bring there… my freind who has an electronics firm had his two cars taken the day they were shipped… they later just took his company.

    1289ad… you sound like walter duranty

  45. Thanks for that link Artfldgr, Rep.McCotter should be President, not the piece of pig vomit we have.

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