Home » Roof, the shooter, was a heavy drug user


Roof, the shooter, was a heavy drug user — 45 Comments

  1. So he was a drug addicted, unemployed drop out. That fits in with my observations over the years that anyone who proclaims themselves a white (or black or any other color) supermacist is most likely to be a big time loser.

  2. Haven’t most, or all, of the spree killings over the last several years been done by young men on drugs of one kind or another? Yet, as you note, probably not much discussion of that will happen this time either.

    Why? An unholy alliance of a lot of players, like drug companies, entertainment industry, libertarians?

  3. It is dispiriting to read many of the attempts to attach a broader meaning to what is almost certainly an act committed by someone who was mentally ill. Obama, predictably, did just that.

  4. In churches with citizens, patriots, and armed bystanders, the casualties tend to be single digit, before the shooter is taken out.

  5. Blacks should be asked how much they enjoy being under Democrat gun control, how much they enjoy being slaves, for this is the inevitable result. Any wild animal can strike at the livestock, when it’s full of sheep.

    So how do they feel about it, are they going to continue to worship at the feet of their Masters, Jackson and Sharpton?

  6. South Carolina will–and should put this man down. Don’t wait 10 yrs. He is evil… and I’m sure the Church members did their best to instill Christ into him. He was a coward and will pay the ultimate price.

  7. I can’t say that I care. I see so many black on white crimes, cops cowering and allowing black crime (at least until they are in the hotseat), I see a great deal of reverse prejudice, in academia, in the courts, in business… Look, I simply can’t care about one drop out doing payback, randomly. Just read today about a 35 year old black beating on a white woman. Wasn’t called a hate crime, but it is. Just the other day there was a 35 year old black beating on oriental women. Again, no hate crime charges. And the one where a gang of six or seven raped and tortured and mutilated a young couple, while being ignored at the same time the fake sport team rape thing was going on. I don’t think there were hate charges added there.

    I don’t care. I also know, when people begin realizing the problem, all these do-gooders are going to turn bad. I don’t want any part of it, but I just can’t bring myself to care. I’m hoping just to get enough out of the way that I don’t have to watch.

  8. Doom:

    Insofar as you see this in racial terms, you are falling for the evil designs of Sharpton, Jackson, and Obama. And a few white demagogues whose name I don’t know so can’t list. And by “this,” I mean black on white violence as well as white on black violence.

    I am no pacifist, but I just know there is a better future for us as a nation than being fragmented by skin color. Obama and Holder exacerbate bad race relations at the same time they give lip service to racial harmony. They do that because it serves their purpose, whether it be power or riches. I feel certain the day will come when Americans will see these haters for what they are and we will once again hark to the noble words of Martin Luther King Jr.

    In the meantime, let the haters spout their hate. The future is not theirs — unless we allow them to force us to hate too.

  9. Neo,

    I would like to point out a couple of points I did not see mentioned in your post.

    First off his father purchased a gun for him. Now I own several myself. But Roof had already shown a propensity to mental instability,and drug use. What kind of father does that? His father at the very least allowed or may have even encouraged him down this path.

    Also this case more than most others should wake some people up to the fact we simply allow the mentally ill (not mentally incompetent) to much leeway in public. He clearly had some serious issue and needed to be put into forced rehab and have his mental health looked at.

    But under the current rules we simply cant. While what he said to numerous people was clearly alarming and threatening. No one has mentioned a DIRECT threat. And that is the standard we currently have for holding people for psych reasons. And even then in my state its only a 72 hour hold.

    We as a society have let the pendulum swing too far in allowing the insane to run the streets. We spent a generation demonizing mental health professionals as willing to give anyone an ice pick lobotomy. To now making it nearly impossible to treat those who are a clear danger to the public at large

  10. Ah, but Doom, he went after the nice people. Seriously. Good Christians all, devoted enough to be at church on Wednesday night for Bible study.

    The very last folks from any group that should pay for the sins of the racist gangbangers and thugs.

    That’s just one of the things that’s so insane about this: if this guy Really wanted “payback,” he should have gone after some of the gangbangers in the projects. But he was too much of a coward to do that.

  11. Evil would presume a state of lucid consciousness. This guy’s mind was warped through psychotropic drugs and an extremely dysfunctional life. Then there’s the cognitive dissonance normalized in liberal societies that purport to uphold the moral axioms of individual dignity and intrinsic value, while simultaneously denigrating individual dignity and debasing human life.

    He didn’t stand a chance. Unfortunately, neither did his victims. The first responders are invariably the intended victims. The right of self-defense is an unalienable human right.

  12. Mythx:

    Actually, I’ve been over much of that territory before. I refer you to this.

    As for his father and the gun, it’s hard to say what the father knew about his son’s white supremacist leanings. Did he confide in his father? Who did Dylann live with—on his own, or with one or the other of his parents (I am assuming a divorce, although that might not be the case)?

    Of course, there’s also the possibility that other members of the family (perhaps the father) share his POV. We really know very little at this point about the father, what he thinks, or what he knew or didn’t know about this son.

  13. Neo. When I heard his father gave him the gun I first thought of a story out of “People Of The Lie” by M. Scott Peck where parents of suicided son who used a shotgun on himself gave their surviving teenage son the same exact shotgun for his only Christmas gift. I’m guessing this father knew more about and enabled his son’s sickness.

  14. Doom,

    Salon has a headline about how “White America Must Answer for” Dyllan Roof’s crimes.

    No I don’t. And neither do I think an 87 y.o. grandmother needs to answer for Stanley Tookie Williams crimes. Even if they share the same skin color.

  15. “it’s hard to say what the father knew about his son’s white supremacist leanings”

    His father may not have known about his son’s white supremacsim but he had to have known, or should have known, how messed up he was.

  16. Re: Tongue

    He does appear to have a little subplot involving his tongue going on.

    Since 2009 my favorite tongue-acrobat has been Anita Dunn, who served as Obama’s Communications Director until she was caught on video advocating fellatio lessons for first-graders or something like that.

    Dunn was fascinating in both the current and the original sense. Her tongue had a rich fantasy life and also seemed engaged in a rigorous program of calisthenics.

    Watching her give a speech during which her tongue danced around her mouth, popping in and out like a toddler playing peek-a-boo, was an entertainment I sorely miss.

  17. Applying the word “evil” to a drugged psychotic like Roof, are we?
    But not to Barack Obama, who is not psychotic and is in process of causing, and has caused, the deaths of many, many more?

  18. I was wondering how the police captured Roof. The one report I heard on CNN was that it was a roadblock. The local report you cite is opposite. A single person (Dills) spotted him!

    But think about this: How about the cops that pulled him over?

    Did he still have a gun? Couldn’t he have just started firing on the police?

    Dills and the Shelby police are smart, observant and brave heroes.

    Those complete idiots on CNN should report facts like that rather than running their months with their pointless opinions.

    And thanks to Neo for doing the work the major media won’t do.

  19. Pingback:It Could Have Been Stopped | The Pink Flamingo

  20. The tongue and Kali = death and destructive power.


    Who knows if Roof was doing this deliberately or because of drugs? (The Sopranos used this symbol amazingly effectively). Or if we are reading too much into what we have been shown?

    Evil and stupidity are going on around us every day all the time, just as it has every day for thousands of years, and just as it will continue to do.

    The evil and the stupid will always see the evil and stupidity of others as potential opportunities. Enter BO, stage left.

    In truth, these Charlestons have little or nothing to do with most of us (the rest of humanity) as a practical matter, except to the extent they are exploited by the evil and the stupid, among whom I include the disingenuous purveyors of entertainment.

    What makes events such as Charleston different from the Donner party is that we are uniquely living in a flickering, vicarious state of being.

    Of potential significance equal to or surpassing Charleston is Waco, where nine people were killed and many others injured. A total blackout has occurred on the event, where there is a credible basis for believing that local and federal law enforcement agencies have engaged in chilling evil.

    Scores of innocent people are still imprisoned weeks later to the nations great indifference.

    Bad, horrible, evil things happen to people every day to the same indifference because there is no colored-ribbon significance to their lives. We all keep on living, there is no choice, we have to.

    It is an honor to the lives with no attached colored ribbon that the colored ribbon lives do not elicit too phony of a “personal” response beyond the Pavlovian.

    We can’t afford to spend a second or two on the 65 year old woman who was brutally raped by an intruder into her home, or the old couple tortured to death for their social security money.

    We literally have to make dinner.

    Now, the deliberate spread of hatred affects us all. Hatred is the deliberate message which will emanate from Charleston. Someone wants us all to be hating each other.

    Futile expressions of grief and horror are understandable, but are no substitute to the more significantly relevant personal resistance to the war of hatred being shoved down our throats.

  21. Futile expressions of grief and horror are understandable, but are no substitute to the more significantly relevant personal resistance to the war of hatred being shoved down our throats.

    And, do not forget the unceasing crap sounds and images.
    It took me very little time to track the names of the producers of that drivel. Lets just say that Rabbi Lapin would not be pleased.

    Personal resistance, that is what it is all about.
    Train every day. Don’t be a victim.
    Gift of fear.
    Meditations on violence.

  22. “First off his father purchased a gun for him. Now I own several myself.”
    Once again poor inaccurate reporting by MSM.

    The POS purchased the gun himself. Too bad he didn’t do the world a favor by trying it on himself first.

    Unfortunately as what’s his face said- “Never let a crisis go to waste”, all the MSM and race hucksters are using his evil actions to promote their own agenda.

    So tell me this: We can see his evil and the results but is the evil/hatred that resides in these hucksters heart any different?

    I also find it interesting that it was Charlie Manson’s goal to start a “Race War.” but back then there was never an attempt to link it to Racism, White Privilege, Fox News or the Confederate flag.
    May the innocent victims-Rest in Peace.
    May the perpetrator and those that use the heinous act to further their position find themselves in a place that is much warmer than they are accustom to. 🙁

  23. G6loq: And, do not forget the unceasing crap sounds and images.

    For those of you that do not want to contribute $ watching the ad before seeing what G6log is talking about. Here is a short synopsis of the YouTube Fear Factor snippet.
    I agree: “Rabbi Lapin would not be pleased.” 🙁

    “They say “almost” only counts in horseshoes, but for this stunt, there was no almost about it. The number the horseshoe landed on represented the precise amount our contestants had to drink… of donkey semen and urine. Yes, you read that right.”

  24. Of course, a white tipster led to the capture of this kid.

    Had the tables been reversed, would a black tipster have called the police after seeing a black mass murderer?

    Doubt it. Snitches get stitches, after all.

  25. This piece of human pathogenic bacteria appears to have found his life path as drug user and was disappearing from social relevance for some time. The only thing worse for a creature like this who no longer has a purpose in life is to decide there is a greater malignant purpose worth for.
    The mental leap it takes to decide that a bit of fame or infamy is worth causing destruction and loss of life to validate this creature’s existence is pure evil.

    Making the death of innocent people a message to promote a sick cause is not an amoral decision, it is profoundly immoral which puts it in the class of sin and evil of the highest degree. Thank God they were able to collect his sorry ass off the street yesterday and now that he has confessed they need to put an end to this phase quietly and fast giving him as little personal attention as possible. We know enough details and the media would serve us best if they would back off and let future attention weenies know that their lives will not be given additional significance by taking other lives and going out in an explosion of sewer gas.

    Drugs were probably part of the equation however his statement after capture that the victims treated him so nice that he almost decided against killing them and then, after spending an hour talking to them he made the decision to carry out his self appointed mission indicates his mind was lucid and aware.

    These asshole actions are pure evil, on the same level as the Nazi’s who herded women and children in gas chambers and ISIS death squads who line martyrs up and behead them.

  26. F,

    The choice has been made. In politics, in religion, in academia, that whites must pay. This has been passed down to blacks on the streets. There isn’t a way to change that, at this point, save harshly. Either that or America will become the next South Africa. Whites don’t realize they are the vast minority, not the other way around no matter how it seems on some streets.


    There is no such thing as “nice people”. There are hard targets, and their are soft (or softer) targets. Honestly, I am surprised he wasn’t gunned down. How many blacks illegally carry? How many have hard criminal records? Pick any of their churches, and do a random forced census. You are so naive.


    Precisely. But most of the government, media, academia, .corp (through crony capitalist requirements), churches, and such, are not in agreement with you. Best either choose to get ready to pay, however they see fit including it seems to death, or vote with every means at your disposal. Me? I’m trying to get fit enough to leave.

  27. read brave new world and you undersand why the drugs are not an issue or someting to respond to… a bit of soma and thats that.

  28. Doom, looking for a sick, twisted loser? Look in the mirror, chump. I will pray for your redemption, but you will need to man up yourself.

  29. It takes a while for any real reporters to give us any kind of accurate look at what really happened. These early, emotional responses tend to just be exhibitionistic nonsense. It’s not worth it to react. Hold your fire. Wait and see. Sometimes it’s hard. Everyone has buttons which can be pushed.

  30. Adrian Willis Says:
    June 19th, 2015 at 12:12 pm
    Doom, looking for a sick, twisted loser? Look in the mirror, chump. I will pray for your redemption, but you will need to man up yourself.

    I stand with Doom. Yours is verbiage unless you actually train.
    As to prayin’ … sure, why not. Didn’t do much good in the Charleston church …. apparently.

  31. <miklos000rosza Says:
    June 19th, 2015 at 12:26 pm
    It takes a while for any real reporters to give us any kind of accurate look at what really happened…

    So far indications are of an other deranged leftist.
    Amy Bishop comes to mind, shot three minorities colleagues, and many others Libtards.

  32. Adrian,

    When it is you, or your grandmother, being beat over the head by some young buck, told he deserves to beat, we’ll talk. And, I will, likewise, pray for you. Unless you are the type of chump who supports us “getting our dues”? Even then, I’ll pray. Because I think those are being set up for slaughter. Want no part of either side, unlike some. *cough* Take your free shot on whites while you get it, if you feel that way. Going to get ugly.

  33. It takes a while for any real reporters to give us any kind of accurate look at what really happened. These early, emotional responses tend to just be exhibitionistic nonsense. It’s not worth it to react. Hold your fire. Wait and see. Sometimes it’s hard. Everyone has buttons which can be pushed.

    Thank you. miklos000rosza I agree.

  34. I think it is interesting in these comments that people seem to attribute good parenting to this man’s mother and father by wondering ‘why they didn’t do anything.’ The fact that this kid didn’t graduate from high school and was heavily into drugs tells me that he might not have the best home life around. For all we know, either one of his parents could be drug users themselves or white supremacists. They could have fed his mind with crap his whole life and now this is the result. I would not look to the parents as if they somehow ‘missed’ something…they may have encouraged him by their own behaviors.

  35. Remember the Virginia Tech shooter Seung-Hui Cho? I know a man whose sons went to high school with him and he said that everyone knew he was crazy but no one could do anything about it. You can’t force somebody into confinement until they harm themselves or somebody else.

  36. G6loq: “As to prayin’ … sure, why not. Didn’t do much good in the Charleston church …. apparently.”

    Wow, way to totally misread what the poster said. Not only are you a self-defense meathead, but you’re a disrespectful human being. Right next to Mr. Roof.

  37. GRA Says:
    June 19th, 2015 at 8:30 pm

    “I’ll pray for you”= pompous, sanctimonious, holier-than-thou and condescending.

    If you do pray, be it behind closed doors and shut up about it as it is meant to be.

    meathead: definitely.
    Otherwise be careful using your keyboard I might be moooslime …

  38. White, black, whatever, doesn’t matter to me. Humans are generally weak and defenseless. They are easy to break. If you have enough rage and hate, it is so. If you have training, tools, and WMDs, even more so. But it has always been this way. The weaklings die first.

    If you can’t harness enough power to eliminate your enemies, you will either be controlled by the people who protect you (Hussein Holder Jackson tyrants) or you will be enslaved by your enemies. Same outcome, more or less.

    If people are worried that white Roof killed the wrong blacks, then the solution is obvious, is it not. And if the complaint is that white Roof is killing anyone to begin with, then the solution to training a population to cull criminals, is also obvious. But the weaklings have not the will to deserve victory. So they will shall deserve the fruits of their labor.

  39. here is no such thing as “nice people”. There are hard targets, and their are soft (or softer) targets. Honestly, I am surprised he wasn’t gunned down. How many blacks illegally carry? How many have hard criminal records? Pick any of their churches, and do a random forced census. You are so naive.

    In this context, Beverly is correct. The predator interviewed the prey, found that they passed, and so pulled out the gun. The ways to fail an interview by a crim is to demonstrate that you know what they are doing, that you can do it better, that you have secret weapons or crazy emotions to pull out as a counter, etc.

    Another method, FBI related, is to dissociate yourself from the tribe/identity that the crim hates or feels anger against. Thus ensuring you are kept safely in the crim’s positive human emotions. Even if the crim feels sorry for you, if you are their designated hate group, they will still pull the trigger, most of the time.

  40. Drug use doesn’t turn people into racists. This guy was a racist who also used drugs. And easy access to a weapon turned him into a racist on drugs who was able to walk into a church and kill nine people of color.

  41. It’s not like the self righteous fools care about Margaret Sanger’s racism, eugenics, and killing people of “color”.

    They’re just brain indoctrinated zombies that follow the orders of the eugenics. They have no business telling free men and women what killing “colored people” means.

  42. }}} There is no other word than “evil.”

    I dunno, “batshit crazy” seems to apply just as well. Same end, you terminate a mad dog just as you do an evil one. But it does help to understand that much.

  43. Mark Waters:

    I’m not aware that anyone either said or implied that drugs turned Roof into a racist. That wouldn’t make much sense.

    Drugs, however, can change behavior (for example, reduce inhibitions) and make people more violent in their actions. Although killing those people was related to an attitude, racism, it was the behavior that caused their deaths, not the thought.

    And unless you are suggesting that either all guns should be banned (in which case only criminals and the government would have them), or that people be given thought tests in order to discover rather they are racists or otherwise prone to bad thinking, I don’t see what point you’re making about “easy access.”

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