Home » RIP Vincent Bugliosi


RIP Vincent Bugliosi — 27 Comments

  1. Just think… Manson was ahead of his time… if he was aruond today, he would be popular among the left and the ayers group… he did what he did (he says) to start a race war between the blacks and the police… ayers group teamed up with the black national socialists to rob the bring truck in nanuet to start a race war between blacks and police… and now…..

  2. The book on this for manson was Helter Skelter…

    Helter Skelter (Manson scenario)

    Charles Manson often spoke to associates about Helter Skelter, an apocalyptic war arising from racial tensions between blacks and whites

    More than merely foretell the conflict, this would trigger it; for, in instructing “the young love,” America’s white youth, to join the Family, it would draw the young, white female hippies out of San Francisco’s Haight-Ashbury.

    Black men, thus deprived of the white women whom the political changes of the 1960s had made sexually available to them, would be without an outlet for their frustrations and would lash out in violent crimes against whites.

    A resultant murderous rampage against blacks by frightened whites would then be exploited by militant blacks to provoke an internecine war of near-extermination between racist and non-racist whites over blacks’ treatment.

    Then the militant blacks would arise to sneakily finish off the few whites they would know to have survived; indeed, they would kill off all non-blacks

    Brink’s robbery (1981)

    The Brink’s robbery of 1981 was an armed robbery committed on October 20, 1981, which was carried out by Black Liberation Army members Jeral Wayne Williams (aka Mutulu Shakur), Donald Weems (aka Kuwasi Balagoon), Samuel Brown (aka Solomon Bouines), Samuel Smith, Nathaniel Burns (aka Sekou Odinga), and Cecilio “Chui” Ferguson; several former members of the Weather Underground, now belonging to the May 19th Communist Organization, including David Gilbert, Judith Alice Clark, Kathy Boudin, and Marilyn Buck; and an unknown number of accomplices

    Their contention was that since they did not recognize the authority of the United States, the government had no right to put them on trial. Throughout the trial, they repeatedly disrupted the proceedings by shouting anti-US slogans, proclaiming to be “at war” with the government and refusing to respect any aspect of the US legal system. They called the robbery an “expropriation” of funds that were needed to form a new country in a few select southern states that ideally would be populated only by African Americans.

    from the southern poverty law center

    He’s one of a growing number of black Americans who, as members of outlandishly named “nations” or as individuals, subscribe to an antigovernment philosophy so extreme that some of its techniques, though nonviolent, have earned the moniker “paper terrorism.” Communicating through social media and learning from an ever-expanding network of websites and online forums, they perplex and often harass law enforcement officials, courts, and local governments across the country.

    What may be even stranger about Gaines and his black Fort Wayne cohorts is that the “sovereign citizens” ideology to which they adhere – a conspiratorial belief system that argues that most Americans are not subject to most tax and criminal laws promulgated by the government – was originally thoroughly anti-black.

    But its racist roots have been virtually forgotten by increasing numbers of black Americans who have melded it with selective interpretations of the teachings of pioneer black nationalist Noble Drew Ali, who founded the exclusively black Moorish Science Temple of America (MSTA) almost 100 years ago.

    The core ideas of the sovereign citizens movement originated in the racist and anti-Semitic Posse Comitatus group, which roiled the Midwest in the 1970s and 1980s and believed that the county sheriff is the highest legitimate law enforcement authority.

    Posse ideologues argued, in effect, that God gave America to the white man and therefore the government cannot abridge most rights of whites unless they submit to a “contract” with that government. But black people were only made citizens by the 14th Amendment, they argued, meaning that they have permanently contracted with the government and therefore must obey all its dictates.


    Noble Drew Ali taught that black “Moors” were America’s original inhabitants and are therefore entitled to self-governing, nation-within-a-nation status. (Many American black nationalist groups refer mistakenly to the people of northern Africa as black; in fact, the Moors were a mix of Arabs, Berbers and black people.) Today, black nationalists who see themselves as Moors and white sovereign citizens both believe they have key rights that pre-date by eons the present government.

    If you have race pride and love your race, join the Moorish Science Temple of America and become a part of the Divine Movement. Then you will have power to redeem your race because you will know who you are and who your forefathers were, because where there is UNITY there is strength, ‘Together we stand and Divided we fall’. Come, good people, because I, the Prophet, sent to redeem this Nation from mental slavery which you now have, need every one of you who think that your condition can be better. – Noble Drew Ali

    and that leads to..
    Wallace Fard Muhammad

    who is that?
    the founder of the Nation of Islam. He arrived in Detroit in 1930 with an obscure background and several aliases, where he taught a distinctive form of Islam to members of the city’s African-American population. He disappeared in 1934 after several disputes with local authorities

    it will be interesting if anyone else knows the history of all this stuff besides me… at least if i accidently have lunch with Victor David Hansen, it would be interesting… but i find most people dont know ANY of this at all… except for people like the Shakurs who started the black panthers, and Obama, etc…

    of course… who could tie this all together into a cogent whole without making up things that sound right but have no relevance or bearing to the actual history..

  3. I listened to Michael Medved interview Bugliosi when his book on the Kennedy assassination came out. My father died in a helicopter crash with Francis Gary Powers. NO ONE WILL EVER CONVINCE ME that Lee Harvey Oswald, a Marine with classified clearance and who worked with radar operations and was allowed to defect and return from the Soviet Union during the Cold War was the mastermind, etc. of the assassination. I’m incapable of that kind of suspended belief.

  4. Sharon W:

    Read the book.

    The evidence is, quite simply, overwhelming and conclusive that Oswald acted alone.

  5. Neo, I can assure you that there is nothing in a book written by a lawyer that would persuade me that he has all the conclusive facts. I had the pleasure of meeting (and becoming friends with) a man that headed an important division in the CIA during the Kennedy administration. In fact he was in the Oval Office with just JFK & RFK 3 weeks prior to the assasination. He had stories. There is a reason Jackie recorded hours of tapes only to be revealed 50 years after the death of her last living child.

  6. Sharon W:

    Well, I have a law degree, so I’m not sure why you’re reading this blog. Do you reject anything I would write?

    Makes a lot of sense (not) to reject something out of hand because you don’t like lawyers.

    Bugliosi’s book is utterly convincing and exhaustive. It’s over 1000 pages long (actually, 1648), and deals with every single conspiracy theory there is, and demolishes them with facts and logic.

  7. Sharon W…READ the book.
    Arti…Victor DAVIS Hanson.
    Vince: RIP, Mr. B. You put a whole lot of malignant butchers away. God Bless Your Journey.
    Curt Gentry needs to be credited with his huge contribution to the actual writing of “Helter Skelter”. A helluva guy and a helluva writer.

  8. Curt Gentry needs to be credited with his huge contribution to the actual writing of “Helter Skelter”.

    The actual writer of “Helter Skelter” was Paul McCartney. HaHa!

  9. Neo, It’s a stretch to take what I wrote as a slam against lawyers. As you know I’m a long-time reader of your blog and think yours is the best. I’m sure we disagree on a lot of things, as I’m a devout Catholic who attends daily Mass and believes in the afterlife. So I come from a place that truly believes, “we see through a glass darkly, but then face to face”. I’m ready for big surprises when I pass from this life. So please don’t take my point of view personally. And with the limited amount of time I have to devote to reading, and the long list of books I would like to read, that book is unlikely to ever make my list. Again, Oswald’s movement back and forth during the Cold War seals the deal for me on more than meets the eye.

  10. Sharon W:

    If you say “I can assure you that there is nothing in a book written by a lawyer that would persuade me that he has all the conclusive facts,” that IS a slam on lawyers. I really don’t see another way to interpret it.

    You’re certainly free to slam lawyers (it seems to be quite common, and some of it is no doubt well-deserved), but to dismiss something out of hand because it is written by a lawyer can only be interpreted as a slam on lawyers, and it is an ad hominem argument as well.

    You may find that, if you were to use the search function for the book (which I believe is available at that free link to it that I provided) to search for the elements that especially interest you (like “USSR” or something like that), you might be able to narrow down your reading there. However, it’s really the entire picture that is most convincing, which would probably require your reading the first 500 pages (which are an easy read, actually, and quite riveting).

    It has been my experience, however, that most Kennedy assassination conspiracists do not give up their theories no matter how much evidence you present to them. I don’t know whether you are of that ilk, but I know that many people are.

  11. History Reclaimed is exactly how neo describes it: facts and logic, comprehensive and irrefutable. I like neo’s word “riveting” to describe the literal second by second, minute by minute description of the assassination and aftermath.

    Putting the truth aside, the book is wonderfully fascinating. But even better, it is as good at establishing the truth, objective reality, as any book can do.

    I sympathize with Sharon, having read, enjoyed and been persuaded by Rush To Judgment onward, the flood of books which have successfully created the present state of widespread belief about the assassination.

    I read Gerald Posner’s book, Case Closed, when it came out and that dumped a bucket of cold reality over my head. Posner’s book is also facts and logic, brilliantly coherent, a sort of precursor to History Reclaimed.

    What Posner and Bugliosi’s books have in common is the experienced lawyer’s sensitivity to evidence and inference. A lot of folks think that a lawyer’s job is in the sphere of the dramatic arts; so do a lot of lawyers, most especially including social justice lawyers, many prosecutors, many defense attorneys, and those who advertise heavily.

    The best attorneys, though advocates, understand that truth and objectivity are fundamental to the profession, and act accordingly.

    An entirely different topic is Stone’s movie which is a great movie, a true work of art, appealing and engaging, and up there with Triumph of The Will in creating an emotional response seemingly indistinguishable from intellectual assessment.

  12. The evidence is, quite simply, overwhelming and conclusive that Oswald acted alone…

    so you believe that the soviets who had him he admired, and helped him and he married had nothing to do with it..

    i guess if you believe the people who never kept a treaty, still lie to this day about everything from their anthrax accident to hiv being a product in the US biowarfare agencies that didnt exist, lied as to start for 28 years, violated peace treaties to invade friends, and all that..

    are telling the truth..

    you will have to wait an eternity to learn from them what the did..

    oh… and spycraft is all about operating without being connected to who your operating for BY DEFINITION…

    so the weathermen went to castro cuba to hang out on the beach… right? and blasio and his wife had their honeymoon there, cause its so much better than cancun…

    in case you didnt know… people leave their countries to go to other countries to get training in arts that they then use when they return… of course the other country never says, hey, we trained them… nyah nyah nyah…

    Oswald did not act alone… at the very least he had his training in the soviet union when he defected..

    his rifle training was with the US marines…

    all the soviets had to do was tell him that he would do this and they would make him a hero… he should go here and there and do this and tht, and thats it…

    nothing else is required…

    once done, the US would endeavor to hide the facts as much as the soviets would because the truth would be seen as too controversial.

    recent documentaries finally show the image of the shot that was removed from the mcgruder film..

    heck.. Kennedy had his head blown off with pieces all over the place… there are now new released photos of his wife with blood and bits of brain on her white gloves she never removed until way way after the event, and she was left alone…

    when she tried to run away, the papers described her as “going to heroically get help”… sorry, she saw his brains fly all over the place and on her, she wasnt going to get help.

    we will never know… THATS the point of spycraft, disenformatzia, etc.

    Soviet Use of Assassination and Kidnapping
    22 SEPT 93
    A 1964 view of KGB methods

    It has long been known that the Soviet state security service (currently the KGB) resorts to abduction and murder to combat what are considered to be actual or potential threats to the Soviet regime. These techniques, frequently designated as “executive action”** and known within the KGB as “liquid affairs” (Mokryye Dela), can be and are employed abroad as well as within the borders of the USSR. They have been used against Soviet citizens, Soviet emigrés, and even foreign nationals. A list of those who have fallen victim to such action over the years would be a very long one and would include even the co-founder of the Soviet state, Leon Trotsky. Several well-known Soviet assassination operations which have occurred since the rise of Khrushchev attest to the fact that the present leadership of the USSR still employs this method of dealing with its enemies.

    assassinations of some emigré leaders have been carried out so skillfully as to leave the impression that the victims died from natural causes.

    so how do we know what happened? their muderers defected then clued us in on the operations… so tell me how you know that the absence of evidence is evidence that there isnt any?

    i have brought this up several times before, but the programming we get that these people are buffoons and such makes one refuse to accept it.

    Lev Rebet died of a heart attack in 1959

    a Ukrainian political writer and anti-communist during World War II. He was a key cabinet member in the Ukrainian government (backed by Stepan Bandera’s faction of OUN) which proclaimed independence on June 30, 1941. For a time, Rebet was the leader of the Ukrainian government.

    Rebet was very active in exile with publications. He worked as the editor of a number of periodicals. In 1949 he completed his doctoral dissertation and in the 1950s took up research and scholarship in the fields of law, politics and sociology. His major works included “The Formation of the Ukrainian Nation” (1951) and “The Theory of Nations” (1956).

    given the history that people from there know, this is why you dont hear much against them… why get killed for people that wont listen to you, wont hear you, wont believe you, and will forget about it all ten minutes after you point out things to them and show them the testimony and proof…

    no wonder its easy to believe that there is nothing there… THAT IS THE WHOLE POINT AND GOAL OF SUCH OPERATIONS!!!!!!!!!!! if you dont know, then its a sucess..

    but then Bohdan Stashynsky defected, pulled a snowden… and then came and confessed what he did, showed where things were hidden or destroyed, and so on…

    Stashynsky detailed how he killed Rebet, and how he killed Bandera…

    According to West German Intelligence chief Reinhard Gehlen

    “…Bohdan Stashinskyi, who had been persuaded by his German-born wife Inge to confess to the crimes and take the load off his troubled conscience, stuck resolutely to his statements. His testimony convinced the investigating authorities. He reconstructed the crimes exactly as they had happened, revisiting the crumbling business premises at the Stachus, in the heart of Munich, where Lev Rebet had entered the office of a Ukrainian exile newspaper, his suitcase in his hand. And he showed how the hydrogen cyanide capsule had exploded in Rebet’s face and how he had left him slumped over the rickety staircase. The case before the Federal court began on October 8, 1962, and world interest in the incident was revived. Passing sentence eleven days later, the court identified Stashinskyi’s unscrupulous employer Shelyepin as the person primarily responsible for the hideous murders, and the defendant — who had given a highly credible account of the extreme pressure applied to him by the KGB to act as he did — received a comparatively mild sentence. He served most of it and was released…”

    oh, and the substance he used is not what is detailed there… it was another substance – which you can read in older texts that were more truthful than hiding the techniques details so they would not be coppied.

    until they defected everyone said the SAME THING YOUR saying… but there is NO way that the soviets would take a defector then let him go… give ONE EXAMPLE OF THAT HAPPENING OTHER THAN OSWALD…

    however, you can tell they are lying about the substance and such when you read what they say about Bandera…

    On 15 October 1959, Stepan Bandera collapsed outside of Kreittmayrstrasse 7 in Munich and died shortly thereafter. A medical examination established that the cause of his death was poison by cyanide gas…

    how would the examiner know that GAS was used and not some other method given the small amounts that would work? ie, the report was written after the facts were found out later… not the report that was made then, which origianlly said, heart attack

    Two years after his death, on 17 November 1961, the German judicial bodies announced that Bandera’s murderer had been a KGB defector named Bohdan Stashynsky who acted on the orders of Soviet KGB head Alexander Shelepin and Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev.

    The Federal Court of Justice of Germany confirmed at Karlsruhe that in the Bandera murder, the Soviet secret service was the main guilty party.

    The Soviets have gone to great lengths in the past to silence their intelligence officers who have defected… [a clue as to what would happen if they DID say do this, and you didnt]

    Reiss in 1937 was killed.. .

    intelligence officer Walter Krivitsky in 1941 was thought to have commited suicide… however, later we find out

    On February 10, 1941, at 9:30 a.m. he was found dead in the Bellevue Hotel (now The George) in Washington, DC, by a chambermaid, with three suicide notes by the bed. His body was lying in a pool of blood, caused by a single bullet wound to the right temple from a .38-caliber revolver found grasped in Krivitsky’s right hand. A report dated June 10, 1941, indicates he had been dead for approximately 6 hours.

    nice neat and to the point…

    Whittaker Chambers talks about it alot..

    the wife of Vladimir Petrov was told to return to moscow from Australia… where they would kill her… [this is similar to la cosa nostra inviting someone to some meeting… and as the guy who detailed it said, he hoped that there were people there, otherwise, they would cap him in the back of the head and he would dissappear]

    Aleksandr F. Zelenovskiy was killed in Calcutta in 58 and Mikhail 1. Strygin was killed in Burma in 59… AFTER the soviets claimed, as the did with Oswald that they were nuts and had mental issues

    The abductions of Dr. Walter Linse (was kidnaped from West Berlin in July 1952 by agents of the East German security service) and Bohumil Lausman (disappeared from Vienna in 1953) – later the details came out…

    The soviets had known departments to handle this stuff… think of a building like the CIA, but whose purpose is to scare people, blackmail them, murder them, assasinate and torture family, kidnap them making them disappear, and more.

    in fact. the man i mention that started the nation of islam suddenly disappeared this way: Wallace Fard Muhammad He disappeared in 1934… kind of like the labor leader Jimmy Hoffa…

    Spets Byuro #1 known as the “Chamber” (Kamera) was a whole department that was tasked with developeing toxins and poisons that could be used and not traced… [i mentioned that before too]

    This laboratory conducted experiments on prisoners and persons subject to execution to test the effectiveness of different powders, beverages, and liquors, and various types of injections, as well as research on the use of hypnotism to force prisoners to confess.

  13. In March 1955, Lisa Stein, an interviewer with RIAS, the American propaganda radio station in West Germany (“Radio in American Sector”), was fed candy containing the highly dangerous poison scopolamine
    Unclassified, from the testimony of Theodor Hans, formerly with U.S. Military Intelligence, Germany, September 21, 1960, before a Congressional investigating committee.)


    Another weapon used is described as a noiseless gas pistol, powered by a 300-volt battery, which fires a lethal, odorless, unidentified gas. The gas acts in two or three seconds, and is effective up to 15 or 20 meters.


    you can look up a long list and find hundreds…

    and if you think it doesnt happen today, ask politskya who got three bullets in the head in her doorway… then a few weeks ago, the russian who was killed in kremlin square… then there was the polonium poisoning of the man in britain… then there was the attempted poisioning of the leader of a satellite country – using pcb and which changed his face horribly (he survived)… then there was the plane crash of ukrainian generals… then the 300 or so journalists…

    they never stop

    so there is no way to say anything about oswald other than I DONT KNOW, AND WE WILL NEVER KNOW unless russia falls, or another mitrokhin shows up with records, or some confession of a leader who wants to pretend there is a reset and a cleaning of the slate with a new clean one going forwards…

    they make the manipulative liberals playing games in the US appear like children in a sandbox comparatively

  14. Neo, when I state, “a book by a lawyer” the context would be one like in the film “Witness for the Prosecution”. The renowned lawyer went with the facts and evidence that existed. I won’t give away the movie in case anyone reading this post hasn’t seen it. But if you are familiar with the story that would explain my point of view. I read Helter Skelter during my teens and I would describe it as riveting. My suspension of belief regarding Oswald (a Marine reconnaissance expert with highest security clearance) again is predicated on his being in the USSR when Powers was shot down over Russian airspace. That was a big deal. I’m old enough to remember drills in school during the Cold War, so this defector going back and forth and then killing our President–ALONE!?! I would wager that there are statements on Jackie’s tapes that might alter Bugliosi’s conclusions. The only conspiracy theory I’m heavily invested in is the Christian one that states there is a Creator and our relationship with Him was altered by way of deception/manipulation (Eve) and outright disobedience (Adam), therefore He crafted a plan, salvation through Jesus Christ. I believe the church (which gave us the bible) “is the foundation and pillar of all truth” and I embrace the recorded eyewitness accounts going back about 2000 years. Therefore I walk the road of faith/reason, material/spiritual that encompasses life. Thankfully my own faith walk has afforded me experiences that are miraculous and thereby bolster my convictions and understanding. BTW, Powers was in interview negotiations with NBC when the helicopter he was flying crashed over an open field because it ran out of gas. I believe there is more to that story too, but spend no time and energy focusing on it.

  15. Bugliosi’s book is utterly convincing and exhaustive. It’s over 1000 pages long (actually, 1648), and deals with every single conspiracy theory there is, and demolishes them with facts and logic.

    and the book has NOTHING but a little bit on Owalds stay in the Soviet Union…

    its the one key part that needs no other part!!!
    ie. all the other theories can be false, but if he got orders and was sent out, how would Buglosi know?

    Buglosi accused bush of murder..

    and with oswald he spends most of his time saying oswald did it, and debunking someone else did or assisted… but he has no way of knowing what went on on russia… none.. and never will…

    Lindley: Why do you think Oswald killed President Kennedy?

    Bugliosi: I have a whole chapter on motive, but no one is ever going to know for sure why Oswald killed Kennedy. Even if he were alive today, he might not be able to tell us the dynamics swirling around in his fevered mind that led him to this monstrous act of murder. But there are some pieces of circumstantial evidence from which we can draw inferences, and there are many.

    Given that your a lawyer neo, how good is CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE? is it even admissable?

    the reasons he gives are the same reasons that a system would select him for… after all, an unstable person who wants meaning in his life, and is willing to defect from the USA, tried to go to cuba to help castro and communism, is a PERFECT DUPE to get something done..

    what have you to say about Mehmet Ali AÄŸca ?

    do you remember him? do you remember what he did and what he did later and then what we found out lader

    Mehmet Ali AÄŸca was first thought to be an unstable man, who hated the pope…

    read the wiki.. they only mention the KGB as an aside… http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mehmet_Ali_A%C4%9Fca

    he was first thought to be nuts… then his history with the turkish wolves was then known, and more and more over time.. though if someone like jack ruby killed him right after his crime, all that other stuff would have been buried.

    In November 2010, he publicly accused Cardinal Agostino Casaroli as the mastermind behind the assassination attempt on John Paul II in 1981. More credibly, it has been believed for decades that the Soviet Union’s KGB ordered the assassination, because of John Paul II’s support for the Solidarity labor movement in Poland. Agca stated this during one of his interrogations prior to trial

    you see… Oswald was killed before he could do similar… why did jack ruby kill him, how did he get access…

    and what about the mob, kgb, unions, and the dirty kennedy family have at that time?

    want to hear how the russia mob and the italian mob worked together? think the russian mob is not connected to guys like putin as siloviki?

    even our own government tried to pay the mob to do some dirty work during wwii…

    Sovietnik — (“Councilor”), is the advisor and most close trusted individual to the Pakhan, similar to the Consigliere in Italian-American Mafia crime families and Sicilian Mafia clans.

    from wiki
    It was agreed upon that Vyacheslav “Yaponchik” Ivankov would be sent to Brighton Beach in 1992, allegedly because he was killing too many people in Russia and also to take control of Russian organized crime in North America

    Within a year, he built an international operation that included, but was not limited to, narcotics, money laundering, and prostitution and made ties with the American Mafia and Colombian drug cartels, eventually extending to Miami, Los Angeles, and Boston

    1917—1991: Soviet era
    During Stalin’s reign as ruler, millions of criminals were sent to gulags (Soviet labor camps), where powerful criminals worked their way up to become vory v zakone (“thieves-in-law”). These criminal elite often conveyed their status through complicated tattoos, an act that is still used today by Russian mobsters

    i had a good friend.. Vlad… nice man… he invited me to a picnic in brighton beach… wonderful time… that is until some of the men started taking off their shirts in the heat and i recognized that i was in the middle of a party being thrown by the Bratva… and they were very nice to me given my access in computers, and skills…

    that was the last time i saw Vlad, spoke to them, etc… its not a good life.. (lately been showing my wife how to tell what the criminal job of some of the mexican cooks is given the tatoo on their hands)

    during the 1970s and 1980s, the United States expanded its immigration policies, allowing Soviet Jews, with most settling in a southern Brooklyn area known as Brighton Beach (sometimes nicknamed as “Little Odessa”). Here is where Russian organized crime began in the US

    The earliest known case of Russian crime in the area was in the mid-1970s by the “Potato Bag Gang,” a group of con artists disguised as merchants that told customers that they were selling antique gold rubles for cheap, but in fact, gave them bags of potatoes when bought in thousands. By 1983, the head of Russian organized crime in Brighton Beach was Evsei Agron

    thats not completely true as you can read the books by mobsters talking about russia helping them with the heroin trade and other earlier stuff… its just then, they were part of the organs of the state, under the rules of the game.

    at least that was before the bitch wars.

    whenever they are connected to something in anyway, the idea that they are not part of that something is more farcical than most things… they never ever give up an opportunity to be a part of something that may or may not work out in some way to their advantage or disadvantage.

    the only way they would not be a part of something is if that something was totally neutral, and there is nothing like that in this universe other than in the heads of some men and women who believe what they want vs what is known..

  16. Here’s a look at some of the KGB’s best-known former spies.. These people were never caught, their actions never tied to mother russia, we only know of them because of their defection later in life, archives opened, stolen information, etc.

    that is, the whole point of that area of business is to hide and negate and fool everyone that they dont exist.

    to quote a christian thing:

    The cleverest thing the devil ever did was convince us he doesnt exist.

    Litvinenko joined the KGB in 1988 and worked as a counter-intelligence spy until the Soviet Union dissolved. He then joined the most secret division of the FSB, fighting terrorism and organized crime in Chechnya. But things started to fall apart in 1998 after Litvinenko made a public statement accusing an FSB official of ordering him to assassinate Boris Berezovsky, one of Russia’s most powerful oligarchs.

    he defected and the Russians poisoned him with Polonium as a message to others of his kind out in the world… there is no doubt they did it as the only source of polonium in that quanitity, is a nuclear power plant, and draining some material from one in the west is problematic…

    they USED to use radioactive thorium, which would induce stomach cancer…

    they have also used Ricin in tiny 2mm wide BBs

    they have also been caught using a dental xray in an apartment above or near the victim which they radiate them through the walls giving them cancer.

    Karpichkov ended up as a double agent and still lives like one in London, where he keeps a low profile and is always looking over his shoulder even though he retired long ago / The Latvian-born Karpichkov was approached by the KGB in 1984 / As a double agent, Karpichkov ran disinformation operations against the CIA and, on one occasion, broke into the British Embassy in Riga to plant a listening device. / Luke Harding explains, Karpichkov “writes, stays in touch with events in Russia, and vanishes now and again on mysterious trips whose purpose he declines to explain.” / he worries about his wife and kids as the russians are legendary for torturing family to get people to comply with their wishes.

    OLEG LYALIN died at the age of 57 after battling a long illness. No one seems to know what the illness was or where Lyalin was living when he died. According to a New York Times obituary, he passed away at an “undisclosed location in northern England.”

    VASILY MITROKHIN previously covered

    and this one should wake you up neo: ALDRICH AMES

    if he CIA and state organs didnt know he was a spy and a kgb operative, how do you konw oswald was not by Buglosi? Ames was promoted to counterintelligence branch chief in Soviet operations in 1983,

    not only did they not know he was a KGB agent, but that he was promoted in the agency. and buglosi would know what oswald was by logic? and you know cause of a fat book that details circumstantial evidence (buglosi’s own words from interview) would clue you in?

    call the CIA, we have a new way of discovering spooks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (not)

    and what about ANNA CHAPMAN?
    Anna Vasil’yevna Chapman
    Anna Vasil’yevna Kushchyenko

    is a Russian national who was residing in New York City when she was arrested, along with nine others, on 27 June 2010, on suspicion of working for the Illegals Program spy ring under the Russian Federation’s external intelligence agency, the SVR (Sluzhba Vneshney Razvedki). Chapman pleaded guilty to a charge of conspiracy to act as an agent of a foreign government without notifying the U.S. Attorney General, and departed to Russia on 8 July 2010, as part of a prisoner swap.

    Chapman is one of only two of the Illegals Program Russians arrested in June 2010 who did not use an assumed name

    The Illegals Program, as it was called by the United States Department of Justice, was a network of Russian sleeper agents under non-official cover whose investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

    The spies were planted in the United States by the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (known by its Russian abbreviation, SVR).[1] Posing as ordinary American citizens, they tried to build contacts with academics, industrialists, and policymakers to gain access to intelligence.

  17. Artfldgr:

    I can’t argue the facts of a 1600+ page book in a short comment here. Can’t even do it in a post. But it has much more than “a little” about Oswald’s stay in the USSR. Most of the evidence against Oswald is going to be circumstantial, by definition, but as I said before it is overwhelming and extremely logical, and the various conspiracy theories pale in comparison, with enormous flaws and holes in them. People are fascinated by them, though, and love to spin them.

    Kennedy conspiracists seem to be to be very much like 9/11-truthers in their arguments. I don’t expect you to agree with me.

    By the way, circumstantial evidence is excellent evidence. Most criminal cases rely on it, sometimes extensively. See this:

    circumstantial evidence

    n. evidence in a trial which is not directly from an eyewitness or participant and requires some reasoning to prove a fact. There is a public perception that such evidence is weak (“all they have is circumstantial evidence”), but the probable conclusion from the circumstances may be so strong that there can be little doubt as to a vital fact (“beyond a reasonable doubt” in a criminal case, and “a preponderance of the evidence” in a civil case). Particularly in criminal cases, “eyewitness” (“I saw Frankie shoot Johnny”) type evidence is often lacking and may be unreliable, so circumstantial evidence becomes essential. Prior threats to the victim, fingerprints found at the scene of the crime, ownership of the murder weapon, and the accused being seen in the neighborhood, certainly point to the suspect as being the killer, but each bit of evidence is circumstantial.

  18. Neo: “By the way, circumstantial evidence is excellent evidence.”

    It’s not all excellent, but often is admissible when more probative than prejudicial.

    I think many people mix up evaluations of circumstantial and speculative.

  19. Tonawanda:

    I read Posner’s book first, too, and thought it good, but Bugliosi’s is so much more comprehensive I think it is superior.

    Unfortunately, its length will put many people off.

    I noticed, however, that there seems to be a condensed version, here. It’s “only” about 688 pages, which leads me to believe that it consists of that first section I mentioned.

  20. There’s usually two lines of conspiracy theories. There’s the ones propagated by the Left, to cover up their own operations. And then there’s the theories which consistently explain what’s really been going on.

  21. Read “The Interloper” by Peter Savodnik for a good understanding of Oswald’s defection to Russia and subsequent return to the US. Read “History Will Prove Us Right” by Howard P. Willens, a member of the Warren Commission legal staff. Both are recent books well worth checking out and both should help dispel notions of a conspiracy.

  22. Eric:

    I think there’s some sort of cliche with which people are familiar that goes something like this: “it’s just circumstantial evidence.”

    Of course, not all circumstantial evidence is excellent. It varies. What I should have said is that in general it is considered to be excellent evidence, and can be probative, but of course it varies in quality and some is better than others.

  23. Neo,

    Evaluating circumstantial evidence is one of the chief functions of jury as fact finder.

  24. G Joubert:

    Yes, he goes into virtually every issue ever raised regarding the assassination and conspiracy theories.

    Read it.

    Or, if you’re not interested in doing that, go to the link in the post to the text of the book and do a search (for example, for the word “brain”). It will bring up excerpts from all the references, and you can click on each one and read the full thing.

    I’m not sure whether every single word of the text is online, but a huge amount certainly is.

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