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The crowded Republican field — 34 Comments

  1. What is most terrible about the GOP field — excepting Jeb, a horror in his own right — is that it is moderate. How can moderation, in the face of immoderate forces, be anything but a Commedia dell’arte. We, that is they — the GOP field – seem always constrained in dealing with the immoderate by punctilios to moderation.

    Moderate n. — a man (most women are genetically disposed to ‘moderate’) resolved to straddling the fence even in the event of damaging permanently the integrity of his manhood.

    ‘observe due measure; moderation is best in all things’ – Greek poet Hesiod, (Works and Days) (c.700 bce),

    ‘moderation in all things is the best policy.’ Roman dramatist Plautus (c.250—184 bce),

    ‘Moderation, the noblest gift of heaven’ – Greek playwright Euripides (Medea) (c. 431 bce)

    ‘We should pursue and practice moderation.’ – Plato (Gorgias) (c. 375 bce)

    ‘In every thyng, I woot, there lith mesure’ (moderation or proportion. – Gegory Chaucer (Troilus and Criseyde) (c. 1385 ce)

    ‘moderation in all things’ – William H.G. Kingston (English translation of Swiss Family Robinson)

    Enough already with moderation. There are times for it but this is not one of them. Chuck the moderation. Call the culprits culprits, the thugs, thugs, and run on this and this alone, a platform of two planks — that the Democratic administration, top to bottom, had lied for eight years and the MSM had aided and abetted them. In the event — I’m not holding my breath — the results, I believe would astound.

  2. Carly is impressing the heck out of me. She’s well spoken, knows her stuff, doesn’t back down, acts like she really wants the job, and has ideas about how to set things right. The dems and the establishment Repubs should be afraid, very afraid.

  3. As for Carly Fiorina, she has the demonstrated ability to do what I always admired in Newt Gingrich, i.e., to take the fight to the left and refuse to play on their terms. See her interviews with Seth Myers, Chuck Todd, Katie Couric and, most recently, Andrea Mitchell; the consistency of her self-confidence, rhetorical ability and quick mind makes it clear that these are not flukes.

    IMO she does this with the same aplomb as Newt. She is clearly not afraid to go nose to nose with her adversaries and at least so far, she has done this without Newt’s adversarial arrogance which turned many people off.

    Good on her!

    Some conservative websites include commenters discussing her great potential as a VP candidate (traditionally serving as the attack dog of a presidential campaign). This may well prove to be an ideal position for her in 2016 given her stamina, her willingness to fight and her sex.

    The thought of a Cruz/Fiorina or a Rubio/Fiorina ticket from the party of old white men is delicious even if only to anticipate the number of exploding liberal heads and their risible attempts to nullify such a ticket (a “white Hispanic” and a woman whose “only” claim to womanhood is that she has two “X” chromosomes).

    This could be quite entertaining.

  4. George Pal,

    Call the culprits culprits, the thugs, thugs, and run on this and this alone, a platform of two planks — that the Democratic administration, top to bottom, had lied for eight years and the MSM had aided and abetted them. . . . the results, I believe would astound.

    I do think that there is something to what you are saying there.

  5. T Says,

    It wouldn’t be difficult, except, perhaps, in summoning up the fortitude.


    MSNBC Apparatchik: Senator Smith, where do you stand on same sex marriage?
    Sen. Smith: I believe the Democratic Party had lied to the American people for eight years. That the Democratic administration – from top to bottom – had lied – for eight years. That they had lied about Benghazi, they lied about the IRS targeting political opponents, they lied about green energy, they lied about immigration reform, they lied about the war an terror, they lied about the expansion of the surveillance State, and that doesn’t begin to cover the full extent of their lies. Furthermore, the mainstream media perpetuated those lies vigorously. Now, if you think the American public is more concerned with same sex marriage than its own government resolutely lying to them, and the mainstream media aiding and abetting them in the lying, then you ought not be moderating this debate, a part of this panel, sitting at this desk, or asking stupid questions from the floor. (as the situation warrants).

    CNN Apparatchik: Representative Jones, where do you stand on abortion?
    Rep Jones: same answer as Sen. Smith – apropos abortion.

    NY Times Apparatchik: Governor Studley, what do you propose to do about illegal immigrants?
    Gov. Studley: same answer as Messrs Smith and Jones — apropos immigration.

    Los Angeles Times Apparatchik: Senator Blither, will you make a point of salting your administration with diversity in the form of POCs and women?
    Sen. Blather: That’s Blather.
    Los Angeles Times Apparatchik: Sorry Senator… Senator Blather… the question?
    Sen. Blather: : same answer as Messrs Smith, Jones, and Studley — apropos diversity.

    Washington Post Apparatchik: Mr./Ms. Token, what will you do for education?
    Mr./Ms. Token: same answer as Messrs Smith, Jones, Studley and Blather — apropos education.

  6. I’m nervous too, because I was so wrong twice in a row. I didn’t believe Obama would be elected the first time, but I definitely never imagined he would win the second time. Still shaking my head about that.

    Fiorina is a very pleasant surprise. I am really delighted to hear a candidate defend the free market.

    Walker/Fiorina sounds good to me.

  7. Thanks for the clip, Neo. Been thinking of sending Fiorina a few bucks as a way to thank her for showing Republicans how to answer the media’s questions. Hope she’ll make the cut for the debates. Her site is carlyforpresident.com

  8. “I can’t define exactly what this “it” factor is”

    “Presidential timber”? IMO, Sarah Palin has it.

    In voting for a President from the current field, Walker and Cruz are the only ones with whom I’d be comfortable. Fiorina and Carson only in the VP slot. They simply haven’t the requisite experience but they do have their heads on straight, which is an essential qualification.

    George Pal,

    I too wish for more forthrightness. The media’s veracity must be attacked.

    MSNBC Apparatchik: Senator Smith, where do you stand on same sex marriage?

    Senator Smith: I’m against judicial activism, I think the people should decide. Marriage isn’t a constitutional issue, it’s a social issue. The Democratic Party favors judicial activism because, with full disclosure, they can’t get the public to agree with them.

    The Main Stream Media has long been the propaganda organ of the democrat party. Since the media is biased and fundamentally dishonest, there’s no productive purpose in speaking with you.

    My campaign will be one of public speeches, articles on my website detailing my positions on the issues and political ads. Absent a biased moderator, I’d welcome a debate. I want the people to make up their own minds, rather than the media dishonestly telling them what I said and think.

  9. Carly is your CLASSIC Queen Bee executive.

    Only AFTER she was turfed out her successor went on the record that she’d saved the ENTIRE HP enterprise.

    For those unaware:

    MSFT and Dell are a combined business entity — what in Federal law — the Sherman (anti-trust) Act — is defined as a TRUST.

    In the days of the robber barons, TRUSTS were a legal mechanism for synchronizing corporate voting. This had been morphed — in practice — to the point that side deals — typically oral understandings, only — hidden entirely from public view — were used to establish friends and enemies.

    Dell and Gates are personal friends — and the record is clear — these two fellows raped the Sherman statutes. Dell was caught out lying to Congress — under oath — and had to recant — on video. He’d been claiming that one could purchase a Dell computer without having MSFT op code on it.

    The fact was that MSFT was still getting their ‘cut’ on that — or any other sale made by Dell. This is EXACTLY the type of dealing expressly forbidden by the Sherman statute.

    MSFT reciprocated by giving Dell ADVANCE knowledge and more extensive access to the operating system software — to the point that even the BIOS of Dell systems has UNIQUE synchronization to MSFT desires. AGAIN, this is EXACTLY the type of dealing expressly forbidden by the Sherman statute.

    Fiorina realized that a lawsuit / pleading would be totally ineffectual. HP and Compaq — the main targets HAD to merge and get out ahead of the Dell-MSFT TRUST which was shifting its manufactures to Red China.

    It was this controversial act that save the firm — and, together with the Federal lawsuit, stopped further market share erosion for HP-Compaq.

    It’s of note that Compaq’s design squad was not shut down — and that Compaq machines were continued in production — re-branded for the rest of her tenure. This was entirely against the prior norm for the PC industry — where total shut-downs were the norm. (The Rockefeller refinery purchase, shut down, style.)

    Even today, most in the PC niche are oblivious to the Dell MSFT TRUST, for the TRUST made a deal with the Feds to piggy-back the NSA around the planet — inside Win98 et. seq.

    Carly would be an outstanding Vice-President — as its modern template requires the VP to be the orator of unpleasant truth.

    {Which see: Biden the orator of pleasant untruth.}

  10. Walker/Fiorina 16′, with Ted Cruz as the next Attorney General.

    That would give me a bit of faith in our floundering, farcical, metrosexual parody of a Republic.

  11. I’m a Fiorina fan. Articulate and comfortable in her own skin – she doesn’t sound like a politician.
    She would make Hillary look even more phony, callous, and pompous than usual if the 2 were to debate. The media will work like hell to prevent that matchup.

  12. I’ve always thought that Rand Paul — who had hired a man who called himself the “Southern Avenger” and fantasized about killing Lincoln — was poor fit for the Republican Party. The “Southern Avenger” wasn’t just a low-level aide, either; Jack Hunter was the co-author of Paul’s book.

    I know that Hunter now claims that he was just playing a part — but I don’t entirely believe him, or Paul.

    And, like almost everyone, I wonder just how far that nut has fallen from the father tree.

  13. I don’t know Fiorina’s record in detail – hear mixed things about her CEO track record, but man, she knocked it out of the park with Andrea. I wish more Republican candidates would take it so forcefully – and yet, so pleasantly, not a bit of ax grinding – to the media.

  14. Never forget to whom Andrea Mitchell is married. Carrying water for Shrillary in the interview with Fiorina.

  15. It’s a good way to put it about Jindal – that he doesn’t have it. I’m not sure what it is but it’s not there.

    Christie has too much personality and he doesn’t wear well. Also his recent WSJ column struck me as revealing someone without core beliefs. He’s got witty comebacks for liberals – no doubt because he’s lived among a lot of reflexively liberal types for so long – but the core is suspect. For example in that WSJ column he laid out his goal to simplify the tax system and then towards the end he elaborated as his solution for some problem – new tax breaks i.e. new wrinkles in the tax code.

    And Fiorina – I really wish she had won her senator race in CA a few years ago, but…. Anyway, I think she’s positioning herself as a VP candidate. And she would make a good one, especially if Hill gets the nomination on the other side. It will be harder for the MSM to marginalize her attacks. And if she does look like she’s getting any traction towards that VP goal the MSM will begin the attacks in earnest on her.

  16. Otiose: “It’s a good way to put it about Jindal — that he doesn’t have it. I’m not sure what it is but it’s not there.”

    Jindal doesn’t LOOK Presidential. I happened to tune in Michael Medved’s radio show one day. He was interviewing a Republican Presidential candidate, but since it was the middle of the interview, I didn’t know who he was interviewing. As I listened, I thought, “Wow, this guy is good. He knows the issues and he’s got some good ideas.” Also, he spoke easily and sensibly with a pleasing voice. When the interview ended and I found out it was Bobby Jindal, it changed my mind about him. Now, when I see him on TV, I ignore his looks and concentrate on the content. Of course, the LIVs are wanting someone who “looks” Presidential and will ignore real content and ability. That’s why Jindal has a very slim chance in the race. He would, however, make a great Secretary of Energy or Labor.

  17. I am not ready to choose my ticket yet, although Walker’s backbone and down to earthness makes him my favorite so far. If Fiorino can continue to show Hillary for what she is, she will have done a great service to the country. I am sure she will have a place in the next team, but it’s too early for me to say where it will be.

    Paul should be forgotten, although his fans, whose knowlege of world history and foreign affairs is non existent, continue pounding away on comment sections. I hope they all go home, have a few joints, and fall asleep for the next year.

  18. I sent Carly some money – I am liking her more and more each day. She is so articulate. I think a Fiorina/ Walker ticket would be great –

  19. Libertarians have historically been a propaganda cover job by the Leftist alliance. Their loyalties are not to liberty, but to the Leftist alliance.

  20. The race is all over. Nobody can stop the George Pataki juggernaut, the rest ought to just go home.

  21. The single transferable vote would jumble the corruption machines, with a single national vote for these primaries. Which is why the Left doesn’t allow the peons to change things.

  22. “I wonder whether Fiorina will be the next target of the MSM.”

    Yes – As with 2012, the MSM will focus on getting Fiorina & Carson out so that they can once again use their GOP= Party of White Men narrative. Doubly important that they get Fiorina since she messes with the “Vote for Hillary (or Warren) because it’s time for a woman president” narrative.

  23. If Hillary has Julian Castro as her running mate, I’m thinking the best Republican ticket to beat them would be Chris Christie and Susanna Martinez.

    I don’t think we should dismiss Christie this early — he’ll undoubtedly shine in the Republican debates.

  24. I don’t like Christie because of the union stuff he did — getting unions in New Jersey to make concessions (which is almost a miracle) and then not doing his part of the deal. Oh, THAT will help with unions in the future. Plus, you know, it’s lying.

  25. How dismissive you are of Rand Paul. While I don’t agree with all of his positions he is one of the few in Washington who has the courage of his convictions. I knew that the RINO Republicans wouldn’t like him, and now ditto the Neocons. I guess he isn’t war-like enough for you all. It took Walker’s visit to Isreal and statement upon return that he believes in preemptive war to cinch it for you.

    What you will get is another sell out Republican who will see to that Obamacare “works” and who will kick the can down the road on the budget until the country is completely impoverished. And one who will get involved in another losing war. A man like Dr. Rand Paul who donates time to heal the sick, and who would end socialized medicine out of principle, is too good for the presidency of this rotten country anyway.
    Count me a libertarian who voted for Romney but will sit this one out.
    I hope you all get what you want, good and hard.

  26. The Other Chuck:

    I’ve noticed that many Paul supporters—be they of the father Ron or the son Rand—have an almost cultish devotion to the man or men.

    I don’t. I’ve never cared for either him or his father, and don’t agree with many of his positions, although I do have quite a few libertarian beliefs myself.

    If you ever actually read my posts on war or neocons and who and what they are, you’d realize that your accusations towards me are an incorrect statement of my point of view about war.

    And I haven’t even covered Walker’s visit to Israel, nor have I written about him for quite a while.

  27. Neo, I appreciate your many articles on the Holocaust as well as your in depth analysis of politics, even as I may disagree with some of your conclusions. It was, however, a surprise to see you so easily dismiss Senator Paul.

    My comment was aimed at “you all” meaning RHINO’S like Christie & Senator Bob Corker who both have an obvious dislike for Rand Paul, and Neocons like Lindsey Graham and John McCain, as well as commenters here like Ymarsakar who lump libertarians together as a propaganda wing of leftism and expat who casts us as ignorant of world history and just a bunch of pot heads.

    If it’s cultish devotion to see Rand Paul as the only Senator besides Ted Cruz who had the guts to stand up to Obama by forcing the administration to back down on the killing of U.S. citizens within this country, without trial, then I plead guilty. He is virtually the only Republican Senator who has been reaching out to the black community, and who has had the courage to go to Berkeley and Silicone Valley to meet the enemy head on.

    The Republican Party will not quit until it has purged every last libertarian leaning politician. So be it. You will get what you want, but no longer our votes, nor the votes of Millennnials. Enjoy your solitude.

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