Home » Obama to liberals: my way or the highway


Obama to liberals: my way or the highway — 22 Comments

  1. This Trade Bill strikes me as corporate cronyism run amuck.

    Carly Fiorina had excellent analysis on this. She noted that Obama had a poor record on bills of this magnitude regarding prediction of future events, viz. Obamacare and the Iran nuke deal has been very poorly negotiated.

    Former CEO of Nucor Steel noted that all the past trade deals have resulted in a loss of American jobs and a net negative trade balance. We get screwed on the terms and they the other countries cheat on the terms anyway. This guy has a book and knows his stuff.

    Donald Trump in SC also noted we routinely get the wrong end of these trade deals. Also currency manipulation.

    Finally, Jeff Sessions is against it.

    This is a complete scam. Probably the case where Nike and similar companies put a few token jobs in the US and most of the benefit is overseas.

    Seriously, why would anyone trust Obama after “If you like ….”

  2. Having lived in Chicago, seen things done the Chicago way, and learned a thing or two about never seeing a crisis as anything other than an oportunity I hereby take what I’m given and pounce — on the GOP.

    First, good. Give ‘em hell Husseiny. Don’t let anyone shit on your parade grounds. The GOP is marching with you.

    Now, Gé¶pperdé¤mmerung: Episode 13… 6…? I’ve lost count.

    GOP surrendered to President Barack Obama’s disastrous and unconstitutional Executive Amnesty on immigration. It now surrenders ever more power, supporting giving the President (and all future autocrats) expedited powers to negotiate the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership “free trade agreement”.

    1. allows the Executive Branch to create ever-shifting binding agreements with foreign powers that will not be subject to Congressional approval.
    2. details of the proposed agreement are classified and will not be revealed to the public
    3. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is putting his full influence behind the measure, allying with President Barack Obama against some of the conservatives in his own party
    4. no small number of Democratic Senators, are objecting to the TPP, perhaps ostensibly, nevertheless… skimming for middle class/blue collar voters is the smart thing to do, something beyond the Stupid Party
    5. leading Republican candidates, including Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, Rick Perry, andTed Cruz, now support the legislation
    6. WTF? TPP contains language about a “living agreement” that allows the exact provisions to be changed after it is implemented.

    Here endeth the comment — here commenceth a diatribe:

    Congress cedes over more power to the Executive branch and its wholly owned subsidiaries – bureaucracies and czardoms. I take it they take it their function is compliance, complicity with the Exec branch, passing resolutions, and travelling on the tax-payers dollar… fact-finding.

    The poet’s Inferno had the circle concentric to the core where Satan (the Great Deceiver) resides, reserved for all those nearest and dearest to him — deceivers (in it is found another great deceiver — the Prophet Mahomet). If there is not a pit within the circle reserved exclusively for GOP members, I hereby volunteer to help excavate one.

    Perhaps, in our prayer, Our Father… deliver us from evil, we should make it clear as from which evils we wish to be protected? I hereby offer the Invocare: Sed Libera Nos a Malo
    Deliver Us O Lord from evil – the deceivers.
    Deliver us from the Godless globalists
    Deliver us from the Godless Islamists
    Deliver us from the goddamn GOP

    The only immediate hope for the country is a Republican wins the White House and Democrats win majorities in Congress. The crap bills passed by Congress get vetoed by ‘our guy’ and the Democrats fight like pit bulls to reign in executive powers. I believe I’ve hit on the perfect balance of power.

  3. This is the first instance that I can recall of Obama making a broad based attack on his Congressional backers. But there is IMO a much deeper issue here than Obama’s attacks upon his ungrateful peons and that deeper issue is I believe the motivation for Obama’s attacks on his Congressional base.

    Some background and context:
    The Senate is preparing to vote to give Obama the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) which would set up the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal with Asian countries.

    Obama’s secret Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal, contains a so-called “living agreement” section of the TPP deal that is extraordinarily controversial, which if passed by the Senate allows the deal to be changed in the future (after the deal is approved) by other countries and the President without any future congressional approval needed.

    Sen. Jeff Sessions’ recent “critical alert” document to Congress lays out how passing TPA, and then TPP, means the United States is effectively “ceding [America’s] sovereign authority to international powers.” It effectively delegates to the President Constitutionally mandated Congressional powers. So it weakens Congress and further strengthens the President.

    Sessions cites the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) and the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) to make his case, laying out how the so-called “living agreement” inside the TPP deal means that the deal could be changed, [in the future] by other countries and the President without [any] congressional approval whatsoever.

    That means for instance, that while China isn’t currently a part of the deal, if those countries that are a part of the TPP deal wanted to add the currency-manipulating nation to it, they could do so simply with the approval of whoever is the President of the United States at the time.

    In such a case, Congress wouldn’t need to sign off.

    The other countries, with simple sign off by the President without congressional approval, could also change any other agreement terms–including opening the United States up to an influx of foreign workers aimed at replacing Americans in the workforce.

    This trade ‘deal’ is flying under the public’s radar but is subject to an unprecedented level of secrecy.

    “Only Senators can hear and read the details and they have to go to classified briefings, cannot be accompanied by staff or cellphone and if a Senator wants to read the text of the ‘deal’, they have to go to a room in the basement of the Capitol Visitor Center and be handed it one section at a time, watched over as they read, and forced to hand over any notes they make before leaving. And no matter what, they can’t discuss the details of what they’ve read because it’s all classified.”

    Almost as disturbing as the end run around the Constitution that Obama is attempting is that the Congressional Republican leadership is fully backing Obama. (another example of collaboration)

    It’s therefore understandable that Obama, with GOP backing, feels great frustration that he can’t get his own Congressional democrats to back his covert putsch.

    Based on what they’re saying, I suspect that Congressional democrats who oppose him haven’t caught on to what he’s actually attempting, which is to further consolidate power in the Presidency.

  4. About time they got a taste of Obama’s ire.

    Then there was this from Josh Earnest this morning on Morning Joe in response to Sherrod Brown calling Obama’s treatment of Warren sexist:

    “I’m confident after he’s had a chance to look at the comments he made yesterday that he’ll find a way to apologize.”

    Dear Leader must not be insulted!! Apologize now or face his wrath.

  5. Anybody else remember when the GOP was the party of small business and Main Street? Remember Pat Nixon’s “good Republican cloth coat?”

    But — politics is the art of the possible. We have to win the Presidency, keep the Congress, and then we can get rid of these ass-kissing crony capitalists. I’m sure they’re all just waiting to join Bill Clinton on the Daddy Bigbucks Speaking Tour, anyway.

  6. Another aspect to this trade ‘deal’ that I just learned of; “Fast Tracking an International EPA”

    “President Obama… is currently negotiating the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) which will add the equivalent of an International Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).”

    And remember that the “living agreement” provision of TPP would allow an ‘International EPA’ to place new, binding regulations upon America without any further Congressional approval.

    “Our proposals in the TPP are centered around the enforcement of environmental laws, including those implementing multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs) in TPP partner countries, and also around trailblazing, first-ever conservation proposals that will raise standards across the region. Furthermore, our proposals would enhance international cooperation and create new opportunities for public participation (environmental wacko groups) in environmental governance and enforcement.” Obama’s trade representative

    It’s obvious that while everyone is looking at the Iran deal debacle, Obama is hoping to slide this one through completely ‘under the radar’. And with McConnell’s help he could do it if it were not for those “ignorant”, “insincere”, ‘politically motivated’ and “backward looking” democrats.

    update: “Capitol Hill Buzz: Reid won’t go all-out to block Obama’s bid for ‘fast track’ trade clout”
    (translation: ‘the fix’ is in)

  7. But wait! There’s more!

    “These regulations would be enforced by the private court system set up by TPP. The Washington Post comments:

    “[T]he Investor-State Dispute Settlement provisions [in TPP] establish a private corporate court system for foreign investors, giving them the right to sue the United States if any U.S. or state regulation… ‘somehow’ infringes on future expected profits. There is no appeal. And damages — imposed on taxpayers — can reach billions of dollars.” [my emphasis]

  8. Will this be the first crack in a widening split? Will this be where Democrats realize that President Obama is as comfortable attacking THEM as he is anyone else, and slowly but surely turn on him? Will this result in President Obama finally having the single-digit approval ratings he deserves?

    Probably not. But one can hope.

  9. Quelle surprise. Maybe they won’t be so quick to attack conservatives as racist, sexist, homophobes if there’s a disagreement about policy or principle, though some how I doubt that they are that self aware and capable of generalization.

  10. I’ll say what I always say in these circumstances: He’s been a dick since Day One.

    He’s not presidential, he’s petty. In every clip I hear of him on the radio (which I do my best to avoid) he’s snide and sneering. I turn him off just for the tone, let alone what he’s saying. That’s not what I’m looking for in a president. Pettiness is not a leadership quality. And obviously, six years in, he’s never going to learn that. Boo hoo, Democrats. You made your bed.

    What is that they say? A crocodile never changes its spots.

  11. The rule holds: Bad news for Obama – whether from his own side or from abroad, or from the remaining few Americans – is good news, long term, for America and Americans.

  12. The Left uses internal attacks as a way to purify and strengthen themselves. It gets rid of the doubters and the weaklings. It serves as a lesson for those that are thinking of breaking the Circle.

    For other groups, internal fighting weakens them, but that’s like comparing a democracy’s war efficacy vs a dictatorship’s war efficacy. They all have arguments, but because the dictator kills off his opponents, they are actually stronger in that sense.

  13. Also, it’s better that they burn. Accelerate it. The less of them there are, the less difference they will make on the field.

  14. ‘Internal attacks’ may well temporarily purify and strengthen, getting rid of the doubters and the weaklings and intimidating those less committed.

    But the consequence, over time, extends deeper than that. When failure is not tolerated, lessons cannot be learned from it and the human resources available to leadership are gradually winnowed away.

    Evil’s inherent lack of cooperation, as their motivation is always the personal accumulation of power, with idealists the “useful idiots”, inevitably lays the seeds of its own defeat.

    It only survives because the human race continually produces a certain percentage of people whose base motivation is to rule and to take, rather than contribute.

    “The world is divided into two races – the decent and the indecent.” Victor Frankl

  15. The bill is pure corporatism.

    It can’t help but take authorities away from Congress.

  16. Liberal Democrats in Congress, liberal Democrats across the nation, organized labor, and leading public interest and environmental groups share a stake in the TPP trade deal…

    I wonder what aspects they find disagreeable and why. I wonder what aspects others find agreeable and why.

  17. Evil’s inherent lack of cooperation, as their motivation is always the personal accumulation of power, with idealists the “useful idiots”, inevitably lays the seeds of its own defeat.

    Metaphysically, evil cannot be defeated. It’s like the sun trying to defeat the existence of shadows by making itself, the source of light, brighter. All it does is to create deeper or longer shadows.

    The Leftist alliance is marked by their ability to cooperate. They cannot run out of humans because the last time they were denied the ability to import slaves, they just used slaves to reproduce them. Humanity, the renewable livestock option.

  18. The corporate bankster cabal combined with the corruption of the political class knows no limits. The left believes they are the master, and the rinos are along for the ride. The livs are sucking their thumbs and will be dumbfounded when the excrement hits the fan. Wake up people, there is no such thing as free trade when the playing field is tilted. Boychild wants to tilt the field to grant advantage to our enemies. Same as it ever was.

  19. }}} it’s the main tool in his arsenal.

    He HAS another tool?

  20. My prototype theory I forwarded around 2008 or 2009 is that Hussein was amoral, that he would gin up some emergency issue by capturing the US military’s loyalty via threats or hostages. This was months before Ft. Hood’s first shooting.

    A lot of things that seemed theoretical, is now getting put into action, although in a slightly different fashion. Hussein’s not using direct forces to obtain hostages, but he is using his allies the Islamic Jihad to do a similar turn over of American bases, American loyalties, hostage taking, ransoms, etc.

    If the Left combines with Islamic Jihad’s military forces, and they both combine with Mexico’s geographical territory controlled by corrupt Cartels and Mexican politicians, that will be a triumvirate that not even the mighty United States can fight off. Not without nukes at least. And the nukes will be given to the Jihadists, a city will be disappeared, and then Hussein or Mexico will take advantage of the chaos while blaming “domestic terrorists’.

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