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Power outage–tune in later — 31 Comments

  1. Ah well. As I told my husband yesterday, after watching one of our ice-encrusted gutters plunge to the ground, we’re still very blessed compared to places like Haiti.

    Stay warm, neo!

  2. Down here in the Deep South (Connecticut), we’ve been adding to our snow total slowly over the day. We were spared the wind, but got a ton of rain. The low is cutoff from the jetstream, so it has decided to hang around awhile to torment all of us Yankees a bit more.

    Gotta love New England! oops… have to run and pump out the basement again.

  3. Consider the latest bit of news here: a guy (resident of my neighborhood, as it happen) was peacefully walking in Central Park yesterday and got killed by a fallen tree! Those old giants aren’t used to this load of snow…and it’s all because of the melting Poles! (not the ones drinking Zubrowka…although what else is there to do, in this weather?)

    Bush should be ashamed of himself.

  4. Always keep a prtable generator in your garage and a container of gas. run it monthly to keep it in good shape. It could spell the difference between suffering and not!

  5. Hurricane Bush destroyed New Orleans, now he’s destroying New England, anything new new new!! If this isn’t hatred of Progressive then I don’t know what is!!!!!

  6. We just had at least 18 inches of snow in White Plains and it is all Bush’s fault !

    Meanwhlie Gore is in California being put upon by Apple shareholders. If I had Apple shares knowing their CEO has had major medical problems and Gore was on the Board – I would run for the hills.

    Not just because he is a charlatan (that we know) but because like a typical liberal he would be doing everything on the Apple board for himself and not the shareholders.

  7. Do you know what the man said to the beaten wife?

    He said, “stop criticizing me – you are being mean”.

  8. Its only Bush’s fault as a direct correlation to how many businesses are getting looted. See anyone walking out that McDonalds carrying a deep fryer?

  9. Occam, check the glaciers if you doubt it’s getting warmer, the question is why, not if.

    We’ll see if this Winter is a trend or a fluke.
    Pray it’s a trend.

    Good news, within the next 100,000 years the Yellowstone caldera should blow creating a definite cooling trend (see Ice Ages, causes of).

  10. Bob, type the word “climategate” into google, you’ll find many interesting things, including info on faking those melting glaciers” data.

  11. Neo,

    It’s a good thing you are not a liberal. That would preclude you from having anything to do with McDonalds. Check out the coffee if you haven’t already.

  12. Occam, check the glaciers if you doubt it’s getting warmer, the question is why, not if.

    And how exactly would I personally “check the glaciers?” I’d have to take the word of the glacier-checkers, right? At this point, they have less credibility than a Pravda editorial.

    Good news, within the next 100,000 years the Yellowstone caldera should blow creating a definite cooling trend

    Clearly, I’m going to need to pace myself to see that.

    My hypothesis: killer bees cause global warming by flapping their little wings. The science is settled. Send me your money and I’ll send you some bee offsets.

    Maybe socialism causes global warming. After all, as socialism has advanced/metastisized, the climate has gotten warmer. Let’s apply the precautionary principle and get rid of all socialists. Keeping them around is a chance we can’t take, just in case they are the cause. It’s for the children!

  13. McDonald’s coffee is awesome.

    I’m really not much of a coffee drinker, but have fallen into a habit of zipping through there to grab one whenever I have an early morning shift.

    Stay warm Neo!

  14. Tatyana and Occam, there are many photos of glaciers past and present showing severe retreat, even Glacier National Park is now almost devoid of glaciers (last time I heard, I have not checked recently).

    None of us are climatologists (actually I only know for sure that I’m not one) but those photos seemed convincing, likewise the news from Kilimanjaro and NOAA films showing the decline of old ice in the Arctic. Just because a liberal buys into it does not make it false, just suspicious.

    Good idea on getting of socialists to prevent global warming, I suspect the Greeks are contemplating that now.

  15. Occam’s,
    If you start a trend with this pacing yourself stuff, we’ll really have a problem with medicare and social security.

  16. Up in the Syracuse area NY here and probably not more than 8″ of snow, but it’s heavy. whole area cancelled shcools yesterday and today. NJ got more than we did up here in snow-villel.

  17. Occam’s,
    If you start a trend with this pacing yourself stuff, we’ll really have a problem with medicare and social security.

    So I guess I should be civic-minded and start running with scissors …

  18. Martyn of England says:

    “But it is still getting warmer.”

    God I hope so. I hate winter. And I hate snow.
    Say, for the sake of argument that someone actually convinced me AGW was plausible, they’d still have to give me a compelling reason to believe its a bad thing.

    I hate winter.

  19. If we’re supposed to believe snow is a sign of warming then surely retreating glaciers is a sign of cooling. Hmmmm

  20. Tatyana and Occam, there are many photos of glaciers past and present showing severe retreat, even Glacier National Park is now almost devoid of glaciers (last time I heard, I have not checked recently).

    Much as I love anecdotal evidence, consider how one might game photographic “evidence.” I’m not talking about Photoshop here; just choose a photo from spring for the “before” entry, and one from fall for the “after.” Voila! Evidence of glaciers melting.

    In this context, I love the photo showing the polar bears looking out plaintively from the melting ice floes. Let’s politely overlook the fact that the Linnaean name of the polar bear is Ursus maritimus (“bear of the sea” for those who’ve forgotten their Latin), and they are known to swim a hundred miles out to sea. Drowning is not a big threat to them. Instead, look at the photo itself.

    What jumps out to the observant viewer? It’s broad daylight in that photograph. Not pitch black (winter), nor faint oblique daylight (spring and fall), but broad daylight, and therefore – say it with me – SUMMER!

    So all the photo proves is …Arctic ice partially melts in the summer. Stop press.

    This is not to say that the climate isn’t getting warmer. Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. Frankly, I don’t much care. (Actually, that’s not entirely true. I hate cold weather, so global warming sounds pretty good to me.) I doubt very much that we are causing any warming that should occur. (Cue my comparison of bacteria on a baseball with humans on earth here; the former are a hundred times more significant to their substrate than the latter.)

    But put all that aside. No one really believes in AGW. Nobody. Laurie David flies around the country in her private jet agitating to stop global warming. If she thought jet travel might cause breast cancer (heightened exposure to cosmic rays – not so implausible), she’d have her ass on a Greyhound faster than you could say “carbon credit.” But she doesn’t.

    Gotta tell ya something…

  21. rickl,

    I’m still a little boy at heart. I love creepy crawlies.

    I only hate winter now because I’m a groundskeeper and I spend my entire winter worrying about snowstorms and how much it will interfere with family time.

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