Home » Knock on the door: the John Doe investigations


Knock on the door: the John Doe investigations — 34 Comments

  1. Yet another instance of Dementia Americana. We fight Putin there so we don’t have to fight the likes of him here.

  2. Simply chilling. The accounts of the victims of the John Doe raids read like something you would expect in the Soviet Union, or in a Third World dictatorship.

    In Wisconsin, the Governor is surrounded because the police and other arms of government are unionized; and it is the unions that want to take him down. They are willing to use terror tactics on his supporters to accomplish the goal. They could not defeat him at the polls, so they will try an armed coup.

    Is there nothing we can do to take back our country?

  3. the trick to chess is to see the plot that unfolds before you on a board that is open, and where nothing can be hidden…

    in this game, its the preplacement of items that clue you in on what will happen next when the key position is filled. sadly, you can point out these preplacements and most will ignore it…

    because most ignore POTENTIAL while searching for the ACTUAL that they would either believe and increase or disbelieve and pretend doesnt exist…

    the truth is that if you did pay attention to these things you would know years in advance what came next, because its not a case of persecute, then build, its a case of build THEN persecute


    one only has to read the army resettlement docs
    FM 3-39.40 / February 2010

    FM 3-39.40 provides guidance for commanders and staffs on internment and resettlement (I/R) operations.
    Additionally, FM 3-39.40 discusses the critical issue of detainee rehabilitation. It describes the doctrinal
    foundation, principles, and processes that military police and other elements will employ when dealing with I/R populations. As part of internment, these populations include U.S. military prisoners, and multiple categories of detainees (civilian internees [CIs], retained personnel [RP], and enemy combatants), while resettlement operations are focused on multiple categories of dislocated civilians (DCs).

    your almost half a decade late in figuring out what the point of those things that were denied earlier… or would you like to see what people said when it was first brought up years ago here? nope.. no FEMA camps… no body bags… no large scale civilian conflict practice with full militery games in cities… no contracts for billions of rounds (which are illegal in war, but not in civilian operations)… no storage of extra foods, supplies, and moving the military stuff into bomb shelters so that they are safer…

    this stuff is old old old…
    couldnt get people to cover it, discuss it, and believe it

    so… now what? at some point they are so far along, that there is nothing that can be done, and no reason to hide it any more…

    in the decade or so that this has been going on in high gear, we passed all the points in which something, even if small like writing, and informing the public, would have made a difference…

    but our priorities were different it was explained to me
    ok… now we find out later that our priorities once defended screwed us… no?

    heck, you know its bad when the Daily Kos mentions it!! http://www.dailykos.com/story/2012/05/04/1088801/-More-Treason-Internment-Field-Manual-Instructs-Identify-Political-Activists-for-Indoctrination

    see? we had it backwards…
    you look for the pieces that have to be in place BEFORE somethig happens then beleive they lead to that thing…

    not say… they are not rounding people up today, so those camps are not for anything… those are not FEMA camps… those are not mass coffins being produced… they are just, something..

    so we rationalize that X is not important till Y happens
    we refuse to see that X is preparatory for Y and by not stopping X, we assist in creating and implementing Y

    ie. failiure to believe that the camps mean anything, meant that we failed to oppose it. with that in place, there is nothing to halt going forwards the way that removing it would block action.

    after all, without resettlment camps, what would you do with the people you capture?

    3-56. The PSYOP team also supports the military police custodial mission in the I/R facility. The team–

    – Develops PSYOP products that are designed to pacify and acclimate detainees or DCs to accept U.S. I/R facility authority and regulations.

    – Gains the cooperation of detainees or DCs to reduce the number of guards needed.

    – Identifies malcontents, trained agitators, and political leaders within the facility who may try to organize resistance or create disturbances.

    – Develops and executes indoctrination programs to reduce or remove antagonistic attitudes.

    – Identifies political activists.

    – Provides loudspeaker support (such as administrative announcements and facility instructions when necessary).

    – Helps the military police commander control detainee and DC populations during emergencies.

    – Plans and executes a PSYOP program that produces an understanding and appreciation of U.S. policies and actions.

    why pay attention to these John Doe things?

    it was the bishops and knights protecting the place where that would appear thats important…

    its harder to stop something instantiated than to halt something that doesnt exist… but to do that, you have to calculate that these other things are important, which we pavlovian like wont do…

    wait till you see the other stuff coming neo
    and remember, acknowlegement is not the same as action or discussion… acknowledging that there are spies is not the same as including their actions and stuff in an assesment which does not have what they did in it…

    note that we are finding out today that iran was three months to the bomb years ago, and obama lied (again)

    Jade Helm 15

    among lots of others… but hey! lets talk jello..

  4. In a sane world this would be State sanctioned “swatting” and should be a felony.

    This will be not reported widely, as the dinosaur media is complicit with the actors. Just doesn’t fit the narrative.

  5. When a neighbor was engaged in a domestic dispute, Henderson, Nevada police demanded that Anthony Mitchell allow them to use his home as a fort and command center in order to gain a tactical advantage in their efforts to cope with the situation. Mitchell refused, but police battered down his door, pepper sprayed him, and put him in jail for the duration.

    Mitchell sued contending that this home invasion by the police violated his constitutional rights under both the Third and Fourth Amendments to the US Constitution. Federal district court Judge Andrew Gordon dismissed Mitchell’s Fourth Amendment argument, saying that “the Constitution guarantees against ‘unreasonable seizure.’ In this instance, the police had a reasonable need to occupy the home. The damages they did to Mitchell’s home could’ve been avoided if he had simply obeyed the commands he was given.”

    “Mitchell should consider himself lucky he only had to spend one night in jail,” Gordon added. “He could’ve been shot. For all the police knew, the whole neighborhood could’ve been a terrorist enclave. Many Americans own guns and have excessive and erroneous notions about their so-called rights.”

    Gordon was even harsher toward Mitchell’s Third Amendment argument. “The whole ‘troop quartering’ thing applied to British troops,” Gordon maintained. “Since no British troops were involved, Mitchell’s line of reasoning is totally irrelevant to this case.”

    Here: Judge Rules Cops May Seize Your Home to Use as a Fort

    The family dog survived … this time.

  6. How are these legal? Even if you give the idea some credence that these aren’t blatant violations of the 4th amendment (unreasonable search/seizure w/o probably cause), how on earth does this get around Miranda?

    “You have the right to an attorney but not to talk to them with regards to this case.”?

    There is absolutely no way on earth I would remain silent w/regards to this if it were to happen to me, and I’d absolutely be willing to take my contempt of court charge as high as I possibly could.

    Is it because you’re not formally charged and arrested that they’re able to get around Miranda?

  7. isnt it interesting that each time we have a progressive president (wilson, FDR, Obama) they do much the same things or continue where the previous one left off.

    how was wilson on race? not bad if you like segregation
    how was FDR on race? not bad if you keep em down

    how was wilson on world wars? promised to stay out, had us in in short shift…
    how was FDR on world war? promised to stay out, manupulated us in
    how is obama on world war? still in progress


  8. Cherchez la femme!:
    A Democratic district attorney who has pursued Wisconsin Republican Gov. Scott Walker over alleged campaign finance violations told a fellow prosecutor that his crying wife, a union official, drove him to hunt the governor and his conservative allies because of his anti-union laws feared by organized labor.
    The explosive revelation came Tuesday as lawyers for Milwaukee DA John Chisholm began two days of oral arguments in a Chicago courtroom over earlier rulings that effectively ended his wide-ranging investigation.
    Read more.

  9. A Mom and Pop operation:

    More than 100 pro-union demonstrators swarmed the Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, home of Gov. Scott Walker’s elderly parents Monday evening to protest the Republican’s proposed state budget.

    The protesters circled the home on 68th Street and called out, “Hey hey, ho ho, Scott Walker’s got to go,” “The students united will never be defeated,” and “Students are not for sale,” Wauwatosa Now reported.

    Shouting through a megaphone, Wisconsin Jobs Now Director Jennifer Epps-Addison justified the protest by arguing the governor’s proposed cuts to education were invading their own homes, the newspaper reported.

  10. They like to hunt in WI:

    “Governor, I’ve been at this awhile, and when the hairs stand up on the back of my neck, you have to be concerned,” the former Marine told Walker. “They know where you go to church; they’ve been to your church. They’re following your children and tracking your children. They know where your children go to school, what time they have class, what time they get out of class.”

    “They know when they had football practice. They know where your wife works, they know that she was at the grocery store at this time, they know that she went to visit her father at his residence,” he said.

    The size of Walker’s security detail was eventually increased and troopers had to be assigned to monitor his children at school.

  11. Have to take exception to Ed Morrissey’s description of the left and campaign finance reform:

    The basis for this was the campaign-finance reform movement, which sees money in politics as a greater evil than a government empowered to shut down political speech.

    That’s not accurate–the left and the media (BIRM) don’t like money in politics if it supports conservative/libertarian positions. They are just fine with foreign countries or environmental radicals giving money to the Clinton Global Initiative, because social justice, and all. Likewise, they have absolutely no problem with George Soros or Tom Steyer spending tens or hundreds of millions in politics in favor of a ‘progressive’ position or candidate.

  12. [note that the above ultimately is about whether the constitution is in force or not… if so, then what was done was unconstituitional, if not, then what difference does it make?]

    Now salon is trying to teach about the constitution.
    oh boy…

    The Tea Party will never understand the Constitution: What the right misses about its favorite document
    GOP candidates constantly invoke the Constitution. A Yale Law professor reveals what they all fail to understand

    the problem is that he assumed that what he knows is what is right cause he is from YALE and that there is no way he can be wrong.

    here is a example:

    But in 1787, as Americans looked around the world, they saw that Britain was free, and Britain was free because England and Scotland had merged, had formed an indivisible, perfect union that would protect liberty because they had gotten rid of land borders on the island and only needed a navy to protect themselves. That worked for England and that would work for America even better, because we’d have an English Channel times 50.

    as americans looked around the world?
    how did they do that? by what means did a farmer in missisipi know what was happening in elbonia?

    the only mention of this is from federalist papers 4, but its not the dominant reason.

    basically its just an argument as to whether a confederacy of states that are as different countries would fare better than separate… the point of england and such being the convenient example to use like hitler ends up being one because we commonly know him.

    This will become manifest destiny and the Monroe Doctrine; we’ll control our hemisphere and we’ll be protected from Europe … Our Constitution largely succeeds because there’s no major standing army in peacetime for most of American history, and that fact is created by some brute geographic realities.

    weird because after that comment he skips all the way to the 13th amendment… post Civil war…

    him being a liberal racist, the two most important things about the constitution are lincolns refusal to accept secession, and his emancipation proclamation.

    “But Lincoln was never a judge nor a constitutional scholar. He was a politician.”

    the “best” part is the 3/5th clause and what he says

    Part of that is because entire antebellum system is skewed towards the South because of the three-fifths clause, which gives slave states extra clout in the House of Representatives and therefore the Electoral College. Presidents are picking justices, and the presidency tilts towards the South because of the three-fifths clause; almost all your early presidents are either slave-holding Southerners or “Northern men of Southern sympathies” – that is, pro-slavery Northerners.

    first its called the three fifths compromise…
    not three fifths clause…

    both wiki and this yale man leave out that in the north, where many africans were free…

    The effect was to give southern slave-owners a third more seats in Congress and a third more electoral votes than they would otherwise have had, allowing the slave interests to largely dominate the government of the United States until 1865

    really? in the south 15 slaves equaled three people
    In the north, three black men equaled 15 from the south

    ALSO… what is left out is that slavery wasnt just for blacks… there were irish and italian slaves too… indentured… and there were slaves who bought their freedom from what they were paid (yes, slaves could earn)…

    the game they play is that they do NOT include free blacks or ex slaves in their rejiggering of history, so they get it all wrong.

    the game is over as there is no way to get back from here… and going forwards, more and more will be distorted as new found truth.

    The Constitution of the United States: Is It Pro-Slavery or Anti-Slavery?
    Frederick Douglass
    Glasgow, Scotland
    March 26, 1860

    iving the provisions the very worse construction, what does it amount to? I answer – It is a downright disability laid upon the slaveholding States; one which deprives those States of two-fifths of their natural basis of representation. A black man in a free State is worth just two-fifths more than a black man in a slave State, as a basis of political power under the Constitution. Therefore, instead of encouraging slavery, the Constitution encourages freedom by giving an increase of “two-fifths” of political power to free over slave States. So much for the three-fifths clause; taking it at is worst, it still leans to freedom, not slavery; for, be it remembered that the Constitution nowhere forbids a coloured man to vote.

  13. What happened to all the “police are just doing their jobs” people? What happened to the “police are protecting us, we don’t know how people act in fire fights”?

    And on that topic, where are the people who ridiculed the concept of the US military refusing to stop a coup de tat for the evil side?

    The damages they did to Mitchell’s home could’ve been avoided if he had simply obeyed the commands he was given.

    You wouldn’t have gotten shot in the face if you just obeyed the police, citizen. But the question then becomes, why are you Obeying Authority, slave? Is that Authority going to protect your freedom, slave?

    If so, it would be different, wouldn’t it.

  14. The Democrats could always breed more slaves, so having 60%, about half the power leverage from their property, wasn’t a bad compromise. That’s why both sides took it initially. It is also why state’s rights had little or nothing to do with Southern ignition of war, that was mostly a ginned up justification by the Democrats later on.

    The freed blacks and the other abolitionist majority states were finely represented as a state in Congress. The problem was that the Democrats didn’t like to see their slaves run off the plantation. They invested a huge amount of resources into breeding them for political capital, since importation from Africa was banned, supposedly banned at least.

    While the South lost Civil War II, they won Reconstruction and the Democrat party, with a bastion untouched in the North, finished their rewriting of history for untold generations.

  15. Correction, lost Civil War I. Got it confused with the current conflict, given the similarities.

  16. Copied ‘n’ pasted in from


    via Instapundit:

    The innocent in Wisconsin were guilty because they were conservative. The left in Wisconsin was losing everything. They were losing their union domination and control. Scott Walker was decimating all the systems they had put in place.

    They literally lashed out in panic, anger, and you name it to punish people who had voted for Walker, who had raised money for him, who they thought had voted for him. It was the kind of thing that Vladimir Putin does and we all laugh about because that’s what we expect in a tyrannical dictatorship like the Soviet Union or Russia. We find out that it can happen here and has happened here, and there was no mechanism to stop it. The prosecutor’s name is Chisholm, John Chisholm, and I hope his name is never forgotten. . . .

    The judge, without whom this case could not have happened, is Barbara Kluka, K-l-u-k-a, and I’ll tell you what she did. She came along in the second John Doe investigation, and she approved every petition, every subpoena, every search warrant in the whole case in less than one day’s work. She enabled law enforcement to raid these innocent citizens’ homes. She’s since recused herself from this, but not before she enabled all of this to happen in the second phase of the John Doe 2 case here.

    In the second John Doe case, the DA, John Chisholm, had no real evidence of wrongdoing by anybody. It didn’t stop him. Conservative groups were active in issue advocacy, which is protected by the First Amendment. It didn’t violate any campaign finance laws. Issue advocacy is politics 101. These people were targeted because they’re conservatives and liberals. As I say, what happened here in not only the treatment Scott Walker got, but everybody else, this is liberalism run amok without any checks, without any opposition, without anybody pushing back, and in its own way California is the same example.

    Despite the fact that there were no violations of the law in any away, the DA, Chisholm, convinced “prosecutors in four other counties to launch their own John Does, with Judge Kluka overseeing all of them. Empowered by a rubber-stamp judge, partisan investigators ran amok. They subpoenaed and obtained (without the conservative targets’ knowledge) massive amounts of electronic data, including virtually all the targets’ personal e-mails and other electronic messages from outside e-mail vendors and communications companies. The investigations exploded into the open with a coordinated series of raids on October 3, 2013. These were home invasions,” including the ones that I have detailed previously in this half hour.

  17. The police unions have been ordering light termination and probe attacks against lots of people, including veterans and even animal shelters. Those who think this is new, aren’t very up to date on the latest intel.

  18. When Walker was talking about fighting unions being as challenging or as bad as fighting AQ in Iraq, well what did you think he meant?

    Pseudo death squads coming in the night, raiding homes, isn’t that what they complained about in Iraq and about Bush?

  19. In the future, what there is of it, people will say with a straight face from their re education texts:

    The Republican party and the Tea Party terrorists raided homes and killed every opposition family, finally stopped by the Heroic Unions of police, teachers, and lawyers.

    So say we all.

    And the KKK terrorist death squads were Republican creations designed to impose the white supremacy on Democrats and blacks.

  20. The important thing to remember, is that the Milwaukee Democratic Machine is subsidiary of the Chicago Machine, and plays by the same rules. Milwaukee is Wisconsin’s Barad Dur, where the Evil stems from. In the 2012 election, the son of Milwaukee’s Democratic House Representative for the WI 4th District, Gwendoline Moore, slashed the tires of vans rented by the Milwaukee County Republicans to get voters to the polls.

    Milwaukee metropolitan area police area heavily unionised, and would have carried out the orders without question. The Milwaukee County Sheriff’s Office, under Sheriff Clark, would NEVER have done such a deed.

  21. And so we’ll write irate letters to our “conservative” legislators in The House and The Senate.

    Darrell Issa can spend another six months furrowing his formidable brow and tongue-lashing all those involved (for as long as the cameras roll).

    Let me see, now … WHO was found culpable in the Benghazi debacle? Hmmm. I have no recollection of anyone being punished.

    Also, what about the investigation into the IRS targeting of conservative groups? Ah, I remember, Lois Lerner was reprimanded, right? Harsh indeed.

    And, are we ever going to get a Congressional dog-and-pony show going in regard to TPTB rolling out the welcome mat for some hundred-thousand illegal “children” (mostly males over 14) who brought TB and that paralyzing enterovirus with them? They’ve now been dispersed God-knows-where across the country, and I’m CERTAIN that any loyal ODamCrat judge will rule that it would be “cruel” to return them to their homes at this late date … and now, spring has sprung — and thousands more Third World “children” are again crossing over our non-enforced southern border.

    I’m sure that the GOd-awful Party can perform another 10 years of Kabuki investigations to make us think that they’re “doing something” about citizens’ concerns. You betcha. {snort!}

  22. David Eckert was pulled over by police in Deming, N.M., for failing to come to a complete halt at a stop sign in the Walmart parking lot. He was asked to step out of the vehicle, and waited on the sidewalk. Officers decided that they didn’t like the tight clench of his buttocks, a subject on which New Mexico’s constabulary is apparently expert, and determined that it was because he had illegal drugs secreted therein. So they arrested him, and took him to Gila Regional Medical Center in neighboring Hidalgo County, where Mr. Eckert was forced to undergo two abdominal X-rays, two rectal probes, three enemas, and defecate thrice in front of medical staff and representatives of two law-enforcement agencies, before being sedated and subjected to a colonoscopy – all procedures performed against his will and without a valid warrant. Alas, Mr. Eckert’s body proved to be a drug-free zone, and so, after twelve hours of detention, he was released. If you’re wondering where his lawyer was during all this, no attorney was present, as police had not charged Mr. Eckert with anything, so they’re apparently free to frolic and gambol up his rectum to their hearts’ content……
    Read more.

  23. “There is absolutely no way on earth I would remain silent w/regards to this if it were to happen to me, and I’d absolutely be willing to take my contempt of court charge as high as I possibly could.” nyght

    Bingo. Exposure. A willingness to, if necessary pay whatever the price. Anything less renders one unworthy of liberty.

    To paraphrase John F. Kennedy, ‘Let everyone know, that wishes us ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship to assure the survival of liberty‘.

    We here say we value liberty but do we value it enough to, if necessary, be imprisoned as a matter of conscience? I know not what others may do but as for me, I will go to prison before I remain silent and even if that refusal costs me my life it will be worth it. There are far worse things than dying.

  24. G6loq Says:
    April 21st, 2015 at 10:36 pm
    David Eckert was pulled over by police in Deming, N.M……….

    A New Mexico man has settled with local authorities for $1.6 million after claiming police forced him to undergo “multiple digital penetrations and three enemas” on an invalid warrant and without finding any of the illicit drugs they were looking for.

    this money does not come from the polcie who did it, the hospital that was complicit, the departments retirement funds, etc…

    taxpayers who did not look up his butt were in the hole for 1.6 million…

    bet that he had to pay half back in taxes…

  25. Gehad el-Haddad, a senior adviser and media spokesman for the Muslim Brotherhood was sentenced to life in prison in Egpyt. The son of Morsi’s former foreign affairs adviser Essam el-Haddad, he was the main English-language spokesman for the Muslim Brotherhood. He is also a former employee of the Clinton Foundation

  26. scottthebadger Says:

    “Milwaukee metropolitan area police area heavily unionised, and would have carried out the orders without question. The Milwaukee County Sheriff’s Office, under Sheriff Clark, would NEVER have done such a deed.”

    but they probably don’t even know its wrong. They’re told its an illegal campaign donation thing or even embezzlement related (a missing 11k started the john doe investigation…).

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