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Spambot of the day — 22 Comments

  1. I’m jealous. 🙁

    You get the interesting ones, while I just get spam offering bargain prices on Vicodin.

    Dang you! I’m sure you’re on those error codes right now. Best of luck. 🙂

  2. Paul_In_Houston: don’t worry, I get those too. But they go directly into my spam filter, and get deleted. I feature the most amusing ones that escape the spam filter. I delete them manually.

  3. Query:

    Is your spam filter a feature of WordPress?

    Or is it an external application you’ve added on.

    With blogger.com, my spam filter is ME (unless I’ve missed something, which I could well have).

    Just idle curiosity, as I am a loooooong way from having to deal with the volume that you do.


  4. neo: Possibly someone was trying to parse one of your web pages as valid XHTML.

    Click the “Valid XHTML” link at extreme bottom right to see what I mean. Lots of errors and warnings.

    It’s not your fault of course. I’m somewhat surprised that WordPress doesn’t do a better job. Running the page source through HTML Tidy would fix a lot of these problems.

  5. Paul_In_Houston: yes, it’s a part of WordPress. WordPress has a lot of advantages over Blogger in terms of control of comments. That’s really why I went over to it.

  6. Actually, its a “techy” sort of spam bot – or “techi”, I’m not sure which.

    But its definitely not “tecky”.

    Sorry, couldn’t help it.


  7. James: actually I had “techy” first, but I Googled it, and found this, which I preferred because it seems more phonetic.

    So there. Let it never be said that I don’t try to do heavy-duty research for this blog!

  8. She may have been trying to combine “techie” and “tacky” (trying not to dwell too much on Malvina Reynold’s “Little Boxes”)


  9. All I ever get are Viagra advertisements. Are the spammers trying to tell me something?

    Also, every once in awhile, a helpful Nigerian has a cool get-rich plan for me. All I have to do is give him access to my bank accounts and I’ll be rich, rich!

  10. And that goes for your cat, too!

    Don’t ask me what it means. I got it from my mother. She got it from her grandmother. Who didn’t know either. But it feels so good to say.

  11. MikeLL: this isn’t email spam. This is blog or website spam. A different breed of bot.

  12. I have been getting lots of ads telling me that lots of russian ladies want to meet me… and better yet the spammers make them appear like they are from coworkers in my office… so i am like, dude the marketing department is trying to hook me up with russian ladies, LOL hilarious.

  13. Huxley, I get that same 404 error on your link.

    Maybe she started to put something up and changed her mind, with Google Reader catching it before she withdrew it.

    Or, maybe she has a draft version that was caught by the reader (no idea if that’s even possible).

    That’s TWO maybes right there. Not very useful at all.
    This is a black art; not a science.

  14. huxley: thanks for calling my attention to that disappearing post. I think what may have happened there (and perhaps this happens more than I know) is that I published the post, and then changed a word or two (usually grammar or spelling corrections) and thought I republished it. But sometimes for some reason it goes into a “private” mode where it’s there when I look but other people can’t see it. I’ve noticed this once or twice before but only after the fact.

    Strange. I’m not sure what causes it. I’ll make it public now, although it’s a day late and a dollar short (actually, a few billion dollars short, as you’ll see).

  15. neo: Sounds like the post showed up on the web long enough to be caught by the Google cache, but WordPress withdrew it while you made changes.

    A general FYI to people — once web pages go into the Google cache it takes a long time for them to be flushed, if ever, if the pages are changed or deleted.

    I was a web consultant for my church. When they were adding content to their website, they moved some discussions that had been members-only into the full glare of the internet and Google searches.

    One woman had related her incest story years back and to her horror she discovered that that story had become one of the top links when googling on her name.

    Google does have a process for flushing the Google cache but it took longer and was trickier than I expected.

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