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Obama’s… — 52 Comments

  1. That’s a no-brainer.

    Barry’s political Curriculum Vitae is that of MacBeth.

    Getting evenism is at the core of his being.

    In that sense, the boy IS Adolf in a new guise — The Mule.

    (cf Issac Asimov)

  2. Obama is your co-pilot, America.
    Please bring your seatback and tray table to their full upright and locked position in preparation for landing and thank you for flying with us today.

  3. You have to wonder if Obama is trying to start a nuclear arms race in the middle east.

  4. I think his primary motivator is that his name will be attached to a treaty with Iran.

    Kind of like how his name is now attached to normalizing relations with Cuba.

    He’s doing those “impossible” things that no one said could be done. Of course, he’s ignoring the fact that the reason why those things “couldn’t” be done had to do with not handing the fox the keys to the hen house. Either he doesn’t care, or he believes that reasonable men (like Vladimir Putin) have moved beyond doing aggressive transgressive things (like seizing the Crimean Peninsula).

  5. The great answer will be found in the previous post in the lines of Yeats.

    The revelation at hand is alluded to in the previous lines — the passionate intensity for anarchy/chaos. Precursor to O’s Communism/Socialism/Islamism is Gnosticism — a hatred of all that is, all in its order, creation itself, God himself.

    Whether Israel is harmed, or Iran strengthened, matters not. In either instance order is harmed, sanity is harmed, life is harmed.

    I believe O to be so disordered a personality, of such an obsidian soul, so resolutely a hellfire Gnostic that whenever I think of him, immediately comes to mind Hillarion — the devil incarnate in Flaubert’s The Temptation of St. Anthony.

    At one point St Anthony is invited by Hillarion to view a passing parade consisting of ever morphing monstrosities, one to another after another.

    Hillarion: “The one who is scratching his abdomen with his elephant’s trunk is the solar god, the inspirer of wisdom. That other, whose six heads carry towers and fourteen handles of javelins, is the prince of armies, the fire-devourer. The old man riding on a crocodile is going to bathe the souls of the dead on the seashore…
    … And their aspects are multiplied, their transformations rapid. Here is one who from a fish has become a tortoise, he assumes the head of a wild boar, the stature of a dwarf!”

    St Anthony: “For what purpose?”

    Hillarion: “To establish equilibrium, to combat evil. Life is exhausted, its forms are used up; and it is necessary to progress by metamorphoses of them.”

    The disheartening thing about it all is that O is not alone, a lone Pied Piper leading everyone to doom. The Gnostics are legion and their aspirations incendiary. They are destroyers. They will redact all that is good, all that is natural – love, life, marriage, sex, sexuality, law, tradition, custom, order, reality itself, and in its place – metamorphoses. How the hell can anyone explain all that besets us, all of which is repellent, in terms philosophical, meanings historical, concepts rigorous? Can’t be done, I think. What we have here is ol’ fashion – from the time of ‘In The Beginning’ – good v evil.

  6. I find myself wondering how much this actually damages Israel.

    Yes, it’s a betrayal; no doubt about that. Israel had secrets that America kept, faithfully, for decades. And now, right at the time when America and Israel have a public spat — the latest one about Israel telling Congress about American secrets, which Congress had every right to know and which the President had no business keeping secret! — America spills the official existence of Israel’s nuclear program. So there’s no doubt in my mind that this is a deliberate act of revenge by the Obama Administration against Israel.

    Then again… the report in question is twenty-eight years old. Has Israeli nuclear technology progressed during that time? You bet it has.

    And President Obama, who has secrets aplenty of his own, seems determined to getting into a contest of revealing secrets. How much rope would you like, Mr. President?

    One other thought —


  7. Please note that he’s not doing this alone. There are thousands of people helping him every way they can. And tens of millions who are cheering him on.

    The Pentagon – the Pentagon! – just published top secret information about Israel’s atomics capabilities. Think about that.

    He can’t be acting alone.

  8. Detestable. Despicable. Vengeful. What psychiatrists term “infantile defiance”.

    Bibi, it now seems clear that your tough guys must go in there and wreak destruction upon the Persian Butchers and their Nuke Program. While you’re at it, leave their biggest-most productive oil field as well.

    Hey, MSMs, how about pretending you have a set and press Hillary on the ‘outting’ of the ’87 paper with Israel revealed and confirmed. Press hard, Vermin.

  9. One Add Above: “…leave their biggest-most productive oil field in flames as well.”

  10. Is it revenge or was it the plan all along?
    Not the first secret of Israel’s he’s leaked, and for all we know, this was part of his Iran deal.

  11. Obama’s aggressive attack against Israel and Bibi probably is due to a deal with Iran surfacing soon – as soon as this weekend – and Obama knows the most articulate critic will be the Israeli PM. He’s expending some political points (risking US Jewish votes down the road) now in order to keep the PM off balance and to get that deal through whatever hurdles (UN?) he thinks he has a chance at. It doesn’t hurt that his attacks have gotten conservatives excited and thereby diverted some energy from talking about Iran and how back that is.

  12. Somewhat related, I suspect.

    Obama is now snubbing the new head of NATO. Former Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg is in Washington for a few days, and his team tried to set up a meeting with the President. But they never received any reply from the White House.

  13. Do we have no recourse? I suppose not. Our Congressional majority quakes.

    I believe we have reached the tipping point at which adult Congressional leadership should take serious action with the weapon they have–funding. Then stand tall and tell the people that a shutdown is preferable to an out of control government. Let’s see once and for all if we have a population that is able to grasp serious issues. (The other weapon, impeachment is so far beyond their courage thresh hold as to be non-existent.) I know it is a fanciful notion.

    I don’t suppose the brainacs in and around the WH understand that they are paving the path to nuclear war. Israel does not need to develop nukes, they have them. If their backs are to the wall, I do not doubt that they will use them. I would.

  14. Evie: You know, nasty little fellows such as yourself always get their comeuppance.
    Beni: (scoffs, then serious) They do?
    Evie: Always.

  15. Israel is the keystone of the post-WWII order. Efforts to destabilize and change that order, including national Arab regimes, would be incomplete without it. Still, it did not start with Obama. One of the first victims was South Africa, where a local faction and international coalition, conspired to slaughter native black and white Africans, in order to gain control of the land and resources. Notice the same tactics have been levied to marginalize Israel. However, they must pursue a different strategy in America. A comprehensive approach that includes a DRRAT policy (Displace, Replace, [over-]Regulate, Abort, and Tax).

  16. AMartel said:

    “Obama is your co-pilot, America.”

    In light of recent events, I feel this statement is particularly apt.

  17. “Obama is your co-pilot, America.”

    In light of recent events, I feel this statement is particularly apt.

    Ohhh, BURN!

  18. I covered it in your other thread..
    [which i copied what was happening from a day before that noticing how the libs are pretending that the GOP is inventing a way to block him when its the old constitution in his way]

    as to our questions and points

    Here’s a question: which is Obama’s more primary motivation in the whole sorry mess of the recent Iran negotiations, harming Israel or helping Iran?

    his motivation is to use iran to harm israel… i quoted lenin that a wacko may be a wacko but they can be useful (not exact quote of course)

    as to this
    [ADDENDUM: See this. It will make your hair stand on end.]

    now the world is beyond this, as obama just caved

    U.S. Caves to Key Iranian Demands as Nuke Deal Comes Together
    Limited options for Congress as Obama seeks to bypass lawmakers

    The Obama administration is giving in to Iranian demands about the scope of its nuclear program as negotiators work to finalize a framework agreement in the coming days

    ultimately its the one sided deal of they get someting, we get nothing.. like his disarm deal wiht russia, and the other deals…

    everyone in the world wants to deal with him as he gives away the farm, and then forgets to ask for magic beans

    meanwhile. i said that he was going to head towards destabilization to start a world war… why? he is protected from it and will be able to make a lot of money just like others made in WWII… it will solve a lot of economic issues by erasing ecomic issues… and it will insure that whites are fully exterminated as the women who didnt have babies that could now are going to be killed fighting… we wont be able to defend ourselves given the ROE, the leaders being the generals genrals, dictating the strategies, and such a la vietnam…

    on top of it he also declassified the nuclear arms inforamtion related to israel… now the rest of the world is going to wonder what secrets he will reveal, and if you think that they will warn us as to terrist attacks, thats now off the table as no one will want to share any secrets the tattler obama, and will not trust the next person up as they wont trust the american people to not put up stupid version II

    even the liberal jews i know have not realized what is going on. or what would happen to them if israel goes away… at that point what would put pressure to halt the run of marxism anti semitism and the destruction of capitalsm by murdering the inventors of it (As marx claims) and removing those that supposedly created it, fomented it, and believed to conspire in a way that puts everyone else at bad ends, to which these marxist leaders will save the people from.

    right now, UAE is moving military equipment to the border as they now are afraid that Yemen is going to send people over. of course no one wanted to previously discuss all this lead up!!! it was as easy to read as a cliff notes version of a play…

    if yemen goes over the UAE border, what do you think will happen to world economy? what of all the new equipment that these states have thanks to the dems opening up the doors and letting them steal what they want… how many operatives have come over the border.

    in fact, if you look at the military exercises, the ignoring the constitution, the fema camps that are not camps, the civilian labor camps that exist and are manned (showed that army document before), the new doctrins of the chinese and russians, the buying of ammo and militarization of things like the post office, the removal of our manufacturing, its support, and the knowlege that the population has, the dumbing down of the young who would fight, the number of them that would give up thinking that the enemy is their ideological friends, and so on and so on…

    they are gearing up to give up…
    after all, what is the easiest way to get to a socialist paradise in the US? make us unable to defend ourselves, let loose the pins on the machine so war starts, then give up as we cant fight with some idea that we cant use nukes if we cant fight…

    all they need is an expendable false flag to do things…
    like iran

    their countries are not so integrated that they will collapse if electronics dont work… ie. the tactical advantage
    your enemies think your weak and bakwards when your actually strong in terms of nukes and functioning…

    there is a reason why bomb shelters and prepping became popular… and it wasnt because of curiosity…

  19. Obama is your co-pilot, America.

    Jim Sullivan said, “In light of recent events, I feel this statement is particularly apt.”

    I read that most of the passengers didn’t realize they were about to die horribly until just before impact. That’s when the screaming started.

  20. The other two branches of government are drinking in the toity and not coming out which is where the analogy kind of falls apart.

  21. One also wonders why he isn’t threatened with prosecution for being a traitor.

    Well, actually given our press and the spinelessness of the political opposition it really isn’t something to wonder about.

  22. The Israelis have a good supply of Bunker Busters (Thank you, President Bush!!) and I’d advise using them on those deep nuke hidey holes in Iran. Ayatollah Khamenei ends his televised speech by saying,”Death To America!!” while Obama blows him kisses and betrays Israel. Supreme Leader says NO WAY to quick, no lead time inspections being in the agreement and Obam-Bam says,”I LOVE the smell of Persian excrement in my lap in the morning.”

    Are we not blessed, America?

  23. I think his antics will hurt Democrats mightily in 2016. At least, I hope they do.
    Petulant man-child.

  24. I’m being driven towards the option that we are fighting a spiritual battle. At the least if our God exists He is a God of surprises. Perhaps that is because he sees things from a different perspective than we do. Once we think we have Him in a box and can predict what He will do next He surprises us.

    Many German Jews believed that God would protect them but he didn’t. Now many surviving Jews are atheist or agnostic because their paradigm about God’s protection has seemingly failed. Wouldn’t it be interesting if God surprises us once again and intervenes to protect Israel against overwhelming odds?

  25. Being Israel’s protector always made us co-responsible for its good behavior. Whether Obama understands this or not, by disowning Israel he has freed it to go feral. Now a few nuclear powers live in Iran’s neighborhood, and dropping an a-bomb on Tehran is a highly dangerous thing to do. God help the whole world, if our fingerprints were found to be on the weapon. This may be at the bottom of Obama’s very public dumping of Israel and his bizarre mooncalf wooing of Iran, but I doubt Russia, China, Pakistan will buy it.

  26. Dennis said:”Wouldn’t it be interesting if God surprises us once again and intervenes to protect Israel against overwhelming odds?”

    An important passage regarding this can be found in Ezekiel 37-39. We are seeing the scattered bones being reassembled and the broken country of Israel coming together again. Enemies from all around will attack, yet Israel will prevail by the hand of God. That is why I am glad –yes glad–that the traditional allies of Israel are turning their backs on the country and God can show his power.

  27. thats ok..
    people like this will save us!!

    On Wednesday, California Democrat Barbara Lee proposed a resolution in the House of Representatives that claims women will eventually be forced into prostitution in order to obtain life-sustaining food and water for their families.

    Lee introduced House Concurrent Resolution 29, warning that women will be forced into “transactional sex” to get enough food and clean water – all because global warming will create “conflict and instability” in the world.

    [what makes her think that men would have food and water with which to purchase sex from single female heads of households?]

  28. charles Says: One also wonders why he isn’t threatened with prosecution for being a traitor.

    Your saying Biden would be better?

  29. Matt_SE Says: I think his antics will hurt Democrats mightily in 2016.

    Read my post above about climate change forcing single women with children into prostitution… (cause men will have all the food and water)

    then read about microagressions reporting, in which protected classes can be racist, sexist, intolerant, and more… while white males cant say anyting negative unless they want to commit suicide… how long before they will make ovens or camps for the evil white males?

    nope… they are stupid enough to come out in droves to protect their morons who promise them the benefits of unicorn farts, soda less living, green extermination, eugenics, euthanasia, health rationing, and much more of the hard won stuff

  30. Cornhead Says: How will the the Left and the propagandists in the MSM spin this?

    easy… they released the info on nukes held by israel and will claim its not fair and equal if iran doesnt have any!!!

    not only that, but we will have to help, and give them money and more so that they can be equal.

    one only has to apply their doctrines and the answers become easy to see… no one has to order it, i am sure some wackaholic will write an article and start the whole why is iran not equal stuff

  31. cue the press (for the prior post response)

    Why is the U.S. okay with Israel having nuclear weapons but not Iran?

    [no, they dont mention that iran vows to use them against the unprotected class of white male jews, and the united states of white male racists… ]

    in the article they make sure to sayEven if Iraq had possessed weapons of mass destruction (which we now know they did not)….
    [which is why some of our troops had to destroy them, ie. we now know they DID, and that much of it went to other coutnries -maybe someone should post the facts over there]

    The same applies to Iran. Even if they were pursuing a nuclear weapon (which nobody can prove they are) and even if Iran had long range missiles to strike at America (which they definitely do not) Iran is not going to carry out an unprovoked attack on the United States with a nuclear weapon because any attack with a weapon of mass destruction would be national suicide.

    [this person has obviously ignored the fact that suicide is a way of life for islamic jihadis… maybe he works for lufthansa?]

    The same applies to North Korea. Even if they built a nuclear weapon (or bought it from Israel)
    [right.. irael will sell nukes to north korea… but remember, this will become liberal gospel according to whomever writes what they can use whether valid or not so as to put more intelligent people on the defense]


    Why Iran Should Get the Bomb
    Nuclear Balancing Would Mean Stability

    [see? if they are equal, then its more stable… ]


    The crisis over Iran’s nuclear program could end in three different ways. First, diplomacy coupled with serious sanctions could convince Iran to abandon its pursuit of a nuclear weapon. But this outcome is unlikely: the historical record indicates that a country bent on acquiring nuclear weapons can rarely be dissuaded from doing so. Punishing a state through economic sanctions does not inexorably derail its nuclear program. Take North Korea, which succeeded in building its weapons despite countless rounds of sanctions and UN Security Council resolutions. If Tehran determines that its security depends on possessing nuclear weapons, sanctions are unlikely to change its mind. In fact, adding still more sanctions now could make Iran feel even more vulnerable, giving it still more reason to seek the protection of the ultimate deterrent.

    see the thought processes?

    its easy to say what will happen next..
    apply the rules and ignore the insanity of the answer!!!!!!!!!!!
    Totalitarians and Confucians all live by RULES…

  32. it gets more silly


    One reason the danger of a nuclear Iran has been grossly exaggerated is that the debate surrounding it has been distorted by misplaced worries and fundamental misunderstandings of how states generally behave in the international system.

    The first prominent concern, which undergirds many
    others, is that the Iranian regime is innately irrational.

    Despite a widespread belief to the contrary, Iranian policy is made not by “mad mullahs” but by perfectly sane ayatollahs who want to survive just like any other leaders.

    Although Iran’s leaders indulge in inflammatory and hateful rhetoric, they show no propensity for self-destruction.

    It would be a grave error for policymakers in the United States and Israel to assume otherwise.

    for the most part, such leaders do NOT suffer the outcomes of their own actions… ie. the mullahs are going to go into one of the bunkers russia made for them, and they do not care about their own people any more than stalin did…

    think of the logic above..
    the crazy are not crazy so the paranoid should let them have the bomb…

    notice how its also written in the voice of im smart, i know, listen to me, and relax – yoru fears are always unfounded… let the people who fund terrorism, chop of body parts, back up trucks full of rocks to kill women, and desire to bring about disaster so induce the mahdi to return to them have a bomb… why not…

    its not like the left has ever been wrong…
    go ahead… look… in all their writings they have neber been wrong, and other writings by outsiders are just lies!!!

    if i read any more idiocy i will have to pluck out the eyes that offend..

  33. Caroline Glick’s latest column is titled “Managing Obama’s War against Israel.” As usual, it’s worth reading, and it’s certainly relevant to Neo’s post.

    For those who don’t regularly connect to her blog, here’s a link http://tinyurl.com/p9mkoyh

  34. Travel schedules of Secretary of State John Kerry, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, and Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif suggest that the parties may gather for a “signing” ceremony on Sunday, March 29 in Lausanne, Switzerland. Omri Ceren, press director at The Israel Project, told reporters via email from Switzerland: “Rumors are swirling about a deal as early as Sunday the 29th: Lavrov is slated to fly in for the 27th-29th, Kerry is supposed to be in Boston on the 30th, and the Iranians are talking about where they want to move the talks for the signing ceremony.”

  35. As concerns Obama, read Stanley Kurtz article in National Review about his Palestinian, anti-Israel history. It makes clear where his hatred comes from.

    As concerns the rest of the left/Democrats, well they have all been exposed to and adopted most of what Obama has adopted.

    It’s all part of the century long conquest of the culture by the left.

    Kurtz article:

  36. “Today, we are closer to fulfilling America’s promise of economic and social justice because we stand on the shoulders of giants like Dr. King, yet our future progress will depend on how we prepare our next generation of leaders. We must fortify their ladders of opportunity by correcting social injustice, breaking the cycle of poverty in struggling communities, and reinvesting in our schools. Education can unlock a child’s potential and remains our strongest weapon against injustice and inequality.”
    Barack Obama: Proclamation 8473 – Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday, 2010


    Social Justice was an American Roman Catholic periodical published by Father Charles Coughlin during the late 1930s and early 1940s.

    Social Justice was controversial for printing antisemitic polemics such as The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

    Coughlin claimed that Marxist atheism in Europe was a Jewish plot against America.

    The December 5, 1938, issue of Social Justice included an article by Coughlin which reportedly closely resembled a speech made by Joseph Goebbels on September 13, 1935, attacking Jews, atheists and Communists, with some sections being copied verbatim by Coughlin from an English translation of the Goebbels speech. Wiki

    “In its pursuit of justice for a segment of society, in disregard of the consequences for society as a whole, what is called ‘social justice’ might more accurately be called anti-social justice, since what consistently gets ignored or dismissed are precisely the costs to society. Such a conception of justice seeks to correct, not only biased or discriminatory acts by individuals or by social institutions, but unmerited disadvantages in general, from whatever source they may arise.”
    Thomas Sowell

  37. Levin: Obama Believes Israel Is ‘Illegitimate’

    “This leak means that Obama has decided that Israel has to go, that Israel as presently formed, as presently exists, is illegitimate. That’s why his Chief of Staff spoke to a leftist, Israel-hating group filled with Jews and went on about how Israel has been occupying land for fifty years…not 1967 borders Obama said, pre-1967 borders, which means Israel cannot survive. Under this two-state solution where you have Hamas, where you have Hezbollah, where you have these terrorist organizations funded by the Iranians, and ISIS sitting there, waiting for its opportunity to jump you can’t have a two-state situation under these circumstances, if ever in my view, but certainly not in these circumstances look what the Gaza Strip turned into, a missile-launching site” Levin stated.

  38. The document, now available through a FOI request which was suddenly approved, states that Israel has nuclear weapons. That it was released was treacherous on the part of our government. But the fact that this treachery was obvious will have an effect quite the opposite of any intent for damage to Israel. It makes it all the more believable, as well as inadvertently publicized. Good. It shows, beyond mere speculation, that Israel has nuclear weapons.

    But I believe what is much, much more important, is that it reveals that Israel’s research on thermonuclear was on par with that of the U.S., twenty-eight years ago! Did the weasels in our government realize the information they were releasing?

    So, Iran will be going underground where they can’t be touched? Wouldn’t count on that. Sorry about the collateral damage.

  39. J-Street Speaker Calls for Destruction of Israel — to Applause

    Here is Marcia Freedman, in a J-Street panel discussion on Liberal Zionism and sitting next to Peter Beinart, describing how she believes that the Jewish people should not have a state, and that instead they should live as a minority in an Arab Palestine as a “protected minority” — in other words, as dhimmis.


    Isn’t it interesting that at a conference that claims to be “pro-Israel, pro-peace” and that hammers away at how it wants a two state solution, there is no objection to this one-state solution where Jews are “protected” by people who want to kill them?

    J-Street refuses to let Alan Dershowitz, an advocate of a two-state solution since the 1970s, speak. But this crazy lady who thinks that Israel treats Arab citizens worse than Arabs would treat Jews is given a platform, without a single dissenting voice that I could find, either at the session or on Twitter afterwards, from J-Street members or attendees.

    [they could have saved a lot of time by not helping to beat hitler, and instead, helping him to grow his neo liberal social justice movement to the world… down with jews, down with white males (especially jewish white males). liberal jews are not paying attention, most have no idea what is going on or what is coming for them if it continues]

  40. BillR Says: Iran will be going underground where they can’t be touched? Wouldn’t count on that.

    These bunkers are designed and implemented by Soviet, i mean Russian helpers… they are impervious to “bunker busters”, as well as nuclear strikes… (at least they are to direct ones)

    the secret is to dig VERY deep, then put concrete stages between it and the surface… the stages are thick and heavy enough to absorb the blasts and reflect the energy back in layers

    the shelter itself sits in hole, and is mounted on springs. this way, the shock wave would have to pass it, reflect back from the core, and then the springs will just wobble rather than trasmit the energy to the internal structure… also the air gap keeps the shock wave separate due to the air space.

    shelters improve once the attack methods are known
    russia, and china, who believe in a just nuclear war and have doctrines to match, have been upgrading their systems while obama hs been dismantline ours.

    a long while back i tried to ring the alarms as to yamentau mountain, which the US paid for the upgrade. the shelter is hardened against direct strike, and is larger than the DC beltway…

    Pentagon calls for ‘urgent’ upgrade of massive bunker-busting bombs, as Iranian threat looms

    The military’s so-called Massive Ordnance Penetrator, a 30,000-pound bunker buster bomb, requires an “urgent” upgrade, according to Pentagon officials who are trying to ensure that 20 of the bombs are battle-ready

    Russia Has Constructed Massive Underground Shelters In Anticipation Of Nuclear War / March 26th, 2015

    Did you know that the Russians have a massive underground complex in the Ural mountains that has been estimated to be approximately 400 square miles in size?

    [of course when i brought it up before, nothign having to do with this subject, a coming war, new war material, exercises, camps, and such have resulted in any kind of discussion, as its never the object of discussion of any article post, but only appears in a thread instead.

    i guess no one is worried about a nuclear bomb shelter upgraded to modern (today) standards and covers 400 square miles… ]

    The command center for this complex is rumored to be 3,000 feet directly straight down from the summit of this giant rock quartz mountain. And of course U.S. military officials will admit that there are dozens of other similar sites throughout Russia.

    Russian television has reported that 5,000 new emergency nuclear bomb shelters were scheduled to have been completed in the city of Moscow alone by the end of 2012.

    The Russians also recently finished work on a brand new national defense center in Moscow that contains extensive underground facilities…

    The new top-security, fortified facility in Moscow includes several large war rooms, a brand new supercomputer in the heart of a state-of-the-art data processing center, underground facilities, secret transport routes for emergency evacuation and a helicopter pad, which was deployed for the first time on Nov. 24 on the Moscow River. The Defense Ministry won’t disclose the price tag for the site, but it is estimated at the equivalent of several billion dollars.

    Just so you know… our leftist leadres in their infinite wisdom have used the cash for such things for social programs, and personal piggy banks

    you? you have to duck and cover… thats all you get

    the russians built the bunkers for iran…

    hey! not only have they done that, but they have also upgraded their nukes… (you know, so that we cant shoot them down)… and china just anounced some interesting things as well (antisatellite weapons to get rid of GPS)

    but we dont cover that here…
    better to be unprepared and not discuss things from a “they spent nearly a trillion dollars… but dont worry, its for nothing”

    he Russians have also been developing a new anti-ballistic missile system that is designed to keep U.S. nuclear missiles from getting to their targets in the first place.

    The S-500 is not an upgrade of the S-400, but a new design. It uses a lot of new technology and is superior to the S-400. It was designed to intercept ballistic missiles. It is planned to have a range of 500-600 km and hit targets at altitudes as high as 40 km. Some sources claim that this system is capable of tracking 5-20 ballistic targets and intercepting up to 5-10 ballistic targets simultaneously. It can defeat ballistic missiles traveling at 5-7 kilometers per second.It has been reported that this air defense system can also target low orbital satellites. It is planned that the S-500 will shield Moscow and the regions around it. It will replace the current A-135 anti-ballistic missile system. The S-500 missiles will be used only against the most important targets, such as intercontinental ballistic missiles, AWACS and jamming aircraft.

    this should make what obama is doing a lot more clear and clear as to who it favors in the long run if something comes of it…

    chance favors the prepared…

    Today, 81 percent of Russians have a negative opinion of the United States. Our interference in the conflict in Ukraine has made the Russian people very angry, and there are many over there that now believe that a shooting war with the United States is inevitable.

    in a vote that largely slid under the radar, the House of Representatives passed a resolution urging Obama to send lethal aid to Ukraine, providing offensive, not just “defensive” weapons to the Ukraine army

    [somethig russia said it would consider first strike nukes for… now, will they or wont they? you tell me… maybe they are doing it, through iran. which is why the idea of looking at iran and analysing it in terms of their people getting hurt makes no sense… ie. the people are disposable and its russia that runs them as it has for over 30 years]

  41. So, the bunkers might survive. That’s obvious, but unimportant, strategically. You might not have much on the surface to help you out. I’m hoping we’ll never find out, though.

  42. An overheard conversation:

    Ayatollah Khamenei: “Death to Israel!!”
    President Obama: “How can I help?”
    Ayatollah Khamenei: “Oh, you can! By the way, death to America too.”
    President Obama: “I can work with that.”

    — from a soon-to-be-exhumed e-mail from Hillary’s servers

  43. It has been said before, and is still true: If the Arab countries and Iran lay down their weapons there would be peace in the Middle East, If Israel lays down its weapons, there would be no Israel.

  44. Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us. Golda Meir

  45. His animus toward Israel is more apparent all the time and shocking really. Shocking in that it is hard to believe an elected American President would feel that way but indeed- that’s the case.

    Obama just aims to get away with as much as he can, while he is in these last couple of years in office. His true colors are coming out if they weren’t obvious before.

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