Home » The tolerance of intolerance: Netherlands chapter


The tolerance of intolerance: Netherlands chapter — 19 Comments

  1. Will Europe be able to pull itself out of this self-imposed genocide? Without a countervailing bloodbath also occurring?

  2. cas,

    No. A civilization that won’t protect its women and children has no future.

    Sweden: Rape Capital of the West

    “In Oslo, Norway there is a Muslim-rape epidemic with 100 percent of the rapists being “non-western males,” with 9 out of 10 attacks against Norwegian women. These statistics are said to be documented by Norwegian police.”

    “Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal”

    Even a ‘countervailing bloodbath’ won’t help because Europe’s problem is NOT its Muslim immigrants. Europe’s problem is its ‘progressives’ and its abandonment of its heritage, of literally its civilizational foundations.

    Europe’s future will either be Muslim or fascism.

  3. Immigration that exceeds the rate of assimilation and integration is an integral aspect of DRRAT (Displace, Replace, Regulate, Abort, and Tax) policy used to marginalize and neutralize effective resistance by native people. The left invited it. The right tolerated it. The reconciliation process forecasts anthropogenic global cultural change.

  4. The horrible irony of it is that teaching about the Holocaust might actually do something about the growing anti-antisemitism in Europe. Not just the Muslims, but the white anti-Semites.

  5. The Frank Family sends its regards to the Dutch cowards and wishes to state that when they were hidden, at great risk, by brave Dutch Christians the people of Amsterdam were made of tougher stuff.

  6. During contacts I’ve had with European based Moooslimes their triumphalism is clear. Not necessarily pushy but very matter of fact. I’m referring to England and France.

    The situation described at the Hague has been going on for so long, it is normal at this point.

    I’ve been into no go zones in France. Don’t go there, just don’t. It is remarkable how quickly you get spotted, cell phones get going and they ask you to leave. Politely for it is … normal.

    Then, there is Belgium:

    I blame the voters, individually…

  7. It’s the Netherlands – you can’t expect much besides them being “progressive.” And being cowards.

  8. GRA…Yep, and ergo really stoned(legally)and hugely serviced by Harlotry. A perfect poster child for the Left in our own country.

  9. Right here in the USA, anti-Semitism is alive and well.
    Just a month ago, the despicable display at U.C. Davis Kalifornia went unchecked.
    It was given full support by the administration and faculty and staff.
    Never reported in the MSM:



    Anti-Semitism in France is growing and pervasive. Europe? It’s on the rise. But right here in America——-the majority of Americans ignore the reality of it.

  10. “‘The teacher says Jews, the pupils say Gaza,’ said Feriani, who is Muslim.”

    I don’t care that Ferianin is a Muslim. The point is that this is a government-run European school system. And European governments spent centuries developing the Law Of Armed Conflict (LOAC) which in the past even Muslim governments (such as the Ottoman caliphate) agreed to abide by.

    So when the students say Gaza, that should be the moment in a European state school to defend European values. If there’s a humanitarian crisis in Gaza it is entirely due to the criminality and barbarity of Hamas. There entire “strategy” is to violate the LOAC and commit war crimes, then blame the Jews.

    But they bring it upon themselves and the evidence is quite simple. Note they are saying Gaza, and not West Bank. Because Fatah though criminal does not behave in quite the same barbaric and outrageous way.

    And Hamas-run Gaza, like Fatah-run West Bank, borders on a state that is not Israel. So if Gaza is a prison with walls on four sides, the guards on one of those prison walls are Egyptian. Not even the Egyptians will allow the free transfer of persons and goods across its border with Gaza. Because, again, Hamas and its supporters are criminals, terrorists, and barbarians and no country with even the barest respect for civilization can tolerate these people. Muslim and Jew.

    So if these students think “Gaza” is somehow a substantive reply to “Holocaust” it’s because their moral compass has been broken by the same people who think anyone who shoots an 18 month old in its crib (as long as the infant is a Jew) is a hero. The kind of people who perpetrated the Holocaust.

  11. So sad…and entirely predictable. Really, I blame the politicians who hoist Muslim immigrants on their citizens in the name of diversity (and social engineering to earn more votes).

    Clarityseeker – There was also the brouhaha last year when Ayaan Hirsi Ali was invited to the 2014 Brandeis commencement to receive an honorary degree and then uninvited when CAIR, campus Musims and their fellow travelers protested.

  12. Lizzy Says:
    March 8th, 2015 at 1:24 pm
    So sad…and entirely predictable. Really, I blame the politicians who hoist Muslim immigrants on their citizens in the name of diversity (and social engineering to earn more votes).

    blame politicians and … their voters.

    The Zeropean politcos/activists of Jewish background were/are over represented in all the multiculti agitating. Here, an interview with one such:
    A galling listen given his organization’s track record of socialist undermining of the social fabric …

  13. G Joubert Says:
    March 7th, 2015 at 10:51 pm
    What we’re they thinking? Cheap labor?

    Yes, in the sixties big business interests consciously set out to substitute labor for capital …

    The US Chamber of Commerce is similarly nefarious and … more:
    What would be powerful enough to exert this influence over the American economy? What entity could be that pervasive as to reach into big business across the nation?
    In February 2010, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce established their first legal Chamber in Doha, Qatar. Qatar, the reader should be reminded, is a prolific financier of terror. Qatar is also home to the spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Yusuf al-Qaradawi, now an Interpol fugitive. The Chamber represents American business and also has an explicitly political and diplomatic mission. In the words of the Chamber’s Executive Vice President and COO, David Chavern, AmCham Qatar is “another concrete example of positive U.S. Engagement with the Muslim world.”
    Among the companies and organizations which are premier sponsors of AmCham Qatar are ExxonMobil, The Boeing Corporation, Carnegie Mellon Qatar, Northwestern University in Qatar, and Fluor. Moreover, the following companies have significant involvement with the State of Qatar: Lockheed Martin, Bloomberg, Bank of America, Miramax, among many more.
    The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, with its close ties to Qatar, is by far the largest lobbying spender in Washington ($136.3 million in 2012). Business is a bipartisan pursuit, which means that money from Qatar — which is arguably today’s most prolific financial sponsor of Islamic terror — carries great weight in both Republican and Democrat circles.
    Indeed, Republican Senator Lindsey Graham is on the record last year as saying, “I’m going to embrace being a Chamber of Commerce Republican.” He was part of a bipartisan Senate delegation to Qatar this January which also included Senators John McCain (R-AZ), Bob Corker (R-TN), John Barrasso (R-WY), Angus King (I-ME) and Tim Kaine (D-VA)…

    Plus é§a change, plus c’est la méªme chose. Think Banana wars ….

  14. G Joubert Says:
    March 7th, 2015 at 10:51 pm
    What we’re they thinking? Cheap labor?

    Can’t find a source in English but in in the late 1950’s business interests in Europe started facilitating the arrival of large quantities of migrants from the south.
    The book I have is:
    Le continent des téné¨bres: une histoire de l’Europe au XXe sié¨cle.
    You can Google translate this piece about France:
    Conscious substitution of labor for capital. It never works. The Japanese were wise on such …

  15. Well, the UK Labour party did it on the sly – knowing that voters might not react well to being intentionally diluted:

    ” The huge increases in migrants over the last decade were partly due to a politically motivated attempt by ministers to radically change the country and “rub the Right’s nose in diversity”, according to Andrew Neather, a former adviser to Tony Blair, Jack Straw and David Blunkett.

    He said Labour’s relaxation of controls was a deliberate plan to “open up the UK to mass migration” but that ministers were nervous and reluctant to discuss such a move publicly for fear it would alienate its “core working class vote”.


  16. Coming soon to a large North American country near you. (Or maybe two.)

  17. If muslims were logical, and not ideologically devoted to the short term, they would understand some simple things. If mass murder is collectively forgotten, it will be repeated more quickly. At this time, there aren’t enough Jews to worry about in Europe for that sort of thing. Even those are, or are trying to, get out in ever larger numbers. No, the minority that will be nagging the peoples in Europe will be muslims. It is those who will be shoved out, or just as likely eliminated.

    Give some men enough rope and all that jazz.

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