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Regretting that Obama vote — 58 Comments

  1. You see, I felt my choice was to risk McCain dropping dead and letting the world’s most well-known hockey mom run this country, or to believe that Obama would surround himself with educated people and that he was smart enough to take their advice.
    Other than her Palin put-downs and her remark about Obama’s staff, who do you see her as elitist?

  2. Gringo: Other than her Palin comments? Aren’t they enough? They are unbelievably elitist. She offers nothing towards Palin but stupid, classist, smug put-downs such as “tabloid-magazine cover girl,” “Palin climbed out of her igloo,” and “world’s most well-known hockey mom,” rather than trying to analyze what was good and bad about Palin on the merits. And this, this was the main reason she voted for Obama! It was primarily an anti-Palin vote.

    For a fairly short piece, she managed to squeeze in a rather high percentage of elitist comments, IMHO.

  3. Gringo:

    Dorson’s writing in general has a show-offy, see-how-many-big-words-I-know tone. It suggests an overall attitude of snarky superiority, not just about Palin.

  4. It’s not elitist to not vote for the side whose running mate, who might be president by default, has no sound basic, very very basic, knowledge of recent world history, and who is so incompetent on the larger stage that they intellectually freeze with the mantra, “…it’s god’s plan …it’s god’s plan .. I’ll just follow (Gott mit uns) God’s plan.” To have sided with this would have been to show utter and complete contempt for our country, democracy, rational common sense. It is anything but a pity — put forth good candidates.

  5. As usual when reading cloudy muddy ugly Palin hit piece judgmental crap – I was nauseated.

    Palin had the economic prescription and knowledge.

    This supposed Republican voter named Jill fell for the negligent journalism that smeared Palin around the globe like Peanut Butter.

    I read every word and I have NO IDEA why Jill voted FOR Obama only that she was scared of Palin (who had the economic prescription).

    For that – Jill should apologize for being ‘scared’ of Palin.

    Yes – she said she voted ‘for’ hope and change. But if ANYBODY did their due diligence and listened to Obama’s words – “Taking of the oil company profits” , “they make too much”, “Spreading the wealth” , “coal companies wouldn’t be able to survice” , etc – you’d see a severe misunderstanding of economics and the actual VIRUS that made the collapse worse than if Palin and her ideas made it in.

    Palin was for corporate, capital gains and income tax rate reductions…… Jill – please do your due diligence next time. We were talking. You weren’t listening.

  6. BTW, I defy anybody to tell me what issue they disagreed with Palin on.

    I’m not interested in anybody telling me she was just “unintelligent”

    Because when it comes down to it – Obama voted Present 45% of the time in the Senate and had the VIRUS not the prescription for the economic ailments that we face.

    That dear liberals – is unintelligent

  7. nyo – you voted for incompetence I’m guessing. If somebody mashed up a video with those words over and over – and you got scared of those words – then you are incompetent.

  8. ok…. but your words were today.

    and… judgmental-ism ran rampant I’m thinking. yes?

  9. The rap on Palin is… let’s be brief… she’s so damned square. Too many children. Squeaky clean basketball star. Blue collar husband. Hunts and fishes.

    Note that Dorson tries to phrase Obama’s history of family abandonment as a virtue. It’s a good thing that Obama’s father split, and that his mother was too busy saving the world to take care of her kids.

    For the hip, an inverse moral paradigm has taken hold. At the top of that paradigm is the belief that homosexuality is morally superior to heterosexuality. Male sexuality, especially with a white skin, is original sin. Hopping from bed to bed is what smart people do.

    Dorson has been well indoctrinated in this inverted paradigm.

    I live in one of the most ultimately hip communities in America. This inverted paradigm is the foundation of a junior high school clique. The junior high schoolers just happen to be in their 30s, 40s, 50s and 60s.

    Just like every other junior high school clique, the clique in my town is brutal and vicious in enforcing its gang values. Whether those values are productive is of no account. Belonging to the clique is everything. Heresy is punishable by expulsion from the clique.

  10. nyo: except for the “God’s plan” quote, do you realize you are describing Vice-President Joe Biden exactly?

    And Palin’s remarks about God’s plan were were misquoted and misinterpreted. To a religious person such as Palin, prayers to be part of God’s plan, to understand it and try to follow it, are standard. She did not use it as a mantra; she referred to God’s plan just a couple of times, the main one while speaking at her church.

    Religious people also believe that God helps those who help themselves. Palin clearly believes that humans have a role, and that is to follow the proper course of action, and to pray for God’s guidance in doing so. I see absolutely nothing wrong with that.

  11. For me – I know I’m a minority – I actually read the transcript of the Gibson / Palin interview and I saw detail about what was removed from the Couric / Palin interview.

    If you look at things in their totality – Palin was in-line with:
    a) normal
    b) intelligent
    c) with the economic precription
    d) right to be frustrated with Couric and Gibson though she should’ve not taken the bait – because Couric and Gibson were asking questions with incorrect answers in their OWN heads. For instance Gibson was wrong about what the “Bush Doctrine” was and Palin was right to ask the follow up “in what regards” – her follow up answer was on target and Gibson’s wasn’t.

    If you were interviewed Nyo by a Couric for hours and hours with Couric having the belief you were a bumpkin it would wear on you also I bet.

    I studied Obama’s words. Because of his vaguenes – you had to latch onto the few details he gave. They were NOT GOOD.

    So anyways – Dear Obama voters – anti-Palin rhetoric does NOT excuse you. It only says more about you than Palin.

  12. I don’t care much for Biden, but are you saying Biden has no basic knowledge of recent history? I don’t buy it.

  13. If America could survive four years with Dan Quayle as Vice President, I’m pretty sure it could manage four years of Palin.

    Lord knows, we made it eight years with Al “Global cooling does NOT disprove global warming!” Gore.

  14. Like when he though, that the US had kicked Hezbollah out of Lebanon (actually Syrian intelligence. Or FDR
    giving a fireside chat (he was Governor) on TV, in 1929, those are just two examples, along with hanging around
    at an establishment that had been closed for 20 years

  15. I’ve met two people, both women, who on mention of Palin, chuckled that “Sarah Palin said she can see Russia from her house!”

    These were nice intelligent women. They were flustered when I replied that Palin didn’t say that, a comic on SNL said that.

    I have found repeatedly that it is liberal women (and Matt Damon) who are most bothered by Palin.

  16. You guys do understand that highly attractive and female is a bad combination in politics do you not? Females have to run a line that is in between “average” and “good looking”.

    Almost no unattractive person will get elected – female or male. It happens from time to time but is rare. At worst they are incumbents that used to be attractive.

    Males, the better looking the more likely to be voted in. Other males do not seem to notice (I couldn’t tell you why Brown is particularly attractive – looks like an average guy to me) and females tend to find increased attractiveness to equate somehow to better people.

    OTOH Female candidates that are too good looking are sniped by their fellow females and males tend to regard high level attractiveness with stupidity and sexual largess (especially true the larger a females breasts are – that also somehow equates to “slut” even though it has nothing to do with it). Sadly this idea is perpetuated by the female more than it really is by the males.

    We can clearly see that here in many many cases. Add in religious and rural and you have what is currently three “bad” things to have. Chances are someone can find one of them to have the idea of “stupid” stick. This article mainly was an attack on her looks and her looks == stupid. We can easily see above where religion == stupid (and I’m willing to be that the others play a part in there too).

    Personally I also find it amusing that these sleuths figured this out based on things that have nothing to do with ones intelligence but thought that Obama was the most brilliant man on the planet because he mostly kept silent and expressed “hope and change”. The “Yes we can” being an answer to nearly everything was MUCH more stupid than talking to a church about God’s Will. In the end I guess she was stupid enough to correctly point where this would go and others were smart enough to be fooled.

  17. huxley – i encountered the same issue with my coworker and my sweetie. They both argued with me that Sarah did say that.

    Then when I said, “I’d be glad to pull up the SNL skit for you” they said – just let me believe what I want to believe. Your truth is yours and mine is mine….

    nyo’s is nyo’s. Biden is so smart.

  18. I liked this comment from Josi:
    Ms. Dorson, you are myopic and uninformed at best. You completely dismissed a woman who walked in your shoes (small business owner) because you swallowed whole the tripe the media fed you about her. The media can make anybody into who they want them to be…see Tiger Woods. They know the truth and hide it until it’s beneficial to them to make the big reveal…see John Edwards and Harry Reid. Every American should take the time to learn for themselves about the candidates, and not rely on the Evening News to spoon feed them their biased views. Listening to Obama’s pre-presidential campaign speeches and reading his books would have opened your eyes to what was right in front of you. He is no friend to the Middle Class, he is no friend to Small Business, he is no friend to Liberty. He wants to redistribute the wealth and “fundamentally transform” America. And he told you so.

  19. Dorson operated a B&B. That means you have to sound financially savvy when you are trying to get the Chamber of Commerce to support new lights for your street, but you also have to know when arugula becomes “so yesterday” and when latte replaces cafe au lait. I bet she was impressed by Obama’s campaign speech in Berlin. Wow! A world traveller. My kind of person.

    I actually like B&Bs, but I wouldn’t want to discuss politics with their owners.

  20. It’s not elitist to not vote for the side whose running mate, who might be president by default, has no sound basic, very very basic, knowledge of recent world history, and who is so incompetent on the larger stage …

    Good point. Next time we need to have a speed round of questions for each candidate:

    1. How many states are there? Quick! No looking at your teleprompter, or your wrist.
    2. In what country is Auschwitz/Oswiecim? What country liberated the camp there?
    3. What language is spoken in Austria? In Australia?
    4. How does one distinguish a door from a window in one’s home?
    5. For what public official(s) is it appropriate to comment on a local police matter?
    6. What is the fundamental responsibility of the President of the United States? To what extent, if any, does the responsibility extend to the Olympics? To Frisbee golf courses?

    nyo: except for the “God’s plan” quote, do you realize you are describing Vice-President Joe Biden exactly?

    I disagree. As far as nyo went, he just described the Messiah exactly. A more complete description would have included his close and lasting ties with communist operatives and terrorists, perhaps a passing mention of His history as a druggie,the history of emotional instability in His family (on both sides), His inability to make the slightest bit of sense without a teleprompter, His track record of appointing to advisory positions candidates whom most Americans would not allow into their homes (Van Jones, Kevin Jennings, to name two).

    I’m going to replenish my 401(k) by keeping pro-Obama quotes from His various acolytes, so that when they later claim — as they will — that they “always had their doubts about him,” I’ll dust off their quotes and blackmail them with their quotes about wanting to have His baby (and that’s just the guys). Desperate times, desperate measures, and all that.

  21. I have never yet had an intelligent conversation with any of my liberal friends re Palin. They WANT to believe that she’s stupid. To me, she is the most perfect example of what an ideal woman is like–intelligent, beautiful, maternal, athletic, courageous, and a hard worker.

    I think a huge part of the animosity towards Palin is that she did not get an abortion. There are millions and millions women who killed their unborn babies and will never stop mourning. She makes them feel even more guilty. The rest of the animosity comes from the kind of snobbery mentioned above–the fake elitists who turn out to know nothing if you challenge their information on anything–global warming, Palin, etc. etc. etc.

  22. Whoo! 711 comments to the linked article. I’ve only read the first five so far, and they can strip paint.

  23. expat . . .

    What? Latte replaced cafe au lait?

    When did that happen? Nobody told me! ! !

  24. Biden says Bush let the Hezzies back into Lebanon during the VP debate and Palin is the dumb one that doesn’t know anything about recent history. That fits with the MA vote showed how much they love O’s policies.

  25. RE: nyo not buying Biden not having a grasp of recent history. Oh, I don’t know. Seeing as he cribbed his own history from someone else as recently as 1987, I’d say he lacks a certain grasp of history. If he can’t remember his own biography what makes you think he remembers other events? Oh yeah, going to Katies nie on 20 years after it closed. Or how about how the word got out that his first wife was killed in an auto accident by a drunk driver. Nevermind that it didn’t happen like that, he let that little lie go on for years and years because it dew the sympathy vote. Face it, the man is a dirt bag.

  26. At least the Hezbolah thing had no real world consequences (aside from letting the world see how dumb our future VP was). Two years ago Biden led the charge to split Iraq in three. Thank goodness his advice was dismissed by our previous President. The dumb one.

  27. Promethea Says:
    January 25th, 2010 at 6:44 pm

    I have never yet had an intelligent conversation with any of my liberal friends re Palin. They WANT to believe that she’s stupid. To me, she is the most perfect example of what an ideal woman is like—intelligent, beautiful, maternal, athletic, courageous, and a hard worker.

    I agree wholeheartedly. Todd is a lucky, lucky guy.

    I think a huge part of the animosity towards Palin is that she did not get an abortion. There are millions and millions women who killed their unborn babies and will never stop mourning. She makes them feel even more guilty.

    I’ve commented previously on older threads that, from my limited sampling, for young single liberal women, abortion is THE issue that trumps all others. They literally can’t see past that and could care less about a politician’s stand on any other issue.

    There’s another factor at work here. Palin is a Christian. I have another observation, and this is not directed at any commenter in particular: From my experience, people who are anti-Christian are usually sexual libertines. They can be heterosexual or homosexual, but the homosexuals are the worst.

    I know that many people don’t believe in Christianity. I realize that many Jews are ambivalent about it, or suspicious, or even downright frightened of it. That is understandable given the history of their ancestors in Europe and Russia, not to mention anti-Semitism right here in America.

    That’s not what I’m talking about. I mean unhinged, bilious, sputtering hatred of Christianity. People who think like that are almost always homosexuals, and they seem to have an undue influence in our popular culture today.

    Understand, I’m not saying that all gays hate Christians. I am saying that the worst Christian haters are gay.

  28. Neo, at least he knew that there was a country called Iraq, I do my research. Why don’t you stand up for some basic principle rather than courting the lowest common denominator of conservatism to, who knows why, to boost your hit count?

  29. nyo: well, if your criterion for intelligence is knowing there’s a country called Iraq, I suppose Biden qualifies.


    As for the rest of your accusation, I think you realize it’s absurd. If you think this blog represents the lowest common denominator of conservatism—or even has an especially high hit count—well, once again, you haven’t been doing your research.

  30. Goodness, we’re tetchy here.

    One of the fascinating things about liberals/ leftists/ progressives/ Reds/ socialists/ Marxists what have you is their knee jerk default response is an appeal to economics, as seen above. Unwittingly (for most of them), half-wittingly (for the half-wits) they’re following in St. Karl’s funky footsteps in adopting a personalized version of historical materialism.

    Reds apparently cannot fathom the notion of anyone doing anything for any reason other than economic gain. It’s why they think that Islamic terrorism stems (the “root cause” blather tracing back to Marx) from poverty, and thus can be productively addressed with “programs,” education, training, and aid. Facts such as Osama bin Laden’s great wealth, and Zawahiri and Zarqawi training as physicians, appear not to intrude upon their consciousness. What motivated kamikaze pilots? Did they need “programs” and “training” too? Or were they committed to an idea?

  31. Why don’t you stand up for some basic principle rather than courting the lowest common denominator of conservatism to, who knows why, to boost your hit count?

    nyo: I’ve been reading neo from not long after she began this blog, and your criticism is nowhere near the mark.

    neo hardly needs my defense, but I say she courts no one but her own conscience, curiosity, and integrity.

  32. And our “sinister” interlocutor evinces one other characteristic of the genus: the sneering intellectual pretension, which is utterly devoid of any factual basis.

  33. “at least he knew that there was a country called Iraq,”

    I do believe what is implied here needs some type of source.

    Since you are criticizing someone else for lack of knowledge and saying things that are obviously stupid I’m going to assume for moment you have something somewhere other than your own mind that Palin didn’t know there was a country named Iraq.

    Of course you could also be playing the “I didn’t actually say that” with such a strong implication in your words. But then I’ve never figured out why so many want to be either stupid or dishonest and think that somehow wins arguments.

  34. It will be interesting to see nyo’s response to the question of his implication that somebody didn’t know there is a country called Iraq.
    Unless he thinks calling it EYErak is somehow disqualifying.

  35. nyo – I’m sure Sarah Palin knows that there is a country called Iraq. After all, her son is there.

    This reminds me of how another ridiculous rumor got started about Palin, and ties in with an earlier post by Huxley in this thread. Matt Damon was being interviewed about Palin and he said, “What are we going to hear next, that people walked the earth with dinosaurs?” And sure enough, the next day, it was the topic of conversation with the liberals I work with that Sarah thought dinosaurs walked the earth with people. They still think it.

  36. nyo: typical liberal.

    Can’t carry on a conversation without snark.

    Why insult our gracious blog hostess? nyo has only insults, no worthwhile arguments.

  37. nyo….

    Anybody there?

    You going to tell us who didn’t know there was a country called Iraq?

    C’mon. Tell us.

  38. I agree that the people who seem to become most unhinged about Palin are liberal women. Truly, many of them seem to despise her, and I agree with Promethea that Palin’s stand on the critical life issues is at the heart of it. The woman is professionally accomplished (governor of a large state), mother of five with a long-term happy (traditional!) marriage, gave birth to a child with serious disabilities (she made a choice and it was life), etc. Plus she has extraordinary political talent–a threat on multiple levels.

    I recently ran across an interview that Gloria Steinham gave in September, 2008, shortly after Palin burst onto the scene and threatened Obama’s coronation. She made the following offhand comment about Palin:

    “You know, even if Sarah Palin was better on the issues, the goal is not to elect Superwoman. As social-justice movements have learned the hard way, having someone who looks like you and behaves like them –who looks like a friend but behaves like an adversary–is worse than having no one.”


    It’s actually a bit of a back-handed compliment from Steinham (she made it before the crusade to turn Palin into a laughingstock went into full swing). She basically admits that Palin is superwoman–but not the right kind, apparently.

  39. Let’s make a charge against nyo.

    After all – that’s all we have to do and it’d be true right?

    nyo doesn’t know where Iraq is. Why not nyo? There is really nothing you could say to defend yourself. You just simply do not know where Iraq is. Why not?

    I’ve been posting here for years. Your statements are about the most negligent I’ve seen…..

    … except for Biden’s. 😛

  40. Poor nyo was defending the indefensible when he defended Biden. ( At least he isn’t a TOTALLY ignorant doofus: that is how I interpreted nyo’s remark on Biden and Iraq. Unfortunately, it isn’t much of a defense, as these days even Bubba sweeping the streets knows where Iraq is.)

    I have noticed on other blogs, when a commenter expresses a very negative opinion of Sarah Palin, and one asks the commenter just what did Sarah Palin say that caused that negative opinion of her, there is usually no reply.

  41. I’ve met two people, both women, who on mention of Palin, chuckled that “Sarah Palin said she can see Russia from her house!”

    These were nice intelligent women. They were flustered when I replied that Palin didn’t say that, a comic on SNL said that.

    It’s stuff like this, and like the example LisaM gave about people who believe that Palin said that humans walked the earth with dinosaurs, that just fill me with despairing rage. They just don’t care. They don’t care what the truth is, they have no (and never had) interest in giving Palin a fair shake, and yet thanks to media perfidy and the laziness and apathy of the average voter, this is the image of Palin in people’s minds. Palin is a good, decent woman who was brutally smeared and traduced by the media (and it’s still going on! See Andrew Sullivan and his beyond-disturbing fascination with Palin’s uterus) and it’s that false, smug, self-serving elitist image of her that is going to go down in people’s minds in history.

    It’s things like that that just make me want to throw up my hands and leave politics to the filth who feed on it.

  42. Heh. As neo-neo said, after reading the comments on RCP, any further criticism of Ms. Dorson would be redundant and probably more poorly articulated.

    I will only add that the degree of self-delusion demonstrated by Ms. Dorson is quite disconcerting. Even worse is my suspicion that most Obama voters will never admit, as Ms. Dorson did, that their decision was based on nothing more than irrational hope. Not even to themselves.

    Heavy sigh.

  43. I’ll assume that Nyo went to bed and answer my own question – maybe he/she will have something better to add.

    So far the answer I have seen has to do with the question bout stopping Iran from getting nukes and she seems to confuse Iran/Iraq. At least so far I have not seen any answer outside of this one but have seen it often.

    First off the question is in a series where they are talking Iraq being someplace that can funnel such a thing. As such it is a somewhat valid answer, not really the one I would have wanted.

    Next as is normally the case this is in some defense of Obama/Biden and, well – 57 states? Need I say more? Well, yes – lets. Was that even remotely taken out of context? Nope. Was it possibly a simple misunderstanding of the question? How can it be – one can argue from the transcripts she thought she heard Iraq (but that hasn’t been put forth) – yet 57 states? One can only imagine if Palin had said that let alone our *President of the US*. If they were equally condemning them I would not have posted – but in this case the Obama/Biden team had more pre-election foreign gaffes than the whole of the national Republican party combined.

    Then there are a myriad other that are just as bad. If Nyo ends up wanting to fight this fight I’m sure I and others can provide.

    Personally I think she made a fine governor, would have made a fine senator, and would have made one of the best whips we had seen in decades. Indeed she may have truly found her calling in Tea Party politics and Fox news. She would have made a poor president or vice president. Then again Obama should never have even made state senator let alone a higher office. In that respect McCain/Palin would have been less worse but not a winner to me either.

    I just happen to note that most of her dislike stems from being good looking, rural, having a traditional family, and being a conservative. I also happen to note that an Obama/Palin showdown would have been one sided towards her if everyone was given the same treatment too. Things not only forgiven by Obama but embraced were ridiculed on her side.

    I do not think any of them were our finest hours – give either one (Palin/Obama) another 15-20 years to get everything worked out and they would have been a true force. Palin still may as a VP bid doesn’t exclude anything, Obama will not. At some point the “57 state” guy will be visible to nearly all no matter how hard they stick their heads in the sand.

  44. On this issue of facts and liberals, I am sad to say that I have had this exact conversation with my husband’s aunt who is a prominent Broadway producer. Wonderfully nice woman and very talented, who happens to be a very liberal and big, big, Obama supporter. We were discussing the whole global warming issue months before the election and I was pointing out the discrepancies in some of the things that Al Gore was preaching/his movie and I said that “the truth matters”. She replied — and I quote “No it doesn’t” and (paraphrasing here) “The way I see it there are certain times in history where there are important causes and if you have to bend the facts a bit for an important cause, so be it”. I was just flabbergasted — how do you respond to such logic? (or lack thereof?) oh- and I also got the “there are no such things as facts/the truth — everything is perception” etc. I think my concerns about facts and truth are being borne out in the latest revelations w/r/t global warming lies, etc. But to this day that conversation is burned in my brain as an example of the complete disregard for truth that some on the far left have — and how difficult and pernicious an attitude it is to combat.

  45. Jeepers! What a bummer of a day. First I find out from Joe Klein that I’m stupid and then nyo tells me that I’m a low common denominator for posting on this site with a low common denominator host. Stupid? Maybe. But a “denominator?” And a “common” one at that? Ain’t been no “denominators,” common or otherwise, in my family for many years, all the way back to weird Uncle Ed and that goat. But, I digress.

  46. nyo’s comment about somebody–who?–at least knowing where Iraq is struck me as one of those cheapies you throw out frequently.
    Sooner or later, somebody in the shallow end of the gene pool will take that as meaning the person under discussion, such as Palin, doesn’t know where Iraq is, or if it exists.
    Mission accomplished.
    Hey, nyo. What language is spoken in Austria?

  47. i would never vote for obama after his speech about silent heros full of unrespect to previous president i think such behaviour is totally uncorrect… there is pretty funny book for kids-*mama voted for obama*- search it in internet and laugh…

  48. Yes, nyo, Palin is really stupid. Why, if she were elected VP, she’d probably say things like:

    Austrians speak Austrian
    Doctors cut off people’s feet just to make money
    She’d claim to be the first Pacific President because she lived in Alaska and it touches the Pacific.
    She claim to have been concerived due to an event 4 years after her birth. (Andrew Sullivan is working on this one.)
    Say Iran doesn’t pose any threat to the US
    Offer an opinion on something immediately after saying she didn’t have any knowledge abut it.
    Say the model T got better milleage than an SUV
    Say colonoscopies detect prostate cancer.

  49. and who is so incompetent on the larger stage that they intellectually freeze with the mantra, “…it’s god’s plan …it’s god’s plan .. I’ll just follow (Gott mit uns) God’s plan.”

    Hahahaha! The only person Nyomythus hates more than Sarah Palin is Jesus.

    He hates him some Jesus. Really, really really hates da Jesus….

    (Notice how his usually pretty good grammar and punctuation goes to shit when he starts on a Jesus rant? Funny!)

  50. It appears nyo had thought he/she was talking to a bunch of dull normals and figured anything goes.
    So he/she’s gone, looking for dumber pastures.

  51. jvermeer51
    Yes, nyo, Palin is really stupid. Why, if she were elected VP, she’d probably say things like:…Say the model T got better milleage than an SUV

    That is one ∅bama saying I didn’t know about. Off the top of my head, I would say that is correct. A quick look at gas mileage says that the best full size SUVs for gas mileage get 17 city, 24 highway. Even the compact SUVs get only 23 mpg city.

    I talked to a Model T owner about 20 years ago, who told me it got 25 mpg. That would be city driving, as I doubt a Model T owner would risk driving it on an Interstate.

    Granted, today’s SUV is more efficient in ton-miles per gallon than the Model T, but that is not what was being discussed. An 18 wheeler is more efficient in ton-miles per gallon also.

    Here is one of my favorite ∅bama off the teleprompter moments: inflated claims:

    But we could save all the oil that they’re talking about getting off drilling if everybody was just inflating their tires? And getting regular tune-ups? You’d actually save just as much!

    This is the claim of a stone-cold ignoramus. What is reallly upsetting about this is that ∅bama wouldn’t admit he was wrong.


  52. jvermeer51: with that minor correction, I really liked your list. I will have to remember it.

  53. I grew up next to somebody with a Model T.

    Saying it got 25 mpg was like saying my go-kart which was limited to 35 miles per hour and weighed a couple tons got 25 mpg.

    Sure – it might’ve gotten 25 mpg at peak miles per hour (35) but it was built like a steel laden box. It had 2 gears.

    Any large SUV today at 35 miles per hour would get about 30 mpg and then still be capable of going 100 miles per hour in the next 15 seconds.

    Any large SUV today at 35 miles per hour would feel like you were in your living room on a couch compared to the Model T.

    And there is no escaping the fact that they are much larger and can tow 10,000 – 19,000 pounds if equipped properly and run 200 AMPS worth of electronics and etc.

    A fuel / air mixture will only provide so much power when sparking it with a spark plug.

    People who claim 100 mpg gasoline powered cars are smoking crack.

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