Home » Obama: hear no terrorists, see no terrorists, speak of no terrorists


Obama: hear no terrorists, see no terrorists, speak of no terrorists — 15 Comments

  1. “…[Obama] wants you to see them as domestic insurgents because progressives believe insurgents terrorists should be negotiated appeased with and brought into a political settlement can be bought off” Andrew McCarthy

    if the administration was doing PR for the jihadi they really couldn’t do a better job.” neo

    The administration is in actual fact doing PR for the jihadists because it is necessary in order to sell appeasement to the American public. Obama doesn’t care that appeasement is ultimately unsustainable, he just wants to get through till Jan of 2017 without any big attacks, that way he can blame it all on his successor and of course… Bush.

    He knows exactly what he’s doing and what the consequences for America will be and that is much of his motivation. Anything he can do to ensure that America’s “chickens come home to roost” he will do.

    Though a petty, small minded man, America’s foremost enemy does indeed think big when it comes to the ‘chickens’ he’s engineering, which are truly giant turkeys;
    1) “$7.5 Trillion in Debt Added Under Obama”

    “Total Debt When Obama Became President on January 20, 2009. (U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 1/9/15) $10.6 Trillion

    Total Debt Under Obama As of January 14, 2014. (U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 1/14/15) $18.1Trillion

    2) Amnesty for 11-34+ MILLION “undocumented” democrats, ensuring permanent one party rule in America. Predictably resulting in the fundamental transformation of the US Constitution, which permanently transforms America.

    3) Obama is facilitating Iran gaining nuclear weapons capability. Israel Channel 10 news reports that, “Obama Agrees to 80 Percent of Iran’s Demands in Nuke Talks”

    In his Senate confirmation hearings, SecDef Hagel inadvertently let slip that Obama had already accepted that Iran would get nukes and that his strategy afterwards would be one of ‘containment’. Both Obama and Kerry KNOW that containment will NOT address the primary consequential danger from Iran getting nukes, which is nuclear proliferation into unstable third world regimes and jihadist States, which will inevitably lead to nukes getting into the hands of terrorist groups.

    “the region will be far less stable and far more threatened if Iran were to have a nuclear weapon. It will spur a nuclear arms race. It has risks for greater terrorism. It will be destabilizing.” Kerry said the threat extends beyond the possibility that Iran could actually use the weapon on its enemies, specifically Israel. Iran simply having a nuclear weapon would “spur a nuclear arms race” in the region and could be used to support terrorists groups like Hezbollah, he said.” Interview with SecState John Kerry – March 5, 2013

    Tragically, the damage this enemy of America is leading us toward, after he is out of office is likely to far exceed the damage he has and will do in office.

  2. Obama is letting the world know, once again, that the days of America’s resolve to fight this scourge are over

    It’s worse than that. Under Obama, America has changed sides in the war and is now actively promoting Islamic terrorism. Islamists are being installed throughout our military and intelligence apparatus. The borders have been thrown wide open for the enemy to enter at will.

    Meanwhile, the government is actively crushing the private sector economy, and is increasing surveillance of the American people.

    The coup has already happened. We Americans are being ruled by our enemies now.

  3. Terrorists gladly thank American arms merchants for all the anti air systems they use to shoot down enemies. Mexican cartels are in a similar situation.

  4. Neo said it all. I agree with Rickl that the Obama administration and the left have changed sides in the name of the American people without letting the American people know it. That is why Boehner’s invitation to Netanyahu to speak to Congress over Obama’s protestations is so brilliant. It reveals exactly whose side Obama and his leftist sympathizers really support.

  5. Obama: hear no terrorists, see no terrorists, speak of no terrorists

    Not just Mr Obama “hear no terrorists, see no terrorists, speak of no terrorists, we sow this with Mr G Bush the father also with Mr GW Bush the sun let see:


    Pause on 0.43min of the video?

    Obamas land in the Middle East

  6. Ymarsakar Says:
    Terrorists gladly thank American arms merchants

    Ymarsakar, who those merchants?
    Are they the lefties as your common in your comments

  7. There is an enemy larger and more destructive than the boychild, its the over leveraged global banking system about which our petulant potus is clueless. Deflation is on the march as commodities tumble. Follow the markets in order to get a heads up. Of course the various problems of jihad, nuclear Iran, open borders, etc are all very serious, but IMO the finacial system is the proverbial elephant in the room.

  8. I’d say Obama also indicated a total retreat in the WoT when he had Eric Holder make public Bush’s “torture” memos outlining the details & boundaries of our interrogation techniques withing months of being sworn in. Holder also started prosecuting US interrogators for actions taken during Bush’s presidency that was deemed legal the time. Guess Holder hiring a bunch of Gitmo defense lawyers to work at the DoJ was a bad sign, too.

  9. “It is part of his long-term policy of harming our friends and reassuring our enemies that America will not be fighting them.”

    Yes! Exactly this.

    In 1979, Carter, who no doubt thought he was making history and boosting his “legacy,” normalized diplomatic relations with The People’s Republic of China. But, he didn’t push hard enough, or care enough about our allies in the region, and agreed to cut off relations with The Republic of China, on Taiwan. Personally, I think he could have really made history by changing the “One China” Policy into a “Two China” policy; but, that’s another story.

    I was living in Taiwan at the time and remember all too well the chill that this stupid move sent down the spine of all the locals.

    Not only friends, but, totally strangers coming up to me on the street and asking me if Americans approved of Carter and were we still there “friends”? They weren’t asking this to start a fight with me or anything.

    They were asking because they were genuinely concerned that Mainland China might make military moves against Taiwan. With the breaking off of formal relations with Taiwan that meant the US military, which had a couple of bases in Taiwan, was pulling out. Not a good feeling for the locals. I assured my friends and even strangers that we had no intention of leaving. Easy for me to say as I could just get on a plane and leave if things got bad. Also, remember, the US pulling out of Southeast Asia and abandoning Vietnam to its fate wasn’t that long ago in 1979.

    Thank God! Just Thank God that congress stepped up and passed the Taiwan Defense Act. Which basically stated that the US WOULD intervene if China made ANY moves, not just military, against Taiwan.

    The Taiwan Defense Act was one of those rare events where congress showed true grit.

    Today, I see Obama doing so many things worse than Carter (and who ever thought that would be possible!), and even though I’m in the States now, and not overseas, I can still imagine how locals around the world must feel when they see the US not step up to the plate.

    Seriously, having a folk singer sing “You’ve got a friend” in response to a terrorist attack?!


    So, I think, just like congress did with the Taiwan Defense Act, Boehner and today’s Congress are, doing again one of those rare events, and stepping up to the plate to tell our allies and the rest of the world that we are involved and do care. Much better than having an old hasbeen sing to you. Actions speak louder than words.

    So, thank God for that.

  10. Ymarsakar, who those merchants?

    State Department via the Qatar and Libya pipelines. Where have you been?

    Democrat critters in California selling guns.

    ATF Democrat and bureaucrat rulers of you.

    Again, where have you been on this Earth, Leftist re-education central?

  11. I can still imagine how locals around the world must feel when they see the US not step up to the plate.

    They’ve been rearming since 2008. They have started to realize that Americans are too unreliable to count on and that relying on a foreign power for their security, is probably an unwise thing for an independent culture to do.

    New arms race in Asia now. Good luck with that Pax Americana, it won’t be resurrected any time soon.

  12. Much better than having an old hasbeen sing to you. Actions speak louder than words.

    The promise of Congress is worth about 2 spits in a spitoon. They are merely words. It is the Executive branch of the United States ‘in chief’ who does the execution of foreign policies and wars.

  13. Muslim Brotherhood met at State Department on a trip paid for by Georgetown U.
    “Sharaby, the Brotherhood-aligned judge, flashed the Islamist group’s popular symbol in his picture at the State Department and wrote in a caption: “Now in the U.S. State Department. Your steadfastness impresses everyone,” according to an independent translation of the Arabic.”

    Full cancer treatment required. All comments in the above thread are too …. nuanced.
    Nothing nuanced about cancer treatment…
    Battle for Spain!

  14. State Department via the Qatar and Libya pipelines. Where have you been?

    Oh yah, vey smart?

    So then youre One of the supprter of Da’ash, are you?

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