Home » America gets the snarky juvenile president it deserves


America gets the snarky juvenile president it deserves — 30 Comments

  1. Black comedies & comedians have never been funny to me. I ve always considered them juvenile this appears to be an extension of that perception.

  2. Didn’t watch the sotu diatribe, but did read the transcript. Boychild was petulant, nasty, still flogging the dead horse of government freebies, and of course thoroughly narcissistic as is par for the course… pun intended. Today Boehner announced Bibi will address a joint session of congress on the dangers of negotiating with Iran and islamic terrorism, without a heads up to bho.

    Cool, poke more sticks in his eye. Send him common sense bill after bill that he will veto. The goal should be to press all the buttons of his inwardly fragile ego. I will gladly watch bho foaming at the mouth in a gargantuan hissy fit.

  3. This comment, scratching his face with his middle finger, his “lipstick on a pig” comment directed at Palin….. Obama is a small man, and seems to be getting smaller throughout his presidency. No wonder he avoids spending time in the Oval Office.

  4. ”I have no more campaigns to run…I know because I won both of them.”

    I saw this quote this morning. Yay, you won campaigns! Of course, the world is in shambles but who cares.

    Obama is so childish. I really detest the man.

  5. Neo, you are more of a lady than I am a gentleman.

    I say that because “snarky juvenile” are not the words I would use to describe Obama’s behavior.

    And since your blog is “family friendly” I won’t say what I really think of that Chicago thug; instead I’ll recommend that anyone do a search on YouTube for “Chicago Wiener’s Circle hotdog stand.”

    I’ve never been there and only found it while watching old Conan clips. For those who don’t know about it – watch any of those clips and see how the customers and employees “trash” talk to each other. THAT is the kind of culture Obama and his followers think is cool.

    Here’s the Wikipedia entry for the Wiener’s Circle:


    Yep, that part about “mutual verbal abuse” is what Obama and his followers are about. It makes me appreciate McCain, Palin, Romney, and Ryan all that much more because they chose not to engage in “mutual” trash talk. They took the high road. Too bad most voters didn’t see that.

  6. Neo, I never actually watched a Richard Pryor stand up
    routine but I seems to remember him in a movie with Gene Wilder, ? Jewish Cowboy ? or something along those lines. I did have some laughs in that one.

  7. My sister gave me Pryor’s album “That Nigger’s Crazy”. Didn’t like it. I have seen some bits I liked.

  8. I didn’t watch last night. I know because I’ve never watched any of them.

    Oh, burn!

    But it sounds like he was his usual narcissistic self. It’s supposed to be a state of the union speech but like every other speech, it was probably a state of Obama speech. He can’t tell the difference.

  9. I always reword the old saying and say “You get the leaders you’ve earned.” We deserve better, but we’ve earned Obama by voting for him twice.

  10. I don’t know whose state of his union was discussed by His Infantile Majesty, but it bore No Relation to ours. None. Nada. Zip. Zero.

    Koolaid was in large consumption at the mic. It had nothing whatsoever to do with reality. A Fool. A Liar. A Mars Dweller.

    Cannot possibly make this S*** up….But, he did.

  11. I saw elsewhere that this comment epitomizes President Obama almost perfectly:

    “I have no more campaigns to run. I know because I won both of them.”

    That’s two sentences, off-teleprompter, with lousy sentence construction. (You had only two campaigns?) And, out of 15 words, fully 20% of them are “I”.

    Frankly, I wonder with this, as with everything else he says, how sincere he is. It must distress him that he “has no more campaigns to run”; that’s all he really knows how to do, it’s all he’s ever really been good at, and it seems to be what he enjoys most (other than watching ESPN and golfing).

    Perhaps the Republicans should start needling him about having no campaigns left. His responses would be entertaining… and possibly informative.

  12. “America gets the snarky juvenile president it deserves”

    The 60,933,500 Americans who voted for Romney do not deserve this President. The 65,915,796 who voted for Obama do deserve him but more importantly, have much to answer for in imposing this disaster upon the rest of us.

  13. neo – I am pretty sure that was planned, that he knew that Republicans would applaud — and had that comeback ready. FWIW, Michael Medved, who has actually been a speech writer, agrees.)

    Bill Clinton used similar tricks in some of his speeches.

  14. I haven’t been able to stand the sight or sound of him since sometime in early 2008. I didn’t even watch the Styrofoam Columns speech.

    As for the middle finger and the trash-talking, I’ve known for a long time that a sizable portion of his supporters just eat that stuff up.

  15. He might have won two general elections, but he lost both mid-terms. In 2010 the people took the House away from the Democrats because of Obamacare. In 2014 the people took away the Senate because, as he said, although he wasn’t on the ballot, his policies were.

    Of course, as he stated, his agenda going forward is not to serve the people who voted but those who didn’t.

    Maybe he’ll complete the hat trick and the people will take the Whitehouse from the Democrats in 2016.

    Because he is not running he is by definition a lame duck. That is not a term that denotes strength. It means that no legislator need risk his or her career by supporting the president.

    He will be on his own, vetoing legislation proposed by Republicans with Democrat support. He will act via executive order against everyone’s wishes but those on the hard Left.

    That will cast Elizabeth Warren’s ideas in sharp relief and expose them as ridiculous. The best Hillary Clinton will be able to do is to distance herself from Obama.

    Now all the Republicans need is a viable candidate. (Sorry to end on a depressing note.)

  16. A “sick burn” would have been if every Republican in the room would have gotten up and left when Obama entered it.

    Admit it. You’d have loved it. There’s nothing worse you can do to a narcissist than to ridicule him. There wouldn’t have been anything on his teleprompter for him to say.

  17. “He will be on his own, vetoing legislation proposed by Republicans with Democrat support.” Bill West

    Personally, I’ll be shocked if the Congressional democrats support anything but meaningless GOP legislation. They’ll also back any veto by refusing to lend the support necessary to override a veto.

    “That will cast Elizabeth Warren’s ideas in sharp relief and expose them as ridiculous. The best Hillary Clinton will be able to do is to distance herself from Obama.”

    The MSM is going to do its level best to ensure that the LIVs remain on the reservation. Warren and Clinton will be presented as needed to overcome the racist, obstructionist, radical, big business supporting Republican Congress. And that characterization will stick because the GOP’s first loyalty is to its big donor interests.

    “Now all the Republicans need is a viable candidate.”

    Didn’t you get the memo? The GOP has us covered. Take your pick of Romney, Bush or Christie.

  18. Bill West Says:
    January 21st, 2015 at 6:49 pm

    That will cast Elizabeth Warren’s ideas in sharp relief and expose them as ridiculous. The best Hillary Clinton will be able to do is to distance herself from Obama.

    I hate to break it to you, but an article of faith on the left is that their policies are correct and unassailable, and their failure is always that the wrong people were in charge. Leftists will happily vote for Warren or Clinton. Surely they will get it right.

  19. Yes. America has turned into a shallow, celebrity-fixated juvenile culture. The choice for President is an obvious one. Credit to the Lefties for finding the perfect man-boy for the job.

  20. Baraq learned Chicago and Alinsky well. He is the consummate community organizer. He gets the low-lifes, the blood-sucking ticks of society to turn to him by virtue of freebies–“I’ll help you get what you really deserve”. But first he needs their help, for, you know, his personal needs, so he can then help them get theirs from the Man, the Oppressor. So he’s got his marchers. Now he gets some grants from bleeding hearts, philanthropic entities whose Boards have been infested by the like-minded, and now he’s on a roll. He never succeeds at anything because, you know, he’s a minority, and so is oppressed too, but smart enough (I went to Harvard) to inspire confidence in the oppressed sheeple (He’s smart, must be smart; went to Harvard). He doesn’t have to deliver…they just have to believe he can, once in a while.
    He sits at the feet of Rev. Jeremiah for 20 years and learns, really learns, how to talk to and with these people from another continent, another cultcha (wad’s dat?) who interrupt rants from the pulpit with their yelps of Amen, Brother,wailing and speaking in tongues, sometimes collapsing in their fervor.
    And then he runs for office,stabbing incumbents in the back, in a district where his sheeple are the majority.
    What’s he learned? Manipulation. What’s he delivered? Nothing.

  21. I doubt that even many of those who consider him “cool” have genuine respect for him – rather, they may be merely amused (and vote on considerations of convenience).

  22. Unfortunately, the useless idiots who adore him really DO respect him. They admire all of his tacky attibutes, being pretty tacky themselves.

    Our problem remains, How do we punch through the media propaganda smog?

    I saw this fellow, Dennis Michael Lynch, at a conservative meetup in NYC, and he has some ideas. Has done a documentary on the illegal alien tidal wave, “They Come to America” (q.v. via google). He’s found that the alien problem is even more gargantuan than we realize.

  23. Obama is a smarmy, snotty juvenile a**hole and that is his best side. It all comes from him being an affirmative action doper who somehow managed to get away with all of this sh*t and con his way to the top. It has all been obvious ever since the first time he flipped off someone in a public political situation and got away with it. By the way, this isn’t the first time he settled a disagreement with the reply “I won”.

  24. “It all comes from him being an affirmative action doper who somehow managed to get away with all of this sh*t and con his way to the top.”

    He did not ‘somehow’ con his way to the top.

    The evidence is overwhelming that he was groomed, guided and consistently promoted from at least his late teens.

    Reportedly, he’s spent considerable sums of money and had lots of help in keeping his records sealed.

    Though he appeared to come out of nowhere, the political plum of delivering the introduction of John Kerry as the democrat nominee in 2004 was not accidental. Nor was the ‘sudden’ support he gained in 2008 against Hillary Clinton.

  25. Amazing how little one needs to be immersed in the current events–I didn’t watch, hear or read the speech–but was exposed to a sentence here & there by way of Drudge and your site Neo. And my immediate conclusion was “snark” describes this President’s manner & expression. What a sad reality, that this is what appeals to a considerable portion of our culture.

  26. “Sick” is high praise. You use that word to describe a feat so amazing that it transcends what ordinary people can even aspire to do. Remember when Michael Jordan shot that famous layup where he went up, then in mid air passed the ball from one hand to the other and made the shot? A basketball player would describe that as a sick shot. Something so amazing you can’t believe anyone can do it.

    The curious thing about describing Obama’s cheap ad-lib as a “sick burn” is the idea that liberals not only believe this to be good politics, but they believe this to be genius level politics. Nothing could be further from the truth. He antagonize the Republican majority and got nothing in return. If Obama had Clinton-level skills, he would have said something like, “My speech writers insisted that I put in a Republican applause line.” Now if he had said something like that, something self-depreciating, he would have gotten applause and laughter from Democrats and Republicans alike, and warmed up the opposition going I to the end of his speech. Of course he didn’t do that. It isn’t in his nature.

    But the idea that his supporters consider what he did say to be brilliant politics shows the incredible disconnect between his supporters and reality.

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