Home » Mark Steyn on the disappearing Jews of Europe


Mark Steyn on the disappearing Jews of Europe — 11 Comments

  1. Mark says Hollande claims to be able to protect the Jews, but I doubt the will and continued fortitude to do so, and the doubt the same to stop Islamist violence, let alone beat it into submission.

  2. He is of course right. It’s very depressing. I can’t stand the lying and the preaching about how the people who killed the cartoonists at Charlie Hebdo for insulting the prophet had nothing to do with Islam. According to Obama they’re actually “unislamic.” Really?

    Then how come Obama keeps respectfully calling Iran by it’s full name, the Islamic Republic of Iran? Because just last February Obama’s favorite negotiating partners announced their fatwa calling for Muslims to kill Salman Rushdie was “as fresh as ever.” They want Salman Rushdie killed for the exact same reason as the “unislamic” Charlie Hebdo killers. Yet Obama wants the Iranians to have nukes. There’s no way around it. That’s the only possible reason he’s threatening to veto any bill that gives him any sort of leverage whatsoever. He wants negotiations to fail.

    No wonder he’s declared his jihad on the “I” word. The terror groups that he calls “unislamic” are in fact very Islamic. No less Islamic than Iran. Which is no less a terror group than ISIS or AQ.

  3. “Mark says Hollande claims to be able to protect the Jews, but I doubt the will and continued fortitude to do so, and the doubt the same to stop Islamist violence, let alone beat it into submission.”
    Yes. If the current level of vigilance lasts a couple of months, let alone weeks, I will be surprised. It can’t be accomplished long term and it is fabulously expensive; no one has those kind of resources. That’s why smart people take the battle to the enemy, fight on their turf, forcing them to consume their manpower and resources. However, this is easier said than done in the asymmetrical circumstance, we are in.

  4. A passage from the article that struck me:

    “The Jews are always the canaries in the coal mine, so they won’t be the last in Europe to discover that, when it matters, the state isn’t there for you. There is a memorable moment in Michel Houellebecq’s new novel Soumission, released the day of the Charlie Hebdo slaughter, in which the protagonist’s Jewish girlfriend Myriam decides it’s time to get the hell out of France and flee to Israel. And Frané§ois says bleakly, “There is no Israel for me.””

  5. Do you think Jews in the US will see what is happening in Europe and decide to move from the left (socially liberal, statists) to classically liberal (socially liberal, economically liberal)? Or will they be loathe to support smaller gov’t? The idea that you can support ideas like multi-culturalism and open borders while at the same time providing welfare but not demanding assimilation is crazy. That is what defines leftists. That is why the situation is deteriorating rapidly in Europe.

  6. Steve:

    Trends in Jewish voting:

    In 2006, 87 percent of Jews voted for Democratic candidates for the House, as did 50 percent of white Catholics and 37 percent of white Protestants–a 37- and 50-percentage point difference, respectively. In 2014, those gaps narrowed: There was only a 12-point difference between Jews and white Catholics, and a 40-point difference between Jews and white Protestants. Those are still big differences, obviously, but the conclusion is there: Jews are voting more like white people.

    “The Republican Party is basically increasing their share of the white electorate,” Fuchs said. “You see that mirrored in the Jewish vote, except that the Jewish vote starts at a different baseline.”

  7. We are witness to another “Gathering Storm”.

    “the Moroccan and Turkish youngsters don’t care about efforts for reconciliation assimilation.”

    Bolkestein effectively admits that he knows the truth but he obfuscates with ‘reconciliation’ rather than the actual reality that Moroccan and Turkish youngsters (and their parents) have rejected assimilation. They are adamantly opposed to any system of governance but Shariah because the imposition of Shariah upon the world is a theological imperative. They are ideological fanatics who believe that the ideology they embrace is a religion and they mean to bring a religious war to Europe, America and all of the West.

    The West’s ‘moderate’ Muslims are as moderate as the percentage of Muslims living in a society allows. As the percentage rises, so too does the percentage rise of Muslims calling for Shariah. According to Islamic doctrine, 33% is the tipping point, when Muslims may justly demand Shariah.

    Bolkestein obfuscates because were he to publicly admit the unvarnished truth, he would be rejecting the leftist memes of ‘Holocaust guilt, revulsion against nationalism, the embrace of multiculturalism and [support for] mass immigration’.

    To survive, that is what Europe must do, a large majority must reject what they have believed all their lives and, there is no alternative. For while denial has an expiration date, WWII proved that for millions, denial’s expiration date can come too late.

  8. The WWII generation of my family believes that Continental Europeans did not object to the Nazi message, what they objected to was the German messenger.

  9. neo, so 2/3 voted for Mondale in 1984 and 2/3 voted for dems in 2014. The numbers swing wildly from election to election depending on who is running. But the low is lower for the GOP and the high is higher for the dems. That suggests no significant shift away from dems. I was going to say that this means more ‘bad luck.’ I just noticed that Glenn Reynolds already came to a similar conclusion:


  10. Islam, by definition, means submission to the will of God.
    There is no such religion as submission to the will of God.
    If people insist that God is All-Powerful, Omnipotent, & that many people have been Refusing to submit all along,
    Islam has to be False.

  11. flashing back in the history of Anti-Semitism in EU from mid 1800 and forward Jews & Anti-Semitism were been known well in west & east EU region which in facts motivated Hirtzil for prmoting him with holy land dream

    “(I)As the Paris correspondent for Neue Freie Presse, Herzl followed the Dreyfus Affair, a notorious anti-Semitic(/i)

    So its not islam or musled involved in this

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