Home » Liberal backlash: Napolitano must go


Liberal backlash: Napolitano must go — 36 Comments

  1. She is the poster child for incompetence. After his father called the State Department to warn us about his son; after he paid cash for his ticket; after the Brits denied him entry . . . we still let him on a plane bound for Detroit.

  2. I had drifted from my devout Democrat faith, coming to see that so many of their “neat ideas” did not really work. Still, I thought, their hearts are in the right place. The final straw for me was the election of 2000. As a Democrat precinct chairman, I was election judge in my majority-Democrat precinct. I know the mechanics of elections, and I could see that they were lying to us about Florida. Dimpled chads are almost impossible, and large numbers of them are beyond belief. Once we catch them in such a lie, we have a hard time going back to being fooled. I’m not the first one. It appears today that I was not the last.

  3. Remember, it was Napolitano who insisted on stopping the use of the word “terrorism” and substituting “man-caused disasters.”

    This is of course a deliberate substitution of ambiguity for clarity. “Man-caused disasters” includes things like dam collapses caused by poor design, which is something entirely different from wanton killing.

    People who deliberately use confusing language are rarely willing & able to take effective action on the matters that they have chosen to obfuscate.

    Obama certainly was aware of Napolitano’s statement. Either he shared her orientation (most probably) or he is such a lousy executive that he thought the choice of terminology did not matter.

  4. I watched the program “live”, and even as a Democrat I could see her lying, deceiving, attempting to mislead, and passing the buck.


  5. david foster Says:
    December 28th, 2009 at 10:06 pm

    Remember, it was Napolitano who insisted on stopping the use of the word “terrorism” and substituting “man-caused disasters.”

    Not only that, but wasn’t she the one who warned about “domestic terrorists” including returning military veterans and people with suspicious bumper stickers like the Gadsden flag?

  6. The Skunk’s ass on Janet Nippletanos’ head says:

    “Don’t Panic!”

    So, if ‘the system’ couldn’t stop a guy from Nigeria, who was on the “terrorist list”, whose dad warned us about, with no luggage, no passport, and no return ticket WITH A BOMB IN HIS SKIVVIES from boarding an aircraft,

    Who, exactly, could ‘the system’ stop!?

    Furthermore, I’m sure he was a lone-wolf terrorist that was not supported by any terror network other than the guys who gave him the bomb and trained him; and perhaps trained other terrorists like him….

  7. Not only that, but wasn’t she the one who warned about “domestic terrorists” including returning military veterans and people with suspicious bumper stickers like the Gadsden flag?

    Why, yes…. In fact, from that report (I kept the full pdf of the report I was so pissed off):

    (U) Key Findings

    (U//LES) The DHS/Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A) has no specific information that domestic rightwing* terrorists are currently planning acts of violence, but rightwing extremists may be gaining new recruits by playing on their fears about several emergent issues. The economic downturn and the election of the first African American president present unique drivers for rightwing radicalization and recruitment.

    The Skunk’s ass on Janet Nippletano’s head sez:

    “Don’t panic! This guy on the plane with the bomb hidden under his ass cheeks wasn’t a rightwinger….”

  8. ‘We need truthful, accountable, and responsible people in charge of such an important program.’

    LOL On which planet is this guy living!

  9. ‘We need truthful, accountable, and responsible people in charge of such an important program.’

    The Allowing Known Terrorists on Aircraft program?

  10. Victor David Hanson predicts that Napolitano will resign soon.

    Not that it will change things much — the real problem is Obama’s foolish notion that terrorism should be treated as a law enforcement issue — but it would put a crimp in Napolitano’s career.

    Last May Napolitano was on the short list of Obama’s Supreme Court candidates. Brrrr.


  11. That’s the problem when you lie so boldly and people are actually paying attention: you tend to get caught.

    I don’t think that Napolitano lied. I think that she actually beleived that the “system worked”, and that’s the problem. The American people will tolerate a liar and they will barely tolerate a bad liar. What the people will not tolerate is incompetence.

  12. ‘We need truthful, accountable, and responsible people in charge of such an important program.’

    Unfortunately, lying manipulative charlatans seldom select such people to staff their Cabinet or other posts.

  13. Napolitano was just a gender/sexual orientation check off. Little more is required of her. Like her boss, no one would expect her to have the experience and ability to do her job.

  14. Mr. Frank: she had one other qualification: she had welcomed illegal immigrants to Arizona, so could offer Obama another bloc of voters. chicago politics from Arizona. f

  15. Gawd…. Nippletano is just horrible. And an underwear bomber….? An underwear bomber?!

    This is insanity. At the heart of every tragedy is a farce.

    How did this happen to us? WTF is wrong with us? This is even stupider than the 70’s. Where is the adult supervision?

  16. The NY Times readership is really really angry–at Janet Napolitano.

    Methinks they’ve finally figured out that Napolitano will be (or more likely, would have been) responsible for defending NYC from terrorist (er…man-caused disaster causers) during the KSM trial.

    But hey, the system works, so sleep tight New Yorkers. Obama & Co. are on the job.

  17. And another thing: what’s with this “man-caused disaster” business? You’d think a sister of
    Sappho would take more care to be gender-neutral, unless she/he/it was making a point.

  18. An underwear bomber?!

    Wait til they use an anal plug made of Semtex! I’ll refrain from crude humor and leave it to your fevered imaginations…

  19. Every time I fly I conclude it would be very easy to take a bomb on a plane…because the TSA UNION employees don’t give a shit…why…’cuz they aren’t getting on the plane.

    It WILL happen again…you and I know it…and you will hear the same shit again

  20. Napolitano is not the problem. She is only the talking head on your television affirmatively representing the position of the Obama administration. If it were not so you would have heard Obama publicly announce that she had tendered her resignation at his request yesterday.

    It is Obama that is the problem.

    Consider the plain fact that days went by before Obama remarked on either the attempted bombing of an aircraft or on the situation in Iran. Both are potential stories of the year for 2009 and have enormous consequences for all of mankind in the coming year. When he did finally leave the golf course and don a sport coat his words were, to quote Charles Krauthammer, flaccid.

    However, one of his friends has a cut chin from a surfing accident and Obama immediately drops his putter and races to the scene along with his entourage. Did you see the video tape? Ambulances, police cars, black Suburbans, breakneck driving. Is this some kind of joke?

    This is a man whose priorities are inverted from reality – at least the reality of the nation that he is supposedly leading.

    This will not end well for us.

  21. If you look at the response of passengers to the new rules imposed in response to the Detroit attack, the Air Tea Parties are just beginning. People are angry that they are now being punished by a system that does not work to be politically correct. Wait and see what happens.

  22. Nappy is utterly incompetent; she needs to be fired. Homeland security is too important to be left to a Leftist apparatchik. Especially considering how dim-witted she has been since the beginning.

    Gibbs, though, is the perfect mouthpiece for ‘The One’, and should never be cast out. We need him out front, giving vivid, living evidence of how empty the White House now is.

  23. Janet doesn’t have the skill to run anything, but who chose her? We are being pitifully led, but with a purpose.

  24. “This is even stupider than the 70’s.”

    As I see it, this is a re-emergence of the 70’s lefty culture.

    The difference is that now the radicals have cut their hair and are wearing suits.

    Van Jones said:

    “I’m willing to forgo the cheap satisfaction of the radical pose for the deep satisfaction of radical ends.”

  25. The prospect of being protected by Napolitano during the KSM trial must be giving New Yorkers some pause.
    Considerng Bloomberg’s crusade against arming civilians, there isn’t much but the local constabulary.
    Which, of course, requires stuff like intel (coughhorsehitcough) from the feds.
    Glad I’ll be watching this from a distance.

  26. On a visit to Ottawa Ontario she told Canadians in the future, border crossings for Canadians were going to be tougher. The reason being that the 911 bombers entered the US from Canada. Nice speech except for the fact that all the bombers entered the US through American ports and airports. When told she was mistaken, she said it wasn’t important, she had gotten her point across but gave no idea what the point was.

  27. Ned says:

    It WILL happen again…you and I know it…and you will hear the same shit again

    No doubt. It will probably happen again soon. And innocent people are going to lose their lives so that we don’t offend muslims by using profiling or other politically incorrect tactics. Hussein certainly does not emphasize the fact that whether or not he wants to be in a war against islamofascists, THEY are at war against us. And the islamofascists are going to be more and more tempted to exploit his weak leadership in their plans to kill americans.

    Napolitano is just another of many examples of how political correctness is a suicidal strategy in a war such as this. Giving miranda rights to enemy combatants and trying them in civilian court…. Not sharing any intelligence with the select 8 in congress regarding this attack or the Fort Hood attack. The list goes on…

  28. My initial knee jerk reaction was to call for her firing but instead, let’s keep her around as a symbol of liberal incompetance. I doubt this President would find anyone better so lets keep this fool around to further embarrass the ‘One’.

  29. There is an Arab saying that a man who does not carry a sword is not a man of peace because he entices attack upon himself. Translation, expect more of the same because we have such as obviously weak president.

  30. Sorry to bring everyone down further, but consider that Napolitano has vastly more management experience than the Messiah.

  31. Napolitano’s evident incompetence in dealing with what appears to be the onslaught of terrorist attacks is starting to sound similar to the evident incompetence of Bush’s FEMA secretary in responding to Hurricane Katrina. The difference is that behind the scenes Bush acted to save thousands of lives in New Orleans. Obama is doing nothing!

  32. “…because the TSA UNION employees don’t give a shit…why…’cuz they aren’t getting on the plane…”

    That should be one of the conditions of employment as a TSA screener: “You, you, and you! Get your overnight bags and get on these planes. Here are your boarding passes. And here are your replacements at the screening line. Hope you did your jobs right. Have a safe trip”.

    The Army does this with parachutes. Riggers, who are all qualified paratroopers, have to jump their own chutes on a random basis, just to ensure they’re paying attention to detail. They know it, and this helps to keep the failure rate low. Do the same thing with the screeners.

  33. Being from Arizona, we were glad to see her leave. She vetoed illegal immigration legislation approved by 70% of Arizonans that would not allow them to get welfare along with other issues. She was brought to WDC because she assisted the “dumocrat” party & Obamalongadingdong in securing more party members from the illegal aliens that Obuma will see become citizens…….Oh, yeah. I think she is now dating Janet Reno….if they marry then she would be Janet NapolaReno…..a handsome couple????? Maybe they will fly coach from Amsterdam and meet another “man caused disaster” with “hot pants”!

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