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What Holder should do — 16 Comments

  1. So will I, Neo – so will I. This administration and “Just Us” Holder give every indication of wanting a balls-to-the-wall all out race war, either because of carefully nourished racial resentment on their part, or because it will allow them further latitude in bringing Big Government down on all of our necks, especially those of us who are white, Tea Partiers, and middle-class.

    What Holder wants, I think – is to ensure that the black urban thug class can predate on whomever it wants to, without fear of resistance from victims or interference from the law, such as it is. Nothing less.

  2. When pigs fly….. We know whose side Holder and Obama are on, and it’s not white folks.

  3. Most police officers act like the black thugs. They don’t like snitches and they don’t like talking back to their gang leaders either. So they Obey Authority, but also despise Authority in a sense. Regardless of whether LEOs despise bureacrats, desk jockeys, lawyers, or catch and release politicians, LEOs still have a duty to obey the law.

    Except the law isn’t what they think it is.

    While many police officers don’t consider themselves morally the same as thugs and crooks, coincidentally they have very similar tribal customs.

    Whenever the police unions suffer a setback, somebody gets killed when they shouldn’t have… it’s always somebody else’s problem. They make excuses about how they are helpless against it, it is policy, or some such.

    Whenever blacks do something crazy, the Sharptons come in and give their version of the excuse train.

    However, what happens to blacks that don’t like or obey Sharpton? What happens to police officers that wish to disobey their anti citizen policies and orders?

    In a race war… they get disappeared, shut down, or killed…. convenient isn’t it.

  4. Also it was the NOPD that obeyed unlawful and unconstitutional orders to seize the defense arms of the citizens of New Orleans, which inevitably led to more crime when the NOPD went AWOL. Although the AWOLists were probably the more virtuous of the sort, compared to the NOPD that used Katrina to rape and terrorize entire neighborhoods, corrupting their own authority in the process.

    Did police officers do anything, shoot anyone, or hang anyone involved? No. They just sort of papered it over with excuses or ignored it entirely, saying “police policies are …. or we have to obey it from the top”.

    However, as far as I know justified lethal force doesn’t include confiscating stuff from people’s homes because you had the orders from a Democrat.

    So they’re guilty. They are guilty if they helped. They are guilty if they looked away from it. They are guilty if they just played along.

    But if they devote their loyalty to the Left, they think the Left and the Democrats will protect and fund the LEOs. Hah. Look what happened to Jews and blacks when they gave their zombie loyalty to the Demoncrats. See how happy they are, the ones alive at least.

  5. We are far past the point where such measures would suffice. At this point, Cassell’s list is putting lipstick on the pig. If Obama, Holder and most other black leaders actually wanted to help blacks, they’d give them some strong medicine, otherwise known as the truth.

    The truth of the matter is that no group (individual exceptions aside) that rejects 1) education, 2) a strong work ethic, 3) acceptance of personal responsibility and accountability, 4) parental obligations and 5) delayed gratification can possibly succeed. Failure is guaranteed, regardless of how many entitlements and advantages a society might offer.

    Another truth is that we are witnessing the metastasizing of the poisoned victimization that the left has been selling blacks for generations. Most blacks have fully bought into the ‘big lie’ that whites can never stop being racists. That America has always been racist, is now racist to its core and will always be racist.


    On another blog, ‘Red Stater’ comments; “Whites in America need to wake up. Blacks are not “racist” in the sense we think they are. They are separatists, advocates of a new Apartheid. There is a subtle but important distinction.

    We tend to think the remedy for racism is integration.

    They abandoned integration a long time ago, and have embraced a new segregation, developing their own language, style, cultural norms, morality, history, and sense of justice.

    While we have been vexed by their lack of integration despite all the steps taken- Affirmative Action, housing subsidies and food stamps, college tuition, lowering of standards, forced busing, forced integration of every public and private institution, and basically making them a protected class-and asking “why can’t they succeed?”, we should realize by now we’ve been asking the wrong question. The question is “why WON”T they succeed?”

    While we are busy finding new ways to accomodate their successful integration, they have abandoned the idea entirely. We are trying to give someone something they do not want. Rather, it is displacement they truly value, not integration.”

    I have begun to reach the conclusion that the metastasizing “displacement they truly value” is reversal of power. Many blacks now seek physical dominance, they wish to impose upon whites “four hundred years of slavery” but… not for the rationalization of recompense, of “an eye for an eye” for offense given.

    Rather it is satiation for the racism they have embraced that they pursue.

    That is the ‘unless’ they have not yet verbalized.

  6. “Another truth is that we are witnessing the metastasizing of the poisoned victimization that the left has been selling blacks for generations. Most blacks have fully bought into the ‘big lie’ that whites can never stop being racists. That America has always been racist, is now racist to its core and will always be racist.”

    Exactly – and let me say that this realization is perfectly and personally horrifying to me. My mother about washed out my mouth with soap, the first time I came home from school and repeated the n-word, which I had heard from another student. My parents were – or at least my mother is – militantly tolerant. Also a Nixon Republican, which ought to give the lie to the meme of raaaaacist Repubs changing places with the Dems in about mid-century.

    I served with perfectly splendid, hard-working and competent citizens from an African-American background, some of which were even close friends enough that we could discuss racial relations frankly, and agree that the urban thug culture was poisonous. Hell, some of them had even enlisted to get away from it, and were honest enough to admit that it was a bad thing. I also live next door to – and across the street from a couple of AA families to this day. We have watched the sons of the next-door family grow to man’s estate, and better and more hardworking neighbors we could hardly have. Of course, the operative thing is they have come from married families, and in the case of the next-door family, very churchgoing. If the sons ever deviated into the thug life, their grannie would take over the beating, once their mother and father were tired.

    But here it is – I am tired beyond words of being accused of being a racist, just for being white and middle-class myself. Tired of being slimed as a racist for being a small-government constitutionalist Tea Partier, tired of seeing the most egregious black racists elevated into high positions and well-paying media, academic and political sinecures. Tired of being accused of committing invisible racial micro-aggressions. Tired beyond words of biting my tongue, when it comes to pointing out crime rates vis-é -vis black on black offenses, and black on white offenses; it’s to the point where if there has been some horrific rape-robbery-home-invasion-murder reported in the news headlines, my daughter and I have a bet on as to the race of the suspect/perpetrator. Lately, there’s been only one instance where the perp was something other than the usual ghetto DINDO. (DINDO – as is ‘I/my boy DINDO nuffin!’)

    Tired? You have no idea.

  7. While there is no question that Obama, Holder, Sharpton, and the rest of their ilk have been exacerbating this whole serieis of tragedies to further their particular agendas, let’s not forget another principle agitator, the media.

    A very intersting article has been posted at the Havoc Journal,

    “Law Enforcement Officers cannot pick and choose which laws they intend to enforce. But here are three facts. Trayvon Martin closed the distance with George Zimmerman and began to beat him. Michael Brown assaulted Officer Darren Wilson and tried to take his gun. Eric Gardner refused to obey the instructions by police and actively resisted their attempts to take him into custody….The picture of Trayvon Martin was of a young 12 year old, not the larger scowling teenager making gangster signs. Who chose that picture? They were all available and they could have picked any from his Facebook account or from his parents. Why did they use the picture of the innocent looking young teen? They chose the picture that was going to inflame opinion more, period. It went to court and the result was the ‘victim’ was the perpetrator.

    In the Michael Brown case, the media continually pointed to the fact that he was black, that he was unarmed, and that he was a teenager. They flat out refused to recognize that he was considered an adult of age 18 and insisted on showing the most precocious picture they could find. Again, the intent was to inflame the situation. They want to focus on “Hands up” but forget to acknowledge that as the lie that it was. The case went before the Grand Jury and found that the officer was not at fault.

    In Eric Gardner’s case, the illicit cigarette sales were the focus and his mediation of the neighborhood and the choke hold. “I Can’t Breathe” became the slogan but completely ignored the fact that by saying it, you can do it. I have been choked out. You cannot speak when you are being choked. All you do is wheeze. As for how he died, he had a heart attack in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. He was not choked to death. And again the case went before the Grand Jury and found that the officer was not at fault.

    But the media did not focus on that. If they had focused solely on those three facts, there would not be an issue. Each case was tried in court and in every case the jury found that the ‘victim’ as announced by the media, was the perpetrator. The problem is that people believe that a conspiracy is at work but they are picking the wrong target.

    While I have to partially agree with Ymarsakar. I think many, but not most police do act like thugs. But far many more do not. But then again, I’ve met many good and bad doctors, lawyers, and engineers. Do we paint them all with the same brush?

    Personally, I would rather have them there than not have them there. They are by far and away the lesser of two evils presently in our society. In totalitarian societies, that statement does not apply, obviously.

    Like them or not, they are a necessary evil and will continue to be required until mankind’s nature is perfected. pack a lunch for that one because Godot will have long since come and gone.

    The whole article is here if you care to read it.

    I have to agree with the thrust of the article and say further that Obama and the left would be far less effective without a media that is ideologically simpatico and utterly irresponsible and whose management would steal their mother’s wooden leg if they could make a buck at it.

  8. Regarding the media; they knowingly lie and obfuscate, they are fully complicit in the duplicity and are actively cooperating and assisting in the “fundamental transformation” of America into a Marxist socialist State in which coercion is increasingly used to force compliance with their agenda. And in their lying and distortions and active assistance in coercion, they have declared themselves to be the enemy of our Constitutional form of governance. They are accomplices to treason and they are forcing the emergence of a day of reckoning.

  9. Punk Holder: After following Neo’s instructions above, please dial: 1-800-BiteMe.

    Thank you, Mr. Loathsome.

  10. You cannot speak when you are being choked. All you do is wheeze. As for how he died, he had a heart attack in the ambulance on the way to the hospital.

    It’s relatively easy to kill someone by applying pressure at various points on the body. Police officers following their restraint procedures are often incompetent if not personally brutal. They have little idea of how easy the human body is to break, since they usually are fearing and imagining the 400 pound black a crack head on meth that can’t be stopped with 5 bullets scenario.

    Enough pressure on various parts on the torso will collapse the lungs. It will also destroy internal organs, forcing enough pressure to collapse the lungs themselves, thus a person can speak by emitting air but will not have the strength to pull enough air back into their collapsed internal cavities. That kind of force and oxygen deprivation may also internal bleeding, ruptures, or enough systematic shock that the heart and other vital organ or neurological systems begin failing.

    People who are incompetent at killing people, are also incompetent at saving them. People who know how to save people’s lives, also know the right dosage to poison and terminate them. Competence is a general trait, not always a specific skill set.

    while I have to partially agree with Ymarsakar. I think many, but not most police do act like thugs. But far many more do not. But then again, I’ve met many good and bad doctors, lawyers, and engineers. Do we paint them all with the same brush?

    To clarify my position from the Left’s and other scummy enemies of humanity (who I don’t consider as humans any more so the tiredness Sgt Mom feels about being accused as X, doesn’t affect me. Dogs can accuse me as much as they want, I’ll still put them up on the grill after skewering them, and make them into hot dogs). The Left notably uses dehumanization of the police in order to make it easier for their black thugs to rape, kill, and terrorize the white population (who can be intimidated into providing money for the extortionists). Sharpton and Jackson, if you check their income, gets most of it from these extortions. It’s a mafia ring, even.

    If I am dehumanizing the police, it’s generally because they are making themselves into targets that obey authority. When they obey authority, they are either on my side or against me. If that authority is evil, the LEOs are evil, irregardless of whether the LEOs like to be evil or not. Free will is not yours to worry about if you Obey Orders unthinkingly.

    I’m not going to ask every terrorist, black thug, and rapist who their family members are, whether they are a lawyer, a good citizen, or anything. If they become a threat or something I need to eliminate, I will deal with them. Much like a person unthinkingly steps on an ant. Do they feel guilty for such because the ant was causing nobody any harm intentionally? It is best to avoid causing violence when it is not needed. The world is not ideal though.

    The only choice that matters is whether LEOs are on my side, the human side, or whether they choose to side with evil by selling their soul for their pension benefits. That choice is up to them. The Left will execute and smash their child’s head in, even if they refuse to believe me on this matter, the Left will convince them. I can promise you that.

    Every time a former LEO or current one protects their tribe by speaking out for them, they make it worse. Because they aren’t fixing the problem. Neither are blacks, when they crow after Hussein Obola, fixing the problem. So long as their problem exists, their lives are as chaff in the wind.

    If this problem and issue could be fixed by the regular men and women of the police forces… they would have done so a long time ago. That they have not, means that they have either failed or haven’t even tried. Thus they are guilty, in one way or another. They aren’t guilty because they are personally evil or pigs, they are guilty because their organization is evil or are controlled by pigs like Blasio.

    Do we paint them all with the same brush?

    Shrugs. While it isn’t important to stereotype people, that is not to say preparations are always a waste. Humans cannot pull the trigger without hate, love, some kind of strong motivation or reason. We are not in the military, at least not most of us. We are not given ROEs or rules of engagement, and legal documents, telling us who we can or cannot engage. That is left up entirely to the civilians to decide, and the courts to prosecute afterwards.

    However, in order to pull the trigger, people need to resolve their conflicts and rationalizations before hand. Optimally, before they get engaged by the enemy or engage the enemy. What makes a person a combatant that can be terminated? What makes a target a target? What allows a target to be make the human choice of avoiding conflict and violence? How long can we allow the people to choose between their free will and their authorities?

    For LEOs, their engagement is set by their Authorities. And I don’t really think their evil authorities are my ally or will protect me. If I become a target in their eyes… what needs to be done, will be done. Being aware of the consequences doesn’t mean kissing up to the evil authorities, btw.

  11. For a less hostile expression of similar viewpoints I agree with, here is Grim’s post and comments.



    The topic is complicated. Well, most things concerning the Left are. It’s difficult for most factions to get an objective viewpoint, since they always think external criticism is an attack and any internal criticism of the police by the police is because somebody is a mole and a snitch. Which the police will terminate, in their own fashion, sooner or later.

  12. Wrt/your last paragraph, Sgt. Mom, I an only say “PREACH IT SISTER!!”.

    I too am beyond tired.

    While some may wish that 0 and Holder do something proactive, I would prefer that they just keep out of it. Anything positive they said or did would be a lie, and would just give them proof to tote out against any charges of divisive actions.

    I want them to just go away. Stay in HI, Mr. President, and golf. Please.

  13. Does anyone know DeBlasio’s and Obama’s approval ratings in NY and NYC? Remember this is just one more battle in a war.

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