Home » Rape is whatever we say it is


Rape is whatever we say it is — 25 Comments

  1. Lawsuits, lawsuits, lawsuits. If there is no consequence, then there is no limit to the totalitarian impulse of the Heldman’s of the world. Total control and power is their motivation. Thomas Jefferson spoke of it.

    “The PC feminist/leftist forces behind this seem to want it both ways. Woman are strong, independent, responsible. There’s nothing they can’t do. But they are weak, susceptible to the slightest pressure, and not responsible for their own decisions where sex is concerned.”

    The feminist left’s infantilization of women, that they are “weak, susceptible to the slightest pressure, and not responsible for their own decisions where sex is concerned” puts the lie to their assertions that women are strong, independent and responsible.

  2. PS: I’d love to see a study showing the racial percentages of those accused and of those, how many go to ‘trial’ on campus. I suspect it’s disproportionately white male. And if so, it is all part of the left’s strategy of attacking our culture’s societal infrastructure.

  3. One way to understand feminism to realize that women think the most important thing in the world is to keep them happy.

  4. Here is a brand new study from the Bureau of Justice Statistics placing the frequency of rape and sexual assault on women aged 18 to 24 in college at 6.1 per 1000 — and for nonstudents of the same age, 7.6 per 1000. A pretty far cry from one in five.


    The abstract says that 80 percent of attacks on college students go unreported, compared to 67 percent of those on nonstudents. I haven’t read anything but the abstract yet, so I don’t know how the authors know (or think they know) these percentages.

    Two surprising things: the author is apparently a woman (first name Lynn) and the BJS is an office of the federal Department of Justice. I wonder why on earth they allowed this to be published? Talk about harshing the narrative.

  5. Planned Intimacy (PI) will absolve men and women of legal and moral responsibility under the watchful eye of a government licensed adviser. PI can cohabitate with Planned Parenthood in case a burden should be conceived.

  6. Another option is to address the consequences of progressive morality and restore an enlightened perspective of human life, men and women, and relationships. It may help if we stop political, legal, and cultural normalization (i.e. promotion) of dysfunctional, unproductive, and fetish behaviors.

  7. Sexual harassment law is the same way: It doesn’t matter what you intended or what most people would perceive your actions to be, it only matters what the complainant feels about it. That’s why there’s a “reasonable man” standard for objectively evaluating the accused’s actions in the prosecution of many laws, but no “reasonable woman”.

  8. The one actor in this campus melodrama that is escaping scrutiny and criticism are the universities themselves. They are absolutely complicit in the evolution of this “rape culture.”

    When I was a grad student in the first half of the seventies we lived in sex-segregated dorms. Grad students! The more draconian rules of visitation were still around but, in the grad dorms they were, for the most part, unenforced and ignored.

    Then the universities went to alternate sex floors; one floor of males, one floor of females (I hesitate to call undergraduates men and women).

    Then, the universities went to co-ed floors in which the sexes were intermixed. By the time my son graduated in 2006, the dorms had a sex checkerboard pattern; the dorm door across from each male room was a female room not by chance, but by central planning. Then, when my daughter was at university, there were quads with four rooms and common living space which were sex-intermingled.

    To the extent that any problems exist on university campuses, the universities, themselves are complicit and have enabled and facilitated the problem. When boys and girls get together, boys and girls will do what boys and girls do when boys and girls get together. Administrators either forget that or they just don’t give a damn.

  9. T,
    I don’t understand why colleges can’t offer a choice of unisex or mixed dorms. In some ways I’m very pro choice.

  10. T,

    There does seem to be a broad cultural and structural push for promsicuous behavior increasing sex in ambiguous situations. Combine changing sex norms with the current institutional response looks like deliberating creating a problem in order to impose a desired solution.

  11. Expat,

    Why does it have to be a choice? It should be a requirement.


    One wonders. To the university, “rape culture” could be a feature rather than a bug.

  12. Actually, it was worse than I remembered. My son reminded me that not only was the room across the hall from his an opposite sex room, but the checkerboard pattern meant that the rooms adjacent to his were also female rooms.

    male – female – male – female – male
    female – male – female – male – female

    As Eric notes, it almost looks like a conspiracy to foster the libertine behavior they now call “rape culture.”

  13. I dasn’t say much here. I’m such a dinosaur.

    I will mention my experience with Administrative Offices in the Navy. The rates that worked in admin were Yeomen. It required good typists and filers with the ability to publish the Plan of the Day and other squadron publications as necessary. In the military paperwork is a BIG deal. Anyway, I saw Admin Offices with all Sailors that got a lot of good work done. I also saw Admin Offices with all Waves that got a lot of good work done. The Admin Offices with a mix of Sailors and Waves never were as good. There were way too many hormones sloshing around the place. Has that changed in the 39 years since I left active duty? I don’t think so.

    I liked it better back in the day when the woman called the tune in sexual relationships. No meant: Hell no! Maybe meant: When I see a ring and the date is set. Yes meant: You were either married or darn close to it. Any man that didn’t know and respect that arrangement was a jerk and loser who had little chance of finding a wonderful woman to settle down with. Yeah, I know – I’m a dinosaur.

  14. Remember that poor cop in Ontario, who got into so much trouble when he advised young women to ” not tease the animals “, and dress appropriately when going on a date?

  15. The meaning of laws is how they are used. Laws of tyranny: Apartheid, Title IX. Repeal Title IX.

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  17. JJ: “I liked it better back in the day when the woman called the tune in sexual relationships.”

    Women are still calling the tune. However, too often, the tune they’re calling with one part of their brain is not the tune they want with another part of their brain. The dissonance is a consequence.

  18. The Universities were intentionally ordered by the Leftist hierarchy to condition those girls and boys with sexual pleasure, the easier to condition them with indoctrination and slave collars.

  19. People who are not conversant or researchers into sex slave trafficking and sexual pleasure slave conditioning, probably don’t know the details or the secrets.

    But the Left does.

  20. EITHER a woman aged 18+ is an independent, self-sufficient adult, and has every right to make her own decisions as she sees fit, but then she must also be willing to suffer the consequences, even when her own vision of what was fit was a product of poor judgment,

    OR she requires a certain degree of protection (first and foremost from her own imprudence), but then she must also be willing to accept the flip side of such an arrangement: being under somebody’s protection means also being under their authority, to an analogous extent.

    Many young ladies seem to cry out for some variant of the second type of arrangement, while the current mores are pushing the first one at all costs. I bet that many young men, too, would be more comfortable with sex-segregated dorms and more firm boundaries when socializing in mixed company. There is nothing wrong with offering an option of “going back” a bit to those interested. I for one would gladly sign up for an all-female dorm with a reasonable curfew rather than for a mixed dorm where any sort of indiscretions are allowed and where I risk ending up emotionally scarred for life as a result of a few hours of poor judgment. Why, if I would WILLINGLY adhere to additional rules and checks, in exchange for what I regard as a healthier atmosphere to live and study?

  21. I’m still trying to figure out where the universities obtained the legal authority to investigate, prosecute and punish rape cases. Did the state legislatures grant the university administration police and judicial powers in cases of felonies?

    Remember what happened at Duke? The lacrosse team members sued the university for millions and won in court.

  22. “This is what the sexual revolution plus feminism hath wrought: ”

    That sums it up. It was predictable that the “hook up” culture would result in recriminations. But, feminism is all about being “free”. The result is what we have come to on the college campuses. This is going to make the “townies” much more attractive guys on campus.

    We already here beaucoup complaints that men won’t commit and are dropping out. But, really, that is a result of what we have wrought. Few rational men want to subject themselves to these dunking chambers.

  23. Japan still has sex and gender separations.

    But it’s not about restrictions, since Japan has public bath houses like the Romans did.

    A society, in order to cater to some things, must restrict other things.

    The Left, in order to cultivate Obedience to Evil, must restrict freedom and independence. It is a lie, really, that you will be free under evil. It is definitely a mirage, a deception, an illusion even.

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