Home » No wonder Jackie wanted Rolling Stone to take her out of the story before it was published


No wonder Jackie wanted <i>Rolling Stone</i> to take her out of the story before it was published — 38 Comments

  1. This reminds me of the Dan Rather story about Bush and the Texas Air National guard. The documents were fake but the idea behind them was true. Her story was fake, but the media ran with it because it sounded good for feminists.

  2. Yes, the WaPo story is damning to The Rolling Stone piece. It is quite clear what has happened here- Jackie was fabricating the entire story in an escalating attempt to win the affections of the friend who appears to have rebuffed her. I suspect that many of us understand the kinds of crazy ideas that can come into ones mind when in the throes of affections that are unreturned- either from first hand experience or in watching the actions of close friends around us. I know I have seen it from both perspectives in my own life. Sometimes such crazy ideas are acted on, and other times we come to realize just in time how insane they are. This is a sad story, and I won’t say anything more about this other than to castigate the journalist who has allowed this story to reach print. The young woman needed real help, not this embarrassment that is now following this journalistic malpractice.

  3. “…apparent that Jackie is most likely a fabulist, perhaps with some pre-existing mental/emotional problems…”

    I’ve sad experience with Fatal Attraction level craziness and can attest that there are women that can create a story and invest it with frighteningly raw emotionalism and terrifying believability. There are some very broken, very dangerous women out there. With today’s demonization of men as monsters, the real monsters have the power to destroy a man’s life in a heartbeat, and more and more, they know it.

  4. …so an emphasis on the crazy at some level here wouldn’t perhaps be an unwarranted observation, eh?

  5. I agree with Yancy. As a father (and grandfather) and having been young once myself, I feel very sorry for Jackie. Her heart had already been badly broken before the RS reporter came along. And now her desperate, pitiful attempts to win Randal’s affection are being laid bare for all to see. I hope she survives this. Shame on Rolling Stone and Miss Erdely.

  6. To say it is disappointing is putting it mildly.

    Another fabricated story by those who operate with an agenda.
    ***UVA, meet Tawana Brawley and Al Sharpton.
    ***UVA meet the stripper in the Duke Rape Case.
    ***UVA meet the president of the united states and the Cambridge police department.
    ***UVA meet Kerri Dunn and her wildly manufactured racist “incident”:
    (many more examples—-too little space here)

    Liberals, Progressives, Leftists with an agenda. Tearing this country apart with HATE, Race-Baiting, Projection, Emotion-driven LIES.
    To say it is disappointing is not accurate enough…

  7. “Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practice to deceive” Sir Walter Scott

    I find as long as I tell the truth, I don’t have to worry about the facts going astray.

    I would like to think all those involved with this fiasco would hang their heads in shame and seek a new line of work.
    But when you have a “bee in your bonnet” about something, that is the only thing you can focus on. Funny how these “educated intelligent people” would look at a member of the KKK and be aghast how a person could view another person as inferior, stupid and dangerous based on their skin color or religion but fail to see that they are cut from the same whole cloth as those in the KKK.
    I would like to hope that both groups may some day may see the errors of their ways. But I’m not hopeful based on my view of the situation. And one can only try and insure they are not in positions where they have a lot of influence. 🙁 🙁

  8. The Rolling Stone reporter appears to have done some fabrication of her own — if it’s true that “Randall” was not contacted, as Erdely wrote that he was. And what excuse can there be for not contacting the three friends? The excuse given by the magazine was Jackie’s fear of retaliation, but that can’t have applied to them. I read some fevered speculation last night that Jackie might have engineered false contacts between the reporter and the three friends who helped her that night — setting up fake email addresses or something — and given what’s coming up now, that doesn’t seem impossible to believe.

    I still feel sorry for her, for the same reasons as carl in atlanta — even as it becomes clear just how much lying she’s done and how broken she must already have been. Had RS practiced the bare minimum of journalistic care, at least she would not have been nationally exposed — and it’s hard to imagine how she’ll survive it. They used her shamefully.

    Is anyone examining Erdely’s prior stories, especially the one about rape in the military? I have not seen it but have heard that its structure — viewpoint solely from the victim, many unnamed sources — is similar. I wonder if the underlying falsity is just as similar. I’ve also heard that Erdely seems oddly fascinated with Stephen Glass, the serial fabulist who preceded her — and who was apparently her classmate at some point.

  9. There is nothing to lose in such things… no one will do anything, she wont be punished, and its up to the next person to step up, lie, and move the agenda that way.

    after all, the professors that took out a full page ad and ruined the lives of the duke university kids never apologized, were not fired, and so on and so on…

    heck… my ex lied, got a million dollar police investigation going on her death, and so on… i lost my career, friends, family, my home (became homeless), my son, and have been waiting to die ever since as its screwed my life to this day.. the detective was so angry that now she did not know if she put innocent people in jail as they were working really hard and were about to indict me for murdering a person who to this day is still not dead yet. she is doing fine, has a house, a few more kids… heck, she even went to prison for robbing a bank while my son and her two other kids were with her. i was told i had no rights, so even that could not get my family back.

    sign me
    waiting to die…

    [a online friend yesterday committed suicide because of his run in with modern feminism… but no one cares about us victims]

  10. Meanwhile…

    …those teachers and professors we entrust our children to, to help shape and mold their world view, their reference points, their developing ideas and concepts—–THEY LIE TO AND ABUSE THEIR WILLING STUDENTS with NONSENSE and AGENDA-DRIVEN LEFTIST IDEALS:


    Parents paying a king’s ransom to colleges and universities across the land while subjecting their youngsters to claptrap and skewed and politicized lesson plans. And parents remain, “comfortably numb”…

  11. You know, conservatives, libertarians and white men really should take heart. The left puts issues like sexual assault, sexism and racism under a microscope when applied to white men. Yet what do they find? Apparently not much because they are consistently lying to make their case. Same thing with global warming. It’s a fraud. At the same time, the left looks at these same issues through the wrong end of a telescope when applied to minorities, women and muslims. So we’re not getting anything close to realistic coverage of issues such as black violence, female sexual assault, or islamic terrorism.

    I think we’re at a tipping point. The right should go into attack mode. Challenge the narrative. Debunk current claims. Look into past claims. The left is so rotten, it will be easy pickings.

  12. Artfldgr @ 9:14 AM: I assume you are not being facetious, but if you are please say so. Otherwise, having read many of your posts and feeling a strong empathy with you, please accept my kindest thoughts for your situation.

  13. I have a different take on all the sympathy for “Jackie”. My empathy (to use Hillary’s word) ended around the time she made up a Junior in order to get Randall to like her. Sad and desperate, but not destructive except to herself. When she moved on to claiming she was raped, she hurt not only those who were falsely accused (unnamed Phi Psi fraternity members) but also true rape victims who may not be believed or who may be more hesitant to come forward because of possible backlash if every fact doesn’t check out.

    Ederly certainly made it difficult for “Jackie” to step off her train of lies, since Ederly had an agenda (take down Southern white elitist university fraternity boys!) and wasn’t going to slow down until her story was done. Still, Jackie could have stopped and she didn’t. At this point I have zero sympathy for her.

  14. Steve, nice try.
    However, how can one, “take heart” when it is the hearts of those who are swayed and pulled and “shagged” by the forces of:
    ***Our education institutions (enough educators to consider it an army)
    ***Our mainstream media. Print and television.
    ***Far too many foreign countries which were long ago lost to Socialism and other forms of oppressive control.
    ***Hollywood. The storytellers. The smoke-and-mirrors manipulators of malleable minds and low-information losers.
    ***Silicon Valley and other bastions of billionaire and millionaire idealists and “reformers” and agenda-driven Fabians.

    “Take heart”? Indeed, the heart of America weeps. And all common sense and reason and rationale sleeps.

  15. Fascinating story illuminating the real war:
    The War on Men


    “Unfortunately, under the worthy mandate of protecting victims of sexual assault, procedures are being put in place at colleges that presume the guilt of the accused. Colleges, encouraged by federal officials, are instituting solutions to sexual violence against women that abrogate the civil rights of men.
    Schools that hold hearings to adjudicate claims of sexual misconduct allow the accuser and the accused to be accompanied by legal counsel. But as Judith Shulevitz noted in the New Republic in October, many schools ban lawyers from speaking to their clients (only notes can be passed). During these proceedings, the two parties are not supposed to question or cross examine each other, a prohibition recommended by the federal government in order to protect the accuser. And by federal requirement, students can be found guilty under the lowest standard of proof: preponderance of the evidence, meaning just a 51 percent certainty is all that’s needed for a finding that can permanently alter the life of the accused.”

    “More than two dozen Harvard Law School professors recently wrote a statement protesting the university’s new rules for handling sexual assault claims. “Harvard has adopted procedures for deciding cases of alleged sexual misconduct which lack the most basic elements of fairness and due process,” they wrote. The professors note that the new rules call for a Title IX compliance officer who will be in charge of “investigation, prosecution, fact-finding, and appellate review.” Under the new system, there will be no hearing for the accused, and thus no opportunity to question witnesses and mount a defense. Harvard University, the professors wrote, is “jettisoning balance and fairness in the rush to appease certain federal administrative officials.” But to push back against Department of Education edicts means potentially putting a school’s federal funding in jeopardy, and no college, not even Harvard, the country’s richest, is willing to do that.”

    Wow…the federal government injecting its newest form of fascistic purse string oppression.

  16. I heard some of the Tony Kornheiser show today, and they were saying pretty much the same thing, that you have to read this article start to finish, it’s a great piece of journalism.

  17. Liberalism is another word for lying. Liberalism is also a synonym for hypocrisy.

    Liberals are bad people who tell lies.

    Liberals are bad people who want to believe the lies told to them.

    (Generally speaking.)

  18. Artful Dodger, wow. I have more faith in your story than in the UVA rape story.

  19. I would hope that WaPo will now turn its guns solely on Erdely and the contacts she had at UVA and Democrats in the House and Senate prior to meeting Jackie; and it would be of journalistic worth to take a hard, hard look at some of Erdely’s past publications. I suspect there is a lot more wrong there than continuing to harass Jackie any further.

  20. Only that which advances the narrative matters and, from moment to moment, the truth is whatever advances the narrative.

    “For the left, it’s never about the issue, it’s always about the revolution.” David Horowitz

  21. So two fabulists, Jackie and Erdely, produced this pathetic attempt at convincing us that there’s a campus “rape culture” epidemic.

    I’m really happy that this has unraveled so quickly, since it appears these women, along with their feminist supporters, had hoped to make some significant changes on college campuses based on this story. And they would have had the DoJ on board with them, too.

  22. Women don’t do crazy stuff like that for love…. oh wait, there was that astronaut who drove cross country to kidnap her rival, etc., etc. Women do sometimes do crazy stuff like that.

  23. “Ederly certainly made it difficult for “Jackie” to step off her train of lies, since Ederly had an agenda (take down Southern white elitist university fraternity boys!) and wasn’t going to slow down until her story was done. Still, Jackie could have stopped and she didn’t. At this point I have zero sympathy for her.”

    The trouble with grabbing a tiger by the tail is that you don’t know it’s a tiger until you’re in mid-ride. And by then it’s difficult to let go.

  24. Mrs Whatsit:

    This story by Erdely is receiving new scrutiny, but I haven’t seen any in-depth articles about it yet.

    Here’s a piece about another article of Erdely’s and its problems.

  25. Tonawanda
    thanks for cheering me up! no, i am not being facetious…

    the person i was with, whom i did not marry, got pregnant purposefully with the idea that i would pay. then they used the kid as leverage, when that was not making a happy fun place, and i complained, they decided to disappear one day after trashing the apartment. they were gone for six months or so. the police came, and her family (who was in on it) came, and they proceeded to tear my life apart. my salary has been fixed since that time (pre 1990)… no raises, no promotions… nothing. as i have no connection back to my bronx science, good work, etc…

    the police kept coming to work, they kept waking me up in the middle of the night to question me for 6 hours, then let me go to work. I had the baby, but was collapsing from their games and ruining my life, so i sent the son to my parents so he would be ok given what i was going through. they were going to indict me, and she wandered in an took the kid. i had to get back together with her in order to see my son. the courts did not follow the law, and arbitrarily declared change of venue without changing it. the grandparents were ruled as having no rights, and she claimed abuse that never happened.

    eventually she came back, that nullified the other things, and her fatehr died. she then wanted to leave, but at the behest of a friend of hers who worked for the state welfare agency. she met her at college where i was paying for her degree and education. they blamed me for her going from honor student before meeting the wacko, to bad grades after… and so, they got it in their head that if they could bankrupt me, and so on, the state would award her more money to live on, and her and her friend would be able to live better.

    they neglected the child, and manipulated docs and things. after the fact the family doctor called me, as i refused to go to the office any more and refused to make sure of things as she cried and lied and nearly got me thrown in jail abusing the law requiring reporting to child protection. he apologized after things were all over, as he said he did not realize she was doing that, and that i was innocent. when the child had a 105 fever and they were taking him to mcdonalds playland and putting him int he back seat, and i took him to the hospital, he realized what was going on when he met the wacko sheila. sheila tried to use the event claiming i was acting and pretending to be the hero to get custody. i told security she is not family, and not allowed in. wacko went wacko.

    they then would appear at work, yelling and screaming, making claims i was gay,that i did not pay support, and on and on. again, i had to tell security to keep her and them out… but by then my corporate professional career was over and they let me go not long after that.

    it was thanksgiving… i have a picture of a turkey i made for my son. he had made a indian drum at school, and a headband. he is near 30 today, but i still have that stuff he made in school. i take it out and sit alone on holidays which are always sad for me, as i have pretty much no friends, family is gone, and cant connect to bring things to market to make a better life, as i am the wrong sex and color and alone (Except for my wife, but she is from indonesia, which is not much help, though she cares alot).

    as he grew up i tried to talk to him every sunday, and rarely missed a day. his mom would leave him for weeks with my mom, but one day she picked him up, took him and the other kids and decided to rob the bank in town (nearly ruining my parents life). she was caught, and my kid ended up for a day in prison waiting for my parents to pick him up.

    of course, the wackier she acted, the more it was my fault… otherwise she would be a perfect person.

    she went to federal prison for 2.5 years, and while in there her mom died. i had to pay double child support, becuase my son being the good kid he was, realized that if he stayed with her, she would get money, but if he stayed with my parents, she wouldnt. so i had to pay her to let him stay with my parents, and also pay my parents to help raise him.

    i went bankrupt, had no credit for 13 years, could not buy a home, couldnt build a company, and was pretty much abandoned and left alone. many employers would not hire me thanks to the stuff that comes up on background search.

    i became homeless a second time, and a woman on the net helped me out by loaning me 7k… i got an apartment in nyc, the same one i am in now. paid her back as fast as i could, and worked my arse off.

    i would drive to see himwhen i could. but family would not take pictures for me, and i would never see him grow up. my wife and i now are barren… too old and too poor to have kids… though we could get treatment, i cant get a raise or promotion for the rest of my life no matter what i do said the boss. they clobbered my IP, and i am locked down.

    i have lots of art, IP, photography, and so on… but no way to show it. not even here to attract some connection.

    anyway… now you know why i often have a bitter side, and i am now 50… my son quit college… he could not finish his honors degree in genetics thanks ot obama, and the fact his mom killed my earning ability so could not pay for it. besides, the liberal doctors were all selecting women and minoroties, so he had no one to do his thesis with. after a couple of years he decided to go into the navy and accepted a commission to be an officer. (this was on my advice originally as he wanted to go in as an enlisted man and be a corman. i said corman dont last long on the field and that with his brains and ability, like his dad, he would do better contributing more in a better place, as arbitrary sacrifice of your life is not really helping others. he then took the commission and is an officer. but given the history, does not even bother to send me a post card… though we send him cards, gifts, and so on… holidays are horrid).

    there is so much more… but thats the overview.
    the police destroyed my life, then found out i was completely innocent. which exposed their lies, malfeasance, and so on, as they had all the “evidence”. all my attempts at connecting and doing better have failed…

    so now i am just waiting to die, and its not happening fast enough… i am full of hopelessness, and given the politics, my sex, my color, and lack of friends, family, and connections… there is nothing to do.. i am really good ad making others money and solving problems and designing things as my skills range from working on the super computer here, to making electronic items, engineering, and as everyone knows, tons of history and more.

    it was all a waste… i never got to do anything or go anywhere, or be anything. i try and try.. but thats that.

    thanks for the kind words.
    i could tell you more, but then i would ruin xmas for everyone…


  26. Artful Dodger,

    I feel awful for you. That’s horrible. Horrible! Horrible!

    The best I can offer is to point you to Jesus, to God.

    He redeems suffering. He forgives sins. He is the Reason for the Season.

    If you like, you can e-mail me.

    Truth Unites… and Divides

  27. If black lives matter more, why didn’t they tell you about the one executed in DC by their royal guards?

    Or did people conveniently forget that episode by now. As they were commanded to, so they shall comply and obey.

  28. “If black lives matter more, why didn’t they tell you about the one executed in DC by their royal guards?”

    Wasn’t that one applauded by the Pols in the Capital?

  29. Dodger,
    Your story is incredible, but my experiences taught me that such monstrously unjust cruelties are real, and more common than folks know. I feel for you and pray you will find peace here in this world. I am happy for you that you have a loving wife, I’ve yet to hit that jackpot myself, and feel that such a blessing must count for much. I would also suspect that your yearnings for the peace of the grave are moderated by the fact that your foreign born bride surely needs your care and support, and would greatly mourn your loss. Also, personally, I sense the potential for a novel in you, or a treatise.

    I myself live in a divided household rife with certain females afflicted with bizarre mental/emotional/lawless issues, foreign bride syndrome (the bad kind), teenagers not my own with their special dysfunctionalities; I persevere for my young daughter. I will suffer a loveless dysfunctional marriage for the sake of my daughter, merely eight years old, so I have a long ways to go before I can punch the clock. I could never choose to leave life early, though often that thought is my only comfort, because I couldn’t do that to my daughter. I have to love and teach her and in every subversive and overt way possible steer her towards a well educated graceful functionality. I suspect a great many marriages were such accommodations with dysfunction before divorce upped the freakometer. (TMI, I’m sure, but the snoops already have the goods on all of us, mostly.)

    In any case, I know a small part of your pain and the infuriating nature of a society that coddles vicious women and condemns loving men. You truly have my sympathy, and my envy on the loving wife part.

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