Home » There’s something wrong at UVA, all right, but it may not be what those crying “rape culture” think it is


There’s something wrong at UVA, all right, but it may not be what those crying “rape culture” think it is — 23 Comments

  1. “Ultimately, though, from where I sit in Charlottesville, to let fact checking define the narrative would be a huge mistake.” Well.

    Dammit, these things *do* occur. But there is a very unfortunate tendency to suppose that since yes, they do occur, the incident du jour must be showcased to one and all as a teachable moment for all us neanderthals that these things do occur, facts be damned, the lives and livelihoods of the suspects be damned. Ya gotta break eggs to make the omelette, ya know.

    The (leftie) narrative *must* *rule*! [and trump any inconvenient truths in the process] — which is why these people can’t be trusted further than we can throw them.

  2. ‘False but true’ noble lies that advance an agenda with passion plays are a standard tactic of the Left in the narrative contest of the activist game. Horowitz is simply playing the only social political/cultural game there is.

  3. ok, so THIS story was true; but, but, but, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen? right?

    We still have to punish those Frat boys; just because – Let’s go throw some more rocks through their windows.

    There. Do I now pass as a liberal?

  4. Charles…ONLY if you write the word “Tolerance” on each rock before hurling. There…That’s better…Yer getting it… ((-:

  5. As a deconstructionist narrative: Nothing but net. A swisher. A Michael Jordan leap into the air hammer with your fist victory. We got that special after victory feeling and can’t let it go.

  6. Facts? We don’t need no stinkin’ facts.

    The left has become its own Onion satire.

  7. Sigh….. she laments being misled and uncritically accepting The Rolling Stone story, but then continues to parrot the 1 in 5 women on campus rape statistic that is itself bogus. Some people are incapable of learning from any experience.

  8. At this point, how is this different from people who fake a hate crime being committed on them in order to “raise awareness: of racism, homophobia, Islamaphobia, etc.?

    If campus rape is such an epidemic there would be no need to exaggerate/fake a crime. Believing it’s still an epidemic after an author, who admittedly shopped around for a good rape story, is delusional. We don’t hear Erdely providing other examples to make the case that even if Jackie’s story is questionable that there are plenty of others. No, she’s gone silent.

  9. Complete epistemic closure. Julia doesn’t need facts, because she already knows the truth. And apparently, she’s incapable of error too.
    How wonderful to be young and know everything. How wonderful to be a leftist and ignore reality.

  10. It is interesting that these egregiously irrational people will assure anyone who will listen that they are men and women of science and that it is conservative Christians who are the irrational ones.

  11. Given i work with a lot of Phds… some tops in the medical field worldwide… i learned that today, it takes a special kind of stupid to be a phd… that unless you accept some inane unworkable inverted arguments, you cant pass because belief (not based in reality) trumps reality based belief.

    there is also some oddities coming like a lack of doctors (but no association of the negation of caucasian males from education being noticed as a major reason). or places trying to race balance (by what power?), finding out that now the caucasians have fled their balancing act, and so, they cant figure out how to meet the law that orders them soviet style to control where we live… heck, even low income renters in luxury buildings are up in arms that their use and access to a spacious balcony isnt what they are paying for (and demarked by a wife fence preventing such use. not to mention a poor door to separate them from market rate payees).

    the more fixing the state tries, the more unhappy the people are, and the more bizarre the solutions… cause it takes a special kind of totalitarian informed stupidity to have a Phd today

  12. Lizzy: At this point, how is this different from people who fake a hate crime being committed on them in order to “raise awareness: of racism, homophobia, Islamaphobia, etc.?

    it isnt… which is why i put up a list of the top hoaxes from the past…

    meanwhile, really heineous things that are real, the left ignores as its not about justice, or law, or anythng like that, but always about their power… i have said for almost 10 years now, read the long telegram. good governance is not the pervue of power seekers who feel that this is an issue for after they have power.

    Also, i pointed out there are two kinds of power people, those who wish to do good with power, and so, cant feel the power they have – and the leftist kind in which one feels power by subjecting others to doing things they dont like or want, and they cant resist.

    take the ny thing with the horses in central park. the majority of the people want the horses, the taxi cab drivers dont want their numbers increased by a medallion trade, the horse owners dont want the change… so the whole idea of representational government has been replaced with the idea that you vote for me cause you like waht i like, not you vote for me cause i will do what you want. and so, the mayor will force the public to accept what it doesnt like, so that he and his wife can feel powerful, like a despot or king, who forces others to bow to their whims rather than serve the whim of those who employ them.

  13. According to the feminists rape is common on campus, but according to the FBI statistics rape is at a 40 year low. Who are you going to believe?

  14. Just days after a new California law redefining rape came into effect, several shocking but unsubstantiated rape allegations have been leveled against fraternities on the UC Berkeley campus.

    One stunning university police report cites accusations of a mass rape at the Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity, where not just one but five victims were supposedly drugged and raped on the same night at the frat house near campus.

    In another allegation, a specific perpetrator was named, arrested, and shamed publicly – only to be later declared “factually innocent” as the rape charge was quietly dropped, after his reputation was ruined.

    Suspiciously, in most of the cases the charges were not made by victims or witnesses, but rather by third parties long after the fact. These third-party accusations were made either anonymously or by “Campus Security Authorities,” which includes campus political activist groups. In many of the cases, the actual “victims” themselves have not come forward and may not even consider themselves to have been raped.

    And even more suspiciously, almost none of the supposed crimes were reported directly to Berkeley’s municipal police force, whose jurisdiction covers campus as well, but instead only to the university police, who are required by recent regulations to log and publicize each accusation.

    In not a single case have any of the charges been substantiated, nor have any suspects been identified or arrested (aside from the one case noted above where the charge was subsequently dropped).

  15. “Yes Means Yes” law comes into effect in California, which stipulates that all rape allegations at college campuses statewide be accepted without question, placing the burden on the accused rapist to prove his innocence. It also redefines rape to include any sexual contact that occurs when one participant is intoxicated, or when one participant silently assents to sex without affirmatively declaring “Yes” beforehand and during the act.

    and so… the women in college will not get a date any more. forget about hubbies, and families,and look forward to working to earn money to pay high taxes so that other women can stay home and have childen who will grow up and need be supported by the feminists working for the state tax rolls.

    Eichman was not all that smart, his version of the final solution had blowback because the perps and victims were not the same people… today, feminism accompishes the same end, but since the perpetrators are the victims, there is no blowback or resistance. eventually, there wont be enough of them to vote away their own slavery at the hands of the oppresed whose births they fund, and need more, always more…

  16. It is QUITE a big leap to go from stating that a certain account is plausible – i.e. that it *could* have happened as narrated (with however high or low degree of probability, but that it *could* happen in principle) – to basically implying that there ought to be a policy of *a priori* siding with the accuser.

    As an emotional reaction it is understandable – upon hearing of any such atrocities, few people experience instinctive distrust rather than instinctive compassion. There is nothing wrong with that, as long as one understands that the “direction” and the intensity of one’s emotional reaction adds nothing *factual* to the investigation, and that there are standards to observe when researching and proving crime. So, when an account into which we have invested ourselves emotionally turns out to have been lacking, misleading or just plain faked, the proper reaction is not to go about insisting that the fact alone that we have experienced such a reaction has a “general” factual significance (“but such things DO happen, even if not in this case!”), but attempting to reframe one’s excess regarding THIS particular account in light of the new evidence.

  17. If there is any upside to this it is that the UVA branch of Phi Kappa Psi is going to hit Rolling Stone for millions and some people will get fired.

  18. Anna “basically implying that there ought to be a policy of *a priori* siding with the accuser.”

    the point is never the point… its WOMEN who want that a priori assumption… not ot mention that they also want no punishment if its a lie!!

    i had to cut this down to nothing to get it to post..
    so look up marraige strike…

  19. Woman jailed for six years after she falsely screamed rape prompting mob – including her own father – to chase down innocent man and beat him to DEATH

    SLATE; Crying Rape
    False rape accusations exist, and they are a serious problem

    Lubbock, Texas, unveiling statue of man who wouldn’t take ‘freedom on the cheap’ [falsely accused of rape]

    Man nearly loses everything when woman makes up story of kidnap, rape

    Man who spent 13 years in prison after wrongly accused of rape, robbery sues city
    Johnnie O’Neal, 54, writes in a lawsuit that the detective on his case falsely testified the victim’s mother identified him from a 10th-story window. He was convicted in 1984 of raping and robbing a woman at knifepoint from the rooftop of a building. But in 2007, new evidence pointed to another man as the culprit. O’Neal was exonerated last year.

    when i was falsely accused of murding someone (who is still alive today), i lost my friends, most of my family, custody of my son, my home, my career… everything… and thats that… the state said the police were doign their jobs, and so could not be sued as i did not end up in prison… the woman that did it had nothing to sue for, and had custody of the child (and was not dead).

    and now i sit waiting to die as i cant get help or anything to get even a tiny part of my life back… and now with the race hate, lack of assistance, no friends, family etc… what else can i do but wait to die?

  20. It’s the feminist war on the evil white male supremacist racist sexist capitalist patriarchy. The narrative is that the evil white men are oppressing women, ethnic minorities, homosexuals, the disabled and transgendered people. If you have the victimization narrative you don’t need to bother with the facts.

  21. “At Columbia, I was startled by some of the mob-like invective falling from the mouths of otherwise bright, well-read students. One group of female students said ‘the rapist’ must be expelled. But he hasn’t been found guilty of committing rape, I said. ‘We know he committed the rape,’ one said, with the kind of steely-eyed conviction that recalled (admittedly in a much less lethal context) how KKK members once ‘knew’ that their black victims were guilty of raping local white women.

    “A male student told me my insistence that individuals suspected of a crime must be fairly tried and found convincingly guilty before we ruin their lives – and being expelled from a prestigious university for rape would undoubtedly be life-ruining – was evidence that I had fallen for the ‘liberal paradigm’ of justice, which tends to benefit white, well-off men.”

    — Brendan O’Neill, writing at http://hotair.com/

    “When you know that there’s an entire infrastructure of people willing to support a lie if it advances a narrative, it’s reasonable to be skeptical of any story they put forward.”

    — Glenn Harlan Reynolds, http://pjmedia.com/instapundit/

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