Home » Well, now we know: there is nothing Obama’s enablers wouldn’t excuse and justify


Well, now we know: there is nothing Obama’s enablers wouldn’t excuse and justify — 23 Comments

  1. You just defined, “ideology”.

    And those supporters of Obama exhibit every bit the ideologues they are.

    So, there we are.

  2. You comparison of Obama to Chavez in a previous post is on the money. As we look into the future we can take Venezuela as a road map, perhaps slower, but with the same end destination. Unlike a Latin American country however, there is a lot more here to pillage.

    My biggest fear now is that with advertised open borders the country will be ripe for terrorist infiltration. It’s as if Rome openly invited the Vandals to cross its frontier.

  3. I am a curious person by nature.
    That said, I wonder how it is that someone, like Neo-Neocon can undergo a change, so seemingly significant as represented by the tone and tenor of this attached post.
    Please understand, I have read the category: “A mind is a difficult thing to change.”
    There are some kernels of wisdom within. Still, the metamorphosis is remarkable.
    I’m similarly fascinated by the changes other Liberals have made in their political positions:
    Dennis Prager (a personal hero of mine)
    Michael Medved (incredibly erudite individual)
    David Horowitz (teetering on radical-conservative).

    I am wondering whether anyone else here has read, r/K Theory, very much related to the aforementioned?
    A bit haunting in its revelatory reasoning as to what the underlying profile of a Liberal and a conservative is.
    Actually, it is scary in what it portends.
    I bring this up given that Neo-Neocon refers to just how invested Liberals are in this “Messiah” they pay homage to. To be so myopic as to excuse repeated dangerous and adolescent behavior by this sitting president is stultifying. When I meet someone who voted for Obama, not once, but twice, I have to swallow hard. My brain is simply not wired to comprehend just how……….well, as Jonathan Gruber so succinctly put it, “stupid”, one needs to be to support such an individual who represents the policies, the positions, the blatantly persistent LIES “FORWARDED” by this man-child in the white house.

    r/K Theory.
    It is so clean, so understandable, so resolute in its elements.

  4. I get a distinct “Please proceed, Governor (Romney)” vibe out of all this. Remember that set-up in the Candy-moderated debate?

    Mostly theatre to give the GOP a chance to look like extremists who are racist and unfeeling.

  5. Neo says

    “We used to ask the joking question: what could Obama do that would get his supporters to cross that imaginary line from defending him to condemning him?

    The joke was that the answer was “nothing.” There was nothing he could do that they would not try to justify.

    It was a joke, but not really a joke. The very harsh reality is that it seemed clear that almost all Democrats, pundits on the Democratic side, liberals, and the left were so in the tank for the man that they had abandoned all principle …”

    Of course.

    In this regard see the response of a 70 something “political activist” and one time chemistry teacher from Delaware, who, writing on a largely disused blog provided for him by another, describes himself thus:

    “Having been born in 1934, I’ve experienced the ups and downs of America’s journey to date, through economic booms and busts. I’m grateful for the opportunities available to me enabling me to move up from poverty, therefore my wish is to provide the same or better for our youth. The problem is, I see us going in the other direction. Therefore, I wish to exert influence through writing and active participation to reverse this trend. “

    In a recent post titled, “The Worsening Impact of Income Inequality”, he complains: “There are limits to what radical Republicans can do to suppress the vote, so they are running out of time, or at least should be unless the Repubs find some more dirty tricks to pull.”

    No which I, using a spare AOL address to sidestep his known propensity of attempting personally directed life disruptions, comment:

    North Charlton says:
    November 11, 2014 at 11:36 am

    Regarding the Democrats’ deliberately fraudulent practices in advancing Obamacare.

    An admission:

    “This bill was written in a tortured way to be sure the CBO did not score the mandate as taxes . If CBO scores the mandate as taxes the bill dies. … In terms of subsidies … you get a law which said that healthy people are gonna pay in, it made explicit that healthy people pay in and sick people get money, it would not have passed. … Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage …. And basically call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really really critical to get the thing [Obamacare] to pass. … But you know I wish Mark was right and we could make it all transparent, but I’d rather have this law than not.”


    In response, the progressive “activist” posts this:

    Perry says:
    November 17, 2014 at 2:27 pm

    Sometimes the ends justify the means, and this is the perfect case for it. As a result, there are millions of people relieved who now have coverage which they could not have had before this law.


    What more than an admission confirming what we had already observed, do we need?

  6. I like Jennifer Rubin’s take on this — The best revenge for the GOP is victory: Don’t get mad, get back the White House:

    However the House responds – and certainly censure should be in the mix – Republicans should make clear that the president is no longer acting like a president of the country, but as a political operative of one segment of the electorate – the liberal base, an ever-diminishing segment of voters under his tutelage. The more he does this, operating with no coalition outside his party, the more the public recoils and boots Democrats out of office. The president’s base shrinks further, and he is forced to come up with more lavish gifts for those who remain, which in turn enrages more voters not in his select group of beneficiaries. This is how the Democratic Party has lost both houses of Congress, governorships and state legislatures during his term. What that leaves the GOP is an opportunity to reformulate its center-right coalition in time for the next presidential race, when not only the policies but the spirit of Obamaism – government by brute force and nasty partisanship – will be on the ballot.

    Read the whole piece for some details on how she thinks this can be done.

  7. Well, now we know: there is nothing Obama’s enablers wouldn’t excuse and justify.

    Yup. Nancy Pelosi’s justification of Obama’s executive order on immigration is an example. A friend of mine bills himself as a “conservative” Democrat. When I expressed my dislike of Pelosi’s saying “we have to pass the fill to find out what’s in it,” he defended Pelosi.

    Enablers all down the line.

  8. Neo: “Obama would be nothing without his enablers in his Party, in the press, in the schools, in entertainment, and in the public at large. They are legion.”


    Your point is solidly addressed in the recent “Silent Revolution: How the Left Rose to Political Power and Cultural Dominance”, by the late Barry Rubin (see http://pjmedia.com/blog/silent-scourge/).

    In a sense — and in reality, too — the central problem has never been the Presidency of Barry Soetoro / Barrack Hussein Obama, per se. Of course, that’s altogether serious enough. Doubtless the next two years portend — alas, alas – to be an interval that may be chillingly “interesting” to any future historian of American domestic politics, and in inevitable turn, geopolitics. (That is, is the profession of “historian” is permitted to survive…)

    Rather, the central issue has always been that on levels political, intellectual, and cultural, a man imbued with such a warped intellectual heritage, distorted political worldview, and an appalling if not morally grotesque array of backers, enablers, and associates, was ever (ever!) deemed acceptable as an American presidential candidate, to begin with. On one level, this is an searing indictment of the “Democratic Party”, which — paraphrasing that old gibe about the “Holy Roman Empire” – is neither democratic nor a political party. Rather, it’s a self-perpetuating (once blue collar, now red/white/green collar) syndicate, the fundamental ethos of which is power, for power’s (and money’s) sake. On another level, this is a commentary about the metamorphosis of the institutions that have formed the bedrock of American, and indirectly Western, civilization.

    It is precisely this that validates a point that Neo (and other equally astute observers) has addressed, previously. That is, what seems to have been the successful “Gramscian March” of the “Left” through the institutions that have formed the bedrock of “Western Civilization”. In this regard, it’s compelling that thinkers as disparate in intellectual worldview as Angelo Codevilla and Joel Kotkin seem to have arrived at parallel conclusions about the evolution and future of political and economic life in America.

    Anyway, I agree with Chuck. Neo’s comment about Hugo Chavez is spot-on. With Comrade Hugo, I’d toss in one part Benito Mussolini, one part Juan Peron, and one part Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov.

    As for Neo’s point, I think that what we are facing is a constant of human nature. That is, in every society, in every age, some are pure, utter opportunists; some are ideologues for whom politics is a form of personal, secular redemption (such folks would have been religious fanatics in another era); some nakedly adore power; some adore wealth. (Yes, these people will back the President’s policies regardless of anything. And I mean anything.) And above all, many – if not the overwhelming majority – who are happily complacent.

    The latter is the real problem.

    I’ve been wondering for a long time if this country needed a kind of John Galt.

    I’m beginning to think we’ll really need an American incarnation of Hari Seldon.

  9. Back when Obama first started running for president I noticed the cultish behavior of his supporters. I was reminded of the Jim Jones cult. Jim Jones was a communist and community organizer. When he told his followers to drink the cool aid they did it. Obama supporters will continue to support him no matter what he does.

  10. Obama supporters will continue to support him no matter what he does.

    Worse still, one day he will be out political office, but the people who elevated him to power and backed his actions will still be there.

  11. We used to be a serious nation with a serious place in the world. We did great things and thus we held serious debates in public.

    Now, “it’s especially [easy] if the MSM is on your side, it’s easy as pie to tell effective lies….”

    And so we no longer have any serious debate. This is as fine a reason as any other to leave a dying America. It’s deying, debate is dead, and dishonest plagues the body politic like a corpse in the sun, picked over by carrion.

  12. Neo: “Obama would be nothing without his enablers in his Party, in the press, in the schools, in entertainment, and in the public at large. They are legion.”

    The activist game is the only social political game there is.

    I’ll say again that the focus on Obama is misdirected beyond that he is the President and, as such, he is their agent in the White House.

    However, they are not him. He is them – Obama is an avatar, agent, company rep of a Marxist-method activist social movement.

    The movement is where the focus needs to be. Taking on the avatar-man is insufficient. The Right must take on the whole Marxist-method activist social movement on the whole spectrum. Electoral politics, while obviously important, are a lesser included element of the activist game.

  13. Hey, Clarity!! Great to see an old friend from the pre-troll infestation days at Townhall. You’ll like it here, Lad. Welcome.

  14. The Cheering for Hitler analogy works perfectly here, as I have been saying for years.

    It is so horrible to believe that our friends and neighbors are exactly the very type of people to a T who cheered for Hitler.

    They are.

    They will not change. They will never change. They have already been changed – from good people to people who cheer for Hitler. Only a cataclysm the likes of WWII and losing a war would ever even conceivably change them back.

    Horrible as horrible gets. I know.

    True as the day is long unfortunately.

  15. Well at least I am reassured that it is not paranoia that makes me believe Obama is trying to lay the groundwork for a dictatorship in the US. If he had not done it some other “cool, handsome, intelligent sounding” fascist would have. Let’s hope he continues to act as King, maybe he will turn off and alert even more than he has.

    The good news is that the more diversity in a population the less likely the imposition of uniform control. The bad news is the computer database. We are all numbers now. Anyway democracies evolve and so do dictatorships. My guess is that the yuppies will remain loyal to Obama until the Repubs run someone sexier.

  16. I agree with Mike, Obama is no Hitler but his supporters are exactly like the morons who cheered Hitler. When I saw the crowds cheering his victory in Grant park I thought how sane Germans must have felt in 1933 at the news of Hitler’s ascension.

  17. Soros is guilty of collabortating with Nazis, not because of what he did in Nazi era but what he is doing in this century.

    They are guilty of collaborating with Nazis because that is what they are doing, and not because they were born before or after WWII.

    Soros is guilty in spite of his past, because even if his past had been about saving Jews, he would still be Guilty now.

    Obama would be nothing without his enablers in his Party, in the press, in the schools, in entertainment, and in the public at large. They are legion.

    Of course, they are guilty too.

    As for Jim Jones, he had armed guards out ready to take out anyone that disobeyed and their children. Quietly disappeared, to prevent the mass of sheep from noticing rebellion and taking a bad example. Jones even killed a US Congress critter, after he stepped off the plane for negotiations, blaming it on CIA Imperialism.

    The Left has always been dreaming of assassinations and coups. If they could not succeed with the bullet, they would with the ballot.

  18. DNW Says:

    Perry says:

    Sometimes the ends justify the means, and this is the perfect case for it. As a result, there are millions of people relieved who now have coverage which they could not have had before this law.

    You know what the response to such piffle is?

    Yes ‘millions’ now have health insurance. Millions more have lost their insurance because their plans are now outlawed by 404Care, with tens of million more to come losing their health insurance when the employer mandate kicks in. Health insurance is not a zero sum game.

  19. Ray:

    Actually, you are simplifying the Jim Jones suicide pact and how it played out.

    In fact, although some of the people in Jonestown were still True Believers, many no longer were, but had been terrorized in a sort of Gulag run by Jones, where resistance was futile.

    Get the story here. Excerpt:

    According to the testimony of many of the survivors (a small group, but an articulate one), once they realized the true character of the man in whom they’d placed such hope and faith, it was too late. They were in a prison, subject to various forms of physical and psychological torture in Jones’ attempt to control the inmates. And in the final year before the terrible end, the prison we know as Jonestown was at least as isolated as Alcatraz, because it was located in the heart of the Guyanese jungle.

  20. …and when Ferguson explodes this week, The Bama will say “now, now, y’all..”.

    Anyone morbidly remember when this Snake Oiler In Chief was claiming to be a Uniter..??!!

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