Home » Breaking up isn’t hard to do


Breaking up isn’t hard to do — 21 Comments

  1. Respectfully, focusing on such an issue is akin to “navel-gazing”.
    I cannot help but think that a marriage counselor has not seen similar, emotive, selfish, small mindedness in the underlying foundations for relational failures.
    You did invite feedback though.
    That #1 is related to a social media issue and the “management” of same must speak to today’s youth and what is most important to them. Wow. How did I miss this desire to put all of my personal information on the Ethernet, for all to critique?
    Cats? Never had one as a pet. Can’t speak to what constitutes as acceptable protocol in engaging with them.
    I hope that, as a parent, I’ve done slightly better than my own in modeling for my children. The jury is still out. It is all I really have in my control. My kids do not have Facebook accounts. Their (seemingly) wasted time on cell phones surely would not allow for it anyway.
    Bottom line:
    I do hope there are still some real men out there for my daughters. Given the way in which Liberals are working to annihilate gender distinctions, I’m not overly hopeful.
    I believe Robert Bly’s, “Iron John”, is even more relevant today as when it was written.
    My lost hope was recently affirmed when Nebraska schools declared that no longer it would address kids as, “girls”, or, “boys”.
    Now they are, “PURPLE PENGUINS”.
    As long as my kids don’t come home with a penguin, my role as a parent might be judged favorably…

  2. It appears changers develop sexist attitudes to go along with seeing the light. Is it not obvious that 57 shades of gender would include male-daisy/poof-closeted grimalkin.

  3. That he explained to her his reasons for breaking up is unusual, but his reasons look reasonable.

    A monogamous standard is different than a casual sex or friends with benefit standard. It appears he was deciding whether she met his standard for a girlfriend and perhaps future wife with whom to pair-bond.

    1, 2, and 4 look like her behavior about the two as a couple fell short of his expectations of a committed girlfriend – which also goes to reason 6.

    I agree with 5. If it’s just about sex or FWB, then it’s not a big deal. But if it’s about being a pair-bonded couple sharing their lives, it matters.

    6 is important in a pair-bonding assessment, especially if the rest of her behavior is raising warning bells. In her comments in a linked interview regarding his cat, it’s implied that they had a regular sexual relationship. If he relates regular sex to monogamous commitment, yet she’s freer with sex than monogamous behavior, that’s a loud warning bell.

    3 regarding his cat can mean a few things. It could simply mean his cat, whom presumably he’s owned longer than he knew her, matters that much to him and a girlfriend who’ll be around his cat a lot yet mistreats it is a deal-breaker. Or, the way she treats his pet may be added to her swearing and promiscuity as indicators of unladylike character. Or, it may be an additional signal of disrespect for him, along with her apparent ambivalence about their relationship, that she mistreats something, his cat, that is important to him.

    Again, it’s unusual he shared his reasons with her, but the reasons themselves look reasonable.

  4. Maybe the lack of Likes for his ‘Selfie’ on Facey and Tweety and InstaG got his girlish thong in a twist,’Yo.

    Einstein’s prediction is here.

  5. What I can’t understand is why this idiotic autistic litany went “viral.”

    OMG I feel soo uncomfortable (spoken valley girl style) Why won’t you tell me how many boys you’ve done it with? OMG I bet you’re such a slut! (still with the valley girl accent)

    Well, if we can’t have honesty, it’s soo over.

    Plus, my cat hates you. I bet you kick him when I’m not looking and rub his fur the wrong way. Poor bubbles does the mean man rub it’s fur the wrong way? Yes he does…Yes he does…

  6. In reading the reasons for breaking up, I am reminded of the old saw that a thousand monkeys pounding on typewriters for a thousand years will eventually produce the works of Shakespeare.

    While it may have been written in all seriousness, I found it rather amusing. Which may be another reason for breaking up. 🙂

  7. I have a cat. Well, we live in the same apartment. If one is rude to Eddie the Cat, one answers to Eddie TC, who takes care of himself, and he does not abide rudeness. I learned the hard way – bandages, shots, the whole nine yards, and a big medical charge.

    I also much prefer Breaking Up Is Hard To Do (slow version with intro.) Best remake ever.


  8. “He was 30, had a job, a car and a house. Certainly not what I normally manage to attract,…”

    She sounds like a real prize too. The dude may be a meterosexual girly-man, but he’s better off without her.

  9. Welcome to this wonderful site, Clarity!! Hope all the heartbreaking global warming of the Fall(from Alaska) hasn’t been too severe in Colorado. ‘Sides, with all that legal hemp, who’d notice?! ((-:

  10. The apocalypse cannot be far in the future. (Although I confess I did not watch the video, and only read about half of the comments; I think I captured the essence.)

    Neo, please. You have a higher calling.

  11. I am old enough to remember Sedaka on the radio, never a fan, but I was patient about changing the dial because Gene Pitney or Roy Orbison would soon come on to sing in a vocal range that was best characterized as WOW!

  12. Cat aside, he was looking for a serious relationship and didn’t believe that she was interested in committing to it. She couldn’t bring herself to acknowledge him as her boyfriend. I can see that as a problem.

    Now, back to the cat for a second, if this was about rudeness, I guarantee you the cat started it.

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