Home » In other news, Obama goes on being Obama


In other news, Obama goes on being Obama — 31 Comments

  1. “It’s not enough to be a woman, you have to be committed to expand rights and opportunities for all women” – Clinton in Iowa [at the expense of men and families – though with news reporting collapse of a certain populations births, “what difference does it make?”]

  2. A few observations. First of all Gruber was right, Americans are stupid. Examples are too numerous to detail so on to observation two, the most original and unique characteristic of Obama is his ability to talk his way out of things that would damn anyone else, from bitter clingers to Gruber just sharpened pencils when I was out of the office.
    Observation three-Can you imagine what Bill Clinton could have done with this talent? There would be lines of women entering and leaving the white house 24/7 while the public was reassured they were there to work on global warming. Sometimes history misses an opportunity to give us good pornographic entertainment.

  3. Ah, “The Audacity of Hope”. The audacity to lie my @ss off, to lie to your faces, and hope the media lets me get away with it.

  4. Not stupid, indoctrinated. Facts and reason contrary to indoctrinated memes are simply dismissed, denial is the methodology employed to defend the individual’s psychological investment in the meme that they have embraced as ‘truth’. A somewhat related psychological phenomena is “normalcy bias”.

    Obama just said that, if the Pentagon recommended it, he’d have to send in ground troops against ISIS… if they got their hands on some nukes. Then he chuckled. He’s always been a congenital liar and a narcissist but deeper dynamics may be starting to emerge.

  5. “Obama gives Jonathan Gruber the Wright-Ayers treatment: what was that guy’s name again?”


    If memory serves, the Wright-Ayers treatment were hardly the same. Obama had a warm and very well-known, long-standing relationship with Wright and his church. Obama got rid of Wright when Wright’s toxic ideas became widely known to the American public and could have cost Obama the election in 2008.

    Obama, however, hid his relationship with Ayers from the get go. I am unaware of Obama ever disavowing Ayers or Ayers’ ideas because, after all, if they didn’t know each other, what was there to disavow? Wasn’t it only last month that it was definitively established that Ayers and Obama worked together from a long ways back?

  6. Obama got rid of Wright when Wright’s toxic ideas became widely known to the American public and could have cost Obama the election in 2008.

    That’s what it looked like at least.

    Wasn’t it only last month that it was definitively established that Ayers and Obama worked together from a long ways back?

    I heard about Ayers launching Hussein O’s political campaigns some odd years ago. Either soon after 2012 or during 2009-x

  7. Another week, another scandal. There are too many at this point for anyone to care. Putin is invading the Ukraine again, ISIS is still whacking off heads, Benghazi was never resolved, the IRS is a political weapon, the VA is still a mess, and on it goes.
    Next week it will be something else that appalls us all, and it will distract everyone from this week’s appalling scandal.

  8. @ Ymarsakar

    Yes, we heard about the Obama-Ayers connection before the 2008 election, but Obama denied it saying that Ayers was just a neighbor who lived up the street. It was only in the last month that someone published a photo of the two of them working together that appeared on the front page of an independent paper well before 2008 that proved that Obama was lying about his relationship with Ayers.

  9. Irene:

    It was proven in 2008 that Obama was lying.

    The liberal MSM didn’t report on the stories, but they were right there in the public domain, big as life. Bloggers certainly reported on them (see this, for example, from Hot Air, which gets a lot of traffic). The person who did the most work on the Obama/Ayers connection via the Annenberg Challenge was Stanley Kurtz (see, for example, this article in the WSJ, not exactly an obscure publication). Also see this from Politico.

    There really wasn’t any doubt that they knew each other much better than Obama was willing to admit, and that Ayers wasn’t just “a guy in the neighborhood.”

  10. The Leftists have a classic Slavemasters’ mentality.

    In the old days, slaveowners would say, “Those poor benighted Negroes: they’re too ignorant and dull-witted to know how to take care of themselves. Why, they’d be lost if you set them free! We give them food, clothing, and shelter, and they just have simple tasks well within their scope to do. We take good care of our slaves. Freedom? don’t be ridiculous: that would just bewilder them.”

    That exact same attitude, paternalism crossed with contempt and a lust for power, is the aroma I detect wafting from the Leftist lines.

    Slavemasters all.

  11. Freedom versus Slavery: which will it be?

    David Mamet twigged to this: think it’s extreme? I don’t. The manacles are getting ever tighter, clamped on one limb after another. . . .

  12. Irene Says:

    Wasn’t it only last month that it was definitively established that Ayers and Obama worked together from a long ways back?

    I don’t know about last month, but I knew these details before the 2008 election:

    1) Owebama started his political career in Bill Ayers’ living room, sometime around 1994;

    2) From 1995-99, Owebama chaired the board of The Annenberg Challenge; Bill Ayers was also on the Board. While Owebama was Chairman, The Annenberg Challenge threw $150M at the Chicago Public School System, with nothing to show for it.

    For more info: http://pjmedia.com/blog/obama-ayers-and-the-annenberg-challenge-cover-up/

    Moral of the second story: Owebama loves to spend other people’s money. Even better if nothing is accomplished with that money as long as it goes to the unions (schoolteachers in this case). One also has the example of The Porkulous, spending almost $1B on ‘shovel ready projects’ which were really payoffs to his supporters, including the unions.

  13. As Be 545 points out, the Ferguson decision will be maximized to distract the stupid Americans from the momentary Gruber outrage. Proving his assertion about the average voter.
    The impact on the American citizen of the Ferguson decision is less than zero, but Americans will be far more interested in it than a law that was intended to enslave them.

    Future statists will see how easily Obama shifted from one scandal to the next and manipulated the media. We should expect more.

  14. A few comments:

    I’m hoping that in the era of video tape and computer searching more and more people are realizing that Obama is a congenital liar, and that they can believe absolutely nothing that he says.

    His brazen lying does indeed confirm that he and the Left think we are all easily gulled idiots.

    Case in point, Obama basically says “who is this guy “Gruber,” never heard of him,” then next day both a recording of Obama praising Gruber by name as one of his very smart buddies whose ideas he has adopted, plus an Obama election commercial featuring Gruber are found, Moreover, it is reported that White House visitor logs show Gruber visited the White House 19 times, one visit at least meeting with Obama in the Oval Office–a visit about Obamacare, Obama and the experts present scheming to disguise taxes that are a part of Obamacare, a meeting that Gruber described in great detail on a PBS special.

    All of these developments that contradict the president’s lies reported by FOX but almost totally ignored by the MSM.

    On the Bill Ayers–Annenberg Challenge. During his first presidential campaign, when Obama was asked about his “executive experience” he touted his running of his campaign as his most significant executive experience, not mentioning at all his real executive experience, the five or so years that he was Chairman of the Board of the Annenberg Challenge in Chicago that directed more than $100 million (some say more than $200 million) dollars towards efforts to improve Chicago’s public schools, much of it channeled to far left advocacy groups; an effort that both all parties involved and outside investigators agreed was a total failure.

    Yet, this experience, since it was experience in which Obama worked closely, virtually on a daily basis with Bill Ayers for many years, Ayers the individual who wrote the proposal that attracted the Annenberg Challenge to Chicago, Ayers and Obama even having offices on the same floor, was “deep sixed,” and was just never reported by the MSM, despite the fact that there were several in depth investigative reports about this in the “City Journal” and elsewhere.

    As I’ve written before without the active connivance of the MSM in hiding this part of Obama’s history, as they hid his deep Islamic roots and education, Obama would never have had a chance of being elected and reelected as President.

    Illegal Aliens–Finally, it is now being reported that, as part of Obama executive fiat legalization of illegal aliens, they will immediately be eligible for all sorts of government benefits, Social Security, unemployment, food stamps, Medicare, Medicaid, etc. I’d imagine that the jolt to the system of five million new eligibles coming on stream at once, and the vast amounts of new expenditures that will be involved, are not going to do our ailing economy any good.

  15. So comfy and crowded under that big old Bammy Bus, ain’t it Dr. Groooober?! His Grammy still comfy? Billy & Bernardine? Rev.Wright? Soon to be Hillary??
    Everybody ready for the right decision from the grand jury in Ferguson to bring Hell & Damnation in the streets to teach us’suns lessons,’Yo?

  16. Southpaw: As Be 545 points out, the Ferguson decision will be maximized to distract the stupid Americans from the momentary Gruber outrage.

    ‘We’re not going to get change in this society unless white people are just little bit afraid’…

    the Big O is basically backing racial terrorism of peoples who refuse to defend themselves in case they prove the terrorists right…

    the vast majority of the people they are disparaging came here decades after the civil war, and very few blacks or whites have any real connection to that period given population and various amnesties…

  17. Wolla Dalbo: As I’ve written before without the active connivance of the MSM in hiding this part of Obama’s history, as they hid his deep Islamic roots and education, Obama would never have had a chance of being elected and reelected as President.

    First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out–
    Because I was not a Socialist.

    Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out–
    Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out–
    Because I was not a Jew.

    Then they came for me (a journolist) –and there was no one left to speak for me. – By Martin Niemé¶ller

    [i added journolist]

    a famous statement and provocative poem attributed to pastor Martin Niemé¶ller (1892—1984) about the cowardice of German intellectuals following the Nazis’ rise to power and the subsequent purging of their chosen targets, group after group

  18. I have to disagree with those that maintain that better media scrutiny of Obama would have cost him the 2008 or 2012 elections. Obama was elected for the same reason a child wants a bright shiny new toy that he saw in a store window. Logic had nothing to do with it. There was more than enough information readily available to show Obama had absolutely no business being considered for any national office.

    One keeps coming back to President Wilson’s observation “Logic won’t take out of a man’s mind what logic did not put there.”
    The election of Obama had nothing to do with logic. For that reason one can be reasonably sure he would win re-election today if that were possible. BTW I don’t see where the Gruber scandal has cost Obama any popularity in the polls.

  19. Bob From Virginia–My assumption has always been that, if presented with the overwhelming evidence of Obama’s unfitness for office and, in addition, having the implications of that unfitness explored and explained in ways that even the densest among us could understand, Obama would have been overwhelmingly rejected by the voters.

    But, perhaps you are right, and hysteria and “the madness of crowds” overcame, and would overcome any rational decision making.

    Well, then, if so, those of us who can think rationally and who have a finely honed sense of self and national preservation are sunk, the majority of the American electorate is as stupid (and as uninformed and decadent) as Gruber said it was, and, unfortunately, we are all going to have to live with the consequences of that.

    Were I a lot younger, getting out of very densely populated coastal cities and moving west of the Missouri, finding a place with plentiful water and a good, long growing season, cheap land, a rural, more self-sufficient and hardy population, and a place to hunker down to await the likely storm to come might be a very attractive option.

  20. But nothing will happen!

    And he will issue his unconstitutional Executive Order on immigration this year.

    Congress must act. Exactly what, I am not sure.

    Maybe a federal judge will have the courage to issue an injunction against the “work permits” or green cards.

  21. Well, it certainly takes audacity to use the tired “just learned about this in the news” routine with Jonathan Gruber, especially considering there’s that Fronline clip where Gruber recalls a conversation he had with Obama about how they had to deal with the political problem for which Gruber’s tricks were designed prevent.

    I guess at this point I’m left with the realization that there really is no action Obama would consider out of bounds to get his way.

  22. Again I remind you that CeauÈ™escu went from newly reelected top commie to worm farm in about 30 days. Claire Wolfe’s too late to work within the system, too early to shoot the bastards doesn’t mean shoot the bastards in the face time can’t arrive suddenly and unexpectedly.

    This country still has millions of people who’s first reaction to terms like compulsory or mandatory is “who’s going to make me” and “you and what army”. Or as D. H. Lawrence wrote ” The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted.”

    I believe the estimate of newly created gun felons in CT is more than 100,000. It’s so bad in NY, the state is keeping it a secret. There was a Youtube (since taken down) showing men with ARs and hockey masks with the names and addresses of the CT legislators that voted for the gun law scrolling by. It scared the hell out of them.

    In the mean time, find a way to harm the enemy everyday. Don’t do business with companies and people who support this. Get the dead elephant party to attack the sources of the left’s money. A big fat gross receipts tax on Hollywood for example.

    Btw the elephant is from the American Civil War saying “I have seen the elephant” referring to combat.

  23. Lurker Says:

    Again I remind you that Ceaușescu went from newly reelected top commie to worm farm in about 30 days.

    Yeah, but who’s our Lt. Gen. Ion Pacepa? It was his book (which I read in the late 80’s) which opened the door for the Rumanian Revolution and the overthrow of Elena and Nikolai Coucescu, ending with them running around like chickens trying to avoid the firing squad; didn’t work. We have a military undergoing a serious purge of ‘unreliable’ officers (unreliable to Owebama), yet none of the purged have opened their mouths. One could be forgiven for thinking there is a conspiracy of silence.

  24. I knew about the Ayers-Obama connection in 2008, during primary season. I tried to explain how toxic a figure he was to friends of mine who were intoxicated by the notion of a black president. They weren’t interested. “Incurious” does not go far enough.

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