Home » ISIS has beheaded another American


ISIS has beheaded another American — 38 Comments

  1. So sad. I can’t imagine how devastating this must be for his family. I hate that this is becoming almost routine.

    The report I heard this morning said that Kassig converted while in captivity. Not to discount his faith, but it does make me wonder if this was a form of Stockholm Syndrome. Because of that, I wish Obama had referred to him using the name given to him by his parents, not the one used by his murderers.

  2. “Because of that, I wish Obama had referred to him using the name given to him by his parents, not the one used by his murderers.”

    My thought exactly.

  3. What an insult to the family. He lives his whole life with one name, and Obama does not even have the decency to acknowledge that to his parents. They beheaded him and Obama dis-named him.

    ISIS and Obama – same team different tactics.

  4. What a sickening display by Obama to refer to him by his “Muslim name”, which he likely took after being coerced to convert to Islam to prolong his life.

    This is so typical of the Left. In all of the recent terror attacks here and abroad committed by Muslim converts, the media and Democrats ALWAYS refer to the terrorist by his original name, and not his Muslim name, in an attempt to hide the connection of the violence to Islam.

    Here, where the “Muslim convert” is the victim, Obama goes out of his way to refer to him by his captive name.

  5. If anyone ever doubted the extent Obama glorifies Islam above all other religions, this statement should erase it all.

    Is Obama so clueless that he believes Kassig’s conversion to Islam was independent of the fact that he had been captured by a ruthless Muslim group? That his “conversion” was of his own free will?

    Imagine if some of the Iranian hostages had been forced to convert as part of their torture and Ronald Reagan welcomed them back to America by calling them by their new names?

  6. Funny, Obama didn’t go out of the way to mention Bob Bergdahl’s Muslim name when he was spoke at the White House when his son was traded for. Likewise, though it is assumed Bergdahl Sr. converted to Islam, the media never looked into it.

  7. I’m adding the following as an addendum to the post:

    Looking at some of the comments, I see that I had missed the fact that Obama called Peter Kassig by his Muslim name. Here’s the quote:

    “Today we offer our prayers and condolences to the parents and family of Abdul-Rahman Kassig, also known to us as Peter,” Mr. Obama’s statement said. The president used the Muslim name Mr. Kassig had adopted, making the point that the Islamic State had killed one of its own. He acknowledged the “anguish at this painful time” felt by Mr. Kassig’s family.

    I can’t find the full text, but I’m curious about it. When I heard Obama had used Kassig’s Muslim name, I had several somewhat contradictory thoughts:
    (1) It shows how respectful of Islam and how Islam-oriented Obama’s thought process is.
    (2) It was done to emphasize that ISIS is killing Muslims, too.
    (3) It was done at the request of Kassign’s family.

    I don’t know which, if any, is (are) true.

  8. About his name, this October piece in the Daily Mail says his parents “urged the media to adopt Peter’s new name Abdul-Rahman.”

  9. Ann:

    Well, they might have urged that because they thought it might help keep him alive. One can understand they might do almost anything if they thought it might cause ISIS to be merciful. Unfortunately, that was never at all likely.

    But I think it’s at least possible that Obama was asked by the parents to use that name.

  10. If you read that piece in the Daily Mail, you’ll see that his parents seem to take his conversion very seriously and to honor it. This from his letter to them while he was in captivity maybe explains why: “In terms of my faith, I pray everyday and I am not angry about my situation in that sense. I am in a dogmatically complicated situation here, but I am at peace with my belief.”

  11. neo…

    Go with door #1.


    Barry wants the ummah to believe that he’s taking a side — and standing with Muslims.

    This is in concordance with his campaign utterances.

    Whereas Bergdahl’s conversion (Muslims term it a reversion) would clearly indicate that he’d jumped the shark and gone over to the opposition. In such a case, how could Barry explain swapping five jihadi generals for one boot jihadi?

    [All five jihadis would’ve been ranked at least Brigadier General on up. They held major policy desks one notch below the highest tier.]

    The Bergdahl ‘swap’ was a pure and simple give-away.

    Yet, even now, the MSM: crickets.

  12. Let’s remember too – Barack Hussein Obama isn’t his real name either.

    He’s a fake and a fraud from the get go.

    How can you ever trust a person who changes their own name? You can’t.

  13. My ABC radio affiliate has been referring to him as Peter Kassig every hour. During the straight news they usually have a somewhat Democratic talking points bias.

  14. Kassig was a Muslim convert, although of course that doesn’t matter much to ISIS, whose members appear just as eager to kill Muslims they’ve in disagreement with, as well as Christians and Yazidis and pretty much anyone that isn’t an ISIS member.

    Because ISIS puts out so man snuff movies it is easy to assume that they are just blood thirsty murders who are just as willing to kill Muslims as they are to kill Christians and Yazidis. but that is not the case. ISIS kills other Muslims when the murders advance ISIS political agenda. The majority of Muslims in ISIS territory are relatively safe. On the other hand, ISIS kills Christians and Yazidis for religious reasons just because they exist.

    Muslims have always been willing to kill each other during political disputes. Looking back on Muslim history, there’s nothing un-Islamic about those political killings since that is how Muslims have always settled political disputes, but neither is there any religious reason to kill those other Muslims. ISIS might call their political enemies apostates in order to get more support for their murders, but that claim is weak.

    On the other hand, killing Christians and Yazidi men and taking the women for sex slaves is religiously sanctioned based on the standard literal interpretation of the Koran and Hadiths which all Muslims share. The precedent set down by Mohammad is too strong to deny. ISIS is genuine Islam. Anyone why denies that fact is either ignorant or is lying.

  15. I might, if in that dreadful circumstance, take a shot at prettending to convert. This would give you something to talk about with the guards, and you might get more food and/or not get beat up.

  16. illuminati:

    But that’s exactly what that quote of mine means.

    The are just as eager to kill Muslims they’re in disagreement with as they are to kill Christians and Yazidis generally. In other words, they have no prohibition on killing Muslims who get in their way. They kill Christians and Yazidis just for existing and not being Muslims.

  17. I’m going with #1. Goes along with Pockeestahn and ISIL and every other “Aren’t I special” malapropisms of our Jihadi-in-chief.

  18. Notice that Hussein has made by far the strongest statement condemning these fiends when they’ve killed a moslem.

    Subtext: “Hey, that’s Green on Green, man! Whatchya doin’?!?”

    In other news, a liberal birdbrain college chum of mine posted on Facebook a poll from a leftwing nutjob site that claims that “most Americans LOVE” their Obamacare, to the Republicans’ dismay!

    I shot her off a strongly worded message attacking the idea (not her), and sharing my experience with getting royally rogered by said law, against my will…and hating it, like everyone I know personally who’s been forced off their regular insurance and into the government stockyards.

    The only people who “love” it are the ones who don’t have the bollocks to pay their own way, and are delighted at getting “free” stuff. [As always, I exempt the Deserving Poor from opprobrium. Remember that concept?]

    This woman is married to a Rockefeller-type Republican, but he obviously has had no luck re-educating her. Probably indulges her whims. Oh, and I should say, this woman is an heiress to a multimillionaire fortune, has lived in luxury all her life, and her husband is wealthy also.

  19. Neo said:
    “But that’s exactly what that quote of mine means.

    The are just as eager to kill Muslims they’re in disagreement with as they are to kill Christians and Yazidis generally.”

    There are many people including members of CAIR and the president of the USA who practice taqiyya and pretend that ISIS is not genuine Islam. If they are pressed they can not say killing unbelievers is un-Islamic but they rush on to say that because ISIS kills other Muslims they are not really Muslims. The exception is that when Mohammad captured unbelievers he often let them live if they were willing to say the Shahada. Obama obviously knows this so he is using Peter Kassig’s Muslim name to try to gain some credibility in his campaign to prove that ISIS is not true Islam. The problem for Obama is that Mohammad didn’t always save captives who said the Shahada. While other Muslims might decry the brutality of ISIS they can not honestly say they are un-Islamic until they are able to produce evidence from the Koran or the Hadiths that ISIS is breaking the rules.

    While it is true that killing other Muslims is not a religious obligation and there is room in Islamic law to show mercy on Islamic captives, killing Christians or forcing them to pay jizya is a religious requirement. Since Yazidis are not among the protected religious minorities they must convert or die or both.

    It is important to remember how Muslims treat minorities in their power when we hear that a nice Muslim Imam has offered the opening prayer in the House of Representatives and that Muslims have had their first service in the National Cathedral. Islam is a continuum with ISIS at one extreme and the Sufis at the other all of whom follow the same prophet who routinely decapitated captives.

  20. I honestly don’t know why we just don’t walk out of there, and leave them to their own devices. The only thing that keeps them from consuming themselves is their hatred for the “west.” They don’t play well with others. ANY others. They are the only immigrant group in the U.S. that I would seriously like to ask nicely to leave. And if they don’t leave when asked, escort them out. To the last man.

    The entire world knows where this is heading. Let’s do it over there.

  21. Obama needs to stop honoring them by calling them evil. They need to be mocked and called what they truly are: unmanly cowards.

  22. Did they show his body? I think they just showed the head. This leads me to believe there is something fishy with his death. You know, many extremists in the area were against his death because he had helped both sides of the conflict with care. I wonder if someone was able to slip him a means to commit suicide and foil their snuff film. So, they cut the head off the corpse and went from there. Purely conjecture. But, I would like to think he peacefully bled out and left them confounded!

  23. “Obama needs to stop honoring them by calling them evil.”
    But I think he admires them the same way he admires Marx and Saul Alinsky.

    While I agree with you in principle that they should be mocked and laughed at, that will not happen.

    Here is an anecdotal story that according to snoopes and other liberal rags is not factual but I still like the idea and the result 🙂

    HOW TO STOP ISLAMIC TERRORISTS…… it worked once in our History…

    Once in U.S. history an episode of Islamic terrorism was very quickly stopped. It happened in the Philippines about 1911, when Gen. John J. Pershing was in command of the garrison. There had been numerous Islamic terrorist attacks, so “Black Jack” told his boys to catch the perps and teach them a lesson.

    Forced to dig their own graves, the terrorists were all tied to posts, execution style. The U.S. soldiers then brought in pigs and slaughtered them, rubbing their bullets in the blood and fat. Thus, the terrorists were terrorized; they saw that they would be contaminated with hogs’ blood. This would mean that they could not enter Heaven, even if they died as terrorist martyrs.

    All but one was shot, their bodies dumped into the grave, and the hog guts dumped atop the bodies. The lone survivor was allowed to escape back to the terrorist camp and tell his brethren what happened to the others. This brought a stop to terrorism in the Philippines for the next 50 years.

    Pointing a gun into the face of Islamic terrorists won’t make them flinch.

    They welcome the chance to die for Allah. Like Gen. Pershing, we must show them that they won’t get to Muslim heaven (which they believe has an endless supply of virgins) but instead will die with the hated pigs of the devil.

  24. “Obama needs to stop honoring them by calling them evil. They need to be mocked and called what they truly are: unmanly cowards.”

    This actually occurred in the Daily Mail, which has gone to some lengths to highlight the depravity of ISIS.

  25. Eric Says:


    See http://lettertobaghdadi.com/.

    Thank-you for a good link.

    I’ve wondered when the Muslims who are targets of ISIS would respond. Muslims kill each other all the time, but ISIS has taken the violence to another level so pushback is inevitable.

    This letter exposes a disagreement between different schools of Islamic thought. Mr. Baghdadi who follows Muhammad bin Abdel-Wahhab (10/23) is on one side while the signatures of the letter are on the other.

    The letter contains some excellent points and one can only hope that someday their views become the majority viewpoint in Islam. Now to the details.

    The signaturies do not claim that Baghdadi and his fighters are anything other than genuine Muslims. According to their own statements they can’t make that claim since they include the following quote in their letter:
    “The Prophet  said: “Anyone who maintains his ablution is a believer”, so whoever observes the prescribed prayers with ablution is a Muslim.’.”

    As expected, most of their argument is directed against the brutality of ISIS against other Muslims. ISIS is clearly on the extreme edge of Islamic behavior in their violence against other Muslims. Muslims kill each other all the time, but not usually with this amount of brutality.

    The violence by ISIS against Christians and Yazidis is usual for modern Islamic countries but one does not have to go very far into the past to find similar violence. ISIS’s demand that Christians convert, pay jizya, or die was standard practice in Islamic countries until very recently. It appears that the Yazidis are not mentioned as a protected class by Mohammad so their situation is tenuous at best.

    The letter also tried to maintain that because Mohammad didn’t kill many prisoners during the conquest of Mecca that that sets up a precedent for Jihad. That argument is very weak since Mecca was Mohammad’s home town with many of his relatives. A better example of Mohammad’s behavior would be how he treated captives from other cities. Here is an example of how he behaved as recorded in Suna Abudawud:
    “(2) Narrated Aisha, Ummul Mu’minin: No woman of Banu Qurayzah was killed except one. She was with me, talking and laughing on her back and belly (extremely), while the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) was killing her people with the swords. Suddenly a man called her name: Where is so-and-so? She said: I I asked: What is the matter with you? She said: I did a new act. She said: The man took her and beheaded her. She said: I will not forget that she was laughing extremely although she knew that she would be killed. (Book #14, Hadith #2665)”

    The letter is extremely very weak on slavery. The prohibition against slavery in Islam is very recent and was enacted because of Western pressure not because of Islamic theology. Slavery is too well established in the Koran and hadiths to believe otherwise. It was only abolished in Saudi Arabia in 1962 and has persisted unabated in some other Muslim countries.

    The authors admit that Hudud punishments which include crucifixion and flogging or stoning adulterers are still valid. Their only quarrel with ISIS is that ISIS is not following the rules properly when they decide who is to receive Hudud punishment. It is rich when the letter says the Hudud punishments are not to be applied in a cruel manner. Lets all cheer up, Muslims moderates are campaigning for gentle crucifixions (13/23).

    There is much more which could be said, but this should be enough for now.

  26. So Democrats killed Americans at Ruby Ridge and WACO, and they weren’t stopped by killing their own. Why would ISIL be ashamed of killing their own, is Hussein and Clinton ashamed of killing Americans?

  27. I honestly don’t know why we just don’t walk out of there, and leave them to their own devices.

    So long as Islamic Jihad is allied with the Leftist alliance, it won’t be feasible to separate completely. Regardless of whether people want it or not.

  28. I feel sorry–but not that sorry–for the couple chosen in “The Lottery,” because certainly they have participated in the ritual in the past.

    He converted to Islam knowing what it was, knowing where he was, knowing what could happen. (Moslems have been kidnapping and murdering westerners since the 1979 at least.)

    And so I feel sorry that he abandoned America, abandoned his people, surrendered his Christian name, and was destroyed like an animal by the people with whom he had chosen to ally.

    Reminds me of the thousands of Americans who, during the Depression, chose to immigrate to the Soviet Union to build the glorious future of Communism and who died in the Gulag.

    While life in America is comfortable, in reality, comfortable or not, you stake your life on the choices you make and future you choose. His choices were poor.

  29. Muslims have always been willing to kill each other during political disputes.

    Like every other people. If I heard about a people so just that no internal strife caused them to kill one another, I’d ask if they tamed dragons and unicorns.

  30. ErisGuy:

    It’s a small point, but I have to say that there was no couple chosen in “The Lottery.” It was a person, a woman actually.

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