Home » If the voters of Louisiana are fooled by this ploy…


If the voters of Louisiana are fooled by this ploy… — 24 Comments

  1. No doubt about it. The LIVs are STUPID. And irresponsible, apathetic, pathetic, fools! Ben Franklin knew whereof he spoke when he said, “A republic, if you can keep it.”

  2. I read elsewhere that Cassidy’s internals are showing him with a 16 point lead. So I doubt whether this will be sufficient to bridge that gap.

  3. It’s almost as if they are a bunch of entitled sociopaths who believe that they can get away with anything because the governed are so easy to deceive. I spent a good deal of my life resisting that conclusion myself, but I can no longer sustain the illusion. This will get worse before it gets better.

    That said, Cassidy has to be a heavy favorite to win the runoff. As usual for this crowd lately, too little too late.

  4. Isn’t it Bill Cassidy? Mary is in trouble because the majority is lost with or without her.

  5. i just had an argument wiht a coworker who loves dems, is jewish, and said the republicans made things worse and worse.

    i sent her this graphic


    if you notice in the graphic…
    the dems have been in control of the house and senate most years since 1930s…

    as far as keystone..
    thats easy..
    the billionaires are invested in berkshire hathaway
    buffet bought bnsf rail (100%)
    he had obama block keystone so that BNSF moves the oil, and he and steyer, and others bet 100% of the money from that. as stock in that company went from 100,000 per share, to 200,000 per share…

    that is, the share price is only something a billionaire can invest in, and they have fixed the economics using the useful idiots to block the company that everyone could invest in.

    so the super wealthy could invest with little risk…
    billionaires have a hard time parking their wealth
    and they have a hard time moving it around as they have to report such moves…

    so having a large company like hathaway, with a huge share price, makes it easy to have their investments in one place, and obama and others fixing the economics of it makes it low risk.

    of course, this cuts out the small guy and so makes sure that the rich get richer, and the poor stay poor as they are not able to invest because they have been blocked by this

  6. KLSmith:

    Ooops, thanks!

    I seem to have wanted to sneak the Partridge Family in there.


  7. What blows me away is the fact that they COULD NOT SEE THIS COMING. I am flabergasted that it never occured to Harry Reid or Dick Durbin or Chuck Schumer to maybe start taking SOME votes about a year ago at least. They really do exist in an echo chamber.

  8. The Stupid virus explains only stupid. The reliance on it as smart tactics must come from some other cause. Personally, I think its “higher education”. After all, what had convinced youngsters that massive debt for a diploma in angst studies was a smart move.

  9. I suspect this naked ploy will not save Landrieu’s seat. Two gop candidates were on the ballot and their combined totals indicate Landrieu will lose in the run off by 10%. Landrieu will need to receive 150% of the black votes to survive.

  10. I forgot to add that if Keystone is passed by the senate, bho will wait for the results of the December 6 Louisiana run off before he vetoes the bill. For the messiah its flip the bird time and the devil take the hind most.

  11. Most people simply don’t have the time to look closely at what’s happening in politics. If they did, the MSM wouldn’t have such power to sway voters with the small tidbits of information they’re willing to broadcast.

    Now that may be a problem inherent in a democratic republic, but I don’t think it can be put down to the innate stupidity of voters.

  12. “so having a large company like hathaway, with a huge share price, makes it easy to have their investments in one place, and obama and others fixing the economics of it makes it low risk.

    of course, this cuts out the small guy and so makes sure that the rich get richer, and the poor stay poor as they are not able to invest because they have been blocked by this”

    What? BRK-B stock is @ $145 and has more than doubled in the last five years right along with BRK-A stock($217,000). The B stock is accessible to almost anyone, and has increased the wealth of many average folks. The rich get richer and the poor stay poor? Hell, YOU sound like the democrat.

  13. No, the LIVs aren’t stupid, what they are is indoctrinated into the memes of the left so thoroughly that information at odds with their ‘filters’ is simply ignored, dismissed as ‘unreliable’ in some unknown fashion and rationalized away.

    kaba and parker have the right of it, 16 pt lead for Cassidy and Obama will veto it. She’s history, it’s a Hail Mary pass.

  14. To bolster my point above about the MSM gatekeepers, there’s this today at Power Line:

    Meanwhile, via Twitter we learn that ABC, CBS and NBC evening news all had nothing on Gruber last night. John Edwards was right: there really are two Americas, and one of them has no idea what is going on, because it depends on “journalists” whose job it is to blockade the news so that unhelpful facts don’t leak through.

  15. Parker said: “Landrieu will need to receive 150% of the black votes to survive.”
    I seem to recall that Obama received more votes than registered voters in one Philadelphia precinct in 2012. So getting 150% of the Black votes may not be such a stretch after all. Here in Illinois, Cook County routinely “finds” all kinds of Dem votes.

  16. Sangiovese,

    Our daughter and her family live in Chicago, and thus I have become acquainted with the Chicago way. They stay because they truly like their jobs, and like their neighborhood, Andersonville. I get it, its a nice neighborhood close to the lake and for Chicago, very safe, but I wish they would make the effort to find enjoyable work outside the boundaries of Cook County. The advice of mom and dad has a limit and an expiration date. We visit frequently and have a great time when we are there, but the sinister nature of the machine is there just below the surface even the nicest of neighborhoods.

  17. To be honest though, if Republicans don’t consider timing of their actions as they decide to do or not do things, that will be to their disadvantage.

    If your opponent is reeling, you don’t wait until he recovers to hit him again.

    As long as it is within the law.

  18. “As long as it is within the law.”

    The messiah has long been beyond the constraints of law. So hit him again, and again, and again until knuckles are swollen and bloody; once he is down deliver a dozen kicks to the head. Its the American way, or at least it once was. No more fists of steel inside velvet gloves, take the gloves off and deploy steely fists as necessary.

  19. I think I hinted before that I don’t believe the majority view.
    This move is so absurdly transparent and unlikely to work vis-é -vis Landrieu’s seat that I have to believe something else is afoot.
    I think Dems know that the KXL bill is coming, and that it will pass. It will also pass with a veto-proof majority. The bill is being passed now by Democrats so that it cannot be passed later by Republicans. This gives two benefits:

    1) It deprives Republicans of a victory. Self-explanatory.
    2) It allows Democrats to use deferential language in the law, giving Obama the option to implement it. Of course, he won’t.
    If Republicans passed the bill, it could be loaded with hard deadlines and kill switches. It could be crafted as a virtual straitjacket for Obama that he couldn’t wiggle out of.

    Dems don’t want to see #2 happen.

  20. Parker, Chicago is corrupt but the entire city is in on the take. I will never forget the kind and supportive words my grandfather gave Al Capone and his organization. He paid them the ultimate compliment, friend of the working man. He also said one could walk up to Big Al and explain you were short that week and he would open his wallet.

    Anyway LA is like ID and WV, Obama could not outpoll death in any of those states. It also helps that Obamas refusal to issue drilling leases cause thousands of jobs.

  21. BTW, in case anyone needs reassurance, as a Nebraska licensed geologist I assure you the XL pipeline poses no risk to the Ogallah aquifer.

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