Home » The post-2014-election world according to David Axelrod, annotated


The post-2014-election world according to David Axelrod, annotated — 24 Comments

  1. “You don’t like a particular policy or a particular president? Then argue for your position. Go out there and win an election. Push to change it. But don’t break it. Don’t break what our predecessors spent over two centuries building. That’s not being faithful to what this country’s about.”

    — Barack Hussein Obama, October 17, 2013

  2. I wonder what they will do with Russia and all the new equipment under old names so as to hide them?

    Ukraine has seen this past week, 32 (nuclear ready) tanks, 16 D-30 howitzers, and 30 KamAZ trucks, and a battalion tactical group over the border into the Ukraine. Russia has deployed TACTICAL nukes to ukraine

    Japan intercepted Russian Air Force 235 times in April-June

    there have been such incursions to the UK (so many that they worry about collisions with civilians), nato locations, alaska, western coast of the US, eastern coast, canada, etc

    Russia has all kinds of new toys, and now has deployed more nuclear weapons than the US. It is expected to have the worlds newest military. new tanks, nukes, fighters, submarines, cruisers, etc.

    the list of 3rd and 4th generation equipment is impressive:

    705, 705K Лира, 945 Барракуда, 945A Кондор, 685 Плавник, 971 Shchuka-B, 949 Гранит, 949A Антей, 885 Ясень, 941 Акула, 955 Борей

    some so quiet the US did not detect them along their shorelines. china purchased tech as well

    Russian attack sub discovered just 200 miles from US East Coast is given safe harbor during Hurricane Sandy

    some new planes
    Sukhoi Su-34 Fullback, Sukhoi PAK FA, Sukhoi Su-35,
    Sukhoi Su-47

    watching these and the new us models is incredible
    their movements are something even hollyweird had no dreamed of

    The RS-24 Yars (icbm) is a Russian MIRV-equipped, thermonuclear intercontinental ballistic missile and has been deployed operationally since 2010 / 7,500 range / 3 mirv / MACH 20+

    The R-29RMU2 Layner (SLBM) Russian Navy confirmed in 2014 that the system was now in use / 12 Mirvs / MACH 24+

    RSM-56 Bulava (SLBM) deployed in 2013

    VA-111 Shkval Supercavitating torpedo / 230 mph / deployed in 1977 discovered in the 1990s

    new Armata heavy weapons vehicles T-14 / BMPT T-15 / BM-2 (TOS-2) / 2S35 Koalitsiya-SV / etc

    so much stuff…
    in fact, so much stuff has been made and deployed the average person would blanch at comparing their assumption to whats actually out there, and thats not including China.

  3. The messiah has his agenda and he’s sticking to it. Off shores threats do not receive his attention because we know he rarely attends his morning intelligence briefing, and does anyone seriously believe he actually reads them on a daily basis? He lets VJ and Susan Rice decide what should or should not be done. A strong, well armed America is just so 19th century dude.

  4. One advantage the Senate Republicans will have next time is the Democrat senators will have to vote on the record over the next two years. The recent election may have concentrated their minds.

  5. “I know he wants to keep faith with all of those Americans who want him to act and all those who are suffering with this broken immigration system.”

    You mean non-citizens?

    Maybe that’s one of the major reasons why the Democrats lost on Tuesday – they seem to have forgotten who they serve: American citizens. Not foreigners, who may want a better life here, but still do not have the right to just wander in and demand citizenship and all of the associated perks.

  6. “The recent election may have concentrated their minds.”

    Perhaps 40 yrs ago it may have as it was Country first and Party second. Today if you look at their ideologue leaders it is only Party, Party and our enemies and friends.

  7. Well, if no one wants to believe ME as to what is going on, how bout the guy putting it together himself?

    New Rules or a Game Without Rules

    The systems that have provided global stability for the last few decades are collapsing–and America is the author of their destruction. More and more nations are focusing on arms buildup, making global anarchy a real possibility and much more likely. Although Russia does not want the current chaos to spread, it does not fear war. It views the outbreak of another global war as nearly inevitable; so Russia is preparing for it.

    The decision of whether or not a new world order is to be constructed is not up to Russia alone, but it is a choice that cannot be made without Moscow.

    Russia is no longer interested in carrying out international politics in backroom negotiations, but is ready for serious agreements if they bring about collective security and are in Russia’s best interests.

    Western attempts to punish Moscow have only made Russia stronger and more self-sufficient. Russia is looking to Asia more now, but it doesn’t want to shut the door on the West.

    Despite Western trends, Russia favors traditional values

    Russia has no desire to build a new empire, as it has plenty of territory it needs to focus on developing. Russia has no intention of acting as a savior of the world, although it has brought about “positive results” recently in Syria, Iran and North Korea.

    Putin at Valdai Discussion Club 2014 (FULL SPEECH)

    “If the world stays on its current path, we would be left with no instruments other than brute force” – Putin

    sure looks to me like he is cluing the world into the idea that Russia, and China are preparing for conflict, and are not afraid of it… nor are they afraid of using nuclear weapons, as the idea of global nuclear winter is one of their ideas, like global warming was/is…
    (a la suskinds list of goals as to cooperation as the only option instead of conflict)

  8. Tragedy is normally greeted with denial.

    In the case at hand, I would not expect denial to pass until next Spring — at the earliest.

    In the meantime: the Wan will be pushing back twice as hard.

    With any luck, he’ll be a scratch golfer.

  9. If only we could do something to help all those who are suffering with this broken immigration system so their long, dark night of suffering would mercifully end. I mean, something so broken that it has to be lamented every time a Democrat opens his mouth must surely be the source of so much suffering (and struggle; with Democrats there’s got to be a struggle in there somewhere). What to do, what to do?

    Of course, we could send them back to their idyllic homelands, homelands so perfect that they are always telling us what jerks we are for not being like the people in their homelands. If only that were possible.

    Ah, but that is but a foolish dream. Such things could never be.

  10. Art,

    Red China and Putinist Russia are each others natural enemy.

    While both talk of war with America…

    Don’t be surprised to find that they’re destined to fight each other first.

    As for Putin: get a load of the ruble:


    Its weakness is strictly due to capital flight… which is reaching epic proportions.

    You should take this activity as the financial vote on Putinism.

    Many are now considering the distinct possibility that Putin has lost his mind.

    1) Crimea was, and is, a money pit. Due to its water poverty, it always will be.

    2) No European power will finance/buy any Black Sea oil or gas dealings/production. So why?

    3) Russia’s army is so small that mere occupation of Ukraine will tap it out. The drastic collapse in Russian births – a generation ago – has shrunk Putin’s (conscription) manpower pool 50%. He’d have to pull the boys off of the factory floors to man up.

    4) His customers are redirecting all of their methane dealings towards Algeria, Libya, Israel, — even Tunisia.

    5) Worse: a staggering fraction of European gas demand is burned in dual-use heating plants. OPEC crude can — and must — replace Russian gas should Putin embargo Europe.

    6) This is compounded by American middle distillate exports to Europe. These have risen to the point of shutting down dozens of European refiners.

    It’s this latter reality that has KSA totally freaking out. Once a (smallish) refinery shuts down — it is quite likely it will never start back up.

    OPEC fears a world dominated by a tight crew of major oil trading importers. Such a monopsony would frustrate the OPEC cartel. It could, by turns, put the screws to each and every oil exporter. At such a time, all of OPEC’s sovereign wealth in the West would have to liquidated to feed desert populations that have expanded exponentially.

  11. It is still a thing of wonder how the Dem-Media Complex gets their word out so quickly, even in the face of humiliating defeat.

    Is it up to them to get the message? Absolutely not! The message is to those evil Rs who now need to compromise and “work” with the President.


    He needs to work with us, on our agenda, or he can sit there and destroy himself, his party and our country until doomsday if he wants.

    My guess is that very soon all but maybe 20% of his base begins to totally reject him and criticize him.

    A lesser man it would truly be hard to find. He has all the grace and charm of a cool cat he thinks he’s all that but definitely is past his sell-by date.

    I’m with Rush. Do nothing for him or with him. If he wants to sign our bills, fine. Nothing else. Elections have consequences.

  12. “I’m with Rush. Do nothing for him or with him. If he wants to sign our bills, fine. Nothing else. Elections have consequences.”

    I’m with Mike and Rush. Maybe even more stern than they are. I’d want to replace RINOs Boehner and McConnell with Tea Party Conservatives like Ted Cruz. ObamaCare rolled back. Defund amnesty (which Obola will do) . Go after the IRS. Go after Obama’s long form birth certificate instead of accepting the forged one he released. And have a vote to impeach this blatantly lawless Lib.

  13. Red China and Putinist Russia are each others natural enemy.

    China’s no doubt eyeing the untapped resources just north of the border in Siberia. But in the meantime, Beijing is attempting to bully its neighbors into handing over any and all resources in the region’s waters.

  14. The gop congress does need to try to put spotlights on team obama’s various scandals and deny funding when appropriate. They need to pass a budget (no more continuing spending authorizations) that bho will be loathe to sign. If he vetoes it swiftly send him another one, and another one if necessary. Pass authorization for the keystone pipeline. As quickly as possible, a few days after the new congress is sworn in, send him a bill that requires closing the borders and immediate deportation for the few that slip through.

    However, impeachment is a waste of time and a perfect way to gain public disfavore. Conviction requires 67 votes which would never happen. Concentrate on policies the general public favors and do what is possible to thwart the progressive agenda. Pressure our narcissist in chief, make him pout and fume.


  15. I agree that Russia is hampered by a shrinking population. Its economy is based on energy production, there is a limitation to how much pressure they can place on the EU nations. Putin is merely exploring how far he can push. When/if he is pushed back I think he will pull back. But if he wants war the rest of Europe is too weak militarily to seriously counter an invasion of the Baltics or Moldova.

    Nato without the USA is useless. Imo the American public is war weary and not interested in engaging in WW3 over Estonia.

  16. The fact that Obama brought David Axelrod to Washington is another reason to hate this regime.

  17. The only real question here is what the GOP will do. We already know that Obama will act like a petulant dick.

  18. DAVID AXELROD: Well, some of us were concerned about this election because of the turf on which these races were being fought [the agenda of destroying America – – as even present day debased Americans understand] and the historic pattern [Democrat opposition to the 13th Amendment, KKK, Jim Crow, using the word “nigger” for decades as a political tactic, use of racial tactics and racial hatred] that wasn’t in favor of the president. Some of the events leading into the election weren’t helpful as well [hating Jews, hating Americans, and hating any sort of disagreement]. Absolutely the president should respond [cf. Trotsky]. You have to look forward [there is never any present reality to be considered, except to the extent it interferes with “looking forward” to the Chimera of the mental aberration of Utopia]. The important thing is you see Senator McConnell and I assume [not on any intelligible basis, just on the basis of tactics and the history of Republican superficiality] Speaker Boehner will do the same, suggesting that they want to work together, and I think the president has to test that proposition and has to be forward leaning in doing so [in contradiction of his petty ideological mind, so, I really am lying when I say this].

    Perhaps he could have been more forward leaning yesterday [in all meaningless sincerity]. Politics is all about when your interest align [except when it means war-like eliminating the opposition, as is]. It may have been in the interest of the Republican Party in the last six years to try and [try to?] block the president at every turn, but their brand is degraded by what they’ve done [not capitulate completely]. Their numbers are far worse than his [their collective IQ is 99, and BO’s IQ is 83] and heading into the 2016 election, they have a lot of rehabilitation to do not just to win the presidency if that’s their goal [doubtful even to this Leftist] but also to elect a lot of senators who are in blue states, Republican senators, their map is worse from that standpoint than the Democratic map was in 2014. They need to show they can work with this president [totally capitulate if they want the soviet media to stop calling them names] . He ought to take advantage of that and see where they can…

    I know he wants to keep faith with all of those Americans who want him to act and all those who are suffering with this broken immigration system [people who hate America as much as BO].

    But the fact is a strong bipartisan bill was passed by the United States Senate. If I were the president, i would go to John Boehner and say i’m willing to withdraw my plan for executive action if you’re willing to put this bill on the floor for a vote [accede to the open borders permitting my beloved Iranian agents and other detrimental groups to flood the detested country, America]. I’ll live with the results of that vote [the vote I want]. There’s a very good reason to believe that a majority of members of the House support this bipartisan Senate bill and while the Republicans are warning about taking what they consider extraordinary action on the part of the president [absolutely chilling because of the probable truth; blackmail and cowardice], it’s also extraordinary to keep the House of Representatives from voting on a bill that a majority want to pass and so the Speaker if he wants to demonstrate that this is a new era, he can do that by putting that bill on the floor. That would obviate the need for any executive action.

  19. Do what the President has said he was doing, over the last six years: focus on the economy. Make every bill relate to putting Americans back to work. I would make it clear to both blacks and legal immigrants that it is not in their interest to legalize those that broke the law. Put people back to work. Cut back on regulations. Save the coal and oil industries.

  20. An extraordinary vapid wish of advice Obama might follow by Axelrod. Americans want border control, cessation of welfare for illegals, and a requirement of English. That is so far from what Obama promises and what Axelrod thinks might be a workable compromise. If the economy were booming, there might be some feeling of compassion or mercy, but when people are losing jobs, healthcare, and hours their care for less fortunates is very small. Immigration and foreign policy continue to reveal the anti-American spirit of the Obama administration. Along with Ferguson.

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