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Writing the script — 20 Comments

  1. I’m happy for the national scene. And Neo’s prediction of the “change of tune” of the Dems is spot on.

    Here in CT, it’s a different story. Everyone I know bitches about taxes, cost of living, etc. in this state, yet what happens? The democrats all get re-elected. Yes, I voted, even though I cringed as I knew my vote was useless. Next time, I may just sit it out as you can’t fix stupid with my one measly vote. I can’t wait to retire and get out of this hellhole of high taxes and ugly winters.

  2. And when those New England Yankees move south to get out of the hell hole they made, they take their liberal politics with them (North Carolina, Virginia, Georgia, Florida). How dumb is that?

  3. And yet, afer being covered with their filth and suffering their fixes, they still get votes… the people deserve what they will eventually get. at least i wont be around to see that, i will be singing with the choir triumphant…

  4. physicsguy- I also live in CT and know exactly what you are feeling. I once had a conversation with a woman who was stunned it would take 2 years to get zoning approval for new construction and yet couldn’t understand how her voting for a Democrat made any difference.

    Mr. Frank, my husband and I were making the same observation last night, think New Hampshire. The Left has no sense of irony.

  5. Beth and Mr. Frank: think also my native state: Colorado, which has been californicated by all the liberals escaping what they wrought in the Golden state and then trying to do it the exact same thing again in the Mile High city.

  6. No, Neo, Democrats will not now be saying “bipartisanship forever”.

    They will be saying: “Here are the reasons why you MUST listen to us!”

    I would happily send a check for the re-election of any Republican Congresscritter or Senator who, in response to such a plea, simply smiles and says “We won.”

    I don’t think it’ll happen; I don’t even think it OUGHT to happen. But it would be fun to watch!

  7. Tom brokaw was a *screamer*
    “Now that the GOP has won…….
    what are THEY prepared to give the Dems”
    Excuse me Tom, chemo got your brain?
    (he has lymphoma)
    & are brokaw & rather separated at birth ????

  8. neo, can you guess who will be ready to answer the dems’ call for civility and bi-partisanship?

  9. “What Democrats said to Republicans when Democrats were in charge of Congress: We don’t have to listen to you any more.

    What Democrats will say to Republicans now that Democrats are no longer in charge of Congress: Bipartisanship forever!”

    Of course, that’s the dialectic of the left; “When I am the weaker, I ask you for mercy, because that is your principle; but when I am the stronger, I show no mercy and take away your freedom, because that is my principle.”

  10. Geoffrey: there is a corollary, is there not, about how the merciful should react to the merciless?

  11. Give no quarter, show no mercy, and remember, when in an unavoidable fight always endeavor to put yourself in a position to shoot the enemy in the back. 😉 Let’s see if McConnell can revert to the mores of his Kentucky roots.

  12. Geoffrey Britain and neo-neocon . . .

    What’s mine is mine; what’s yours is negotiable.

  13. Daniel in Brookline,

    Not that I disagree but not according to St Augustine and his “Just War Theory”, which has been the de facto policy of the US after Vietnam. Just War Theory is taught at every US military institution and is perfectly appropriate when both sides practice it but a disaster otherwise. It is the primary rationale responsible for our insane Rules of Engagement in Afghanistan and Iraq.

    You don’t win a knife fight, if the other guy brings a gun.


    That’s the ticket with the additional caveat that you never leave an enemy at your back. You may remember that was the fatal error that led to Tom Hank’s character’s death in “Saving Private Ryan”.

  14. I have faith in the Republicks.
    They will wish to show how magnanimous they are in victory.
    Look for these “Principled” leaders to return to the normal rules in the Senate.

    As Eliot Ness said : Never bring a knife to a gun fight.

    These leaders bring a knife and gun and in the name of good sportsmanship and desiring praise from the media give the gun to the other side.

  15. Something similar has been found in the post election editorials of the New York Times. When a Demo wins, the Demo has a MANDATE. However, the NYT informs us that when a Pub wins, the Pubs does NOT have a mandate.

    Maybe Pub leaders could simply repeat what the POTUS said some years back: “I won.”

  16. Mr. Frank
    And when those New England Yankees move south..

    Your point is well taken. Though I left the Libs after I left New England, a consequence of seeing how the “progressive” catechism on Latin America failed to accurately describe the facts on the ground. I now vote Pub as much as possible.

    You might be interested in how the word Yankee changes its definition from place to place. I was born and raised in New England, but was never considered a Yankee there. In New England, a Yankee is someone whose family has been in New England for hundreds of years. While I am a WASP, my parents were from “away,” so neither I nor my parents were considered Yankees in New England.

    At this stage, there are very few Yankees left in New England. Most New Englanders are “ethnics”- Irish, Italian, etc. However, I never felt any bad vibes from the Yankees in town- they were unpretentious sorts. It was a small town, with a lot of farmers. Your pedigree doesn’t count for much when you shovel cow manure at your dairy farm, as did one gentleman whose in-town ancestor is honored at the State Capitol for his exploits during the Revolution. The farmer with a famous ancestor was also an elected town official for decades.

    South of the Mason Dixon line, anyone from New England, or at times north of the Mason Dixon line, is considered a Yankee.

    South of the US border, any US citizen is considered a Yanqui.

    I tell people that the only place in the world I am not considered a Yankee is the place I was born and raised.

  17. Yes, never leave an enemy behind you. When war and slaughter is forced upon you, slaughter all and if the enemy hides behind old men, women, and children; slaughter old men, women, and children. Anything less is surrender. Why do we, the west, refuse to learn from the past? The clash of civilization versus the barbarian horde is a blood bath, go for the jugular and stick the blade in deep and then rip it out viciously.

    One should always be reluctant to fight, but when it comes down to defending yourself give no quarter, show no mercy.

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