Home » Netanyahu: chickenshit


Netanyahu: chickenshit — 47 Comments

  1. Netanyahu has more guts in his pinkie than this entire administration.

    The real chickenshit is the “Senior official” who is too chickenshit to go on the record.

    This administration is like a bunch of 12 year old Hamas groupies.

    Pathetic doesn’t even begin to cover it.

  2. Why do I say today’s Dems, as a rule, are simply rotten people to the core and that is the best and whole interpretation of them?

    There goes Exhibit A

  3. How disgusting.

    I am perfectly willing to believe that Kerry would say something like that. Of course, as a Navy vet, if for no other reason, I detest the man. Still, there are any number of others who are slimy enough to fit the bill.

    The ultimate irony, certainly not lost on you or any of your readers, is that this should come from anyone in this feckless–dare I say cowardly?–Administration.

    Over the nearly six decades since the USN first sent me abroad, and then through the years after, which involved professional travel to various parts of the world, I never felt ashamed to identify as an American. We were often unpopular, but it did not matter. I felt that we were generally trying to do right; and we were strong. I am glad that I no longer have to face foreigners–excepting, of course, for the large number in my own SoCal community.

  4. I am speechless.

    Everyone NEEDS to vote on Tuesday, we cannot let this administration continue on like this – we need a strong Senate and House to stand up to this crap.

  5. Remind me again what Obama’s record of courage was in the big leagues of business, industry, science or the military.

  6. Seriously? That reads like another old white guy’s boring resume. Obama is cool, and cool rules.

  7. The horrors from this administration just keep coming. This statement should settle the question whether this administration is populated by knaves or fools – they’re knaves.

    Netanyahu’s personal courage in war is not what the administration hack is discussing. The Obama regime’s definition of courage is the attitude of a national leader who knowingly acts against the best interests of his/her own country and against the express wishes of its citizens.

  8. OK, I am now channeling my mother, a Latvian helping fellow Letts during the war, regardless of their religion or where they ended up. My relatives landed in Australia. I got lucky when Mom snagged Dad at a USO event…..

    Sorry, I cannot rely her words. “Chicken shit” was only a mild term for her. I can’t repeat the other stuff.

    This Administration is just so bad. AARRGGHH!

  9. Aside from the fact the I know who I would rather share a foxhole with, I am pleased that these revelations from this garbage administration are surfacing just one week before the mid-term elections.

    Now, a national watch on federal buildings too. My heart goes out to anyone, especially the innocents, who may get injured or killed, but that is all beyond my control or influence.

    Hubris has begotten Nemesis for thousands of years.

  10. Hmm… My guess is, senior state and other office holders of this admin have been talking like that, about many of our allies, the whole time. It’s just that, while beholding to this admin, and perhaps with real and inferred threats, such news never made it to print. I guess, as papers are dying, and yet beginning to believe the witch is dead or dying, they are trying to get readers back and not as afraid of the tyrant and thug “cru”.

  11. This administration is vulgar, as is the entire progressive movement.

    If you want to know how this administration thinks, read Bill Ayers, Van Jones or any other sophomoric representative of the enlightened.

  12. Pathetic fact about Van Jones, read that growing up
    he & his pals thought it was great sport to put live kittens into somebody’ s gas tank.
    Juveniles playing at having adult minds.

  13. Powerline has posted a great photo comparison of Netanyahu as a young man in combat gear and Obama when he was a member of the “Choom Gang”.

    The idiocy of the Obama Administration is astounding.

  14. Pure projection, hate and insignificance otherwise known as chickenshit from Obama.

    I cannot forget the look in Obama’s eyes when Netanyahu schooled him on national TV. That look, that mask, of supposed indifference behind Obama’s eyes clouded with hate so that they literally dripped with it, I won’t forget that look. I was surprised that it wasn’t more remarked upon, more known. The mask wasn’t effective against a man who truly inspires fear and loathing from our President.

  15. What a bunch of pathetic posers. They think they are sitting on top of the world, but they will be mere footnotes in the ash heap of history. Yeah, them and the horses they road in on.

  16. The interesting thing about the current left narrative is that it can accuse Israel government of genocide and of using disproporcionate military force, and at the same time of lacking guts to enter a real war.

    Coherence? What´s that?

  17. Ann, I saw a version of those two pictures together. On one it said “Smoked ganja”. On the other it said “Smoked terrorists”.

  18. Susan Rice is reportedly quite the guttermouth.

    waitup, I have also been struck by that look of pure anger/hatred in Obama’s eyes. I recall that he looked at Romney that way during the debate “moderated” by Candy Crowley. It’s a bone-chilling look. Eyes are the windows to the soul, indeed.

  19. We must endure 2 + more years of this kind of crap. And who doubts that it will only get worse?


    the first and only US President to win a Nobel Peace Prize without making peace anywhere on earth a very desperate Barack Obama is turning the scews on Bibi Netanyahu to negotiate peace with the Palestinians when Israel has no peace partner. This pressure will build on Bibi until Obama leaves office having nothing to show posterity for his eight ruinous years but a world in perilous turmoil and a chickensh*t peace prize.


  21. Liz:
    “Everyone NEEDS to vote on Tuesday, we cannot let this administration continue on like this — we need a strong Senate and House to stand up to this crap.”

    While I agree with you on voting these “chicken*hit” political hacks out, I’m not sure the opposing team is much better :-(.
    They do not seem to have any principles other than getting their perks of Power and keeping their donors happy.
    I wish the Republicks understood this quote but their actions do not match their pontificating. 🙁

    “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.”
    Ronald Reagan

  22. “I speculate who the “senior official” might be. My leading guess is John Kerry.”

    Oh…….. you don’t mean the “John Kerry” who served all of FOUR MONTHS in Viet Nam and received at least one of his Purple Hearts for a SCRATCHED ASS, do you??

    My goodness, I believe that you do……….

  23. Well written, Neo!

    [sarcasm] My feeling is that, when an unnamed Administration Official calls Prime Minister Netanyahu a “chickenshit”, we can rely upon that. After all, this Administration also correctly identified ISIS as “the jayvee team”, didn’t they? [/sarcasm]

    (Answer: they’re only the jayvee team if there’s a major-league team nearby. If they’re the only ones playing, they DEFINE the major league. In other words, the jayvee team BECAME the major-league team when the real majors declined to show up. Nice going, Mr. President.)

    People with genuine courage are reviled and misunderstood by those who do not have it. The same goes for a sense of honor. Mr. Netanyahu has both; Mr. Obama has neither.

  24. My guess as to the source of this gem quote?
    The same person who said Obama was leading from behind.

  25. I fully agree as to the ludicrous and self-serving nature of the administration’s attack on Netanyahu.

    ““The good thing about Netanyahu is that he’s scared to launch wars,” the official said, expanding the definition of what a chickenshit Israeli prime minister looks like. “The bad thing about him is that he won’t do anything to reach an accommodation with the Palestinians or with the Sunni Arab states.”

    It’s not fear of war that restrains Netanyahu, it’s Obama’s repeated threats to end all American support for Israel, especially in the UN. Obama is looking for any excuse to do so and is IMO as much Israel’s enemy, as is Hamas.

    As for the outright and evil lie that it is Netanyahu that refuses to “reach an accommodation with the Palestinians or with the Sunni Arab states”, that is political pressure to get Israel to commit suicide, part of the left’s ‘final solution’ for its ‘reactionary’ enemies.

  26. Yann
    Coherence? What´s that?

    Demos are all about making the point/attack/snark of the minute. As long as it wins them votes, consistency from day to day or month to month doesn’t matter. Which is one of the reasons I left the Demos.

  27. Can you imagine that sack of self-regarding botoxed vainglory, Mr. Teresa Christmas-in-Cambodia Heinz, calling someone a “chickenshit”?

    Too rich.

  28. The worst thing is that there are SO MANY choices as to which “senior Obama administration official” would make such a stupid remark.

    “Obama is looking for any excuse to to end all American support for Israel, and is IMO as much Israel’s enemy, as is Hamas.”

    I think that this “official” was actually trying to goad Netanyahu to give the administration the “excuse” they feel they need to denounce Israel completely.

    WRONG again!

  29. Whoever made that remark to Jeffrey Goldberg (and I have my theory about which “high ranking official” that would be, based on Goldberg’s past interactions with this White House) chose to use a term well known to Godwin’s Law enthusiasts.

    Hinkledreck, in the original tongue, was a typical sneer of the German far right, including Himmler, in some unfortunate contexts regarding the Jews. It’s almost irrelevant if this particular usage was intentionally evoking that history or merely clueless as to its provenance, the effect is still kind of shocking in the insensitivity and malice displayed.

    I think we all now fully understand what we are dealing with as regards to the fundamental mentality of Barack Obama and those closest to him.

  30. My guess is that it’s someone in his 60s or older. I associate that epithet with someone of my parent’s generation, not mine.

    You could be dead on with John Kerry.

  31. I just love the comparisons between Barack Obama and Netanyahu. This is another black eye for the Obama administration, henceforth to be known as the “gang the couldn’t shoot straight”. It is mid boggling that the administration would have encouraged this comparison.

    And, if it was Kerry, the comparison is even worse. Still got your medals, Kerry?

  32. John Boy Kerry and Barack Obama x 200 aren’t deserving of one crumb off Bibi’s chin. What absolute cheap moral cowards. Thank God for Bibi.

  33. Netanyahu promised that Iran would not be allowed to go nuclear. We’re prone to think in terms of air attacks with precision munitions. But don’t forget Iran’s nuclear facilities seem to have a consistent way I’ve just blowing up. Hmm.

  34. Funny that you mention Churchill. Sometime ago, I said to my brother, “Bibi may be our Churchill. Who’d a thunk?” He is the most prominent political figurehead to stand up for the West. At least, he’s got Abbott for company.

  35. Call this “portrait of a chickenshit” —


    This is not the story of how Benjamin Netanyahu was twice wounded in combat for his country. It’s the story of how he very nearly drowned in fierce fighting in the Suez Canal. It describes his strength and determination, which were apparently a significant factor in his survival, then and at other times. (It also includes some great photos. I like the one of him holding a loaded Uzi.)

    Isn’t it amazing that, when one writes about the Israeli war hero Netanyahu, it’s necessary to give his first name too? His big brother was very much the war hero too.

  36. John Boy Kerry and Barack Obama x 200 aren’t deserving of one crumb off Bibi’s chin.

    Bibi gets no food or water at the White House unless his puppetmasters deem it useful to reward their self proclaimed puppet.

  37. One wonders if this wasn’t done as an attempt to taunt Netanyahu into actually attacking Iran’s nuclear facilities so that the Obama administration had a public justification to completely end all support of Israel and repudiate the Israeli state.

  38. Susan Rice has ALREADY been quoted using exactly that term in other venues.

    (Remember the slurs against European diplomacy that were taped and then revealed?)

    Such a potty mouth.

  39. “…self proclaimed puppet.” (of Obama)!!!! Bibi??


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