Home » Obama’s poll numbers decline in blue states


Obama’s poll numbers decline in blue states — 6 Comments

  1. Right. The Right must win the activist game.

    Because of the Left’s effective Alinsky Rule 12 pegging defense strategy, the Right can’t rest on the prospect of Left losing the game.

  2. To me the question is, whoever the D 2016 presidential candidate turns out to be, will s/he be able to replicate Obama’s demographic turnout on election day?

  3. The Dems will also be able to create another Deus ex Machina to fill the role of their Messiah. Count on it.

    The Soviet KGB defectors sometimes went through a long list of disaffections. At first they would hear about Stalin’s crimes against humanity. Then they would rationalize it by saying Lenin was the real good one, and Stalin the villain. Then they find out Lenin was just as bad if not worse. Then they say Trotsky was the good one. And so on it goes for a few decades until they realize every one of them is evil more or less. There’s literally nothing and nobody in the system to redeem it. If they didn’t start out evil, the system of communist ideology made them that way. If they didn’t want to be evil, they would be killed and replaced by the more evil KGB members.

    But that doesn’t mean they’re available to Republicans.

    Once you are owned by the Democrat plantation as livestock, you’re not going to be given for free to some other master.

  4. ‘Team bonding’ is STRONG.

    And as history shows, it overrides analysis — or rationality itself.

    Team bonding was so strong that Adolf still had true believers right down to the bunker.

    Team bonding was so strong that most Japanese took the Emperor’s surrender broadcast to mean that Japan had WON the war. (He was ‘god’, after all.)

    And the Democrat party has ALWAYS favored the LIV faction of our polity. Who could possibly be lower in information than an Irishman, et. al. straight off the boat?

    [Irishmen, in particular, were ‘automatics’ because of English repression and enslavement back home, which insured that most would be against those in political power.

    The fact that the Republicans of the 19th Century were direct descendents of the anti-monarchists — and included early waves of the Irish was completely unknown.

    (The Revolutionary army was about 25% Irish. This being the natural consequence of indentured Irish being shipped to the colonies, en masse, for decades. The number one reason for indenture was poverty. Any feral child caught stealing food was certain to be fined and gaoled. (Indenture or ‘workhouses’ were the popular gaol mechanism.)]

    It’s the Irish that have transformed Massachusetts into a Democrat bastion.

    BTW, did you know that Scott Brown tried to craft a waiver for Irish immigrants?


    It was more of the Curley effect:


    All of the above is what is driving el Zero.

    El Comandante is going to brown America come Hell or hot climate.

    And it’s in that sense that el Comandante is delighted with abortion mills. In his heart, he is anti-nativist.

    By the next generation it will be extremely apparent even to the LIV that Black power in political events is as dated as WWII and the Civil War.

    El Comandante will have morphed America into the tri-racial era — with Blacks taking the hindmost position.

    Such a situation already is massively evident in Los Angeles, California. Even Oakland and Sacramento are losing their Black ghettos.

    This phenomena always starts with the wholesale departure of young adults for more affordable housing. None is to be had in California.

    Anyone on (Federal) Social Security disability eventually leaves that state. The payout is steady, the cost of living drops 65%. (Greater Atlanta)

    Any visit to Washington DC will show that the SS Administration is over loaded with Blacks. (Disparate impact, not withstanding) So, it can be no surprise that overweight, single, Black, mommas are given the dole: early and often. They take the next generation of Black voters with them.

    (During the last housing boom, this mass departure for cheaper digs was astounding to see. The Sacramento ghetto turned White with Polish and Russian illegal immigrants.

    Eventually,long time (Black) residents pass on.

    It took WWII to bring Blacks out to the West Coast. Now that WWIII is over, it looks like this multi-generational displacement is reversing.

    ‘Losing’ California is HUGE for the Congressional Black Caucus. It really means that they are irrelevant in Presidential elections. 40%+ of the electoral votes needed, and more, are entirely outside their influence.

    It’s ironic, in a way. Blacks are holding steady in the national vote quantums; it’s Whites that are fading fast. Yet the result is that wetbacks will be the cohort that benefits.

  5. If bho’s declining popularity suppresses dim voter turnout all to the better. And the more truly conservative gops that are elected the better. I do not hope for major changes, just less of the same old same old.

  6. @G Joubert,

    Obama’s GOTV database, “Catalist” is a great reason for his expanded turnout:
    I don’t get the feeling that this is community property, but I don’t know that for sure. Obama could take his database when he leaves.
    He might use it to become a party player for years to come.

    Also, part of Obama’s turnout was personal appeal. That can’t be replicated. Apart from lefty boosterism, the cheering for Hillary is hollow. Half of the Democrats can’t stand her.

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