Home » Talking to the men of ISIS


Talking to the men of ISIS — 12 Comments

  1. He get off into more tangents than a geometrician.


    The bottom, bottom, bottom, line: absolutely none of the Muslims he (Ace) is presuming is listening to Barry is, in fact, listening to Barry.

    Which means that his long, long, long, long, post is mis-blown wind.


    Ace has to wake up and realize that for Barry words are how he has avoided action — pretty much his entire life.

    As for feminine wording — they reflect Barry.

    As I have related, he was brought up in — effectively — fatherless homes. The (hyper) dominant adult in ALL of Barry’s formative years was a woman.

    Being a first person witness, my words have little import to the larger polity of America. His grandmother — and every minute around her — are both too far away from normal American life for my true tale to have any resonance.


    And then what am I, anyone, to make of the (gay) fellows who claim to have been his (backseat) lovers — in his limousine days?

    Last I heard, anyone making such allegations does not live long. Strange things happen. Stories get buried.

    Even Joan Rivers passes on shortly after making some cracks about Barry and Mooch. We’re told it’s an open and shut case of malpractice.

    Yep, co-incidences abound when a top Democrat has ‘issues.’

    (I wouldn’t write life insurance on anyone that knows the Clintons well.)


    Ace should GIVE IT UP.

    Behind all of the palaver, Barry has been (with Hillary) the single biggest enabler of ISIS.

    They’re running around on his gifts.

    Their rogue behavior has proved to be a tad uncomfortable.

    The WaPo and NYT are STILL covering up his ISIS-CIA brigades fiasco.

    It is, however, CONSTANTLY brought up across the entire Middle East. The only fellows to not get the picture are American voters.

    Outside of West, no Republican dares utter any truths.

    Instead, we’ve got clowns: MeCain, MeConnell, and the rest.


    Why bomb ANYBODY when you can empty the cupboards?

    Last I looked Raqqa was land-locked.

  2. Read it, found nothing new. No offense intended, but I found nothing that I did not already know. In addition to knowing numerous ways to kill an enemy; a real man knows how to grow food and flowers, how to skin a deer, how to truly love a woman, burp a baby, and nurture and guide 12 year old sons and daughters. Real men do these things without prodding or engaging in the beheading of innocents.

  3. Thanks for the link, Neo. Very good post by Ace.

    And I agree with his reasons for giving Obama at least an ounce of credit for his UN speech:

    Ace: “I’m writing this post as constructively as I can. I do not have any love for Obama, but he did manage to say some things of a very minor useful nature.

    I’d like to encourage him to say more like that.”

    He makes another good point I’m not sure I’ve seen before:

    “Obama, having been called by his adoptive father a ‘Muslim’ when in Indonesia, is the most extraordinarily well-positioned American president we will likely ever have to make this sort of argument [one that shows that ‘compassion, inclusion, peaceableness, creativity, industry…sound masculine’ and ‘heroic’ to young angry Muslim men] and have it heard.”

    But the best line in the piece may be this: “Please, Mr. President — butch it up.”

  4. BTW, why Turkey out from all this?

    You know most those ISIS fighters coming through though Turky border to Syria & Iraq, some news outlet they goes deeper those ISIS fighter having training camped on the border inside Turkey?

  5. For some reason, much more spam than usual is getting through the spam filter tonight. I’ll get rid of it, pronto. But I usually don’t need a captcha plugin here, because the spam filter is ordinarily much more efficient than this.

  6. It was too long. He made some good points about the good lines from Obama’s speech. And there were a few good lines, reminiscent of, if much softer, a post 9/11 speech to the UN by George Bush in 2001.

    Megyn Kelly had Paul Gigot on tonight and they juxtaposed the good lines from Obama’s speech to very similar lines from George W. Bush’s speech. Why didn’t the left and the jihadis give Bush’s speech any credence? Because the MSM and the left didn’t believe one word of it. And the jihadis were comfortable in their belief that we are a soft, corrupt nation without the will to defend itself. 13 years later they still believe that.

    The manly aggression of young men can be turned toward good ends. Our society used such things as Boy Scouts, sports of all kinds, hunting/fishing, and mythical heroes of movies, TV, and books who were courageous, chivalrous, and patriotic to channel that aggression. Today our society tries to stifle that aggression at early ages to direct our society toward a soft, feminine model. Not a good thing for a nation facing an existential threat from outside and inside.

    One of my most vivid memories from teen years was after winning a tough football game. Our coach took us to a restaurant for a big dinner of roast beef, mashed potatoes, and, because we won, milkshakes. We were beat up and tired, but our spirits were high and there was a lot of locker room ribaldry. Full of good food, smiling from ear to ear, and basking in the warmth of being a member of this team of young warriors, I suddenly felt that, if my life ended the next day, it would have been worth it.

    I suspect that many young jihadis, who come from an honor shame culture, are burning for an opportunity to prove their manhood. The imams’ siren calls to be a warrior for Allah show them a way to prove their manhood and release those aggressive drives – through rape, torture, and murder. A monstrous force to be used against combatant and non-combatant alike.

    I agree with Ace that we should always call them what they are – murderers and cowards.

    I was glad to hear Obama talk about going after their funding. It’s a good idea, but Bush also talked about it, and so far, not much has been accomplished. Degrade their funding, go after their food supplies (ala blert), and use covert operations to intimidate or eliminate the imams who preach violent jihad. Killing the trigger pullers one at a time is hard and there are millions of them. To eliminate their funding, food, and recruiters/inciters is, IMO, more efficient.

  7. I read the OPost. But I doubt Hussein O or his regime overseers are going to read it, even though that’s what the OPost was intended for, to be read by the US Regime’s head honchos. They aren’t going to read it. Even if they did read it… they couldn’t understand it.

    Total blockade to starvation would work. But that’s like saying if Petraeus and Mattis were in charge, the war would be won. They aren’t in charge, because the politicians don’t want America to win wars. They just want an excuse to fold their politically unreliables to so that the front can get them killed. You know it’s true because that’s what they were accusing their enemies of. How can they accuse their enemies of doing this, if the Leftist alliance themselves hadn’t already come up with that plan?

  8. It’s a good idea, but Bush also talked about it, and so far, not much has been accomplished.

    Bush froze the assets that were freezable. But he couldn’t touch the Leftist alliance’s assets such as Soros, Biden, Robert KKK Byrd, or the Kennedies.

    To freeze terrorist assets, he would have to freeze half the Democrat money laundering scheme, as well as the Islamic countries trade and capitalism.

  9. Thanks for ordering us to read the article. I’d seen it earlier, but hadn’t gotten around to it.

    Bush Sr. used to refer to the ruler of Iraq as Saddam as “saddaam” rather than “saddahm”. I don’t remember what that word means in Arabic, but it was disrespectful. Name-calling has its merits, especially when dealing with a shame-based culture.

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