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US begins airstrikes in Syria — 21 Comments

  1. It has occurred to me that this may be the beginning of the “moderate Muslims” actually stepping up to the plate. Such an idea seems far fetched, but maybe the Gulf sheikdoms, because they are fighting to keep the jihadis at bay in their own countries, have begun to see the handwriting on the wall. Either they tamp down the jihadis in Syria or they will be vulnerable too. Saudi Arabia is particularly vulnerable to ISIS.

    Well, it’s a thought. We’ll see how it develops.

  2. Both “moderate” and “radical” Muslims are at war against Western Civilization. The only difference is how they intend to defeat us. Moderate Muslims at more skillful at practicing taqiyya. They keep a faé§ade of moderation and friendship while they infiltrate the targeted society with mass migration, with the construction of Mosques in which doctrines hostile to their hosts are standard fare, and by political bribes to the ruling classes and the academic institutions to favor Islam over native religions. The “moderate” Muslims will not demonstrate their hostile intentions until they have so weakened the targeted society that they can operate with impunity. Radical Muslims are probably less dangerous since they are more open in their hostile intentions from the start.

  3. Wow! Advocating genocide — hunted to extinction, all Muslims are our sworn enemies, etc. C’mon guys, grow up.

  4. Dale.
    Not all Muslims are our enemies. Problem is, a lot are. And the two groups look alike. Not only does this bring up some questions of impatience with the whole bunch, it brings up questions of tactics. To what extent does the existence of non-enemy Muslims reduce our effectiveness wrt our enemy Muslims?
    When, as in European cities and in, say, Minneapolis, a critical mass of Muslims is reached, we have problems. Moderate Muslims–apparently–generate enemy Muslims. And you don’t need to see them blowing stuff up. See Rotherham.
    My wife had a high school student who was full bedsheet and all, born here, good kid, friendly, good student, parents professionals from Saudi Arabia.
    When it came time to study El Cid–the person, not the movie–she said she didn’t want to because the subject demeaned her faith.
    Who told a kid born here, educated in a mid-middle class public school system that an eleventh-century skull-buster who fought with and against Muslims/Christians and anybody else who could keep up the payment schedule demeaned Islam?
    It would be like somebody named Godwinson insisting his family belonged on the throne of Britain and was thinking about blowing up a daycare to make his point.
    Both are nuts.
    Where did she learn it and what was the purpose of teaching her something so irrelevant to today’s culture?

  5. Dale B. Light
    Don’t be confused by bombastic rhetoric. When it comes time to line them up, the people who crow loudest as to such things in frustration, won’t make them dig holes and kill them, the uncertainty is enough.
    But here is the part you don’t understand or may not want to. The religion has dictates that define what one should and shouldn’t do, recognizing that not everyone can quit their jobs and go out and attack others. Unlike Christianity, there was no reformation and no reconsideration of certain doctrines in terms of what to do when one falls short of such. In the Christian faith, though shalt not suffer a witch to live, but it also does not say go out and kill her (him). Does it? and so, Christianity has fundamental outs that Islam does NOT have. add to it the rules for dissimulation, and outright lying and game playing as a writ, and you can’t tell good from bad from devout from extreme. And so, the easiest thing to do, but not really condone by westerners, is to have at it and wipe the slate clean of the issue. In many ways, failure to do so, leads to outcomes that happen over and over later on, but that is not a reason to abandon morals.
    The way they are playing this game, the Nazi in the battle field is the extreme German, and the people funding, supplying, and so on back home are moderate Nazis. So the idea is to stop the extreme Nazis and pretend the moderates wont fund anyone any more and will stop supporting them, etc. but if you look at any group that is in the position of resorting to fight, their supporters, unless Americans under leftist assault, and press games, will not give up funding them. it becomes a never ending series of attacks. Much like Jeramiah Johnson had to survive (Robert Redford movie), after he took revenge on the Crow who murdered his squaw, and I guess what could be called his adopted son. Every so often a Crow warrior would jump out of the wood work to have hand to hand combat. As long as Jeremiah was standing, they would, over time, keep coming.

  6. Dale B. Light,

    In context, it appears vanderleun meant that moderates have been “hunted to extinction” by extremists, presumably as apostates.

  7. Vanderleun is correct that there are no moderate Muslims and that Islam should be exterminated. However we do not need a second Inquisition to eliminate Islam. There are a few common sense steps which would be just as effective.

    1. Eliminate the left. The left are violent traitors who should be treated as such. If the left were not collaborating with Islam Muslims could not pose any serious threat to the West. As long as there are lefties there will be Islamic murderers fulfilling the lefties atavistic fantasies. Since the left hides behind academic freedom for themselves while denying academic freedom to scholars who disagree with them, the entire concept of academic freedom needs to be revisited.

    2. Stop Muslim immigration from any Muslim country which persecutes its Jewish, Hindu and Christian populations. Instead give priority to the persecuted Christians, Hindus, and Jews.

    3. Attack the intellectual foundations of Islam publically and relentlessly. There is no objective evidence to indicate that Mohammad was a prophet. He worked no miracles, the Koran contains scientific errors, contradictions and verbal flaws which point to a human source not a divine dictation. The fruits of the Koran are now well known and are rotten refuse. Islamic countries are backward, corrupt, misogynistic, and violent.

    4. Guarantee safety for anyone who leaves Islam. If Muslims persecute a former Muslim take retribution by closing down the

  8. Vanderleun is correct that there are no moderate Muslims and that Islam should be exterminated. However we do not need a second Inquisition to eliminate Islam. There are a few common sense steps which would be just as effective.

    1. Eliminate the left. The left are violent traitors who should be treated as such. If the left were not collaborating with Islam Muslims could not pose any serious threat to the West. As long as there are lefties there will be Islamic murderers fulfilling the lefties atavistic fantasies. Since the left hides behind academic freedom for themselves while denying academic freedom to scholars who disagree with them, the entire concept of academic freedom needs to be revisited.

    2. Stop Muslim immigration from any Muslim country which persecutes its Jewish, Hindu and Christian populations. Instead give priority to the persecuted Christians, Hindus, and Jews.

    3. Attack the intellectual foundations of Islam publically and relentlessly. There is no objective evidence to indicate that Mohammad was a prophet. He worked no miracles, the Koran contains scientific errors, contradictions and verbal flaws which point to a human source not a divine dictation. The fruits of the Koran are now well known and are rotten refuse. Islamic countries are backward, corrupt, misogynistic, and violent.

    4. Guarantee safety for anyone who leaves Islam. If Muslims persecute a former Muslim take retribution by closing down the Mosque.

    5. Do not make life easy for Muslims by forcing employers to make special accommodations for Muslims special needs. Banish hate speech laws and allow non-Muslims to tell Muslims what they really think about their behavior and peculiar dress.

    6. Stop attacking Christianity which provides the moral foundation for Western Civilization. Support and encourage Christian beliefs. Also support the mother church – Judaism – which made it all possible.

    If we do these things, many Muslims will voluntarily leave Islam and those who don’t want to change will soon find their way back home to the cesspool from which they crawled.

  9. NEO: Earlier today, I asked why there was an announcement made that some ISIS fighters of American origin had returned to this country. A possible explanation: to provide a justification for the attack on ISIS in Syria

    they lost them… so keep an eye out

  10. A brutally murdered 19-year-old New Jersey man was allegedly targeted by a self-proclaimed homegrown jihadist who called it a “just kill” for Muslim deaths at the hands of Americans in Iraq, Syria and Afghanis

    Brendan Tevlin, of Livingston, was stopped at a red light driving home from a friend’s house on June 25 when Ali Muhammad Brown allegedly walked up his car and fired 10 rounds, striking him eight times

    Police initially announced the arrest of three suspects in Tevlin’s murder, calling it a robbery gone wrong, but as the investigation continued it was discovered that Mr. Brown had undergone extensive Jihad training in California and that he’s suspected of additional murders throughout the country

  11. Illuminati,
    I think we should also declare them heretics if they use Western technology. Cut off their cell phones and internet services; stop selling them cars and medicines; no more music; no more wheat; no more refrigerators or air conditioning or airplanes. Let them live in the 7th century if that’s what they want.

  12. It is all very simple, islam in all of its various charades is anti western civilization and anti individual liberty. Without the assistance of the west they would be herding goats in abject poverty. The best way to fight islam is to quarantine islam. No trade, no aid. Within 6 months they will begin to starve. There is no predominantly islamic nation that can survive without grain imports from the west, that includes Indonesia, the most populous islamic nation. No need to bomb, simply starve them into submission. What are we waiting for?

  13. Unfortunately, the West’s Heart, Spine, and Will required for such an operation as parker described, died in WWI and WWII. The brave got sent to the front lines, and the cowardly politicians and manipulators stayed back to reap the rewards. Sort of like Iraq now a days.

  14. Well, it’s a thought. We’ll see how it develops.

    Iraq and Afghanistan were partially designed to fix previous Americans sins and mistakes, in order to provide a safeguard to Muslims that wasn’t just “Israel” yet also not “under American protection” like Saudi Arabia.

    That’s why the Left and Democrats destroyed them. Because they don’t want to see Muslims freed, then they would really become moderate and moderate Muslims don’t make for the right allies in the Left’s war system. They want the radicals in charge to trump up emergency rules.

    Iraq and Afghanistan were truly America’s last best hope. Now all that is left is to surrender or to annihilate the 1 billion Muslims that are still around. Congratulations, either way, the end game is approaching.

  15. JJ…

    Typical MSM ‘take’ on the inevitability of Muslim triumph.

    There’s a big hitch in hat plan: the Muslims are TOTALLY economically dependent.

    Should they be kicked off the welfare rolls they would be destitute.

    Like American Blacks, their economic status is strictly a creature of government. Muslims are either on the dole — or are government apparatchiks. For obvious reasons (daily prayer interruptions) Muslims are wholly uneconomic as employees much above the janitorial level.

    Also, Muslims are engaged in wholesale frauds upon the European welfare states. This situation is flatly ignored when European economic stats are passed around.

    The European economies will snap back to life the moment the Muslims are sent packing — back home.

    A HUGE fraction of their resident Muslim population arrived just about yesterday. Young adults are STILL permitted to flood in.

    The elites refuse to acknowledge that Muslims will NEVER work to sustain the welfare state, EVER.


    Muslims residing in Europe are soon going to find out that native Europeans have absolutely no intentions of sliding peacefully into second place.

    If the Muslims won’t leave by normal means, then mass expulsion by force of arms will be used. Ask the Spanish how that worked out.

    Should such a reversal eventuate, the Balkans will be totally purged of Muslims — all the way to Anatolia.

    I can even imagine the Europeans turfing the Turks out of Anatolia. The Turks moved in circa 1055AD. Their true homeland is up in northern Russia.

    This mass purge will occur the moment that fracking liberates Europe from OPEC and Russia. Such an event will totally implode the Turkish economy, and probably cause massive Muslim starvation across the Muslim Middle East.

    Most of those now reading these words will be dead before this epic bloodbath unfolds. (circa 2034)

    Muslims are strange combatants: they depend ENTIRELY upon the food, weapons and medicine of those they are making total war upon. I submit that they haven’t got a reed to stand on.

    Muslim aggression has a history of surging, peaking and then utterly collapsing.

    Muslims also come up short when dealing with the Han. As I write, the Han are ethnically cleansing China. Muslim reproduction, there, has just hit a moving wall.

  16. Perhaps the strangest nation dealing with Muslims is Russia.

    Muslims are just as worthless in Moscow as anywhere else. Praying five times a day makes Muslims wholly uneconomic in all ordinary commercial endeavors, for Muslims don’t just walk five steps and pray; they want to do so in a mosque if it’s the slightest bit practical.

    This is why Muslim nations have uncounted numbers of mosques.

    In an industrial setting, the Muslims will expect the employer to provide Muslim space for prayer — right inside the plant. The plant imams will make the management pine for the days of union labor unrest.

    Aggressive imams tend to organize kidnappings / entrapments of plant management!

    (Jailing the manager in his own office for days at a time. This is anything but rare in Europe. It would be a national sensation in the US.)

    The central role of imams in fermenting labor unrest is scrubbed out of Press accounts. As you might imagine, the imams pull the strings from off-stage.

    All of these Muslim hustles are pitched as plain vanilla ‘labor negotiations.’ That’s a bit rich: the Europeans have long since settled all labor issues by putting the union officials on the Board of Directors! Hence, most factories are CONTRACTUALLY strike free. Wildcat strikes are prohibited — and the union is vigorously financially sanctioned for any incivilities.

    That was the price of being on the inside of the corporation.

    Muslims don’t play that game!

    The connection between Muslims and wildcat strikes is suppressed in the American Press. It’s STILL “on project.” The “head-lopping religion” still can do no wrong as far as the MSM tells it.

  17. blert, thanks for the analysis. I hope you’re right. I don’t share your optimism about how things are going to go. The Muzzies are relentless and not afraid to rock the boat. Europe and the U.S. have become so PC they are easy for the Muzzies to intimidate. It’s obvious to anyone paying attention that Islam, when practiced fully, is incompatible with Western values and norms. The problem is, too few are paying attention.

    I’ve sent that video around to a lot of people and it has created quite a reaction. Good. Forewarned is forearmed.

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