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Have you noticed… — 29 Comments

  1. http://psychcentral.com/lib/15-common-defense-mechanisms/0001251

    We’re all seeing the leading edge of the psychic defense.

    Progressives have just discovered that Barry’s deep introspective policy suite = > Metastasized political cancer… !

    The errors keep growing, growing, … and their pressure is reaching critical organs.

    Right now, the punditry is searching for a second opinion, for their minds are pounding.


    BTW, neo; please release my post in the other thread… it seems stuck in blog limbo.

    It’s on target vis a vis Barry’s clandestine jihadi regiments.

    It now appears that Barry — and Hillary — have spawned a slew of jihadi brigades.

    My earlier estimates were WAY too low.

    Barry is plugged into the navel of hatred.

    Who knew that “community organizer” really meant Muslim fanatics, planet wide?


    BTW, Barry’s clandestine brigades are CERTAINLY the go-ahead signal for Putin’s clandestine proxy-armies and their invasion of Ukraine — don’t you see it?

    There is some cross-over. The ultimate jihadi fanatics are Chechens.

    And, for those keeping up: the KGB used the Chechens as ‘wet-work’ dupes straight through the Communist era.

    For more on the KGB-Chechen linkage read:

    “The Soviet Mafia”
    ISBN 0-312-07135-3
    St Martin’s Press

  2. It’s obvious that West is locked out by a higher power.

    Winston Smith, Control is paging you!

  3. Bing/ Google: Operation Zero Footprint West

    Pray to get through the White House reality shield.

  4. Of course they’re fools, just like the low info dependent Takers he organized in CHI. One can see it clearly in his speeches to his sheeple. He talks to them as if they were pinheads. Which they are.
    This says less about him, and much more to what the American people have become. A nation of “communities”, aka collectives.
    I just spent Labor Day weekend in Seattle, where everyone I met (n>30) had at least one college degree and all, every last one, were of collective, “consensus” persuasion.
    The country as we know it is done. It has already died, merely awaits its own burial. We here are like Whitaker Chambers when he abandoned communism: He told his wife they were joining the losing (right-wing) side.

  5. The man who would be King, who accepts being labeled ‘a Messiah’, MUST… deliver.

    Those on the left are only angry at his inability to deliver and offering a personal mea culpa is tantamount to declaring their own world view to be based on falsehoods.

    Far easier to disown, the man who would be King.

  6. “The country as we know it is done. It has already died, merely awaits its own burial.”

    That may be true but events may yet prove it to be a premature assumption. It’s always darkest before the dawn. And until the dawn arrives, we cannot know whether we have reached the nadir of darkness or not.

    “Whoever is winning at the moment will always seem to be invincible.” George Orwell

  7. I suspect much of what we are hearing from the MSM now is an attempt to prepare the battlespace for Clinton or Warren in 2016. The king is dead; long live the queen.

  8. “That may be true but events may yet prove it to be a premature assumption. It’s always darkest before the dawn.”

    So Geoffrey, what do you imagines turns things around? The low information people somehow turn off the television and make a serious examination of the rel world based upon information given to them by journalist who rediscover objectivity as taught by a chastened academia that has suddenly reawakened to the notion of integrity and intellectual honesty?

    Face it: Don’s right, its over.

  9. “That’s because they are either fools or knaves. Perhaps an equal sprinkling of each among the lackeys of the MSM? Among the politicians, knaves strongly predominate”

    Well stated. The MSM and lefties are not upset about beheadings per se. Beheadings only become outrageous when they are performed on one of them – the good guys.

  10. Sherlock Holmes found it quite peculiar that a certain dog didn’t bark in the night.

    I find it more than strange that Wall Street is inured to Putin, Soetoro, and fiat economics.

    The term derives from the Latin fiat. (“it shall be”)

    We’ve devolved into a central state ordered economic matrix — which is papering over reality — with a web press.

    (double entendre alert)


    This most curious situation informs me that the Big Money is hip to the proxy armies being fielded by Barry and Vladimir.

    Consequently, the Big Money thinks that it’s looking at Cold War II — with a twist.

    Even at his late date, RD-180 rocket engines are still being delivered to Decatur, Alabama. (United Launch Alliance)


    A technical heads-up for readers: the Russians have long used one engine to feed two to four nozzles. This is not a common American design practice.

    Thus, you see two nozzles under an Atlas V — the lower end of an RD-180 motor assembly.


    Now that’s business as usual, don’t you think?

    Likewise, Germany gets a huge slug of its CRUDE OIL from Russia. It’s energy dependency is much more than just that of natural gas.


    Saint Petersburg’s exports don’t travel very far, of course. It’d be astonishing if any ship reached the Atlantic. This port works flat out during good weather. It’s money spinner for Moscow, of course.

    Putin is STILL making most of his bread via crude oil exports.

    His other super-customer is Japan. She is compelled to buy from nations that America must regard as unsavory. (Iran, KSA, Russia, — you name it. It’s killing the Japanese Yen. Tokyo’s rocketing energy tab is being, step-wise, exported to the rest of the world (America, Europe) as best can be. Consequently the Fukushima fiasco bounces right on over to Araby, making Iran relevant.)

    BTW, on current trends, America is going to entirely ‘replace’ Iran’s export volume by way of fracking ever more Permian basin crude oil. This pressure may make some of the OPEC players crack. I’d put Nigeria on the bubble.

  11. Yeah, I’m with Kaba.
    They have to distance themselves from Obama in preparation for embracing the next big thing Democrat. The 2016 campaign will have to includes criticism of Obama, so they’re now working through what will be acceptable areas for dispute.

    Also, as others have said before, Democra/progressive ideas never fail, only those attempting to implement them. SO they’ll have to rebuke Obama to avoid admitting the inherent flaws in his policies, such as Obamacare.

  12. They painted themselves into a corner.

    Had they been merely ideological lefties, they could then forge the distinction between the ideology and some of those who get to implement it — and they might then be able to wash their hands of this utter loser-in-chief, and then go on to double down on propounding their ideology.

    [Much as I abhor their ideology, this is one path they might have chosen, but . . .]

    But they compounded the situation by denouncing -slash- ridiculing those who differed with them and their Messiah as racist gun-and-religion clingers, and the like. So where are they to go now? They can hardly afford to be seen, in their own self-assessment, as actually grasping what’s so painfully plain for the racists and gun-and-religion clingers to grasp.

    It’s so-o-o-o hard to walk back a hardened, rigid position, especially when all that’s available for walking is the wet paint and the corner.

    *SCREW* them all.

  13. blert: “I find it more than strange that Wall Street is inured to Putin, Soetoro, and fiat economics.”

    Just so. It is as if Wall Street has been given a huge dose of tranquilizers. ISIS, Ukraine, and Chinese aggressiveness in the South China Sea coupled with a sluggish economy would normally create mass hysteria and waves of selling. Not happening! So strange, so weird. It’s as if there’s inside info that we don’t know. Or, that old chestnut – “This time it’s different.”

    In seven days that could all change.

  14. I see that the thoroughly useless and incompetent DNC Chairwoman, Debbie Blabbermouth Schulz, had to quickly retract her blathering about Gov. Walker being a guy who pulls women by their hair back from Progress. The female Lt. Governor slapped the stuff out of her. Please stay out there in front, Debbie. We conservatives love your…eerrrrr…fire!!

  15. Debbie Wasserman Schultz succeeded in her mission: throw red meat to the rabid ideologues, let them lick their cretinous chops over it, then walk it back when no one gives a hoot.

    See how I’m (finally) learning the tricks of her trade??

  16. JJ,

    The equity markets are running on QE fumes. And then were else does one invest? Money parked in a savings account or CD at today’s interest rates is being eaten by inflation. Bonds are a bit squishy and commodities are on a down dip. Thus, money pours into equities.

    The roaring 20s have returned to Wall Street and IMO we are headed for the same end result. We own stocks and bonds, we have rental properties, I inherited 56 acres that is mostly bountiful Iowa farm land, and my siblings and I inherited just shy of 3 acres and a large cabin on a lake in Northern Minnesota. But we do not feel as financially secure as we did 10 years ago despite the increased value of our stocks. As you say, it could all change in 7 days.

  17. harry the extremist at 3:52 pm,

    I’m NOT saying that Don’s wrong. I’m saying that while she may be getting ready to sing, the fat lady has NOT yet sung.

    Not a chance in a billion that the MSM and academia rediscover the notion of integrity and intellectual honesty.

    IMO, there is only one thing that has any chance whatsoever of awakening the low-info voters… and that is reality with a capital R.

    How about ISIS shooting up half a dozen shopping malls ala Mumbai on 9/11 and, uploading multiple videos of them beheading women and children to their websites?

    Think that might get the LIV’s attention? Just exactly how would é˜b☭ma and WH Press Secretary and Assistant Josh Ernest (the most ironic name ever?) and State Dept. Spokesperson Jen Psaki spin that?

    Or how about multiple American airliners full of innocent Americans being shot down with smuggled in Libyan and Syrian MANPADS on 9/11?

    Just a bit difficult to spin that, aye?

    Or how about rampant disease in our elementary schools courtesy of é˜b☭ma’s open southern border policy?

    Consider that ALL of these scenarios have a HIGH probability of occurring within the next few years.

    And on the slightly less probable scale, there’s a successful WMD terrorist attack against a major American city. Something the FBI says is a virtual certainty to happen. Not a matter of IF, but of WHEN.

    Do you think that will get the LIV’s attention?

    The point being that a very ugly reality is coming and not even the LIVs are going to be able to ignore it.

  18. parker,

    Some suggestions;

    Work the 56 acres or have a neighbor work it and take a percent of what they grow as payment. Take the cabin and prep it as a bug-out location. You’ve been blessed with an opportunity and resource.

  19. Geoffrey: disease importation via the southern border won’t do it. Neither will the willful importation and accidental transmission of Ebola. Either will just make the sheeple restless and frightened, but not demanding and violent. A man-caused kablooie might, but look how brief our national coming-together after 9/11/01 was.

    The equities markets are going up because of demand. There is no inherent value there at today’s prices, but money must go somewhere in this era of fiat negative interest rates on cash, and miserable bond yields. Warren Buffett and Berkshire-Hathaway get a 9% yield on their Burger King bonds, but that’s not for us peons, just for our oligarchs.

    It will go “Bang”, but when? That should have already happened.

    As to parker and his hideyhole in northern MN, that is a very tough place to spend a long and very cold winter!

  20. Recall the Alinsky Rule 12 ‘Bush/GOP auto worse’ pegging defense strategy.

    Anyone who’s ever volunteered for a Dems candidate knows they are fierce and dirty fighters amongst themselves. They know how to compete hard within the tribe and fight together externally. No matter what, even while criticizing one of their own, in the Dems/Left-shaped narrative, the GOP is always presumptively worse, certainly never better.

    In the Dems discourse, there simply cannot be recourse in the narrative frame for the GOP to be presented as a viable alternative or the mea culpa of ‘Obama shows Bush was right’.

    Anyway, resetting the frame of the narrative contest to favor the GOP and Right isn’t the responsibility of the Dems, Left activists, and their MSM enablers (insofar they’re not the same actors).

    That competitive activist responsibility belongs squarely to the GOP and Right activists.

    However, with the MSM opening up the hitherto taboo topic, even if their purpose is to set the stage for 2016 Dems, the opportunity to change the narrative frame now presents itself for the GOP and Right. In the biz, it’s called an opposing counsel or witness ‘opening the door’.

    My recommendation holds at establishing a new narrative baseline by setting the record straight that the Iraq mission was, in fact, right on the law and justified on the policy, as clearly shown by the primary sources: eg, UNSCRs 687, 688, 1441, PL 107-243, UNMOVIC Cluster Document, ISG Duelfer Report, Clinton Op Desert Fox precedent, Bush 2003 State of the Union and Sept 2012 address to the UN General Assembly. Highlight the achievements of the COIN “Surge”.

    Activist step: Contrast with the compounding harms from the Dems/Left false narrative against OIF during the Bush and Obama admins. Simultaneously, single out and criticize those who employed the harmful false narrative against OIF for partisan reasons – especially the Dems who were around for Clinton’s Iraq enforcement.

    Emphasize their sabotage of the American will to compete vigorously. Make the connection that sure-handed American leadership moving forward requires setting the record straight to fix the corrupted social political dialogue. Emphasize the need to marginalize the false-narrative purveying corrupters (ie, Dems and Left) of We The People.

    Use my recommendation and other similar tactics to break the Alinsky Rule 12 pegging defense strategy they rely on. Construct a new narrative for the popular zeitgeist.

    My recommendation nor any other single tactic can be a magic one-step cure-all solution. Left activists are competitors. But the long march is earned one step at a time in the activist game. Compete for a new baseline. Compete for a reframe. Start building. Keep building. Compete.

  21. GB,

    The 56 acres is approximately 50 acres tillable. We raise (the farmer next door) alfalfa for 3 years and then 1 year of corn. We split the profits 50-50, with him providing seed, machinery, and labor; me providing land. He is an old friend as we grew up on neighboring farms. The extended family long ago prepped the cabin as a sanctuary. We have enough long term storage food there to feed us all for 6 months safely stored where prying eyes are unlikely to find it. The water from the lake is almost pure enough to drink, but we are prepared to purify it.

    We, the extended family, are a tight knit group. We are all well armed. Even the 8 year olds know how to hit the target. We know to hunt and fish, grow food and preserve it. Winter would be the biggest foe if we were forced, all of us, to live there for an extended time. But even that can be addressed.

  22. Don Carlos at 7:13 pm,

    I’m forced to agree that disease is unlikely to be a sufficient trigger for awakening LIVs. However, Obama is at the lowest approval rating in his Presidency. Why? Benghazi didn’t do it. Nor the IRS scandal, nor any one of the many scandals of this administration but… cumulatively it is taking its toll.

    So too would ‘imported’ disease, attributable to Obama’s negligence, chip away at his support. For Obama, this is a form of ‘Chinese water torture’ and there’s nothing he can do about it because these problems are the result of his actions and inactions.

    Iran’s pursuit of nukes, ISIS’ drive to form a caliphate and attack us, Putin’s expansionism and China’s drive for regional hegemony are NOT going away. And all of this is making Obama appear ‘weak’ as my low-info father just recently pronounced him to be. I suspect among LIVs, my Dad’s not alone in that opinion and, that opinion will only strengthen for all the reasons I’ve described.

    The potential threat from ISIS and a WMD attack(s) is of a different quality from 9/11. Attacks on shopping malls, airliners, etc would present the American public with a series of attacks and a WMD attack would make 9/11 a footnote in comparison, much like the early unsuccessful attack upon the trade center became in comparison to 9/11.

    In my judgement, Obama is on very thin ice. When LIVs and liberals start to feel that they are personally threatened and that their family and friends are personally under potential attack, they are going to have little patience with Obama’s rhetoric.

    Threaten all that a man has and only action will suffice.

  23. The LIV may not be able to ignore one or another catastrophe. The question is what will they think about it.

  24. When push comes to shove and survival is literally at stake, the buck stops on Obama’s desk. Under those conditions, “I didn’t know till now” is NOT going to cut it. Nor are visits to the golf course going to be acceptable, when the bill comes due. He’s literally digging his own political grave and he’s too arrogant to see it.

  25. I actually think that the LIV is going to be MUCH more depressed by Ferguson.

    Seeing Blacks going all racist against Whites cuts straight to LIV — those who are White.

    Barry is not going to ever lose his Black ethnic bloc.

    This is repetition from me: but Barry came of age in Honolulu. His old neighborhood — MY old neighborhood — talked politics simply all the time. It’s what the high IQ/ college crowd/ Punahou crowd talked about 90% of the time.

    And in Honolulu, all voting is ethnic voting. The Japanese never fail to vote for the Japanese Party — which reads Democrat Party when you enter the polling station.

    Barry knows this in his bones. It’s exactly why he’s able to play the Black vote like a trump card — straight into the face of America’s first Black president: Bill Clinton.

    Bill damn near had an aneurysm when Barry whipped out his Black Ace Card.

    [ FYI: Bill, Jimmy, and Barry all hate each other — and pretty intensely, too. The enmity between Jimmy and Bill is epic. This is why you rarely see them on stage together; and if so, they are as far apart as it can be staged without ruining the Party vibe. ]


    The LIV pays MUCH more attention to domestic events — and Ferguson certainly was that.

    Further, the spectacle cut entirely against Soetoro, the healer of racial wounds, the second coming of MLK.

    We’re hearing the earliest rumblings from affronted Blacks inre mass displacement by Latinos. Even the dullest Black brain comprehends that where Latinos land, Blacks must flee. Latinos entirely clog the ERs of America — which had been the preserve of Black America, heretofore.

    You ought to visit some inner city hospital to see the dynamic. Its patrons will be massively skewed towards Latinos and Blacks — with an impressively sparse attendance by White LIVs.

    There’s not a whole lot of love between the Latinos and the Blacks. The ER dynamic causes them to jokey for attention.

    As a side note, both factions will have astonishing difficulties completing the paperwork process — considering that both come from a position of poverty. Such ERs see practically no paying patients. Their books are made whole by White America paying through the nose for a population fraction that, when combined, exceeds that of the ‘majority’ population.

    Beyond that, the LIVs are starting to pick up on the fact that their careers are NOT starting on schedule; indeed not starting at all.

    These LIVs are that immense cohort of college (mis) educated drones who discover that they can’t shed their student loans even as they can’t find an economically viable career.

    This situation has been known to take down even those with post graduate degrees in dentistry. If they are not hired immediately after graduation, the interest on their loans compounds away. In many parts of the nation, even working full time soon does not produce enough excess earnings to retire their debts.

    THIS is the source of Barry’s ‘grand plan’ to cap ‘noble’ student loans, particularly if the afflicted soul steers a Barry’st politicized path into Big Government.


    In sum: Soetoro is being bled by the turkeys coming home to roost.

    Poverty — and plenty of ‘free’ Web time — is giving the LIV a real education.

    By the time 2016 rolls around, the epic economic damage to Black America will astound. I would expect them to largely boycott the national election.

    Their anger at Latinos taking entirely over their slot as the aggrieved, primary, minority that has priority for AA hires will break their fealties to the Democrat manor.

    For Barry has absolutely locked Black Americans out of their political standing. It must ONLY slide backwards. In another century, Americans will wonder about what we discuss here today.

    Once Blacks are subjected to hind teat, they will either flee back to Africa or mope.

    This shift will be ugly on the streets and in the prisons of America. For Blacks will find themselves positively hunted down on a racial basis — and their pursuers will be able to blanket themselves as victims beyond reproach. Blacks will find it impossible to label Latinos as descendants of the old slave masters.

    This shift in ethnic bloc power is already locked in by the Soetoro White House crew.

    The GOP is not going to fight it much.

  26. Hussein being at 5% approval is going to matter oh so much when his opposition has been wiped out by disease and war. Yea, that’s the ticket.

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