Home » The man in Mississippi who alleged vote-buying for the Cochran side…


The man in Mississippi who alleged vote-buying for the Cochran side… — 17 Comments

  1. neo saith, “And yes, I know that a *lot* of you disagree.”

    [sigh-slash-groan-slash-mutter] I don’t disagree, neo. It’s just that after all these years, my nose is red and puffed and bulbous from holding it so tightly every time I vote.

  2. Closing open primaries would have a similar effect that mandatory voter ID would have. It would stifle “dirty tricks” by the D’s. Actually this would be for both sides, as the R’s may have tried this tactic.

    Never mind that millions of duplicate voters on different states rolls, there is no evidence of voter fraud. Of course not, if you don’t look for any, you will not find any. Don’t check ID’s, no way to find out valid voters.

  3. As a resident of Mississippi and witnessing the tactics used by the Cochran campaign, I can not in good conscience vote for Thad Cochran. I agree with “Roman” that the primary system should be closed. It should be up to the party to elect party nominees. IMHO

  4. “It’s just that after all these years, my nose is red and puffed and bulbous from holding it so tightly every time I vote.”

    Well, get a grip and carry on doing so.

  5. If you aren’t his constituent, why would people think of voting for him? It’s not like that choice “matters” one way or another. It just puts up a hypothetical that is meaningless and a waste of time or energy.

  6. Ymarsakar:

    Because the Mississippi race is a fractal of a larger and recurrent dilemma for conservatives within the Republican Party. The details are different, and Cochran is probably a particularly egregious example, but there are many instances where a Republican seen as a RINO and corrupt in some way defeats a more conservative opponent, and people are faced with the dilemma of whether to vote for the RINO or not vote, the latter action of course having the result of helping the Democrat win.

  7. McDaniel is way out in right field and he would have been Palinized during the campaign as have many Tea Party candidates in the past. His handling of the election aftermath has revealed his bad temperament as Ann Coulter noted yesterday. Cochran’s greatest sin is big spending and earmarks, but he is backing off. He’s basically a decent fellow. When it comes to judges he is likely to vote the right way. If his seat is lost to the Democrats and they hold the senate because conservatives in Mississippi stay home, the country suffers.

  8. he would have been Palinized during the campaign as have many Tea Party candidates in the past.

    This is basically weakling excuses people make for being under Stockholme Syndrome. They beat them enough and they’ll start making up excuses.

  9. McDaniel is a demagogue. In his ads he said he would put prayer back in the schools. He knows that courts have struck that down and that education is a state function. He said he would balance the federal budget which one person can’t do and which would crash the economy if you did it all at once. He said he would make the government follow the Constitution — a rookie senator with no seniority. He was throwing out raw meet and his fans were devouring it.

  10. Democracy is about people. If only Leftists vote in what the passion says, then you don’t have a democracy. You’ll be begging for a real demagogue soon enough.

  11. True the Vote says they have dozens of signed affidavits alleging illegality in the conduct of the election and recounting efforts.

    But maybe they’re making it up, too.

  12. @ Mr. Frank,

    Your post is a load of manure from top to bottom:

    “McDaniel is way out in right field and he would have been Palinized during the campaign as have many Tea Party candidates in the past.”

    Then by all means, let’s run a Republican who’s a hair’s breadth away from being a Democrat…like, say Charlie Crist. Then, watch the electoral victories come rolling in.
    You’re attempting to marginalize someone who is more in touch with the voters than Cochran (not hard, considering his senility). And the voters are tired of the scare tactics.

    “His handling of the election aftermath has revealed his bad temperament as Ann Coulter noted yesterday.”

    I’m sorry…did you just invoke Ann “Mitt’s my guy” Coulter? Ann Coulter is often entertaining, but she’s so in love with herself that she thinks she’s got some secret lock on the truth. She veers off into space, gets embarrassed by reality, then moderates her views until she’s back in the fold. I wouldn’t rely on her “expert” opinion, if I were you.
    As far as “bad temperament;” anger tends to happen when honest people are maligned as racists. That’s how real people react, instead of the handled dummy that is Thad Cochran or the malevolent Svengali that is Haley Barbour.

    “Cochran’s greatest sin is big spending and earmarks…”
    …and bribing voters, destruction of evidence, and smearing political opponents with false, racist attacks so that he can hang onto his corrupt power. But other than that, I’m sure “He’s basically a decent fellow.”

    “When it comes to judges he is likely to vote the right way.”
    He’ll vote the way he’s told to vote; either by Haley Barbour, Mitch McConnell or the Congressional Black Caucus.

    “If his seat is lost to the Democrats and they hold the senate because conservatives in Mississippi stay home, the country suffers.”
    The country will suffer in the short-term, and will get over it. The only ones suffering in the long-term will be Cochran, Barbour and the rest of the corrupt establishment.

  13. What state
    -Has the blackest county in the entire US?
    -Has a black-majority capitol city whose recently deceased mayor had renamed himself Lumumba?
    – uses “Democrat” as a code word for a certain racial color?

  14. How can we go on record as withdrawing consent to be governed under our Constitutional right if we continue to vote?

    I will vote this fall as I have all my life because it is critical to get Reid back to Yucca Mtn and away from the World’s Greatest Deliberative Body. (insert out-of-control laughter here) We better damn well get some ballsy, assertive types up there to push back hard and loud against the Democrat Collective or this country will suffocate beyond recognition or recuperation.

    If we/they can’t/won’t achieve results at the political level, it will damn sure ignite action at the street level. If the consent of the governed is a prerequisite for legitimacy, how is consent measured, and by whom?

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