Home » Flood the border. Crisis. Opportunity.


Flood the border. Crisis. Opportunity. — 30 Comments

  1. Not that there’s anything funny about the actual crisis, but I’ve been laughing today at Twitter suggestions that US soccer goalie Tim Howard — who set a World Cup record with 16 spectacular saves during the team’s loss yesterday to Belgium — ought to be posted to guard the US/Mexico border when he gets home from Brazil.

  2. Pingback:Today’s update on the immigrant invasion | Fausta's Blog

  3. If proof is needed that Democrats are Communists, it is on display now. The Party, the Party, above all else. The Party,above and before Bulganin and Beria and Malenkov, and Hoyer and Holder and Pelosi. The Party must go on.

    Tim Howard is like a Conservative: A noble effort in a losing cause.

  4. The illegal aliens should be put on buses and sent to Wash. DC and Maryland.

  5. Yes they’re taking advantage of the crisis, but isn’t the timing of the flood pretty suspect as well?

    Why so many people–now–and why children in particular? The only commentary I ever hear is that the reason for the current flood is that families wanted their children to be out of harm’s way in their home countries.

    But it seems to me that it’s very likely that “community organizers” put the word out in those countries and encouraged them to send children alone and send them right away. After all, the GOP looks particularly nasty if it’s perceived to be waging an immigration battle against kids who are fleeing violence.

    If operatives working for the current administration sparked or facilitated this flood, using kids.. that is a despicable new low as far as I am concerned.

  6. The Republicans have a point when they ask why they should believe Obama would enforce any immigration law they passed. The record is clear.

  7. Breaking up families with teenagers…


    Isn’t that what made 0bama, 0bama?


    For some zany reason, Democrats DON’T associate crashing the Democrat safety net (FDR, HST, JFK, LBJ) with harm to their voting base!

    As Milton Friedman noted decades ago: open borders and a welfare state don’t mix.

    America HAD open borders (pretty much) in the 19th Century… but absolutely no (government) welfare.

    The rest of the planet out numbers America to an absurd degree.

    If you think human density is already pretty high…

    Imagine when every eastern state is a clone of China/ Japan/ India…

    Experiments with primates has shown that beyond a certain population density, primates go insane. The social stress is too much.

    Homosexuality takes off like a rocket. Violence and perversions become the norm.

    Violence against females takes off.

    All of this was seen half a century ago — with lab animals.

    Do you notice the zeitgeist in current events?

  8. As I’ve previously posted: Barry is DESTROYING the Democrat party — and its mavens are oblivious to the destruction.

    They only emote the short game — and can’t infer the end game.

    I don’t see ANY Democrat becoming aware of the (voting) abyss to come.

    It’s almost like the terminal daze of the Whigs.


    BOTH the Democrat and Republican parties are split into two wings at this time.

    Making the next election, de facto, a four way race.

    The last time this happened was 1860. Lincoln was first past the post. The fracture was so bad that the Mason Dixon line marked the division point — starkly.

    This time around, the division point is between the urban ‘core’ (ghetto) (gibmedats) and their cronyist enablers — and rural/ (+suburban) America.

    {It’s not for nothing that Barry’s next BIG move is to fold suburbia back into the (tax) coffers of the (corrupted) urban core. (Democrat political machines)

    The bizarre domination of the big cities by one party — going on now for a century and a half is remarkable.

    Yet it’s little remarked upon.

    The hyper-state is a self-licking ice cream cone that can’t escape its own thought bubble.

    The NY Times and the WaPo are exemplars in this regard.

    By thinking, eating, and breathing ‘clean’ their stuff doesn’t stink. Just ask them!

    While such a delusion may not prove to be a fatal mistake — it certainly rates as a fetal error. For their world view is naive in the extreme — in its fundamentals. It’s the world of Kumbaya.

    It’s a world wherein Arabs and Latinos and Blacks are entirely interchangeable with White Americans.

    It’s a world in which DNA is acknowledged on one hand — and denied its impact with the next breath.


    It’s the dependency class — ESPECIALLY the gibmedats — that will lose when Barry C-Ps the ‘system.’

    Punching MORE holes in the boat of state is not going to let the water drain out.

    Further, Barry is diluting Black votes by importing the ONE ethnic class that has no qualms about ethnic displacement of Blacks — by gunfire if necessary.

    Hence, Barry will be America’s LAST Black president.

    He is to DC what Dinkins was to NY.

    (If you recall it went Republican — with 85% voters registered as Democrats!)

  9. Much of the backlash to this orchestrated collapse of the border by the ‘children’s army’ is a not in my backyard reaction. When solid progressive states (California and Massachusetts) object to inserting these disease bearing children and young criminals into their communities it should make team obama pause, but it does not and so perhaps some may begin to question the motives of their messiah… at least one can hope so.

  10. Saw Dinesh D’Souza’s new movie America. It is better thsn his first. The production values are excellent. He lays out the main leftist arguments against America, then rebuts them one by one. He has prominent leftists lay out their arguments. Don’t leave before the credits roll.

  11. I think Obama is bluffing (slightly):

    I think there is starting to be a growing backlash in his own party, and so he is trying to sucker the gullible establishment Republicans into doing something or authorizing him to do something so that Obama’s ass is covered.

    Word is getting out about these disease-ridden kids. If there’s a pandemic as a result, Obama will be blamed.
    If there’s a terrorist attack, especially if it can be traced across the border, Obama will be blamed.

    Californians (for God’s sake, CALIFORNIANS!) have already physically blocked one bus and diverted it.
    Congressmen have already been turned away from the holding sites.
    Whistleblowers have already told stories of the many diseases and psychological trauma these kids have, and have further told of gestappo-like tactics to shut them up.

    I think Obama is looking for cover.

  12. Harold, I saw the film today as well. I paid for three LIV neighbors to see it with me and my wife.

    I liked it, and thought the method was effective. My LIV friends all said, “I don’t know if he’s right about all of it, but I never realized things might be the way he tells them.” Most of them had never heard of Alinsky, Zin, or Chomsky. So, they learned some names they didn’t know and some ideas about what has been pushing the country leftward. For me it was all very easy to grasp. For an LIV, it was like telling them that they had been thinking 2+2 = 5 when 2+2 really = 4. At least that’s my impression. I hope enough LIVs see it to get them to think a little bit more about the narrative they get from the MSM.

  13. Matt_SE: “I think Obama is looking for cover.”

    Or tacking while staying on the same heading.

  14. You missed one thing: the crisis was created. The call went out and it was answered.

    Every crisis is an opportunity for Obama. It is the nature of crises and tyrants.

    We can expect a weekly crisis for the next two years. At the end it is 50/50 whether America even exists after Obama.

    Actually, that is not true. America does not exist now. It has been captured and replaced by MarxoFascists elites and their Bureaucratic Clergy Class of Federal employees, unions, and paid slaves – i.e. most blacks, half the Hispanics, half the women – all willing slaves for Obama since he pays them – their comfort for their votes.

    Will America ever return?

    Long shot.

  15. Ymarsakar, 10:05 pm — “Don’t forget that about 70% of Jews are die hard Democrat voters. Been that way since before Nixon.”

    Based on my personal observations and interactions, it was more like 90 percent before Nixon. I’m guessing 70 percent to 80 percent is about correct in 2014.

  16. Obama dolente est. My nation before the communist. Death rays level us all.

  17. They say all politics are local. Who is going to pick up the tab to put all these illegal kids in public school? Who is going to pay for the special services like translators?

  18. blert: “As I’ve previously posted: Barry is DESTROYING the Democrat party”

    Creative destruction, which is what activism is about.

    Obama is of the Left first and foremost. For the Left, the Democrat political party is a vehicle, a means to an end.

  19. While the Democrat party is the founding member of the Left, in the US, the Leftist alliance is far bigger now than the Dems.

    The old Democrat tradition of lording it over the masses with the black vote, while owning blacks as slaves, is a unique tradition and cultural heritage. But with Mexicans and allegiance to Islamic Jihad on the table, the times have changed.

  20. I think a lot of people don’t understand the method. Democrats could have passed the Senate bill any time between January 2009 and January 2011, but they didn’t even make it an issue. Only after Republicans regained control of the House did an amnesty bill appear that was pushed publicly. The reason is very, very simple- amnesty for the illegal immigrants is deeply unpopular with the electorate, and more importantly, is deeply unpopular with the segment of the voters called independents (the people who decide all presidential and most senate elections). Democrats only bring up the issue when the blame for passing such legislation can be shared with Republicans. So far, Republicans haven’t taken the bait (maybe not so dumb after all).

    Congressional Democrats see the amnesty and the millions new Democrat voters in states like Texas, Arizona, Florida, and North Carolina, who will get citizenship over the next decade, as a path to a permanent majority, and I think they are right to view it that way. However, they don’t want to have to take the immediate blame for passing amnesty, which could well cost them control of the Senate and the Presidency until those new citizens start voting. I think, now, Obama will issue a general pardon to illegal residents which will allow all of them to petition for legal residency. He will do this by the end of this year, and INS will fast track every application and approve it before January 2017 locking in 30 million new voters in the future. Congressional Democrats will then claim they had nothing to do with it and will try to weather the storm of outrage.

  21. Ymarsakar,

    Right. And that’s the fatal flaw in the thinking of most people on the Right. Despite the open and obvious evidence of the state of things, they stubbornly think strictly in the traditional terms of electoral politics, when now, the only social political game that matters is the activist game.

    The activist game subsumes electoral politics, which is just one facet, and not even the primary aspect of the activist game.

    The real social cultural/political contest is between competing social movements, not between D and R.

    The Democrats can in fact lose seats in every elected office over the next election cycle and the Left can continue to build on the present gains by making progress in every other critical social-defining area. Individual Dems will feel the hurt, but the Left activist social movement will simply regain those elected seats with better leftist Dems in the course of transforming the rest of our society, including non-elected government.

    If the people of the Right can’t figure out to play the activist game seriously and totally, they’ll continue losing to the Left – even if the GOP wins some elected seats – until they lose everything.

  22. Yancey Ward: “Congressional Democrats will then claim they had nothing to do with it and will try to weather the storm of outrage.”

    And if they don’t, they’ll simply be replaced or if they’re lucky, recycled, down the line. Think back to college and the robust, well-oiled assembly line for Dems and leftists on campus. For the Dems and Left, there are always hot-shot prospects coming up from the minors.

    Without countering the full-spectrum social movement, displacing a few incumbent Congressional Democrats hardly makes a dent in the long term big picture.

  23. This immigration debate is really about the return of slavery.

    TPTB want their cheap workers toiling in the fields (or the fast-food kitchens). The wages have gone up somewhat, from free to minimum wage (or maybe a tad lower). They rationalize their position any way they can, but when the masters’ economic benefit is at stake, can we expect them to be honest about it?

    And look at how hard they are fighting to keep their corrupt system.
    We already fought one civil war over this, will we have to fight another?

  24. A while back, I heard the rumor that on January 29, 2014, DHS had issued a request for bids to supply transportation services for 65,000 unaccompanied alien children from the border to various resettlement shelters throughout the US. I thought it was just some tin-foil hat thing. Then I Googled it.

    It’s real. They knew back then.

  25. Speaking of illegals, the government hasn’t built the border fence high enough to keep out the un-American criminals who want to take away our freedoms.
    Yes, the government hasn’t built the White House fence high enough to keep out the un-American criminals who are now inside the White House and working hard to take away the religious, social, and economic freedoms of true Americans!
    Here are two slogans that Obama would rather not think about: “Unborn babies should have the right to keep and bear arms – and legs and ears and eyes, etc.!” and “Unborn babies should have the same right to be born alive that abortionists had!”
    If Obama would Google “Dangerous Radicals of the Religious Right,” do you think he’d feel guilty merely walking in the hallowed halls of that House where true Americans walked?
    Is it safe to assume that Mecca Wafers are Obama’s favorite candy? And is barack-coli a vegetable or a disease?
    (For more on Obama in Washingdumb, Google “Obama Avoids Bible Verses” and “WHITE HOUSE-GROWN TERRORISTS starring Obaba Black Sheep….”)

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