Home » And one more thing about Jay Carney…


And one more thing about Jay Carney… — 12 Comments

  1. I share that perception of Carney and also feel no sympathy for him whatsoever. He knowingly lied thousands upon thousands of times. Day after day, week after week, month after month for over three years…

    Carney, like all active on the left has bought into the meme that the end justifies the means, yet truth has no need for subterfuge or of obfuscation, much less of outright lying.

    So on some level, the Carney’s of the world know in their heart of hearts that what they espouse cannot withstand the light of examination. Thus the need for subterfuge, obfuscation and lies.

    Having rejected objective logic and reason in service of an ideology willing to forcibly impose itself upon the unwilling, ultimately, the only difference between a Carney and a Stalin is the amount of power they wield, that and a willingness to personally pull the trigger. Make no mistake, the Carney’s of the world will kill the innocent in service of their ideology, they simply lack the ruthlessness to do it themselves. For that, they have their thugs.

  2. What Geoffrey Britain said!

    His poor lying skills seemed to indicate a sliver of a conscience, but….

  3. Carney is the tail of a very rotten fish. Obviously, he has not personally prodded the passengers with a bayonet; but he knew the destination of the train. Him and the horse he road in on.

  4. Neo: I think the tiny bit of shame/suffering you detected behind Carney’s eyes was instead the discomfort/indigestion of having to explain/defend himself in front of his colleagues. Once again you’re being too kind!

  5. The Carney Barker was right about one thing in that C-Span interview from 2006: He wasn’t very good at the job of White House Press Secretary.

    He was cocky, snide, and condescending, always saying ‘I’ll get back to you’ when confronted with a tough question, though he never got back to anyone with an answer.

    The Carney Barker’s a progressive, and the first rule of progressives is: They lie. The Carney Barker is a liar, just like is boss, which is why he was hired for the job in the first place.

  6. Carney has commie art posters all over his residence!

    Radical is as radical does.

  7. gotta go with blert …if the communist propaganda posters in the KITCHEN and the photo shop of his bookcase doesn’t convince you that lying is what he lives for…what would it take? And I hope you didn’t miss their “kiss” … in order for Jay to see, jugears needs a glass navel…. even “teeeny-tiny” is waaaaay too much credit… puh-leeez!

  8. Old joke variation.

    Q. How can you tell when a press secretary is lying to you?
    A. Watch his lips. If they’re moving, he’s lying.

  9. Carney proves the old adage about the wicked prospering. It is about the likes of him that the Psalms were written.

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