Home » Combat those swatiska-carrying astroturf mobs! For the sake of your country!


Combat those swatiska-carrying astroturf mobs! For the sake of your country! — 10 Comments

  1. I was looking around to find a local “town-hall” meeting to crash, but they are being held in secret by the congress critters with small interest groups in attendance.

    The fix is in.

  2. And a suspiciously well dressed mob it is. Why you could find similar folks at the mall or strolling Disney World. Nothing like those real protestors who wear matching t-shirts and carry preprinted signs. And let’s not forget the giant puppets, is it really a protest without giant puppets. I mean other than the politicians up front. This “mob” is clean shaven and nary a Che shirt in sight.

    Speaking of sight. I notice they are meticulous not to show the signs being carried by the “mob”, except twice you can read a sign and both say “healthcare”.

  3. JKB Says:

    “And a suspiciously well dressed mob it is. Why you could find similar folks at the mall or strolling Disney World.”

    Smacks forehead… Now t shirts are well dressed? Last week those were fly over fat Americans in their ticky tacky houses made of… ticky tacky…

    Now the party says they’ll well dressed. Got it. 😉

  4. The Mob: Do they mean that the RNC rented ACORN from Obama’s census department? Maybe the people should carry posters saying “I support Obama and he told us to get in your face. Just following orders.”

    Thomass: Look for the J Crew label.

  5. how depressing it must be for Marxists (i know it was for lenin) that come the revolution no one rises up… but quite the contrary, they rise up for capitalism!!!

    no wonder they get mean

  6. Now t shirts are well dressed?

    compared to a lefty protester yeah.. i mean you have someone with studs, stretched holes in their ear lobes, various pieces of hair shaved off, whats left is colored, leather dominates with. dont forget the lone ranger bandana round the mouth, and the over the shoulder bag with crap in it.

    oh… almost forgot… the difference in their ability to talk when someone sticks a mike in their face is generally more cogent. however, the fact that they dont show someone talking is because they cant find someone nuts.

  7. “The right wing extremist republican base is back.”

    Hilarious. That is the best they can come up with?

  8. That DNC video is pathetic. They are attempting to convince people that those shown in the video are a mob? The footage itself puts a lie to their words.

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